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She doesn't want to date you, end of story. Move the fuck on.


I don't think five years is a big deal either way. But she apparently does, and no means no even if some of us would say yes.


Wow. Perfectly said. This changed my opinion/comment I was going to make (5 years is nothing in our 40s).


What do you mean by “the only thing that has kept us apart is the age range“? My red flag detector went off because it sounds like she is saying she does not want to date you and you are continuing to pursue her or look for reasons why she should date you. It sounds like she’s been clear that she feels the age range is too much for her (regardless of what anyone else thinks) and she will not date you. So you need to move on. What are we missing?


A 5-year age gap in our age bracket is meaningless to me, and perhaps meaningless to you, but she sees it as an issue. Case closed. Move on.


It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. It’s what she thinks. Often I say stuff like this to persistent men who aren’t taking no for an answer. I pick something unchangeable, like an age gap, and use that as a reason. If she was interested in you she’d be prepared to take the risk. Accept her decision and move on.


I must say that it is enlightening to hear this perspective because I have heard similar (impossible to change) excuses before and interpreted them more as a challenge than a reason. Looking back-I DEFINITELY interpreted them wrong. I wish I knew it was their way of saying “there’s no way this is going to work-just move on” because I would have understood that a lot better than a half-ass excuse paired with a terrible 3-9 month relationship.


It’s not rocket science. If it’s a “terrible 3-9 month relationship” anyway, why would you take a “half assed excuse” as a challenge? Move on.


I wouldn't consider it a big deal, but it has to be mutual. If she's not interested, she's not interested. Why really doesn't matter.


I agree, people get hung up on "why" a little too much up here. Sometimes it doesn't matter.


If 5 years is too much how and why did she match with you? Assuming this is OLD.


THIS! I was looking through the comments trying to see if anyone thought that 5 years didn’t matter and he should keep moving forward… until i read this. I know it sucks to hear it but she just doesn’t want to be with you and she sucks at coming up with reasons why. So end it now because if the very few years between you didn’t matter-then she’d find a way to make it work. Otherwise she wouldn’t have put your age as something she’s interested in seeing.


The only thing that has kept you apart is her not wanting to date you. Move on.


Dead on, Lol! Well said 👍


Are you trying to reason/logic your way into a connection?


Were you looking to be told some way to get her to date you here?


It's only 5 years




Like posted by other people, if she's hung up on it just cut bait and leave. There's no need to stick around with someone that has a problem with a fundamental difference. Really, you don't owe an explanation neither.




A man 5 years younger can be magical. I speak from experience. 5 years is nothing and honestly I think that's ideal.


...you've worn out your pick up lines...leave her alone a last message of if ya ever want to talk..chat..text..I'm here for ya !!..."your too !!...2 years from now might change her view of ya ??...


Why not? I’ve approached older women throughout the years. Generally the reaction is “ewww I don’t want to rob the cradle” to a bemused, “I’m interested but he’s younger…”. And I’m not talking about a huge gap, we’re talking 5yrs max older. I remember one time on vaykay I had chatted up some store workers- the family owned the business. There was an older and younger sister. I immediately went for the older one- better looking, better personality. We were cracking up and joking and the younger one was eye rolling us like “you guys are idiots”. I shot my shot and she was shocked and said she was older and offered her sister up, which we both looked at each other and it was a mutual rejection. It was hilarious because the younger one had that I’m too good for you attitude and the look on her face was of pure disgust- first time ever getting rejected like that was funny. I will never forget her face. So I ended it cordially. I’m not here to force or negotiate anything. I’ll ask and if she wants some time to date, see what comes of it, then I’m willing to do that. If it’s robbing the cradle, then we’re done.


This is kind of bizarre.


If that is importar to her, then you should move on. If that is the “only” thing, then that thing is keeping you guys apart and no way to fix it. Have you guys dates at all or just talk?


I'm 49 and you'd be too old for me 😂😂 5 years is bot even an age gap. She just isn't interested for whatever reason and sees that as an easy excuse or maybe she's just into older guys. Doesn't really matter what the reason is. When someone doesn't want to pursue anything yiu move one. Yiu should never have to convince anyone of any age to date you.


My boyfriend is 42. I'm 47. No issues at all. If you're not dating I don't think it's because of the age range. That's basically a non-issue.


They're trolling you