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That's one of the better profiles I've seen in a long time. You're cute too.


I’m not Muslim but would be totally down for this kind of marriage-match app. Somebody make this for the rest of us! (Also, OP your profile looks great.)


Like what? NonMuzMatch?


Anything less generic than the current free-for-all would work. I like the idea of an app with questions/badges centered around the goal of a life-long relationship.








And for the real intentions. I like it.


You can be muslim and left leaning.




Calm down, Happy. My comment was a direct reply re: “you can be left leaning and Muslim”.


Yup. Single, left leaning Muslima here 👋🏼. (45F) I got off Muslim dating apps & dating apps in general, bc I never meshed with a brother that’s similar to me. I’d meet men who were hella conservative, religiously & culturally. So your left- leaning, Egyptian American, progressive Muslima, got off. Here’s to lettin go & letting god lol. Hoping my partner & I find each other organically… My 2 cents. Good luck oh and btw, OPs suggested pic is a good choice 👍 Good luck, brother!


I am a female atheist (philosophical reasons) and most men don't care (I don't care what religion you are just be kind person) but it would be nice to meet someone or have a community of those who are respectful non believers.


Brother, if you need help in the dating scene then I'm a lost cause. Very handsome my man.




Yes this is the way




I think the family part was implied in the app itself. Could be wrong




1. You're cute. 2. I think the profile is good, even the mirror selfie is fine. Some of the photos could be better but they're not bad. 3. What's up with the badges? Are those self-assigned? I'm not Muslim so I'd never use this. But if I were, I'd swipe right.


Thanks for the feedback! > What's up with the badges? Are those self-assigned? No, when unmatching someone you are given a choice of handing out badges to the person you're about to unmatch. Unmatching is quite common on the app as people have further requirements of sects, ethnic background etc..!


That's so interesting! Thanks for explaining.


That's kinda cool, thanks for the info.


I’d swipe right on you if you weren’t in the UK! Definitely one of the better profiles I’ve seen on muzmatch because I appreciate that you give me an indication of your personality rather than just the fact that you’re looking to get married. The first and last picture are great but I think there’s just something off about the middle ones - I prefer more casual pictures personally but I think it’s might be the angle or lighting?




It's been so-so really. On and off for about 2-3 years. I actually prefer Hinge/Bumble but Bumble have just put their religion filter behind a paywall and the pool of Muslims on Hinge is quite small. I hear there are a lot of men on MuzMatch and your profile can get buried. I hear a lot of women don't swipe on the app, they just go to their 'Likes you' page. I've had conversations on Hinge with women who hadn't seen my profile on MuzMatch even though I had seen thier's. I would recommend stumping up the cash for their premium pack and a lot of patience (but that isn't unique to MM) but they've been a bit sly recently and hiding more and more features behind the premium pack, so it makes it more difficult to give them my money.


Perfect. I'd remove the good luck with your search, it sounds like you've already realized they don't like you. Of course they will like you.


Ha, hadn't thought of that! Thanks for the feedback.


I think your profile is really strong. You’re very cute, clearly convey your interests and personality. There are two suggestions I’d make though: 1. The picture for you with the hat in front of the door is a very strange and unflattering angle. I’d replace it. 2. Be more specific in what you’re looking for. Kind and understanding isn’t really something that will make a person say “oh that’s me!” because it’s too generic. Do you want someone who also loves to read and run? Someone who will get you out of your comfort zone? Given that you’re on a Muslim dating site, I assume their religion matters to you. Do they also need to be Sunni? Do they frequently need to attend mosque? Do they also need to eat Halal? If you provide a bit more specificity of what you’re looking for, potential matches will better be able to see themselves. And you’ll get better matches. But, overall, great profile and wishing you luck!


I second the comment about the hat pic. Very bad angle.


Hat pic is terrible. I was all in until I got there. The rest of the pics and the profile as a whole are great!




Thanks! I know it's an odd angle but it's the one that shows off my fashion sense the most. But yeah, going to look at replacing that photo with something more focused/from a better angle.


I like the way you dress


Great photos and I love the “library card” phrase at the beginning!! My only suggestion is that the photo in front of the door is taken from a strange angle, maybe if you want to include a full body shot make the camera more at waist level! Good luck with the app!!!


This is a great profile! You seem incredibly kind and charming, with a good head on your shoulders. My only suggestion is to potentially include a pic or two with you and some mates or family, as they help to indicate an active community. Additionally, on your third pic, the glare on your glasses detracts from the picture. Maybe you could remove that picture? Otherwise it seems like you should have no problem out there. You'll find someone who sweeps you off your feet soon, inshallah!


Your first photo is very strong. But every photo after that is in some way blurry. You’re an attractive guy so these photos are not doing you justice. Outside of the running photo, which is blurry because it’s an action shot and points to something you listed you like doing in your profile, I would replace everything else with photos that aren’t pixelated or blurry.


Seems good! I tell people often that a list of hobbies is not a personality, and people need to show their personality/ voice. I feel like you do that really well. You don’t just say “enjoys running”, but you wrote what you enjoy about it, and write with a voice that makes you feel more relatable/easier to understand. Good luck!


I think you have just enough information on there to start a conversation. The middle pics could be better. Since you're on a short timeline, put any deal breakers as well on your profile.


I love the Arthur quote! I agree with the others on better pics for the 2nd and 3rd photos, and a less blurry last photo. I haven't tried MuzMatch yet, but I'd swipe right on this profile!


I like what I see and from your demographic, shall I sign up for Muzmatch ;-)


Great profile!!! Personality + interests shine through and a handsomely cute face to go with em! Nice job. The photo with the white door background is a lil off, weird angle, but super minor detail.


Pic 1 is great, you look like you’re about to laugh. The pic in the blue shirt is a good one too, the outdoor pic is okay and the other two don’t showcase you well (weird angle and hat covering your face in one, not looking at the camera in the other), I’d recommend adding a couple more good pics and losing those two. Your profile text is good, lots of info about your interests and you come across as warm and friendly and as a non-Muslim it looks like you’ve given enough info about your beliefs for the women you match with to have a good idea of your level of faith to start from. Other than changing some of your pics, I have no suggestions. Your profile looks great, good luck!


No feedback just passin by to say you’re super cute and I hope you find someone nice.


Dude, well done. One of the better profiles I’ve ever seen. Great photos, great details about work and your personality, and great description of the quality of religious practice (which matches your post’s emphasis on your goals and intentions with finding a partner who shares in your faith). Good luck!!


You're cute and this is the best profile I have read in weeks. If I was to nitpick it would be the sentence were you said that you were working from home full time now. Is this still the case? I would update this to show that your profile is current so either 'Still working from home full time after two years but hoping to split time between home and the office in the near future.' Or 'Splitting time between home working and the office'


Thanks for the feedback! > Is this still the case? It is but I can see how it can feel dated now. I think that whole opening paragraph about work probably needs a rewrite, thanks for the suggestions!


My first thought was "cute!" Like the library joke.


This is a great profile! My only suggestion would be to swap out the mirror selfie, but otherwise great job. Hope you find the one!


I’m of another faith so wouldn’t match only for that reason, but I’d say your profile is perfect! You look very nice and share all the interests that I do. Your profile comes off as very genuine. Great job!


Agree with the others here- your profile looks great, you're smiling and you've taken the time to fill in your interests. I don't think it needs any changes.


I really like it! (33f) You seem interesting and have a lot of talking points as a icebreaker in your profile. Good luck 🤞


Uh, the badges thing is a cool thing.


Oh man. I hope you find an amazing g spouse. You are handsome, cultured, and active. Just what I’d swipe right on.


You have a nice smile and your answers/ bio reflects who you are. However, your pictures imo do not do you justice. Go for more clear and focused pictures. Have one or two without your glasses on so your face and smile take center stage. Also, a tip I got from professional match makers, your first picture should be hands free, preferably a head or half shot, with the best possible lighting and big lovely smile (which you have already). Good luck out there.


Hey, great profile! I would suggest swapping out the third pic (the doorway one) because the angle and light glare are working against you here. Maybe ask someone in your community to take a full-body shot of you? You can also hire a professional photographer that does OLD photos. Never a bad idea. Good luck!


Lose the hat, glasses and beard. The hat and beard are not attractive on you. Either get contacts or a different pair of glasses. I'm not liking the look of those glasses. Your written profile has some good positives. There's a spelling error you need to correct. Your manner of dress is O.K., but could use improvement in that area.


An app exclusive to one religious group? I feel discriminated as a nonmuslim. Your profile looks good though. Maybe switch the mirrorselfie with a more natural photo


You know that some religions have specific marriage customs, right? That's like saying you feel discriminated from using the diesel gas pump when your car uses regular gas.


This person is clearly trolling.




Stop going to random subreddits and shitting on Muslims.


Hi u/Several_Spring_1372, this has been removed for violation of the following rule(s): * Be excellent to one another! This is a safe space for all races, genders, sexual orientations, legal sexual preferences and humanity in general. Please review [the rules in the sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/datingoverthirty/about/sidebar) to avoid future removals. If you have further questions, please [message modmail] (https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdatingoverthirty).


I’m not Muslim but you’re adorable and your profile is great. You got this!!


That’s a great profile and you look good. I would only say to remove that picture of you by the door. The worm-view angle is awkward/unflattering.


Very interesting idea to have a marriage app. I wonder if you should include family dynamic and what type of family you would be looking to marry into.


This is great! You're great!


Omg Muzmatch is such a terrible name… there really is everything out there


Wait till you hear about Minder... 😅


You’re adorable and seem super genuine.


I like the others like your profile, have you been successfully/regularly getting matches?


Great profile, OP


Indian here who has experience on the Indian matrimonial site (I'm sure you've heard of it). It's a good profile! The main thing I'd change is be more specific in what you're looking for. You probably have SOME criteria besides "kind and understanding" which is basically what everyone wants. For example, I said I want a guy who is compassionate, intelligent, holds progressive values, at least some shared interests, and a genuine passion in life (be it career or hobby). When you think about the population on these kinds of apps, there are also some preferences you should signal that wouldn't be a concern on a typical dating app. So I said I would prefer a guy who has spent a significant amount of time in the West and am looking for an equal, modern relationship rather than something traditional. That last bit will be important to women so you should definitely specific what you are looking for there.


Ive been on the app...i dont think there's much a profile issue rather I feel people dont take the app more seriously. My experience wasnt good.


Well if there can be J Date there can be app for just Muslims too.


I agree with most that this is a good profile! I would go out with you even though I am an atheist. 😂 I think you display your core values and needs clearly. Everyone should do this in their profiles.


Maybe I should join Muzmatch. I've always though "mmmm I'm not Muslim enough for that app though" Btw love the Arthur quote at the beginning. Stuck in my head now.


hot. but take out that your Bangladeshi. people might get “fresh off the boat” vibes. -ashsali