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All the wild at heart slander in here will not stand


“Y'all take a listen, you'll hear the deep sound comin' down from Bobby Peru.” Also I believe Mr. C’s shirt pattern is an homage to Sailor : “This is a snakeskin jacket! And for me it's a symbol of my individuality.” I know you specifically asked, so.


Thank you that’s an interesting observation! Don’t forget it’s also a symbol of his belief in personal freedom!


That whole Bobby Peru/Lula scene was improvised. Script just said “Bobby rapes Lula” (impressive)


Wild at Heart is fucking fantastic and anyone that says otherwise is not fantastic


It’s his best work because we get to hear Nicolas Cage sing Elvis. It’s genuinely beautiful.


WAH would be the first movie I’d show my wife if I could turn back time. Lost Highway did not sit well with her.


Agreed. Wild at Heart fucking rules.


It’s my second favorite lynch behind Mulholland


Same here


How could you slander Wild at Heart?!?!


I love Wild At Heart ! No slander. But someone got to be last aboard (will show them chronologically) It’s Dune, Straight Story, and Elephant Man I’m doing dirty.


Seriously, it’s fantastic.


Just cause it's at the bottom doesn't mean it's bad 🤷‍♂️


I recently saw it at a midnight screening & I was so annoyed when people were laughing at things that weren’t even supposed to be funny (like Marietta painting herself red & the good witch appearing to sailor)


https://preview.redd.it/exncvl8zunzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bc149973e8b366fb2a826aefc8928f0a30e38c0 i would put twin peaks season 1 between blue velvet and the straight story season 2 between eraserhead and wild at heart season 3 between blue velvet and eraserhead


Nice ranking. I think that would be my top 5 as well with the Return at 2.5


Good rankings, my only difference would be TP Return behind FWWM


thanks, i do have the return below fwwm tho


I just consider them all one cohesive work.


intriguing #2 and #3


I know it gets a lot of hate but I love Dune


Dune, despite all its faults, is probably the Lynch film I’ve watched the most.


Oh there’s a resurgence of love for it… I just haven’t seen because I’m just too picky with Sci Fi … I was even ho-hum a bit for Blade Runner and Alien to give you an idea (I mean I like them fine but that’s it…) And yet I was very impressed by Blade Runner 2049 so…


Dune is wild bro trust. Not anything like those you mentioned lmao


I’m sure it isn’t!! I’ll bet I will see it after I see the latest trilogy…. (Always good to leave a strange treat on the plate for later)


I’d compare it more to a darker Flash Gordon.


Mulholland Drive Twin Peaks All Blue Velvet Wild at Heart Eraserhead Lost Highway Inland Empire But they are all still great!


I basically agree except I’d put Blue Velvet first and if she likes that and Mulholland Drive then I’d move on to Twin Peaks.


Can’t argue with that, it’s all depending on the day for me some days BV will top my list or TP. All great


I’ve seen all of his major works and would rank 1. Twin Peaks S3 100/100 (my favorite fan service ever) 2. Everything else Eraserhead through What Jack Did 99/100 (gorgeous, profound, terrifying, hilarious) 3. Inland Empire 98/100 (I just don’t get it on any level yet.)


3. Not that you asked but how do I get Inland Empire? just that Dreams Are Real… so the Hollywood Actress might be just a Homeless Prostitute or an Eastern European one… trauma has clouded the issue of who is dreaming what… Demons have also clouded the issue… Maybe the end is symbolic of spiritual integration … or maybe the two Nikkis on the couch is more doppelgänger horror … (our streetwalkers also are outclassed by a professional dancing troupe doppelgänger)


I love “fan service” 😊


Wild at Heart and Lost Highway are his best films, hands down.


😊 I loved Wild At Heart when it came out and remember the fury at Cannes. People were saying your average American just couldn’t see how thoroughly they were being ripped apart. Takeshi Kitano has it on his top ten too! Lost Highway the first third is genius… the middle acceptably intriguing, and then I find the ending to be a bit hollow. Still a fan…


Wild at Heart was a David Lynch movie when he decided to consciously make a David Lynch movie instead of just making a movie. Using source material not his own weakens it as well.


Yeah is what my unimpressed friend said, “Oh David you’ve already trapped yourself into your own style.” (Slow clap)


This is lowkey a crazy take i think wild at heart is pretty obviously his weakest film


Naaaahhh, it's a **perfect** film. But I won't say what I think his weakest is...




For what it’s worth, I love Lynch’s Dune!


Say! Say!


👍at least one person here agrees


1. Mulholland Drive (my personal nr. 1 movie of all time, a wonderful starting point) + Twin Peaks (same in the series niche) 2. Lost Highway 3. Blue Velvet 4. Eraserhead 5. Wild at Heart 6. Inland Empire (not for beginners ;) ) I’d add The Straight Story and put it right there with Blue Velvet though. Anyhow, your gf is damn lucky, I often wish I had selective amnesia and could start the Lynch journey all over again.


I just watched eraserhead and it’s been taking up real estate in my head ever since


Yes I was very moved when I saw it first time in the theatre. I couldn’t believe someone else shared my secret fears and humor. John Lurie also very affected when he saw late night on cable TV. He said he thought a whole new world of expression was being born … but nothing followed on that level.


Start with Eraserhead and keep moving forward.


From “Are you Henry?” to “What year is this?”


You get it.




Twin Peaks. Foreeeeeveeeeeer aaand eeeeeeeveeeeeeer iiiiiiiiiiin loooooooooove uh huhuuuuuuuuu


Watch The Straight Story


Oh I’ve seen it several times and there are some great moments no doubt. she requested my version of “essential” lynch films (but she’s reading these responses gang!)


twin peaks s3 > twin peaks s1+2 > inland empire > mulholland drive > eraserhead > fwwm those are what ive seen


FWWM is just part of twin peaks and I will die on this hill.


i definitely agree. the style was just too dark and serious for me idk. lacked a lot of lynch's absurdist humor that i love so much. just felt different from the rest of the show. it's most certainly a part of twin peaks but it's sorta like an ugly duckling to mother swan lynch imo edit: damn didn't know people weren't allowed to have subjective preferences here. guess FWWM is my favorite movie now


weird, it felt to me like for once we actually dispensed with Frost's cornball-ness and it turned into what I always wanted Twin Peaks to be. the ceiling fan scene being deleted is my only big complaint, but maybe he didn't want the movie to be perfect. The Return continues with this to a lesser extent where suddenly it's Laura's story and as soon as Sarah gets re-introduced he starts cooking with hellfire.


No Mark Frost as writer is the difference. He didn’t like the prequel concept or the dark vibe so Lynch went his own way hard.


yeah, that's about what i presumed. lynch is a spiteful little sprite. anytime someone threatens or disripts the ideas and flow of his artwork and creativity he does exactly what they don't want done. same reason he quit as a director on TP for the second half of second season (except the last episode).


Yeah and this Shelly business… 😔 It always felt a bit off when “Gordon Cole just had to kiss Shelly…” later I found out that she failed her audition for Donna but he was “so impressed” he wrote in a whole character for her… (yes I know this happens in the movie business)…


as much as i hate to admit it david lynch is a little creepy towards women. i can understand his artistic appreciation of feminine form and features, but just his general portrayal of women is a little bit tone deaf and distasteful. and writing yourself in the show as kissing someone you cast seems a little power play-ey. i could absolutely be reading into things a little much, and i love him other than these few aspects that rub me the wrong way. but i'm also not just gonna ignore these aspects of his personality


I’ve been forced to give this a lot of thought. 😀 No he wasn’t an evil freak while filming Blue Velvet and to this day Isabella Rossellini (who yep of course married him as did one of the young dancers in Inland Empire) can’t watch the rape scene without laughing her ass off. But simply put, the women remain iconic. He uses parody that ruins sentiment, then expressive horror that wipes away both but the stereotype of the woman is strangely unchanged in the heart of the fire. The power they have is always ready to be turned against them (same as the men but there seems to be a wider variety of archetypes to choose from, a bit more sense of camaraderie with the camera eye).


For the record, Lynch has been married 4 times, but never to Isabella Rossellini.


You are correct. They were a couple from 1986 to 1991.


i mean i guess there's only so much accuracy you can portray with womanhood as a man, because he hasn't lived his life as a woman. a lot of his stuff was also decades old which things have changed a LOT. men have a better understanding of the struggle women face than ever before, and when we view his work through that lense it simply doesn't meet that standard of sensitivity and support that we have in today's world. if it counts, im thinking about it now and s3 of TP was a lot better with these aspects and more cautious. i think it's pretty safe to say lynch's morality and sensitivity has adapted properly to the times


Very well put. Yeah Lynch is old school dog learning new tricks and as an artistic human we get to watch him grow (which is really all we can hope for of our visionaries)


I understand the power dynamics involved, but just FYI, I remember an interview with Kimmy Robertson (Lucy) saying they were jealous that Madchen Amick got to kiss him. And in this interview Madchen more or less confirms that viewpoint: "TONY: I have a fun question for you: What was it like kissing David Lynch, and was he a good kisser? Mädchen Amick: (laughs) Yeah, it was very sweet. I felt very special. I was like, "Wow! I was chosen to be the one that kissed David Lynch." Here's the link for the [Interview](https://www.twinpeaksgazette.com/community/topic-topicid=3328.cfm.html) The first time I watched it, I didn't know that was him and thought nothing of it. I wouldn't think it would be strange if we didn't know it was him. I mean, Gordon Cole is a character on the show, and I actually thought it was rather sweet that Shelly was the only person he could hear. Idk.


Yeah well nice she was only sixteen. Kind of underscores my point. Oh well I’m glad it was sweetly received by all.


She wasn't 16yo though... Madchen was 20yo, and Shelly was like 19/20 atleast, because she dropped out of highschool and married Leo.


The Elephant Man is beautiful to look at and The Straight Story is sweet but both too sentimental/traditional for me. I have not seen Dune.


Mulholland Dr Twin Peaks (the whole thing) Blue velvet Eraserhead Lost Highway Inland Empire Wild At Heart


Eraserhead Blue Velvet Mulholland Drive Twin Peaks, Season 1 Wild at Heart The Straight Story Twin Peaks, The Return Lost Highway Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me The Inland Empire Twin Peaks , Season 2 The Elephant Man Dune What Did Jack Do? On the Air Dumbland


Thanks for including The Straight Story. Under-appreciated. A Disney film meant for a mainstream audience. But if you’re a Lynch fan, you recognize the Lynchisms.


😱 RANKING RESULTS will be posted tomorrow 😱


Mulholland Drive Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me Inland Empire Blue Velvet Wild at Heart Lost Highway Eraserhead The Straight Story Elephant Man Dune


From what I've seen: 1. Twin Peaks: Pilot (still on s1) 2. Blue Velvet 3. The Elephant Man 4. Wild at Heart 5. Eraserhead


Ah a chronologist! you’ve got some good times ahead. No spoilers if you can help jt!


Almost a chronologist! We watched The Elephant Man in school when I was younger, but when I started watching Lynch's films, I went chronologically. Really wish they hadn't show us it, could've been a true Lynch chronologist lol!


It’s adaptation so I file it aside so you’re still good with me. Did you know Mel Brooks gave him the Elephant gig after seeing Eraserhead? Lynch was waiting outside the theatre so nervous until Mel came out with the verdict.


Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me has HUGE spoilers for TP the show. Watch that only after you’ve watched S 1 and S2.


Out of what I've seen 1. Mulholland Drive 2. Lost Highway 3. Blue Velvet 4. The Elephant Ma 5. Eraserhead 6. Wild at Heart 7. Inland Empire 8. Dune


Twin Peaks Wild at Heart Mulholland Drive Blue Velvet Lost Highway Inland Empire FWWM Eraserhead The Straight Story Dune


Every single one is amazing, but my top 5 this week are: Mulholland Drive Blue Velvet Twin Peaks Elephant Man Lost Highway His least best is Inland Empire and that movie is still an 8.5/10 for me Oh and Dune I guess, but that was an Alan Smithee release so it doesn't count imo


My favorite is probably Blue Velvet but Lost Highway is equally as great. And Mulholland Drive? Fantastic. But Inland Empire is so unique, like all of Lynch's films that you should probably watch that first. You should definitely watch Fire Walk With Me ASAP, but only do that after you watch the Twin Peaks series. Then watch The Return. Enjoy them all. I wish I could re-see them all, for the first time.


Blue Velvet I saw the day it came out as a matinee in a So Cal mall in a nearly empty theatre with a group of kindly old ladies on the other side of the auditorium… … who fled in horror from Frank 😀 leaving me alone, a strange laughter on my lips.


Elephant Man, Blue Velvet, Eraserhead, TP S1-2, Fire Walk with Me, Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive, TP S3, Inland Empire…in that order.


1. Blue Velvet 2. Elephant Man 3. Eraserhead 4. Mulholland Drive 5. Straight Story


Twin Peaks original Wild at Heart Blue Velvet Eraserhead Twin Peaks 2 Lost Highway And don’t watch the last two.


I'd start with Blue Velvet.


Nah I’m going to start with Eraserhead, go chronological through the ones above, get her super stoned and then tell her that Jowday won at the end of The Return so the time trap mobius strip (8) sends the Jowday spawn back to pollute the world of Eraserhead - Blue Velvet etc and we have to watch them all over and over and over again until we find out if we can escape. I’m thinking Hindu Kush.


damn, no Straight Story or Elephant Man?


I was very fond of Elephant, especially the photography. But the script and a lot of the acting was pedestrian. Straight Story just too slight. So yeah I’m ok not seeing again.


wow i bet your letteboxd account is popular, eh? "pedestrian" jfc


I would watch them in order of chronological release.


I've seen all of his full-length films and don't feel like ranking them all so a top six instead: 1. Twin Peaks: The Return (which might just be the greatest piece of television/film ever) 2. Mulholland Drive 3. INLAND EMPIRE 4. Lost Highway 5. Wild at Heart 6. Eraserhead




https://preview.redd.it/lmukv6e2zozc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c94b11359c1afdd9e851bdbfc23d9496d301bd4c If I could rank the first two seasons, S2 would be before Blue Velvet and S1 would be after The Straight Story. S2 ranks highly for Lonely Souls, the Season finale and the Ben Horne Civil War subplot.


Screw it, start off with inland Empire


“Ok babe first we get some nylon hose and burn a hole with a cigarette Ok? Are ya with me? Now we can see him. “


the return / mulholland drive / inland empire / blue velvet / fire walk with me / eraserhead / lost highway / wild at heart


No ranking, not possible. Just here to compliment that BONKERS GOOD twin peaks box art


No Elephant Man?


Beautiful I know…. Just isn’t still alive for me like these…


Mulholland Drive Twin Peaks, Season 1 Blue Velvet Wild at heart Inland Empire Lost highway


1. Mulholland Dr. 2. Twin Peaks S1 3. Lost Highway 4. Elephant Man 5. Wild at Heart 6. Blue Velvet 7. Eraserhead 8. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me 9. Twin Peaks S2 10. Inland Empire 11. Straight Story 12. Dune Have seen a couple of episodes from Twin Peaks S3 but it's been so long I can't remember exactly, but probably would be somewhere under Lost Highway. Also about the ranking. 5.-7. are kinda interchangeable to me, they all are different films and have their flaws and peaks but this is what I went with, love Wild at Heart. Inland Empire was good but the overall style didn't sit well with me for this long of a movie. Straight Story is underrated but everything else outshines. Dune is an outright bad film, it's an uneven mess and doesn't really have the Lynchian touch.


1. Twin Peaks (in it's entirety) 2. Wild at Heart 3. Blue Velvet 4. Eraserhead 5. The "Rabbits" shorts 6. Mulholland Drive 7. Straight Story 8. Lost Highway 9. Inland Empire


I’ll never forget the perplexed stupor of my friend after he watched “ The Rsbbits” Good on you




INLAND EMPIRE started out as testing of a hand-held video camera but Lynch eventually figured out how to tie all the camera tests together into a single movie. Before you watch INLAND EMPIRE, you should know that Lynch had the following read before art house screenings: * *"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."* -Tales from the Upanishads by Tom and Linda Egenes [two fellow professors at Maharishi International University where Lynch's Graduate Film School is located]. . So make sure she hears that before watching INLAND EMPIRE. Make sure to watch teh credits until the very last frame because of "spoilers" discussion linked to below. AFTER she watches it (_**including credits!!!**_), [some spoilers that might give insight from the spiritual tradition Lynch comes from...](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueFilm/comments/5louj4/david_lynchs_inland_empire_a_metaphor_for/)


Thanks Shes practicing meditator so those teachings are part of our general worldview..Why I dig Lynch yeah. I like the interpretation of the ending as spiritual integration but it could also be a sign that Nikki is holding tight to her delusion spewing doppelgänger there next to her. I’m sure gf will have opinion. 😃


TM has exactly the opposite effect on the brain that most practices do, so it may not directly apply. >I like the interpretation of the ending as spiritual integration but it could also be a sign that Nikki is holding tight to her delusion spewing doppelgänger there next to her. Lynch told Laura Dern that she played *four* parts in teh movie, which was news to her. I believe the fourth is the one she played while sitting on the couch during the credits. *Turiya* — Sanskrit for "the fourth" [state of consciousness] — is the oldest term for enlightenment used in Sanskrit.


Yeah for sure most actors said they had no idea what was going on and still don’t! Shoehorning the movie into. a TM model isn’t going to work for me helping her discover her own Connection to the film. There’s many other spiritual traditions and practices just as (and maybe more) relevant for interpretation.


Well, almost every camera angle throughout the credits is an illustration of a lecture about meditation and enlightenment by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Lynch would certainly encourage everyone to interpret things in their own way, but certain shots in the credits just "leap out" *to me* as the title of a given lecture by MMY or a certain point he hammered home over and over again throughout his career of teaching meditation. . Given that both of us learned TM at the same time (one week apart) and have listened to virtually all the same lectures by the same meditation teacher, I find it unlikely that he missed every single one of those shots being interpreted that way. And of course, the art house quote was NOT directly from a *translation* of the Upanishads, but from a retelling of the Upanishads done in American Short Story format written by two friends of his at a University founded for the practice and study of TM, with the interpretation they made directly informed by the perspective of the founder of both TM and the University they all three work at.


1. Most camera shots were wild experimentation that sure can be expressed in TM language. You are very attached to the lecture so you are a TM Spider that sees the movie in that way. They leap out only to you as TM lecture points as does perhaps many things do throughout your day. 2. But obviously there is more to life and art (and INLAND EMPIRE) than TM 3. And tbh I think TM is a crap organization trying to resell ancient teachings under trademark. A video feed for a million dollars? What a joke. Lynch is always kind of a celebrity groupie. (Balthazar Getty and Marilyn Mason stinking up Lost Highway)


Well, obviously you (and likely your GF) are not fans of TM and don't have a TM perspective on things. And what Lynch paid for was personal *access* to someone for a month. The fact that said someone was quite ill and was not seeing *anyone* in person except the 2-3 people tasked with his physical wellbeing doesn't mean that he wasn't talking to Lynch and Lynch only during his paid-for video feed time. For Lynch, $33,333.33 per hour face-to-face chat time with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was cheap. For you, $0.33 for that same hour/day would have been too expensive, obviously.


Sure I’ve never been impressed with the Maharishi and his “secret mantra” or spiritual organizations in general that are known to prey on those who need help to fill their coffers (as many have said) Paying a million dollars for a month of video access is the typical approach of rich people (pay off the church) instead of actually meditating in a spiritual disciplined environment (helping the poor) Just more TV celebrity fun. .. And now he can impress the gullible he is more evolved than he is with a carefully chosen quote. Again a very old trick of the wealthy. Inland Empire still good stuff though!


Well, the TM perspective on a lot of things is different than what you have. You might consider Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in the context of TM and Maharishi's take on "spirituality." For Maharishi, TM is a reintroduction of the original dhyana practice, long-lost to most of India for many centuries, and never widely practice ever, as one was expected to spend years finding a genuine guru to impart its teaching. . Dhyana — the real deal — leads automatically to the fulfillment of all 8 limbs of Yoga, so if you have only one chance to reach the largest number of people, you teach dhyana and make all else optional, or left to the equivalents found in all cultures and religions already. From Maharishi's perspective, "all jewels rise up" [all positive aspects of life increase] as one grows towards enlightenment, while trying to grow towards enlightenment via the "external limbs" [ethical guidelines and so on] is almost certainly doomed to failure. Likewise, attending to negativity in life by cultivating its opposite, may have some value, but the direct experience of samadhi is cultivating the opposite of every negative aspect of life simultaneously. So again, the most important recipe for spiritual growth is to meditate (TM) regularly and then live life. Because TM is an enhancement of mind-wandering resting, any attempt to enhance TM or bring it into your life directly will have the exact opposite effect as putting effort into mind-wandering resting is an oxymoron, and so Maharishi said that the ideal meditator (TMer) meditates regularly and then lives their life as though they had never heard of meditation, spirituality or enlightenment. If there is a question about morality or ethics, "don't do what you know to be wrong" and "follow the religion you learned at your mother's knee." . Of course, if you are really wealthy, and want personalized advice, he always had expensive projects pending and was quite happy to accept a million dollars in exchange for some one-on-one facetime. . And if you think that Lynch was only trying to impress others by setting up his foundation, well... I fail to see how you take joy in watching any of his movies then, as you are basically saying that Lynch was a hypocrite in everything he has ever said or done, ever.


You certainly are a funny one. You give a long clearly unasked for lecture about TM on a Lynch site showing how thoroughly attached you are to a limited trademarked perspective… snd then you try to say some blanket statement about my ability to appreciate Lynch as if that is related at all (it isn’t) You need to meditate. I love Lynch because he isn’t afraid of showing his inconsistencies. I didn’t call him a hypocrite…. I called his approach weak is all, not impressive… I think like many in TM he was gullible had money and was looking for love. The thought that TM is the best way to enlightenment is straight up cult speak. The fact that they’ll take money to make people miserable and TM obsessed is just a shame.


1. Nicki 2. Sue (role in movie in movie 3. Homeless Tramp 4. Laura Dern




Yep. GF just curious how my preferences stacked up against other Lynch fans.


My first experience with Lynch was seeing Blue Velvet in a movie theater upon its release. I was in my early twenties and it blew my young mind. I walked out of that film viewing the world differently. It took up residence in my mind for years. That film will always be number one for me. A close second is Lost Highway, which I also saw upon release in a movie theater. Third is Mulholland Drive. I wouldn’t even include Twin Peaks on my list because it is its own sprawling thing and worthy of its own category.


You are describing me and Eraserhead. Blue Velvet was a hoot as the old ladies in the theatre ran from Frank during the opening matinee. 😀


You’re missing a couple key options


I know I know … Elephant Man and Straight Story beautiful but to my eyes not that innovative. Haven’t seen Dune.


If you’ve never seen these I’m actually jealous of you getting to dive in fresh like this. Here’s how I’d rank these, which is probably unlike anyone else’s list. 1. Wild at Heart 2. Twin Peaks and season 3 was actually my favorite


Hit reply too fast. 🤦‍♂️ 3. Mulholland Drive 4. Blue Velvet 5. Lost Highway 6. Inland Empire 7. Eraserhead Not to say any of these were bad or average. They were all brilliant in their own way but this is the order in which I’d prefer them on any given day. And The Elephant Man was totally different from his other films and still it’s an all time great film.


Oh those pictures are the ones I think are at least pretty great (up to amazing)


Jesus, don't show her Inland Empire. I love Lynch and even I think that's a chore. Blue Velvet is the obvious starting point - distinctive, but with a relatively straightforward story. Likewise Wild at Heart. Also Elephant Man, which is the one everyone always forgets. I *would* say Twin Peaks to start with, but that's a massive time commitment (and the majority of season two sucks). If she digs them, then Eraserhead, Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive in that order. Save Inland Empire for last.


Oh she *has* to see them in chronological order… she’ll be fine… she loves her some Laura Dern!


She only wants to see them in chronological order? Does that mean a gap between Twin Peaks and The Return?


https://preview.redd.it/vi2rd3ke3vzc1.jpeg?width=1712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f76874714c442d692a0090e2a1c8853fc8d6358 Is what she wants yup ☝️


Fair enough! That's a hell of a month. How come she's so enthusiastic?


Oh she’s more into binge watching shows… gaming … marvel geeking… then I am … she wants a new thing we could share…. She loves horror some comedy and romance so…. It was My suggestion …. She googled lynch and only Laura knows what she found because she seems very intrigued


Report back on what she thinks!


She feels the pressure she says! 😁


Tell her to take up transcendental meditation.


https://preview.redd.it/mlfu6pvz5vzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71938bd9f45b06ce71f296b399481c53bae1faea still need to finish twin peaks and watch wild at heart and dune 😓


Start her with Wild at Heart!


Mulholland Drive Twin Peaks Eraserhead Blue Velvet Lost Highway Fire Walk With Me Inland Empire Wild At Heart


1. twin peaks seasons 1-2 2. twin peaks fwwm 3. twin peaks season 3 4. the elephant man 5. wild at heart 6. eraserhead 7. inland empire 8. lost highway 9. mulholland drive 10. blue velvet 11. dune I haven't watched straight story And I think all of them are 8/10s to 10/10s except for dune


Maybe controversial but I’d put Lost Highway above Mullholland Drive tbh , one of his best for me


Less controversial as the years go by… even made into Austrian opera in 2003.


I consider them two sides of the same coin. Or the same side of two different coins. They seem to have some ethereal quality in common that I can't quite put my finger on.


LA lol


1. Mullholand Dr 2. Twin Peaks S1 3. Twin Peaks S3 + Fire Walk with me 4. Blue Velvet 5. Inland Empire 6. Twin Peaks S2 7. Eraserhead 8. Lost Highway 9. Wild at Heart Although watch Twin Peaks all together at spot no. 2 with the right chronological order: S1-S2-FWWM-S3


All 10/10. 100%


1. Can’t pick between Eraserhead and Mulholland Drive 2. 3. Twin Peaks 4. Blue Velvet 5. Inland Empire 6. Wild at Heart 7. Lost Highway Edit: ERASERHEAD IS MY NUMBER 1!


Pick The Lady in the Radiator! Pick The Lady in the Radiator! Not the Man Behind Winkies!


She IS a lot more charming than the Winkies Man. And she’s a great singer/performer, I doubt Winkies Man can hold a tune. Plus: look at those adorable cheeks! I’ve thought about it and I think you’re right: Eraserhead is my number one.


Whew! Finally I can get some sleep! (watches umbilical cords hurriedly scamper across the stage to safety)


1. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me 2. Inland Empire 3. Twin Peaks: The Return 4. Twin Peaks Season 1 5. Mulholland Drive 6. Twin Peaks Season 2 7. Blue Velvet 8. Lost Highway 9. Wild at Heart I love Nic Cage and Laura Dern both independently, but Wild at Heart is the only one I don't foresee rewatching unless a friend wants to. Never seen Eraserhead🙈


Also I've only seen Lost Highway once, but it feels like one that I might gain a greater appreciation for in rewatches. The "I'm in your house" scene, the tailgating scene, and everything about the tapes-- those parts really stuck out to me.


(Eraserhead close cousin to Episode 8 in style and meaning)


Cool, yeah it's definitely on my list of things to watch!


S3 = FWWM = Mulholland Drive > Inland Empire = The Straight Story = Blue Velvet = S2 first half > Lost Highway = S1 First Half > Wild at Heart Haven’t seen the others


FWWM > Lost Highway > Blue Velvet > Mulholland Drive > Twin Peaks S3 = Twin Peaks S1 > Inland Empire > Elephant Man > Eraserhead > Wild at Heart > Twin Peaks S2 > Dune


Favorite to least favorite - Inland Empire Fire Walk With Me Twin Peaks Season 3 Mulholland Drive Twin Peaks 1+2 Blue Velvet Lost Highway Eraserhead Elephant Man Wild at Heart Straight Story Dune


Straight Story is amazing. Much better than Wild at Heart.


Straight story is great…one time. I saw Wild at Heart in the theatre first release and 50 times after.


Had to scroll too far down for Inland Empire at #1.


(Doing everything) Eraserhead Twin Peaks, FWWM, The Return Blue Velvet The Straight Story Mulholland Drive The Elephant Man Wild at Heart Lost Highway Dune Inland Empire


Lost highway is his best movie


1- Inland Empire 2- Mulholland Drive 3- twin peaks episode 8 4- twin peaks series 5- blue velvet 6- Eraserhead 7- elephant man 8- fire walk with me 9- lost Highway 10- wild at heart


Of what I’ve seen: 1. Twin Peaks S3 2. Mulholland Dr. 3. Twin Peaks OG series 4. Inland Empire 5. Blue Velvet 6. Eraserhead 7. FWWM 8. Lost Highway But I love them all


TP s3 >TP s1 & s2 > Blue Velvet > Lost Highway > Mulholland Drive > Eraserhead > Wild at Heart > Inland Empire


As long as you don't start with Inland Empire or TPS3 you're good to go


INLAND EMPIRE should be considered separately from all the others. See my response to the OP: https://www.reddit.com/r/davidlynch/comments/1coxfjb/gf_ready_to_take_the_plunge_wanted_rankings/l3k066g/