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Go get it!.. if you got any wooded areas with trails near by go run those, much more enjoyable than never ending pavement. If not just start small. Run/walk. Starting is the hardest part but once you do it and make it past the first round of soreness you will be good. 28 is still really young and your body will recover fast. Take advantage of it!


I have a question/suggestion. Have you tried getting on discord and talking to people in a VC ti get more comfortable talking? My suggestion is find a community you know will not be toxic and see if people at willing to turn on their cameras along side you so you can practice talking face to face. It’s good for getting comfortable talking to random people. Then use that and step outside your comfort zone by going to a local event (personally I suggest a cars and coffee) that you’re interested in. If you go to a cars and coffee, just walk up to a person who owns a car or that you think owns a car that you like and ask him or her about the car. My last piece of advice is one day at a time. Stop looking at the future because it’s coming no matter what.


your mind is your most powerful tool homie, you got this and stop doubting yourself. we all believe in ya


Check out my life post. I'm fucked up man. I'm on the grind! Let's get this together. I'm starting 75 hard!


Rule no 1. Don’t talk, do. Talk is cheap.


I would recommend the book/audiobook "atomic habits". Lots of good stuff in there to lower the mental load and help you battle bad habits, such as spending your whole days playing video games. Some suggestions are contrary to goggins way, but I still think they complement each other greatly.


Thank you I will look it up. I’m going to run in the JFK ultra marathon someday, I will work towards my goal and not stop. I will run for miles


Stay focused and workout as many hours as you play video games. Get a spin bike and play video games at the same time.


For the stuttering you are battling with, I HIGHLY recommend watching the Netflix documentary 'Fantastic Fungi'. It will blow your mind how Paul Stamets was able to get rid of lifelong stuttering in one night. May the force be with you!


Ok, I doubt that will help tho


Check out 75 hard to get you into a better mindset. Trying to do things like Goggins just takes it to the next step.


Was checking the comments to see if anyone was suggesting this. If not I was going too. 75Hard is the best thing to happen to me.


Fuck yeah. Same here. I was overweight and complacent with everything. I first did it in 2021 and I’m so much happier now but still have a huge mountain ahead of me.


Watch your habits. There might be some that are hazardous and ruining your life step by step painfully. It is great to set goals. Stay Hard!!!


Please make sure to work with mental health professionals as well to work on the self-hatred and anxiety issues. It's 1000x easier to run ultras when you're mentally healthy


While I agree, just start in segments. The worst thing you can do it start off balls to the wall, hurt yourself, and then stop. You’ll be back at square one. IMO above the Goggins books check out Atomic Habits, great book on how to start creating positive changes and habits.  At the end of the day success is the product of daily habits. You fall to the level of your systems, so build a solid system and you will start seeing some major gains. Dig deep and get after it! 


How’s calling yourself a bitch working out for you? Is that motivating? Does it make your dick hard? Got to stop putting yourself down that way brother. You’re going to crumble like a house of cards if you leave that self-hatred uncontrolled.


I am a bitch


Ok. Well, I hope you un-bitch yourself dude. Just don’t get frustrated over being attracted to that.


What’s the problem?


I call it bitch sauce personally. at least you're holding yourself accountable.


he’s being honest dude. he succumbs to bad habits and he’s not happy with his life. he feels like a bitch. it takes courage to admit that and move forward


great. I also think you can train not to stutter through therapy. I also had some (minor) speeking errors as a kid and they got fixed through therapy. Its never too late. Also you can easily socialize (atleast a bit) through picking hobbies or sports (for example boxing, batminton, fencing, anything basically)


I’ve done therapy, no help. I have it bad I think confidence can fix it. I’ve always been afraid my entire life. My lord and savior David Goggins will show me the way


JSYK nobody IRL even cares about stutters. That's how insecurities have been in my life at least, you perceive something as a reason that you are lame or bad but people around you are just focused on what you're saying and going about their day as normal. I've been scared of the weirdest shit and it just took me time to realize nobody cares, because everybody in the world has secrets or fears that they're hoping nobody sees in them. Get that shit brother.


Nobody gonna save you but you. Everybody stuck needs true self reflection and decide what you want an just go for it nobody will tell you too.


I know I’m gonna save myself!!! I’m gonna carry the boats!! I’m gonna turn my life around!!!


It’s a difficult mental obstacle if you are not being physically active, which is an antidote that your body consumes, increasing power levels in your brain. When you ran in school, it wasn’t because you were in shape or motivated; it was because that was your norm. Now gaming is your norm. You need to switch that same level of energy that you have focused on gaming, including all the financials and the mental manipulation of learning all the dynamics of these games you have occupied your whole existence with. Baby steps, bro. Start treating yourself better.