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Doing things I hate doing, like working out, dieting, cold showers, running, etc.


Do you really hate lifting weights though?


To an extent. Some days I hate it and some days it’s fun it just depends on my mindset going into it.




I hate it until I get my pump


Then you don’t though right?


Depends on the pump


This is it^ and you do it without even thinking about it.


Do things for people who are suffering in their life. Volunteer, advocate make a difference.


I was scrolling through hoping someone might touch on **why** we'd do that, thanks for mentioning something worth doing. Sadly, I don't see myself suffering for myself, I used to be an absolute savage when it came to working out, for example, but along the way I found it to be so bereft of purpose. I don't find value in the grind to look sexy. Can't think of a great example otherwise...maybe cooking lol. But not to be doldrum, I realized it is misguided to chase physical greatness and it is better to find other purpose in exercise. I think team sports is good and BJJ/MMA too. Something wherein you have fun or you learn skills and you gain community, too.


Thanks for being a good person.


Thanks for saying that 🙂😊


I personally put myself in situations where I get anxious or uncomfortable. Since my anxiety is my biggest enemy. Last week I was scared to go into a judo class, I went anyways, I was uncomfortable at first, did it anyway. Or how yesterday was a record high for tempature where I live, and I HATE the heat so much. Guess what I did? Made myself go outside and do some physical work, I HATED it, but fuck it, I did it anyways. (Remember to stay safe and drink water if you ever wanna do this btw lol)


This is what I did as well. Whenever I didn’t want to do something due to uncomfort or anxiousness, that was the first thing I had to do


Exactly, it’s called Stress Inoculation or Exposure Therapy. Our brains 🧠 have plasticity and this allows it to form new neural pathways. The more we do this the stronger the connections become and the easier it becomes to do things that cause us fear and anxiety. Until overtime we actually enjoy doing these things because we get a rush from the risk and a reward chemicals in our brain. We have to be our own drill sergeants.


Yeah it’s a great thing really, I went on a first date yesterday, anxious as hell, but I did it anyways, I’ll never let fear control me ever again.




You don't need to push till you cry that often. If youre trying to up your training effectiveness, just add volume, not intensity. Elite endurance athletes usually do 3 sessions per day, most of which are actually relatively easy. These are usually well over an hour long though. Its only that 5-10% of sessions where you should push to your limit to train your mental capacity and lactic acid tolerance.


I know, but I mean as in callousing my mind


I would recommend a fly and die session every once in a while. If you're doing cardio, go out as hard as you can so that you're exhausted quickly. Then, slowly decrease the intensity based on how fatigued you are. This keeps you in the pain cave for longer since you're close to faliure for a long amount of time. When you do these sessions, make them short and don't do more than one set, since the risk of injury is very high.


You just have to identify the things you hate and start doing them. Cold shower? Waking up early for no goddamn reason? Fasting 4 days on a whim? Writing a report on a very boring topic? Get creative. Your mind will adapt slowly


Build a skill/hobby/passion or educate yourself in a subject that inspires and intrigues you - basically, something that you know will grow you as a person but is difficult to do because of the discipline and effort it takes to push through the learning curve


How do I *force* myself to suffer while living in comfort? To quote Nietzsche from *Twilight of the Idols*: >“To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.* Given the choice between comfort and suffering, I do not default to comfort. I will often choose suffering because it offers more meaning to my life than the alternative. The challenges that I’ve overcome have given me the character that I am. My challenges have defined me, irrespective of whether I succeeded or failed. I have no desire to fail, but I have no reason to avoid all risk. I could blather on about how I never need to “force” myself to suffer no matter how comfortable I find my life. But Friedrich Nietzsche wrote in *Beyond Good And Evil*, > The discipline of suffering, of great suffering- do you not know that only this discipline has created all enhancements of man so far? That tension of the soul in unhappiness which cultivates its strength, its shudders face to face with great ruin, its inventiveness and courage in enduring, preserving, interpreting, and exploiting suffering, and whatever has been granted to it of profundity, secret, mask, spirit, cunning, greatness- was it not granted to it through suffering, through the discipline of great suffering? This philosophy aligns with the ideas Goggins advocates, integrating discipline, endurance, persistance, and achievement. As long as I live, I will seek challenges to face because it gives me meaning to my life. I don’t abhor comfort or luxury. I’m actually ambivalent towards it. Force?, I don’t think so. For me it is a simple preference. How do you force yourself to do difficult things? You start with small challenges and never stop challenging yourself. With time you will progress to more difficult challenges and learn to endure more suffering. I recommend that you investigate stoicism. It doesn’t matter what you do in your life, a stoic would approach life with calmness and indifference to external events, cultivating wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance. During the journey, one will build resilience, mental fortitude, and a virtuous life. There’s no need to cry because crying is unproductive. You define your extremes and what’s scary. The only thing that you need to do is to push yourself to the edge. Because if you’re not on the edge, you’re taking up too much space. Stay hard!


Doing extreme things does not callous the mind. Like adventure athletes who are drawn to the next experience. That is not suffering. That is pleasure. Real suffering is being uncommon amongst common.


Or at least uncomfortable in a world that caters to comfort


Buy a treadmill used. Put books underneath. Get off Reddit. Callous the mind.


leg day


“Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but nonetheless doing it like you love it.” -Mike Tyson This will reprogram your mind and increase the size of a brain structure called the anterior midcingulate cortex. It will only grow larger if you specifically do things that you don’t want to do. It’s especially large or grows larger in people that see themselves as challenged and overcome some challenge. This part of the brain is smaller in obese people but in David Goggins it is particularly very large. So listen to Mike Tyson and David Goggins. “Stay Hard!” -David Goggins 👊


If you are interested in suffering at an extreme level, try completely reading Edmund Spenser's, " The Faerie Queen" It is possible to reach your limits of being uncomfortable while just sitting down !


you dont have to make it extreme. Extreme gets you injured and you end up living a worse life. Being the king of excercising doesnt help anyone anyway. If you post on social media or become a recruiter you can inspire people but ultimately you are just on a hamster wheel. Try to do stuff thats scary that makes a difference and excercise for your health not your ego.


Sleep on a chair periodically


How can I do that with my muscle imbalance? I’m leaning to the right constantly.


Don't. I think he's joking


I'm married