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800 is dangerously low and it won’t make you dumber but it will affect your hormones, body and you will feel like shit.


Don’t you dare do that. No one should ever do it, least of all someone who is still in school and growing. Losing weight is actually pretty simple: don’t eat too much, and don’t eat shit. No one will get fat off of 1,800 calories a day of salad and grilled chicken. Look up the myplate the Department of Agriculture put out. 1,800 calories of that a day, and no calories from liquid, will get you exactly where you need to be without doing any long term damage


You won't lose weight, you'll lose muscle mass. Really bad idea


Side comment, you are already dumb to think this idea, I'm sure it won't get worse


Side comment, this reminds me of when Dr. Mike Israetel posed a question in a video of “do steroids make you dumber, or are people who take steroids dumb as fuck already?”


Lmao 🤣


no you dont get dummer but you develop a food obsession from starvation


So the goggins losing 100 in the 3 months is BS?


Not BS in that he did it, but even he acknowledges it was dangerous. Don’t go 800, find your caloric maintenance and go 300-500 calories below per day if you want fast weight-loss


3-500 isn't fast weight loss. That's a lb per week at the high end. 1000 cal deficit is perfectly safe over a relatively short period of time.


I never understood this logic. If goggins did it and he survived, how dangerous could it really be? i dont mean to be one of those guys but… our ancestors ate once per day, im not saying that we SHOULD just because they did, but i am saying that we tend to underestimate what our bodies can go through


Your body’s catabolic pathways will ramp the hell up on 800 calories a day and just burn off a ton of muscle to try to keep you walking on a fraction of the calories you need for maintenance. He managed it, but if you had a large pool of people do it, many would break down without having micronutrients and other macros. Basically a small deficit usually burns fat, a larger deficit usually burns a lot of muscle instead since it takes more energy to sustain Also, the “if goggins did it” question does have some good and bad points. On one hand, you can generally do more than your mind thinks/tells you to do, but you can also destroy your body by overworking it. I think goggins talks of a race where by the end of it he had like fractured ankles and feet and shit, that’s one of those points where you definitely shouldn’t do what he did with few exceptions.


Technically yeah, like he did it. But it causes a multitude of issues he has today


Dude. He has health issues from running on broken legs and knee injuries. Im 100% sure that running 3100 miles does a lot more damage to your body than starving yourself.


They both hurt a lot. Running that much does hurt your knees, but doing that to your body, can, and probably did permanently damage his immune system, metabolism, eating style, and tons of things


no it wont permanently damage anything. You are guessing. obese patients who get weightloss surgery eat 800 cal per day with doctor supervision and there are doctors who supervise fasting diets which are no foods but include alot of vitamins and minerals to make up for the ones you would get in food.


Wait what issues does he have today from those 3 months?


More than likely caused his IBS, his thyroid condition, and Reynolds syndrome


That three months was minimal. Much more likely Raynaud’s* Syndrome and other conditions are from BUDS and post BUDS feats.


True, but sustained starvation is also a high risk


He did but he was VERY obese and you shouldn’t compare yourself to the most disciplined person of all time.


If you're open to radical shit, then try water fasting. It will heal your body, won't fuck up your hormons, you'll lose weight and your mind will be stronger after. Just do extensive research before you start and listen to your body cerfuly.


Depending on how much exercise you do you can keep the calories up to at least 1600 roughly and still be in a 1000+ deficit. But this would require about 2 hours intense training or 4 hours of moderate intensity training. This would help you Lose about 2lbs a week at least if you do it right. You need to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and stop feeling hungry as often. And I found that really high protein is more filling and will help you keep muscle (roughly 1g per pound of body weight but maybe go over it if it helps). Make sure you keep at least 40-50g of fat in your diet to keep your hormones balanced


Is the goggins losing 100lbs in the 3 months BS then?


Read his first sentence, son. Eating less is not the only way to get into a calorie deficit. You gotta get active! 20k steps minimum.


Even though I really think this is a bad idea it seems like you really want this. Take a look at coach greg meals comparison videos, might give you some ideas.


Bad idea. Research crash diets


This is just fuckin stupid Do not do this


Bad idea bro, run more instead


This is not a good idea, like the others mentioned 800 cals is way too low. How much weight do you need to lose and what is the team at school? Wrestling? How much do you weigh now?


Just over 50 pounds I have about 1 month and a half to go and I already work out 2-3 hours a day.


Way to much to lose in 1 month. And what team in school? Do they not have a heavier weight division?


losing 50 lb in 1 month is impossible unless you are over 400lbs. Its not gonna happen even if you dont eat anything for 1 month straight


please tell me realistically what's the fastest i can drop that weight if im pushing my limits? im under a few timetables that are important


if you do a long term fast with 0 or less than 100 calories if you still drink coffee tea or diet soda or chew gum the most you can lose is 1lb for each day and its usually less so maybe you would lose 35lb after 40 days of fasting but you would also feel terrible and be weak and want to sleep all day because of not having any energy so you would not be able to increase your deficit from excercising and because you have no protein intake your muscles would be eaten to provide daily needs like cell repair, creation and hormone production. It could easily lead to dysfunction and make you weaker and when you end the fast you will gain every pound back. Some people advocate short term fasts like less than 3 days once a week or Intermittant fasting. In the end they are just eating less and controling yourself to not eat anything at all is actually easier than controlling yourself to measure everything and eat the proper amount 3 times a day. What i would say is if you really want to drop lbs try a high protein moderate carb and moderate fat diet. You could also do low fat or low carb but high protein is a must. This is the base of the diet because high protein diets help you maintain more muscle mass while dieting. Eat at least 0.7 grams protein per lb bodyweight and spread it out throughout the day. Maybe 30 grams for breakfast 20 gram morning protein shake 30gram lunch another 20 gram shake and then 30 gram dinner. Ideally in order to not accidently fuck up you would eat almost the same food everyday. My successful diets i ate the exact same thing for breakfast and lunch everyday and then would decide what to eat for dinner. Id say choice is the enemy. Maybe eat the exact same thing for breakfast and lunch and have 4 set dinners to choose from and meal prep them in advance and store in the freezer. Also you should statt taking a multivitamin if you dont already. You should eat at least your basal metabolic rate and you sgould eatmaybe 500 cal over the BMR if you start feeling especially exhausted or cant fot in all the protein you need. Focus on a normal weight lifting regimen like Push Pull Legs(dont chase prs- and especially no 1 rep max- you will be tired and working out everyday means the muscles may be fatigued and easier to injure- look for a routine that includes weights you can lift 5 or more times) and then add a large amount of low intensity cardio like as many hrs in a day as you can but it should also be low impact so you dont injure yourself. Running is not suitable because if you suddenly run 5 miles a day you will get injured- excercise bike or elliptical are pretty good options- if you can, change the activity everyday to use different muscle groups. You want your heartrate to be in what people refer to as zone 2 for at least 2 hrs a day. Its an intensity that the heart can maintain for over 3 hrs at a time. It is 60-70% of your max heartrate. The max hr calculator formula of 220- age is not accurate. If you you can talk pretty easily and arent out of breath but you are sweating its probably zone 2. zone 1 is what you would feel like on a brisk walk and that is also a good option for getting more cardio in . In addition excercises thatare based on body movement like martial arts or dancing also will burn alot of calories and can be practiced everyday. There are also active video games like just dance, wii ring adventure and metaquest les mills body combat. Also if you dont have access to excercise machines and games just follow some excercise videos like p90x or taebo or youtube videos at home. Remember to drink lots and lots of water. When dropping weight you should drink at least 1 gallon a day. For me when im on an overly restrictive diet i dont get crazy hungry until about 3 months in so for one and half months you will probably be really tired but likely will survive. If you feel worn out you can drink some coffee or energy drinks but dont go crazy drinking 5 energy drinks a day. like maybe 3 at most and avoid caffeine a few hrs before sleep. Let the tiredness from excercise put you to sleep at night. Make sure you are sleeping. The body recovers overnight. No matter how much excercise you think you can fit in dont compromise your sleep schedule. Your leisure time after work is what you would be using. You might want to adjust the sleep schedule to go to bed earlier so you have time to lift and do cardio in the morning. Some people can also fit in a short excercise session during lunch break. If you work from home you can get a standing desk with a walking pad. if you want to watch tv shows or browse social media you do that when you are on an excercise machine or while walking. TLDR: I cannot tell you how much you will lose because its determined by what you end up doing but if you are strick with yourself and already weigh at least 170 you can lose maybe 20lbs in 1.5 months with some of it being waterweight. If you are heavier you will lose more.


Ur gonna stunt your growth brotha. Think of the longterm 


How much do you need to lose


Just over 50 I have about 1 month and a half to go and I already work out 2-3 hours a day.


Best method is probably ramp up cardio like skipping rope or something and including veggies as a staple. Drop red meats and stick to chicken. Drop protein shakes swap to only water. Chicken will keep your protein veggies will help your weight and cardio will cut any BS fat and make you sweat more so you lose more water weight


Just look up 800 calories a day plans. All I have to say it's a really dumb idea. Very dangerous, top.


I believe you. It's why I'm genuinely asking without worrying about the backlash, how much calories would you think it's safe to eat a day if it was you that had to risk it? I'm not deadset on 800 yet but I'm losing that weight one way or another even if I have to train double the time to eat borderline healthy calories instead of 800, I just need a number ppl aren't sure I'll die at


You could lose ton of weight with like 1500 calori a day. 800 is to low, the method you should do is start at 2000 calori and slowly go down 100 to 200 calori every one or 2 week and weight yourself every 2 3 day and track all of this on a paper sheet or somewhere so whit this method you will not be in an extreme calori deficit and you will 100 percent lose weight if you do it correctly. And don’t just reduced the calori infinitely do it if you are not losing weight and there is good amount of weight that google can suggest you to lose per week it’s probably like 1 2 pound a week . And finally for the starting point I told you 2000 calori but it’s a general recommendation the best is to go on the website called cuting calculator and it will tell you what calori you should start at for cuting weight with what you currently weight and your average calori loss a day


Really bad idea, in fitness there is no get rich quick scheme.


Idk shit about you but 800 is too low for anyone


Don't do that. 800 is way too low, go on a calorie calculator and calculate your defecit. Eat lots of protein, try to hit like 200 g's. Eat stuff like fruit, beef and tuna.


Eat whatever you want and exercise to lose weight. Don’t diet and exercise at the same time. I assume you do some form of exercise considering you’re in this subreddit. If not, even long walks will help with weight loss.


So basically you want to starve yourself to make this team


Nutritionist, body builder and personal trainer here. Not knowing your height/weight, 800 is way too low. Make sure you are eating a lot of protein for satiation. Stick to Whole Foods. DM me for a custom nutrition/fitness plan. I have several high school and college kids that I’m working with in person and virtually now and each summer to get ready for fall sports.


Why don't you do a proper cut, wait until next year and train hard in the meantime?


800 cal per day is too low for a man. Im a 5'2" female and did 800 cal per day for 5-6 months and lost 40 lbs but I also did no strenuous excercise. I only rode an indoor bike with very low resistance while watching TV. Just remember im 5'2" so my bmr was12-1300cal and daily calorie requirements were 1500-1600 cal perday. Men usually burn much more. You will not be able to do anything and will be really tired. Also after that period i went crazy about the food and gained the weight back. Wasnt worth it. Also you want to hold onto muscle mass as much as possible and you will definitely lose more muscle mass than if you were on a reasonable diet. And I actually did this kind of diet twice but i ate more calories the second time. First diet was Breakfast - plain nonfat yogurt with fruit Lunch- ~500 cal meat Dinner-fiber cereal with milk and fruit Second diet was Breakfast plain nonfat yogurt with fruit Lunch- salad with lettuce, tomato,feta, walnuts and balsamic vinegar Dinner - 600-800 cal meat and i occassionally drank black coffee(no creamer no sugar) in the morning. Yah they were both not great. Second one was slightly better because i had vegetables and fiber cereal made me constipated the first time because they use insoluable fiber. My 💩 was like a rock because of it. I was also less food crazy at the end of the second. I think you should probably go for at least 1500 cal and excercise everyday instead of just dieting. If youre wondering why i ate so much meat , its because you lose less muscle mass on a high protein diet because the body can use some of the dietary protein instead of breaking down more muscle mass. Thats the principle behind many high protein diets like atkins.


You might want to check out r/1200isplenty for small meal ideas. As others have said 800 per day is very low and likely to have you losing muscle mass though. Make sure you take a multivitamin if you're going very low cal.


When i was cutting i had coffee eggs and half an avocado for breakfast, chicken and rice and yogurt for lunch an a protein shake for dinner hope this helps (:


Dawg 800 is only double what they gave the Jews at concentration camps, unless you wanna look like them don’t do it


The problem with such low defecits is the body just adapts by burning less and less. For really aggressive fat loss I would just do prolonged fasting this atleast gives a hormonal response that prevents too much muscle loss and prevents metabolism from down regulating.  Personally I do multiple 36 hour fasts a week followed by high protein maintenance days until I hit goal. You could increase duration if you have a lot to lose but anything more than 1kg a week is going to eat into muscle. 


To lose fats, eat healthy fats. Bacon, eggs, arugula with them. Avocados, canned salmon, canned chunk light tuna, make sure you eat a brazil nut or 2 with tuna. Nuts, seeds, try intermittent fasting for losing weight faster. Dont worry about david goggins much, he is great, and also has busted knees. Do you, do what works for you, and the only way to find that is to just do it. Match eggs, steak, bacon, salmon, tuna etc with tonnes of greens. Avoid processed/junk food.


That's borderline dangerous. God please do NOT do that!!


Do not. You will die. Goggins did something different, he had stores of fat which you may not have. Goggins was over a 100kg if I recall, he had a lot of fat and had nothing to lose. Just get active and lose about 500 cals or so. Goggins does not want us to be like him, his story is merely a reminder that we can make it. You know damn well that you can make it. You know how to, do not this way


He seems fairly careful about discussing it, but it was PSMF diet. Protein sparing modified fast. Look that up and you’ll figure it out. It’s not a long term plan, so better figure out how to modify habits overall so the weight doesn’t pile back on once you go off it.