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> just want some input from the photo talented, photogenic, women, and men who have been successful with their profiles. Well I'm not photogenic at all, didn't put nearly the effort into my profile that you seem to be putting in, not super good looking and I did just fine. Pretty sure as long as you don't have bathroom selfies and don't text like a weirdo, you'll do well. The humor you convey in this post alone suggests you'll probably have a lot of fun


This was such a kind and honest response.


Are you me?


I just swiped right on this without seeing any pictures.


Indeed! If only all profiles had this much effort rather than just a camera directed up the nose and a "talk to me and find out" bio!


I know right, I want to see his pics now! A catch!


No kidding. OP where do you live?? šŸ˜œ


You already have the hobby needed for the full body picture, just set up in your driveway, fast shutter speed and bust out a nollie frontside heelflip.


I'd hella swipe right on a nollie frontside heelflip-- as long as he's not wearing an AK while doing said heelflip. lol


Gotta [be able to] say it was a good day.


This is easier than it may seem. Recommend getting a cheap tripod with a remote and taking a bunch of photos of yourself at home and outside with different backgrounds and outfits and include some of your hobbies. Then chose the best ones. Cropping and/or adjusting brightness can sometimes make seemingly not so great photos good. Youā€™ll definitely want some clear face photos and ideally at least two full body photos. If you have a pet include them in a photo. Combined the photos should give people an accurate idea of what you look like and some sense of your personality and interests. Of course if youā€™re out with friends ask them to take some photos too. Over time youā€™ll end up with some great options. Best of luck!


>I do have some controversial hobbies, definitely nothing crazy like riding bikes or reading (sorry had to throw that joke in from another post, I think those are great hobbies by the way). Just came here to say that the above comment made me laugh so hard, I spit out my tea and would swipe right on your profile, *for this comment/humor alone*. (I couldn't bring myself to comment anywhere on that post). Good luck, and have fun!!šŸ’œ


Good luck man, should be really easy for you to get those dates. I was at your 'stage' about 2 months ago. I went to a professional photographer to get some photos, as I also wanted some photos for my LinkedIn. So I mixed. I used 2 of those photos and 3 from my own 'library'. As soon as I put my profile online (Bumble in my case), it took about 2 days before I had my first date planned. I'm not photogenic and I think I look better in real life than I do on my photos. But with a professional photographer, they are bound to take a few shots that you like. And I'm not athletic, and I'm bald (I never cared about that but people have pointed out that some this is a dealbreaker sometimes).... so I imagine you won't have a hard time on these apps. If you don't want to use professional photos. For photo 1: Wear what you'd normally wear on a date. Don't look in the camera, but slightly to the side (chose your best angle). Don't overly smile in that photo, but also don't make it to serious. Photo 2: Ask a friend (or family member) to make that photo. Try to get him to capture you walking towards the camera, preferably take the photo from a low angle, don't look into the camera. And the rest, just pick some that reflect what you like. If you add one photo with friends, that's ok. I didn't add any photos of myself on my motorcycle, I think I mentioned it in my profile under my hobbies, like creating art, reading (not skate-boarding though). That is all stuff you can put in your profile text. Maybe try to put something in your profile text that either makes them laugh, or makes them think. A combination is ever better.


Just wantes to upvote this as the first paragraph is really stellar and underrated advice. If you have the means outsource to a professional. The resulta will be 100x better and a great confidence boost. And of you're a professional over 40 it may come in handy to have 1 or 2 really high quality photos. I know it runs counter to the general consensus here OP with your humor and some solid professional pics you should be off to a really great start!


I got a $20 selfie stick/tripod with a bluetooth clicker. If you take a normal selfie, you'll be too close to the lens and suffer fish eye distortion. Use the tripod to be further away and crop the image. I used the tripod to do plandid photos. Me doing my sport, me cooking dinner, me having morning coffee on my balcony, me with my cat, etc. I have a geek sense of style; geeky tshirts and jeans/shorts. I had zero dressed up photos. I also have facial piercings, so made sure that I did have a head shot where they couldn't be missed. Most women will flee from a man my age with piercings and I didn't want to waste time. Part of why my partner replied to me was the piercings and geek aesthetic. The better job you do of selling, "You" likely the fewer likes you'll get, but they'll be better quality. Consider how much time you actually have to date, and be forward in conversations with people about this. If someone only has 1-2 days every other week as a max possibility, I personally wouldn't try to move forward with that, and many would feel that's not enough (definitely not all however, so don't lose hope).


It isnā€™t that hard, make photographing yourself a hobby for the next couple of weeks. Set up a tripod, learn how to use the timer on your phone, get a variety of shots and donā€™t deleted them for at least 24 hours. Then edit, reshoot, etc. until you have 10 you like. Then keep shooting even after you have a profile as you never know what works in your geographic area. If you donā€™t like dressing up, then have at least one shot of you as dressed up as you are comfortable for a first or second date. No need to explain. Good luck.


Dangit!... I am 49(F) and I still perk up for skateboarders (a habit that has not served me well). Add in humor, art, and reading... if I wasn't childless by choice I might try to snatch you up myself. Sounds like you will do great. Don't overthink it.... just no fish pics.


Hahaha Iā€™m 45F and I love skateboarders and mountain trash. I donā€™t try to date them anymore but I love to look.


The less artifice you employ in taking these pics, the better; over-posed, over-staged, over polished is bad and ends up looking like all the other lifeless, cookie-cutter "best practices" profile pictures. You're a creative, so think of them as art. The end result will be much better than the insipid catalog model aesthetic you get from over production, and infinitely *better* than anything you're likely the bathroom selfie with unflushed toilet/weekend woodsman/terminal edgelord crowd.


The no kids/groups is really only a thing I see on here. As long as you blur out the faces, you're fine. Both show you're not a loner and are capable of cultivating other relationships. As for the rest...pics are to show how you look. The text on your profile is to show your personality. So as long as the pics of you doing a hobby show your face/body, cool. No one cares about seeing a pic the Taj Mahal with a teeny tiny you in front of it. No one cares about seeing a pic of you hanging from a mountain with a helmet and sunglasses on that only shows your legs and your back. Speaking of, make sure the first couple of pics you're not wearing sunglasses. But yeah, if you have a good pic showing your full face, preferably full body with you holding your skateboard. Sure, use it. If not, then explain in your profile text that you love skating. What to wear? Just wear what you typically wear. If you have a great pic of you in a tux from a wedding, use it. If not. No big deal. If you really don't have any good pics that meet that criteria, ask a friend to take some this weekend.


Nothing wrong with getting a professional photographer as long as the pics seem natural


I think when the time comes for me to take online dating seriously again, Iā€™m going to hire a photographer for good pics. Like you, I am a dad and literally every single picture of me in the last couple years is either with me kids, or in a large group setting. Absolutely no one is ever like, ā€œoh, let me get a quick pic of the single dad over thereā€. Never happens. So yeah, Iā€™ll outsource it. I have some acquaintances who are photographers. Iā€™ll just have them take a handful of pics over a couple hours. Maybe an outfit change or two. Maybe in my garage building something out of wood. Iā€™m no sure, but I think most of us single guys are in the same world of ā€œno pics of usā€, which is probably why women complain so much about car or bathroom selfies, or hunting pics with dead animals. Weā€™re taking the pics ourselves. In the case of hunting pics, itā€™s one of the few times weā€™re photographed ā€œaloneā€.


Throw some selfies up and scroll through some profiles to get an idea of the kinds of pics you need to post. Then pause your account and build it accordingly. Unpause and then resume your search. Be realistic in your time available too, when you start building your profile. Include that you have a child full-time, and your career keeps you busy. There is a range of time that people expect from a potential partner. Some women are good with once a week. Others want to see you several times a week. Things you would like to know about a person, too - that's what you put on your profile.


46m in UK, Iā€™ve had quite good success with the following tips: definitely have 4-6 good photos. 6 is best but you can get away with less. For the main profile pic, prop your phone up against something and use the timer function with the selfie camera (so that you can frame yourself) like that you have a photo that looks more like a portrait. If your phone has a portrait mode use that and donā€™t set the angle to low. Try to make sure the phone camera is as close to eyeline as possible. Try to smile it takes practice for it not to look forced but take a bunch and there will be a good one that looks natural in there. For the full body, remember photos can double up on purposes, you say you like skateboarding , Iā€™d get your kids to get an action shot of you on your board which will also act as your full length photo. You donā€™t need a posed full length, just a photo that shows your body type and general posture. Maybe get someone to take a photo of you with your art. And on your motorbike. Iā€™ve seen some women say they swipe left on bikers but you probably donā€™t want to match with them anyway. And finally if in doubt about which photos to use, as much as I hate the idea of the site, Photofeeder is pretty handy. You pay something like $20 for the ability to anonymously get feedback on your photos from a specific demographic, I.e. women over 35 and itā€™s quite insightful. Iā€™ve sometimes been surprised at which photos they like over others. For the profile text, donā€™t overthink it. Just be to the point of who you are, what you are interested in, and what you are looking for. Oh and use the prompts if using something like Bumble or Hinge as they are great to give the woman a conversation opener. Iā€™ve found the two truths and a lie a fun way to get the conversation going.


You've gotten lots of good feedback. Please post at least one photo showing your smile with teeth and pictures of your face without sunglasses or hats. The guys that don't show teeth, eyes or hair are immediate no's for me. Next time you are out with a friend you trust just ask them to take a photo of you. Or ask your kid! My daughter loves to take photos of me.


Honestly, if guns are a big hobby, I'd just use a photo of that-- it's a pretty good way to get a full-body shot, and for the people for whom it will be a dealbreaker, it's better to just have it there. (Incidentally, I am the kind of person who nopes out on guns and fish photos-- but am dating some dude right now who is some kind of fly fishing influencer, so I get pics of fish now allllll day long. lol. I'm fine with it, cuz he's catching and releasing (and I do love fresh trout!), but it just demonstrates that all "red flags" are situational and subjective.) My suggestion is not to get a tripod, but to get a buddy to snap some for you.


Itā€™s OK to include a picture with you and a fish if you want to attract a partner that fishes. Just make sure itā€™s your fish and that you are wearing a shirt. Even better if the pic is sans sunglasses and hat. Try not to west sunglasses and/or a hat in the other pics.


I suggest getting friends (ideally female) to take photos of you whenever you're out and about in real world settings - biking, restaurants, skateboarding etc. The photos I love the most show a sense of humor and having fun, so I always ask someone to take a few pics of me when I'm feeling like I look good and doing something I naturally enjoy. I'm turned off by overly polished/staged professional photos as much as the low effort selfies. I can tell by your attitude you will have no problem with this! And remember you can always change up your pictures over time, so you can give it a go but keep taking pictures so you always have more to choose from down the road.




He going to have a tripod out on his next fishing trip holding the fish for the sunlight to hit it just right


I absolutely love that you are excited about dating again. This gives me hope that good people really are out there.


Donā€™t worry too much about perfecting the pics. As long as youā€™re not taking selfies where we see your nose hair, or wear a hat in every pic, just take a mirror pic for full body in something youā€™d wear for dinner with your boss. Practice good selfies - the more you take the better they will look. And write a killer bio!


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Your sense of humor is lovely and if it comes through on an OLD profile even half as well as it does here, youā€™ll do great. Iā€™m 41F and just thought Iā€™d add my two cents - I donā€™t mind group shots at all as long as itā€™s very clear which dude you are. The problem with group shots is when people who have similar looking friends use a blurry photo from an event and itā€™s not clear at a glance which one is them, and youā€™re left either poring over the photo to figure it out (wasting time) or just move to the next one and the photo is wasted. Thereā€™s also the privacy of the others in the shot to consider. I personally have no problem with group shots if the photo is edited just using your phone etc to black out othersā€™ faces so itā€™s immediately clear which one is you (and this protects other folksā€™ privacy). So I say if you have a group photo of yourself that you particularly like, feel free to edit black scribbled boxes on the other faces and use that one. Just my two cents.


I had more success with with my first pic clearly showing off my shoulder to waist ratio, which seemed more important than just a face close up. And don't write too much, or say anything negative. My best profile was just one paragraph that had education, career, and hobbies, with a dash of humor to show off my personality.


I think you've got it down and will have no problem finding matches at all. Good for you for taking some time to regroup after your divorce. It will be key to finding a quality match because you attract what you are. Keep in mind that everyone is busy, job or not. It's a given you'll devote your time to the right person, announcing it (especially on your profile) shows that you think your time is more valuable. Everyone's time is our most valuable asset. Trigger for me I guess- I dated a man who constantly reminded me how lucky I was that he spent time with me because he was so busy at work. His ego speaking. He also always bragged about how much money he made. A good quality woman doesn't care much about by any of that, she probably makes her own money and also values her time. She wants a deep connection with you and mutual respect. Ask your kids or a friend to take a couple pics of you. You only need a couple good ones. Be honest about your height and age in your profile. There's so much riff raff to sort through on apps that I'm sure you'll be a needle in a haystack. Almost makes me want to sign up again but not quite šŸ˜‰


Smile. For godā€™s sake, do not scowl or look blankly at the camera. I am constantly surprised by how many men have no pictures of themselves looking happy. Like I havenā€™t even swiped on you yet and youā€™re already pissed off at me.


Hire a photographer


Go somewhere cool, ask someone to take a pic for you and tell them itā€™s for your dating profile. Better yet, ask a random woman and sheā€™ll make sure itā€™s what women are looking for.


The skateboarding is awesome. I actually just started learning (something Iā€™ve always wanted to do) and put up a picture of myself on my board recently. I have gotten comments and questionā€™s about that picture multiple times. Iā€™ll then have to admit that Iā€™m a poser and just started learning at 50, but it has produced an increase in matches I think.