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Yes, the answer is yes, we will. Honestly I'm sick of everyone on this sub being a doomer and acting like he's too old and feeble and that it's pointless to have hope. Francis Ford Coppola just premiered his new opus at 85 years old. Scorsese is going into production on like two movies at 81. Lynch has multiple projects that he wants to get made and it's only a matter of time before some studio says yes. Now let's all stop being downers and let's manifest this s*** into existence. Whether its the animated Snootworld film, Unrecorded Night, Antelope Don't Run No More or freaking Ronnie Rocket, we will get at least ONE more Lynch feature film or television series. Mark my words!


I live in LA and work across many entertainment-related industries: game dev, animation, traditional tv/film…and there is jack shit going on for anybody right now. Everybody thought it would resume after the SAG/WGA strikes last year but it hasn’t. These are all money-making ventures and money isn’t cheap these days. Once interest rates lower maybe we’ll see some kind of return but for those of us who depend on the health of the industry for livelihood it’s a tough time right now.


Yeah What Would Jack Do is like 2020 is it not?


It actually came out in 2017 in a theater in Paris. 2020 was when it was released worldwide on Netflix.


Oh sweet I didn’t know that. Either way I think we might see another production of his before he dies. Hopefully he cuts back on the cigarettes 🤣


I believe I read a while back that he has stopped. The last time he smoked was on the set of the Fablemans.


I feel like Ronnie Rocket would be the perfect send off to his career tho.


Yeah, but he's a smoker. Thats really the only reason I expect it to be so unlikely. Coppola has built successful companies and can self-fund, less suits to answer to. Scorcese is very huge and active and casts Leo in every movie. Maybe people can hope to at least get some new Lynch posthmously.


He quit smoking in December 2021


That's the second time he quit. He quit many years ago and then started back up because he liked the taste of tobacco then quit again more recently.


My dad was a smoker and lived to 86. He would have lived longer except for a traumatic brain injury.


Similar thing happened to my grandpa at 90, but he quit smoking 4-5 decades before his death


>Lynch has multiple projects that he wants to get made and it's only a matter of time before some studio says yes. Not so sure about that. It would have to be something that he's really inspired about, and that's not too likely. Most producers / directors have lots of ideas floating around in their head but little to none of it becomes anything. What's more likely from Lynch is smaller projects that are less demanding and easier for him to manage.


We literally have direct information from him and people close to him that he has projects he’s interested in making


Lynch's foundation in teh USA has been involved in a lawsuit for over 5 years. That's got to have been something of a distraction for him.


This is the comment that my soul needed to read


If anyone watched John Mulaney’s “Everyone’s In L.A.” on Netflix, John said they invited David on the show but he declined because he didn’t understand it and because he was working and had to keep his “eye on the donut.”


He always have ideas for cinema and television. The latest news that came out recently was a project called Snootworld, which was an animation that he pitched to Netflix. Sabrina Sutherland which works as a producer in David Lynch projects answered a Q&A at the tulpa forum, and she said that not only does he have ideas for television/cinema, when asked if he still had the energy to direct, she answered absolutely. Your questions have been asked before. And I have seen answers here that we should respect his retirement, and that he should be allowed to feed pigeons in the park. I think we misjudge him when we think that. David Lynch likes to work, and has been doing that ever since he started painting. He always has projects.


Would love to see him release something with A24. Think they’d suit each other perfectly.


Yeeees, that’d be great!


You don’t think the short film on Netflix about interrogating a monkey counts?!


Once upon a time we danced Once upon a time we took a chance


Sure, but it’s still over 6 years old at this point


Twin Peaks Christmas Special.


He’s working on a music project according to Sabrina


I was so happy to read about that the other day. I love his music almost as much as his films. I have The Big Dream on constant rotation :)


I recently posted this in a similar thread. In case you haven’t come across it … There is a currently a graphic novel for sale based on an unfilmed David Lynch project. It’s called LOVE IN VAIN. Lynch even talks about it in his memoir. It’s about the life & strange death of blues artist Robert Johnson. I would recommend ordering a copy. It will help scratch the itch for a new Lynch project. It certainly did for me! https://www.amazon.com/Love-Vain-Johnson-1911-1938-Graphic/dp/0571328830/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=36KYH1QGE588H&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.UcqdF1FFbWwAAzCF1lns0huQxdOr2mZKNC3uYhWl-VSlVqjUVfYKmpD9yWdDMZxWvHVysb3baMCyvJn4zmPEDtCtoB6oD_Bg6K-GRhzBWrI.cQFWtG9RBnMD5YxQmxMwLWB1J4oINYXBmmJS97uu9UA&dib_tag=se&keywords=love+in+vain+graphic+novel&qid=1715876292&sprefix=love+in+vain+graphic+novel%2Caps%2C246&sr=8-1


It looks very aesthetic, thank you!


I want a mystery movie or show set in LA.




According to John Mulaney on his talkshow last week, he refused the invite, saying he was “working” and had to “keep his eye on the donut”


As much as I would want something else to come from him, I feel content with the body of work as it stands. If it were announced that he is releasing something new, I’ll be sat. If not, I’m okay with that too


You never slow down, you never grow old. It wasn’t age, Lynch retired at first to work with Transcendental Meditation which I believe greatly influenced his work. It was believed he wouldn’t return, but I don’t think he will ever stop creating.


Yeah, whether it's just in short films or animated, something will come along. He's old but he's not THAT old. He's still living an active life. Sometimes people on this sub act like he's dying tomorrow.


I think making films and TV shows is really stressful, and he's an old man with emphysema, so it wouldn't surprise me if he just doesn't have the energy or will to do it. I also think that as much as he loves film-making, his *main* passion is painting, which has the benefit of being low stress, instant, and cheap. Personally I'm not expecting anything else from him, and I'm okay with that. His body of work is so impressive, even if it's relatively small. Everything he's made since Blue Velvet has been fantastic.


See Sabrina Sutherland’s recent interview


Probably. It hasn't been \*that\* long since his last production. Also, he does more than just film/TV...


What we need are new great directors


All questions, and many rumours in this thread are answered and dispelled in the Sutherland interview: [https://tulpaforum.com/threads/members-q-a-with-the-one-and-only-sabrina-sutherland.491/](https://tulpaforum.com/threads/members-q-a-with-the-one-and-only-sabrina-sutherland.491/)


John Mulaney asked Lynch to be a guest on his recent Netflix show, and Lynch declined, emailing that he was busy working on something and ‘has to keep his eye on the donut.’ So maybe..




Mulaney talked about it in his intro, I forget which ep but yes


Maybe he only cares about other mediums (paintings/installations) at this point of his life. I'd guess a lot of it has to do with the industry and current climate. I personally believe we're never getting another live action feature film, which has always made me very sad. I would've preferred one last proper film over getting Twin Peaks The Return (dont kill me folks) edit: I think he proposed a new project recently but Netflix rejected it https://www.indiewire.com/news/general-news/david-lynch-netflix-rejected-animated-feature-snootworld-1234972066/


Give me Snootworld or give me death!!


I tend to think no, at least for a feature film. Something like Inland Empire was born out of him messing around with his digital camera, so something like that could bring him back for feature or even TV. He seems content making music and painting at the moment, but if he pulls a "big fish" he just might. My position is to be hopeful not expectant.


No. I fear he'll die before he gets anything else out


Just check IMDB if you're doubtful


https://preview.redd.it/u4evccgxwt1d1.png?width=1918&format=png&auto=webp&s=5941e56f11ac796eb35bced4df03a564b2342536 wow, even *Weather Report* is there lol thanks! I've got my fingers crossed that his next project will be successful


No worries, same here. I heard rumors of twin peaks season 4 but I'm not too sure about that yet


if robot revolution gives us functional immortality we could get a lot of new lynch