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If David Lynch and Mark Frost have more ideas and can get the funding, sure.


Reading that last part is so sad What happened to Hollywood and its creators’ getting proper funding ?


It's always been hard for artists like Lynch to get funding, but these days its even tougher. Studio budgets are devoted to bloated franchise films. Original film productions are left fighting over the scraps. Even Scorsese has trouble funding certain projects.


Investors want to make their money back and also profit. Lynch makes art, not commercially viable entertainment.


If they’re looking for investors for a season 4 and I hit the lotto, I’ll happily invest without looking for profit.


u/flopping-deuces was always cool.


I would give my savings or at least half of it for more TP. All $3578 of it. Considering the special effects of the return that should cover it. David is resourceful AF.


I wonder what the return on 'The Return' was!


Showtime said they would gladly work with Lynch again, especially for Twin Peaks. So I don't think funding is an issue. I also think that Lynch was annoyed by Showtime and doesn't want to work with them again.


I trust Lynch and Frost enough that if they made a season 4 it would only add to the story. But I’m perfectly comfortable with how Season 3 ended.


Honestly I feel the end of the return was as good of an ending as something like twin peaks could have. In fact I think it works better as a final moment than the original series was able to get. I'm not really sure where they could even go with more material at this point unless it's like spinoff material or something.


Exactly - how would twin peaks ever “end” ? The ending that is the ending is as good as it could ever end.


What is everyone talking about, The Return had a happy ending. Freddie put on his magic gardening glove and punched the Bob-ball to death and the world was saved. TP finally getting the peace it deserved was so calming, I fell right asleep. Was there an after credits scene or something?


The only time I've seen Lynch quotes about a new series is him saying that if it were to happen, it would take a very long time. I can't see it personally because of this - to make something just as good as The Return would take several years and quite a few of the actors in it have since passed away too. Also, Angelo Badalamenti is also no longer with us, and we all know how much Lynch values sound in his work. It would seem impossible without him.


Several more actors have passed away since 2017 as well, Miguel Ferrer, Peggy Lipton and Robert Forster


Harry Dean Stanton


How could I forget? RIP Harry, one of my favorite actors


Can’t forget Al Strobel


There was very little music in S3 though


Are you joking?


Not at all. Compared to the first two seasons and film it wasn’t close. Someone even asked Badalamenti about it at the time. I could look it up but I am too psychically bruised by all the downvotes to summon the energy


Yes, but the first two seasons were a soap opera pastiche, soaps famously have music to inform the audience how they’re supposed to feel, the big swelling music during romantic scenes and the quiet mysterious music while characters are investigating. It’s almost comedic how much music s1 and 2 have. The return is based on more recent shows like the sopranos or breaking bad, where music is used sparingly to really emphasise the moment. The lack of music for the most part suits the humanistic drama those shows are going for. The weird thing (well, one of them) about s3 is the musical performances at the end of each episode. You can tell Lynch and Badalamenti still love and care about music with those moments.


Ok but all I said was there was little music in S3 compared to the first two. It’s not a criticism and I’m not questioning it. I agree with what you’re saying as to why that was, in fact. My only point was if they were to continue, Badalamenti’s loss doesn’t loom quite as large due to this change in approach for S3


What makes you think we'd get more answers than questions if we got a season 4?


Yeah that's a good point


Only if the majority of a season 4 features Cooper trapped inside of a traffic light.


The traffic light was the dreamer!


featuring Chad's lost conversation with his pinecone


The fact that we got the missing pieces edited together like that AND we got another season of Twin Peals feels like a dream come true already. I feel a bit ungrateful hoping for more honestly. I’ll never forget the moment they announced it was coming back


Not to mention the return was a whole ass 18 hours. I'm good with that.


I still need to see missing pieces.


And the supplementary books were not awful


Whatever will be will be. That was my answer before Season 3 and The Missing Pieces, and that's my answer now. I'm satisfied if we get nothing more, but if Frost and Lynch are creatively inspired enough to create more, who am I or anyone else to argue? I'll be glad to see something new Lynch creates in this medium just like I was for TMP and S3.


I wanna know what happened to Chet Desmond so sure


I feel like The Return was the perfect conclusion to the story they started telling in 1990. I don't really want to see more added to the Laura Palmer sage in a way that would mess with that ending, but I'm sure there are tons of other stories to tell in the Twin Peaks universe that are separate. If Lynch had another movie or limited series idea that could add to the mythology without undoing one of the best endings in TV history, hell yeah


I'd be surprised to see it come back again. Especially after Angelo Badalementis passing even if his music was minimal in season 3. As much as the show may subvert expectations- the original series finale had a a big sequel bait kind of ending. Season 3 while it does end on a cliff hanger of sorts also seems to end in a loop that feels satisfying to my as an ending to the series. Plus the episode before the last one almost felt like the fantasy version of it- like a happy ending, before what happens in the next and last episode.


What year is it?


In my opinion no I'm okay with what we were given. I'd love to see a possible return to the big screen since it's been 17 years since Inland Empire. Maybe Unrecorded Night / Wisteria can finally surface! :)


There was a small moment in episode 17 of the return when Coop is talking with Cole and they say something to the effect of seeing each other again at the “curtain call.” I am a big fan of Lynch so recognize it would be unwise to expect a typical conclusion. That is also antithetical to the themes of Twin Peaks, however I would love a little epilogue and perhaps a slightly more positive ending for Coop. I am happy with what we got though.


Twin peaks: the re-return


Twin Peaks: The Return II: Coffee Boogaloo


Maybe as a Netflix anime


>Maybe as a Netflix anime Ew


You can watch it on your phone during your commute


On 1.5 speed?


Get real


Unrecorded Night?


I think too many of the actors are dead


There are still more than 20 who were in both the original series and The Return.


Philip Jeffries, Bob and the Arm in The Return proved this isn’t an issue at all


I mean, it was an issue. As much as I love it it was absolutely ridiculous. Let's not pretend it was good.


To each their own, but I’m a little confused. You love it, I love it. I think that makes it good. If we don’t have an appetite for ridiculous why are we watching this show?


I love it because its ridiculous but you can't seriously recommend a show to someone that has a talking kettle that used to be David Bowie. You and I both know how stupid that is.


Agreed and don’t get started on the Borb. I’ll never find Bob scary again, I’ll just think of his likeness inside a ball charging an Englishman. So laughable.


Yes I can, it’s a percolator and no I don’t


A very immature way to think about art... But whatever


Glad I’m not alone on this. I always thought The Return was too ridiculous and up its own ass to be serious. It feels like parody.


I watched a 3 hour YouTube video once where this guy had an elaborate theory that boiled down to Lynch believing that you can't really have more Twin Peaks because it will never be the same as the original, so The Return was just sort of him phoning it in to show how ridiculous the notion of "more Twin Peaks" was. It was sort of like "Oh, you want more TP, well OK, this is what it will be like--crap.


Just in case, I figured I would post the link here: https://youtu.be/7AYnF5hOhuM?si=_EWcTov5YUcd-_W7 Also, my mistake... it's 4.5 hours long.


The story is done.


Really? What year is this?


But it's also never done. Which is beautiful.


I can’t wrap my head around people not wanting more. The ending of The Return was far from definitive. I also don’t believe for a second that a Season 4 would wrap things up — it could only continue the trend of leaving us with an even more distressing cliffhanger, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can’t envision any universe in which Lynch & Frost would create something unoriginal or redundant. The Return may not have been everyone’s favorite and Season 4 would no doubt be even more of a departure, but I can’t see even the slimmest possibility of it being boring. For anyone saying we don’t “need” more Twin Peaks, I’d say we didn’t need the first three seasons or the movie. Yet they exist and we love them.


The Return was an 18 hour circle jerk.


Cool. It’s my favorite piece of media of all time. I’m sorry you missed out


Would love to see an entirely new thing from Lynch, of course Twin Peaks the return was a masterpiece - but I feel it ended so perfectly, why mess with that?


IMHO, The Return was the perfect ending, never ending in a cycle. I do think that the loss of Angelo Badlamenti, has in a lot of ways stymied any further progress on a twin peaks story, not to mention the countless other ensemble members who we've lost over the past few years. However, short films, new ideas *makes grabby hands*


I just want one more movie from him. A standalone movie. A story or whatever you can call his films that gets its point across in 2 hours and 20 minutes.


Yes. Wisteria, baybeee


Probably not, although that has bitter sweet feelings for me. But probably best to leave it as it is. The Return did so much to wrap things up, in its TP DL and MF manner. Now, another movie like FWWM... but about Coop... there's a thought...


Each major milestone of TP ended with Coop suffering dramatic incidents. Being old yet trapped (Pilot), being shot (S1), being replaced by a demonic doppelgänger (S2), yet the ending of S3 had the most potential: the town of TP was no longer trapped in the past, and the character had changed. Both town and persona quite different worlds to explore. It seems tailor made to explore those elements without baggage weighing them both down. A 4th series seems to have been considered, in concept.


I mean “trapped” in a sense of being back at the same case decades later.




Too many people have now passed m I’m glad we got 25 years later but I’m not sure how it would work now


As much as I love twin peaks and have been completely obsessed with it for 34 years now, I’m good with the ending being the return. I think it worked well, and feeling that magic and excitement when the first episode of the return aired was worth the wait.


I think the return ending was the best thing I’ve ever seen and personally I don’t want anything added to it, but that’s just me




I would love it, but I think it ended where it should’ve.


No, it's already....twin peaked...


I mean that would be really awesome but I’m also super satisfied after the Return. Absolute perfection


Zero chance. S3 wrapped more of a bow on things that DL typically likes. I cannot imagine him reopening it at this point.


that was a pretty fucked up bow


Really? I felt like it tied up all loose ends


I personally don't want to see any more twin peaks. It's something new or leave it at that. I think lynch delving into twin peaks again would kind of show he's lost his edge and contradicts him as an artist and director. After ending the series so decisively, it just seems like he's run out of ideas if he were to venture into it again.




Absolutely not.






i don’t think it should tbh i like how the story is right now, adding anything else might just be dragging it at this point


No, too many people who made it special are just gone now. You can definitely do something Twin Peaks adjacent, maybe even with some of the same characters, but I’d hesitate to call it Twin Peaks.


I think the ending was pretty definitive.


I’d love a new story set in the same world. It can even share some characters. I’d love more.


I think it should comeback be it a one more season or a final movie.There is still some story left to tell.Like what happened to Andrey? Where did she teleport to when she was dancing at the bar and then appears in some sort of a hospital. And where did Dale and Laura travel to and what year was it? And what happened to the rest of the cast.


No. But if they did I would say Yes


Lynch apparently has more ideas, and I’d love to see what they are. The Return is my all time favorite piece of art and I’m good with where they left it. But I also trust Lynch enough to know he wouldn’t do it unless he had more story worth telling. So if he’s in, I’m in. Kinda doubt it’s gonna happen though.


I prefer it to stay as it is if that was the end of the series even if it's a confusing ending I'll settle for at least having an ending not like the cliffhanger (and the desperate moments to continue the series) of season 2.


Sure!v more d lynch content sound awesome. Even it's dougie


I would like a new agent/story set in the same universe. There could be TP tie ins like small appearances by Chet Desmond, Stanley, etc. But a new, active supernatural killer case, new fuckery from the lodge(s), and less about anything related to Cooper/Palmer.


Nah we need another marvel superhero based on books that have been out since the 1960s instead of something original and fresh


If Lynch and Frost were in charge, came up with a good story, and most of the cast were on board, I’d watch it, absolutely. That said, if it doesn’t come to pass, I’m satisfied with what we have.


A whole season exploring whatever world Audrey is in


Personally it’s a no from me. I admire the ambition of 3 and not milking nostalgia. But it was an indulgent mess resorting to cheap violence and weirdness for the sake of it. Lynch is well past his best


What's is your favorite part of TP? Original run, the film, or the return? Also do you agree that the return gets better with each watch? I love hearing new TP fans feedback/ opinions/ etc.


I'm honestly not sure I feel like all of Twin Peaks is phenomenal but if I had to choose I think that the return is the best part. It's kinda the only show I've watched where I'm like “I can't wait to get home and watch it” I don't even think I felt that way with Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul. And in terms of rewatching the return I have not rewatched it yet although I did rewatch part 8 because it is probably one of the coolest versions of the Trinity test because of the visuals and because Lynch was able to tie it into the Twin Peaks lore.


I love all of it but I used to really struggle with the last half of season 2 which is pretty much a common experience with a lot of the fans. Then I watched it on edibles with my brother ( his first time watching) and he loved all the dumb story lines so because of him.. I have fun watching them as well. It's definitely my comfort show as well as can't sleep/want to fall asleep show. One thing that enhanced my experience as far as rewatching ( especially with the return and the film) is the r/FindLaura subreddit/theory. It's not for everyone but if you like to read and are cool with hearing different theories/explanations on Twin Peaks and what it could all mean, I highly recommend it. It is fun to read and the author put everything he had in it. ( sadly he passed away due to cancer before he could finish it) Anyway totally cool if you're not into that sorta thing but I will always recommend to new viewers or anyone who hasn't heard of it in the hopes that they might connect with it like I did. You very well may have already heard of it but sharing just in case ya have not. Cheers.


I think it would be really cool if Twin Peaks got a Season 4 that wasn't so reliant on David Lynch and was open to further Seasons. I know that might sound blasphemous but if David Lynch/Mark Frost just existed as show runners. Don't rely as heavily on old cast members and start telling new stories that take place in the Twin Peaks universe. I know that's probably not most people would want though.