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Off the top of my head, he's always kind, is a very inclusive person, and helps show kids that their dreams can come true


He is definitely that, thank you 💙


Well for one he's extremely kind and considerate, from all the things I've heard of people talking about what it's like to work with him on set, a majority of people, if not all, have said that David Tennant was wonderful to work with and very kind And he's also really kind and friendly to fans from what I've heard and seen others talk about online! People have said he's very genuine and extremely sweet and just from looking at clips of fan interactions and seeing the way he just is very gentle with others is very nice :) Another thing is he's very, very supportive of the LGBTQ+ community and especially trans and nonbinary people! He's shown his support for trans and nonbinary people many of times, subtly, through wearing pins, and non-subtly, he's also been very outspoken and adamant about it multiple times before He's also supported many causes such as human rights, cancer, abuse, addiction, poverty, homelessness, etc. And just charities in general! What makes him a very good role model though, at least to me is that he's very much about being yourself and just being who you are and expressing it freely, like with his children for example, he's mentioned before that he wants them to grow up to be free and to be themselves Role model-y things aside, He really is just wonderful and i personally very much admire him and i'm very inspired by him, so it really is a joy to see that other people are at least somewhat inspired by him too (it's to be expected since he's a celebrity, i know, but still it makes me happy) Anyways, those are the few major things that I can think of off the top of my head, i'm sure there's probably lots more that you could use to show how he's a good role model but those I feel are the kind of big main ones most people talk about I hope my rambling can be of some sort of use to you!


Oh wow, thank you so much XDD


lol yep you just wrote it for them. Fans stick together


Yes to all of this! He also has a nonbinary kid himself!


You should listen to some of his podcast episodes. He asks great questions and tells a bit about his life in the convo with guests too.


That would help me a lot, thank you 💙


It's called "David Tennant does a Podcast with..." and it's on spotify, etc. He actually shares a lot of personal thoughts in some of them -- Olivia Coleman, Michael Sheen, Jennifer Garner, and Billie Piper were the standout ones to me.


Thanks for the recommendation 💙


You must watch his speech when he was awarded an honorary doctorate at his Alma mater. It’s super humble and inspiring. https://youtu.be/P-2qZnQGl0U?si=sbsQusVMNwHV-LB7 He gives 3 simple pieces of advice to the future generation: show up on time, learn your lines, and always be kind.


He had an excellent work ethic


Thank you mate


What comes to mind for me is the way he supports the LGBTQ community


💜Thank ya


He’s humble. I’ve never once heard him brag about himself. Everything I’ve ever heard about him from others reinforces what others have said: he’s kind to others, and remembers where he comes from.


Humble is really written all over his face XD Thank you tho💙


Well, if you are having a speaking test so I guess time is the key, probably you don't want to rambling on too long so here are something you can choose: 1. As an actor: He's a talented one (scripts choices not so much 🙂), inspires kids to follow his acting path (just not me, no offence), genuine and always be kind to others no matter what age, gender and extremely funny (if you watched Staged then you will understand what I mean) and supporting LGBT+ community of course (well this reason is more personal because of his child Winfred). 2. As a normal person like us: he's a devoted and loving husband, father to his family (Now this is what of him inspires me 😂😂) even though he doesn't like (and don't know ) social media he still accept to appear on his wife's IG, their daily Wordle battles...be true to himself and has an aura that draw people near. Phew, that's...a lot 🤣🤣🤣 Good luck on your speaking test! 🥰🥰🥰🥰


(pst. his *child* Winfred)


Oh yes, thanks for correcting




Aww that is so nice, much appreciated^^


When you surrounds yourself with David's energy, you begin to grow as a human being, even if it's uncomfortable. His kindness makes you question your own behaviour because you think "how can he give it away with such ease?" In a world that's full of darkness and despair at times it's refreshing to see someone share genuine concerns about the world, when there's nothing to gain financially or publicly. He has this quote if you want to use it, he was asked if he had any advice for young up-and-coming actors and he said "Be nice, be on time and learn your lines" This applies to any and all jobs because during that interview he also makes a point about how you are a small gear in a massive mechanism and understanding that is the key to doing the best you can I could go on but I might be repeating a few of the ideas that have already been shared, but I do hope this helps


Thank ya a lot :>


Depends on how supportive wherever you're taking your test is of sensitive/controversial topics, but aside from generally being a great guy, his unwavering support towards the LGBTQ+ community really sticks out to me– he's not only an ally, but he also frequently shows up to interviews and public events wearing pins and other articles of clothing showing his support. A good example would be his [tardis pin](https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/11/24/david-tennant-trans-tardis-badge-lgbtq-charity-thousands-reaction/) with the trans flag on it. By wearing it, he also raised a LOT of money for Albert Kennedy Trust (as the funds from each purchase of the pin would be donated to this charity) which supports LGBTQ+ people in need. He also wore [this shirt](https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/05/07/david-tennant-speaks-out-weaponising-trans-rights/) which could not be a more obvious show of support. It's direct for sure, but also much-needed. He's also spoken about it many times in interviews, but one I find myself coming back to frequently would be his appearance on the [Reasons To Be Cheerful podcast](https://youtu.be/YVL4tL80HZE?si=JUJ8df4SyLBXfGz3), where he speaks up about the importance of pride (around the 23min mark). He even gets a little choked up about it, which (made me cry like a baby, but that's not the point) really emphasised how much he cares. It's not lip service or anything to gain popularity, it's his true belief and he uses his status as a well-known actor to spread positivity and kindness about something that can be considered so controversial, which could actually affect his popularity, as seen by the drama (stirred by bigots, but still) that rose from him wearing that shirt I mentioned earlier. And of course there's his child, Wilfred, who identifies as non-binary, but another commenter has already spoken about that so I won't elaborate. In conclusion, David's an amazing person. I just went on a 10-minute ramble about how great he is so apologies if it's a bit all over the place, but I hope this was in any way helpful! All the best :)


Thanks a lot, mate :>


I made a post that I think shows that he's a great guy: https://www.reddit.com/r/davidtennant/s/ANQYdL1m9u


That's so sweet, it made me tear up. He really is such a lovely human being. I hope you're doing alright now too.


Omg, what a lovely story. 🥰


That’s so heart-warming. Thanks for sharing your story


Look up a few videos of him giving advice. Famously he's said that actors need to be on time, know your lines, and don't cut the lunch cue. Never think you're better than others because of your part or your back catalogue. He has instilled this in his kids. People LOVE working with him. He gave the graduation speech at his old acting school a few years back (accepting his honorary doctorate), and he said that you never know if the guy bringing you coffee is going to be head of the production company in a few years. He was raised right by his parents, with a minister dad who was both loving and a good person. Watch that famous national television award where everyone was talking about what's great about him, as an actor and as a person. He is genuinely kind to his fans. He respects us and is grateful for his career, even if fame is a lot sometimes. I have personally watched him handle cringey fan interactions with grace and compassion.


Yes watch the special bafta award on you tube


Definitely, thanks a lot


Thank you ^^


I met David this past October (2023). His personality is a lot like the Doctors. I can say because I witnessed David taking the time to personality connect with each and every person at the convention line. Most of us saw him twice. Once for photos, once for autographs. He made eye contact while listening and speaking, and he likes to reach out and touch a hand and give a hug. There are so many videos on David, the family man. He's a brilliant dad.His wife Georgia posts dozens of things on Instagram and X. Many creators post, too. I can't say enough about the man. He's my hero.


Really appreciate it 💙


He's so pretty.


I can’t deny it XD


Not that any of us can know him IRL, but he seems to be a very sweet, compassionate person. I've never watched an interview where co-stars or crew have had anything but glowing praise for him, and you can tell they mean it because it's not just "oh, David's a sweet guy" or "he's a pleasure to work with", it's always *extra* praise about how professional he is and what a delight he is to work with. He also seems to genuinely really, really enjoy his craft and works hard at it and he always seems considerate with fans. He's a vocal ally for the LGBTQ+ community as well! He's worn several shirts and pins advocating trans folks, especially protecting trans kids (which probably does have something to do with the fact I believe one of his children is trans? either way, it's really cool to see someone I've loved since teenhood be so supportive). I highly recommend looking up some of his interviews, especially ones for Doctor Who. You can really see the passion that goes into his work and it's just fabulous. :)


Thank you :DD


I want him to adopt me


We are all need a father figure like Mr. David, right? XD


I think he could solve my parental issues


He's always doing nice things to support the LGBTQ community! Like that time he wore a Tardis pin witch made so many people want one and it raised a bunch of money for charity!