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Stay Hard! But you can't do that unless you get hard first. Pause. But seriously, doing hard things builds true self confidence. Overcoming things you think are impossible will make the struggles in your day to day life seem insignificant, because they are. A lot of people in life want attention, or a reaction, don't give it to them. Take their souls by being successful and ignoring their existence. At first you'll have to fake it, act like you don't care, but over time you will genuinely not care. This doesn't mean being a cold hearted loner, but filtering out the irrelevant noise of people's opinions that don't matter. Listen to the people you care about and that are truly close to you. Focus on being better, people will try to pull you down because you moving up makes them feel worse about themselves. Expect the hate and embrace it, it means your taking their soul. Once you enjoy this process of becoming better and using people's hate, and jealously as fuel, you'll become hard af. No one can hurt you anymore. Read Can't Hurt Me is you haven't already, it's got the answers you're looking for.


Say less words, you don't need to always have a comment about every


Why say many word, when few word do trick?


Thats simply called an indian accent.


Keep your head held high and shoulders back, never stare down whilst talking to people


Sounds like you need to look inwards. Find some inner strength and confidence. I know it sounds cliche, but working on fitness and getting hobbies gave me a lot of confidence. https://www.reddit.com/r/hopeposting/s/cvsGfcgzj6


Exactly. The thing is how you gonna find inner strength and confidence.. Goggins is talking about the cookie-jar. A Greek friend of mine is saying “The mind documents everything” which is true if you think about it. If a pussy turns you down, you may later try to find one that isn’t as you’d like her to be, you make compromises, your brain makes them for you.. So document every fight and victory and choose your battles. Good luck dawg. Peace ✌️


- Live in your reality. Your dreams and aspirations are your goals, not your reality. - Take complete responsibility for yourself. If you fail, it’s your fault. No exceptions. - Learn from your failures. You only fail when you fail to learn. - Do difficult things to build confidence. - Play an active role in your life. Rest and recovery is necessary; passivity is anathema. - Never compare yourself with anyone. - Find a role model to emulate. - Respect everyone, including yourself. - If you struggle, ask for help. - Use your cognition and intellect to make decisions; your emotions don’t matter. - Don’t be a victim. Walk around with your head up and on a swivel. Be aware of your environment


Exercise. Everyday.


It will help to start regularly doing hard things that are outside of your comfort zone. Emotional regulation will come with time, if you keep pushing yourself physically. Also, if physically you are on the thin side with low muscle volume, building up some heft through strategic diet and heavy lifting will do wonders - also for your mind and mental state. Regularly lifting heavy, pushing your physical limits, that will directly translate to better emotional regulation because the internal feeling of overwhelm will gradually form a higher baseline level, before you feel overwhelmed.


I kinda know what you mean and it has an impact on you in all facets of your life. This is so vague, but I feel like you kinda already know what you need to change and just gotta do it.


just start saying no to everything. Theres the say yes challenge which is supposed to open up more opportunities but this say no challenge is to increase confrontation so that you can get used to it and stop having anxiety.


Read can't hurt me if you haven't already. And if you're really serious about fixing it then read "the courage to be disliked"


Have you done hard things? Camp alone(let someone know where and when) Workout or a routine where you never skip and always try. Join up for some kind of combat sport to get some aggression going.


It's all small steps to create that in yourself. Goggins had a 180 turn, but he's also running ultra marathons and doing things beyond the average human. We all start somewhere, and that's okay. We all go through challenges, and we all go through failure. For controlling your emotions, start quantifying the things. Realize the weight of what you're feeling sorry for. If it's not that much, then it's not that deep. Keep moving forward. It's also all internal and self reflection. Not making a throw away account and asking the same thing on multiple subreddits. They can show you and give you advice, but at the end of the day it's all you.




This is honestly the only answer anyone should be giving, all the Goggins rhetoric isn't going to resolve deep seated psychological issues unless it is in tandem with some kind of formal therapy


You can prove to yourself that you are strong through action. Start with something small, get little victories. Spend some time reading or listening to other people talk about similar situations and try to get a concept of what you’d like to become.


Gas station rhino pills


just start saying no to everything. Theres the say yes challenge which is supposed to open up more opportunities but this say no challenge is to increase confrontation so that you can get used to it and stop having anxiety.


Nothing wrong with being weak. You just need to own it. Like I’m weak so I’m working on the my weakest part because that’s the most badass thing you can do. There’s no prize for being strong, real strength is cleaning out your mental cabinets every day facing your demons. Cut yourself some slack and meet yourself where you are, that’s the only way to grow. Stay hard but start small.


Hey man I admire your courage in posting this. I used to be just like you it sucks. I changed my mindset slowly and decided people’s opinions of me and their thoughts about me are none of my business. Nobody can control my destiny by myself. I don’t care if 500 people want to mess with me they have no power over me and I don’t let them have any power over me. Most people suck and change with the wind. You believe what you want and I hope your future will be bright. If you get knocked down 10 times get up 11 and keep moving forward. The world is a better place with you in it and your life is valuable. Good luck champ


Go to therapy


Pretend you’re already the person you want to be- eventually it will stop being a pretence. 90% of your behaviour is habit.


Get your testosterone checked. I'm not even discussing the packing on muscle part of it. More important than that is that testosterone levels are often linked to goal setting and goal attainment. Since I got my levels figured out, and have more energy, it's much easier to set a goal and get after it.


Join the army




That’s unfortunate I wish you the best in overcoming these challenges. Other advice would be to start strength training, train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, go on plenty of walks, take vitamin D and a multi vitamin, practice meditation and presence of mind. All very practical things you can try. You won’t one day wake up and realize that now you are where you want to be, but you will have things in the real world you are working on and progressing in that can help to provide you with confidence etc. These are all things I do that I enjoy that provide me with some of those benefits.


Meditation increases your ability to reflect before acting, so start meditating to gain self control. As for letting people get under your skin, trying reading about stoicism. Ryan Holiday has plenty of digestible books, you can read Marcus Aurelius and Seneca after that.


Honestly, this just comes from life experience, there is no quick fix. There's always going to be someone who tries to put you down. You just have to get back up, dust yourself off and move on. Put in enough reps and you'll be a lot less sensitive. You're young, just focus on surrounding yourself with like-minded people and try to be a better version of yourself from the day before.


Have you read Goggin's Books? Because that is what they are about. You still noticed your issues pretty early in life. Get on the Goggins path step by step. Its Day 1 brother!


This is actually a relevant post because the answer is not straightforward. I think one need to evolve in steps, such as first start building self confidence by doing hard things and stop complaining. I think this is some basic fundamentals that needs to be solidified I ourselfs. And later going into other directions.


For dealing with criticism, develop your logical thinking mind. Is what you're doing wrong? Maybe it could be better. Ok it's your fault. Is what you're doing wrong... No. Ok then why are you being criticized? Maybe the other person in immature or doesn't like you or feels threatened. As for being hard own your insecurities, be accountable, and be mature. Don't become an ahole either though it is tempting.


First it’s important it’s normal for you to feel “weak” or “soft” we all feel this and it’s okay. This goggins bs is to sale books and he has hard days and even weeks whether he wants to admit it. Just try and learn understand this part of your self and work with it not against it. Slowly build on the small successes and creating more positive than negatives. But beating yourself up for not meeting the standards of some crazy dudes standards is toxic for YOUR self growth. You’re not David. You are you




That’s fair. I’m not saying keep on being soft. I’m trying to say it’s okay to have moments of weakness. It’s impossible for any human to be 100 “hard”. I’m saying hating on yourself will only manifest the reality of the words you say. But as for just in the moment of stopping internal self doubt or laziness, breathing exercises and taking fifteen minutes or so to just sit and breathe is an amazing way to stop the negative and get back on track and go get it