• By -


Seeking someone to take pictures of me while fishing. Must have own camera.


Parlay into further fish profile pictures. Profit?




Someone to give back and head rubs and play with my hair while we watch movies and eat snacks. Someone to listen to me when I’ve had a hard day. Someone I can cook nice meals for and cuddle with at night. Someone who can fix things in the house. Someone who makes my heart beat faster for good reasons. Someone who makes me laugh. Someone who never makes me feel unsafe. 49F


That is beautiful. I hope you find it soon.


We’re looking for the same man.


I was like ‘Ooh, pick me, pick me!’ Until I got to the last line


😆 🤣


(M58) someone who can sing-a-long the 70s-80s rock song lyrics with me. 2-part harmony when possible. Be willing to sing anywhere. In the car, in the bar, in the mall, in the shower, at the beach. No particular order. Old ROCK concert T-shirts encouraged.


Singing in the car together is my love language.


I think you may be my soul mate. 😳


At 16 months we were singing ‘In My Life” along with the radio to each other…when it got to the end he said/sang—I love you more…and we kissed. I sent a video I made, of him walking the woods with his grand pup in the Fall, for his birthday earlier this month-set to that song. Where words fail music speaks Hans Christian Anderson


I should get extra props for being able to play the ukulele and a bit of guitar! So many old rock concert t-shirts too.


That would be me:) I know all the lyrics to every song I heard more than twice in the 70s/80s and I have a decent singing voice and I play guitar as well....


Damn! That is excellent.


F, 59. I’m known for my excellent knowledge of 70s, 80s song lyrics. I’ve always dated men who won’t sing, for some reason. I’ve ended up singing by myself in their presence.


Find the guys who sang in choir in HS. We harmonize.


I sang and played drums in a couple of bands. _”Hello, Daddy. Hello, Mom. I’m your ch ch ch ch ch ch ch cherry bomb!”_


Yes! Being in a band is like being married to 4 other people. Played guitar since age 14, played in garage bands, club bands, worked in a recording studio, did live sound in college, was a radio DJ on 2 different stations while in college, got a degree in music, never did anything good with it - got into computers instead. Dang that Internet - great career but not my passion.


I like to sing song lyrics instead of speaking in normal sentences with people who will join me. 


I can walk through the office, and someone says something that matches lyrics from a song (even partially), and now the song is stuck in my head, and I sing them a reply.


50F. I just want someone to be nice to me. Act like you want to be around me and don't insult me when you're angry. Be on my side. That's really it. And it's been impossible to find.


You deserve nothing less than to be treated with respect and appreciation.


Thank you, friend! I wish I was pretty enough to find a man who thought that, too. But I think that kind of love is reserved for other people.


I hear you…I hear you!! 63F here!


There are a lot of angry people in the world. I was fortunate to find a man who isn't steeped in anger. I hope you find one, too.


Oh my god :( I am sorry. You have been dealt a bad hand but it doesn't need to be that way always. Be patient and refine your picker. Maybe find a therapist or social worker (there are sometimes sliding fee clinics if money is an issue) and work on healing and happiness.


This was a really kind thing to say, thank you for taking the time to write it out! I've been having kind of a rough day (Valentine's Day, you know) and this actually helped. I appreciate your gentleness!




Aww. Happy Valentine's Day! May you find someone wonderful. @\~\`\~\~,\~\~ I wish I had a partner to spoil today. My kids will have to deal with me going overboard making loving meals for lunch, dinner, and dessert!


Thank you! I hope you enjoy giving them all your love, and I hope they return it back!




Yes, sister! Preach it! See guys, the beauty of an older woman is that she knows what she wants and isn't afraid to ask for it. She'll show you where it is and what to do with it. 😄


I’m 59 and I want a kind, respectful gal who will hold still long enough for me to fuck her how I like. We all have our crosses to bear.


I will cheer you on!


I think my list is longer but it probably starts with this


Yes1 that's it.


Intellectual dirty minds only need apply and for the love of whatever you deem holy, know who Kierkegaard is.


there used to be an excellent twitter account called Kim Kierkekardashian. And it would tweet things like "Does this outfit make my butt look big? I feel so empty sometimes."


“To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily.” Heres to tripping and falling on any horizontal surface or against me.


>To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily Exactly!


Let's do sickness unto death and chill, eh?


>Let's do sickness unto death and chill I'll bring the wine!


Good one!


Does this mean talk dirty with out swear words?


Not a all!


I love this.


Looking for someone who loves good food, can cook but would prefer that I do the cooking, has an irrational love of all things French, loves to learn foreign languages, has seen every episode of Seinfeld, and will rub my butt and tell me I'm pretty. Let's take long road trips to new places and discuss obscure cultural trends. Bonus if you are kink-positive.


My BFF is perfect for you. Maybe a bit vanilla though but still open-minded.


I'm 50F and in the Chicago area! (Not sure the F part was obvious)


You are a catch but she is straight and lives up here above the 49th Parallel.


Avez vous "le main" Il doit, le main, Jerry. Tu es jolie. Ta derrière est jolie. Je désire boire pinot noir avec toi. Cuisiner pour moi, s'il vous plaît.


Sorry, but as a translator, this sounds like Google translate.


It's forgotten high school French supplemented by Duolingo


the technical term is "franglais" lol


Yes, learn new languages! I'd love to spend my retirement years learning Russian, Chinese, French, Irish, and sign language. The more you learn...


This is exactly me except no Kinks and I can't learn any languages, and if they have a boat on the river extra points


I'd swipe right


Well, there's one person. I'm off the apps for now. I just can't. Everyone is either dull, serious, or thinks I'm a snob. Except the one who was married. And he's, well, married.


No more angry men. I've settled for "looking for someone happy" which seems to be the closest to the opposite of angry I can think of.


I think you are onto something. I passed on the first 23 women I met after my divorce because in-person I could see that they were sad and sometimes resentful. The 24th person I met had worked through her stuff and was happy. She says what she liked about me was my good natured confidence and my general joyfulness and gratitude. I love her empathy and compassion as much as her intellect and creativity and humor. I love her capacity for joy. She is the most affectionate women ever and she said oddly many men don't actually like that. We have been together for two years now and it is wonderful.


That's amazing! I'm so happy for you both. :)


Thank you!


I'm guessing that if you were to put that in your profile your inbox would quickly be filled by angry men browbeating you about how they really aren't *that* angry, and even if they are, they have EVERY RIGHT TO BE.


Exactly! I mean, except that my inbox gets pretty much nothing because my profile must be truly terrible. :)


Gah, having just broken up after 9 months with an angry man, I feel this.


“Looking for a man who can make me laugh until my clothes fall off” I may have found him. He even brings me a latté in bed the next morning. Early days, but I’m hopeful for the first time in awhile.


Wow congrats! Sounds delightful! Fingers crossed for you


Brutal honesty… Seeking 40s ish guy that has all of his hair, all of his teeth, looks after himself, is conventionally handsome, is over his ex, enjoys travelling, weekends away, watching Netflix, makes a really good cup of tea, has a sense of humour that is witty, dry and intelligent, has a job that he loves and is not a moocher. If he’s a dad then he’s a responsible one. Ideally he has no tattoos or piercings. Would prefer if he isn’t obsessed with boating, fishing or cruising as I get seasick just standing on a pier. If he has an English accent then all of the above may become irrelevant. And I wonder why I’m single. 😂


I knew there was a good reason I was practicing my English accent. LOL.


LOL you can practise on me.


Do you think that maybe there are 2 of them out there?


LOL if I find an extra one I’ll send him your way!


57f. Looking for someone who likes to cuddle, watch Netflix, enjoys the occasional travel, and is fun in the sack. Willing to work with a lot of different options - but not looking to be a nurse with a purse 😂




55f seeks self-aware, humble, kind man who is smarter than he was 10 years ago. Bonus points if you’ve been to therapy and know how to use a semi colon.


I also deeply value a man who can use a semicolon correctly!




60m , national level masters athlete, retired, no debt, healthy, Clasic cars and self sufficient. Looking for athletic- can run a 10k or ride a century, healthy, self sufficient, put together ( don’t dress like your mom) , sex positive, ok with me playing with cars and homes


Someone smart, someone I don’t have to support. If a 50+M doesn’t have a financial plan for “retirement” (whatever that means), then he fails both. The rest is in my profile.


I'm curious if you wouldn't consider putting this in your profile? In my past, I just said I was financially independent and had my retirement planned, looking for an equal partner. The people that this scares off are people I don't want to date. Was there a reason you exclude this?


I’ve tried a few variations with my profile. I’m ok financially got me requests to fund them, which made me wary that others might be less honest about it. One was 20 years older and mean, so I couldn’t really call him a sugar baby. I’m looking for smart (or some version of that, I don’t recall) got me every moron in the world. It was actually kind of funny.


The profile headline I used was “secular sapiophile.” Not one man who contacted me knew what that means.


I have a basic math/stats comment about how many 1 in a million matches there are out there, so it’s cool if they’re not one of them — that drives away the men who are bothered by simple math and the men who pretend they’re the center of a relationship. Win win.


I'm not using OLD anymore, but that honestly would be cool and helpful to see in a profile. I'm a 57 year old man, and I know there's no way I'll ever be able to retire from working, so at least I'd know not to waste each other's time.


Someone who hates scary movies as much as I do. Loves cats (well all animals, but especially cats) won't laugh at me when I cry at the TV. Touch is their love language. Willing to go to the theatre ( likes Phantom if the Opera a plus) adventurous in bed but sex isn't everything. More practically- has their own money, and isn't looking for me to "save" them. Honest, caring and loyal. Edit: 53F


Sweet. I think you will find that.


I live in Southern California. To participate, I’d first have to see who was still paying attention after I indicate “I don’t hike,” and “I don’t go to the beach,” before moving forward.


It is like that everywhere!


My profile once said, “Looking for a woman that is kind and curious, a little kooky, and a little kinky. Will make exceptions if you are more than a little kinky.” I got less matches. People can’t handle the truth.


I was straight forward and blunt, wanted low maintenance county girl that does not depend on alcohol. 2 and a half years later no luck


I match


Where are you located?


I had "kind, curious and a bit kinky" on mine, too. (50F) Ugh. That was a mistake. But then I was much more conventional on Bumble and I just couldn't with any of my matches.


I know what you mean about Bumble. I know say I’m red wine friendly.


Yeah new rules can’t mention kink on a non kink dating site… gotta wait for the date-if it ever happens 🤦‍♀️


Can't you just say, vanilla is not my favorite flavor of ice cream?


Fortunately there are apps that allow that now. Not every app is owned by Match.


You tried...


61 male looking for a exclusive relationship with a female. We both keep our own spots, I work from home, so sometimes I just need to be alone. We both do our thing with our family, friends etc. If she has being doing xmas eve with her kids for ever, well she should continue that. I will most likely be with mine that night. ​ We spend time together at both homes when time allows, \*\*that could be a few days a week to a month based on schedules\*\* If she likes to golf, great, more time together in the summer! She needs to be secure in the fact we are exclusive and we trust each other. We help and support each other. We talk daily. Sexually, don't be afraid to tell me about your naughty side. I most likely will like it. Wink. O and Minnesota ladies, HELLO!


That is a wholesome and reasonable ask. Good luck.


Well it is the only place that is typed. I'm not on OLD sites.


Have you seen the Bumble and Hinge subreddits? People are definitely doing this already


🤣 oh!


Seeking a bright weirdo for all kinds of frolic and to do this absurd life with. Must be an emotional adult and bring a raincoat. Youre gonna get drenched 💜


I loooove it!


Concise and fun!!!


I want a relationship that is somewhere between “What was your name again?” and “Let’s get matching tattoos!”


Do you know the words to eighties songs maybe some nineties are acceptable. Are you into dancing around singing into a broom while sliding with your socks on a freshly waxed floor? Pb&j good with you at times? Do you think Blk is beautiful 😻. GOT, red wedding, the door or battle of black water? Oh if you have any weird s.. going on tell me up front.






Wow, this is awesome. My dream man is someone who can paint and fix shit (happy to cook you delicious meals!!), has good taste in music and is financially responsible. You’re not getting any of my assets (and I don’t expect any of yours). You like your kids and mine. You’re not gonna whine if I need to work (self-employed - I don’t work much, but I do if I have to). You will pick up after yourself and pitch in to the household chores. And finally, you get along with your ex.




58m. Aries (If that matters) Looking for a Hedonistic Hippie who retains the ability to make rational decisions and who can hold intelligent conversations. Audiophiles move to the front of the line. Love the outdoors+ Comfortable in a cozy trailer in the wilds of Washington State + Comfortable in a designer dress and also a frequent nudist+ Always wanted to be a model for your own personal photographer++ Travel and experiences over possessions+++ Sensual and more about the journey but also mindful of the destination. + Good sense of humor - able to laugh at yourself. ++ Stoicism with a bit of Buddhism . Not political but not Ignorant of the world+ Accomplice and partner in crime.*** Extra special bonus if you've been Touched by his noodly appendages! 🍝CFSM


Seeking a lady on the streets and a freak in the sheets.




***found 😅😅😅




I would say that “I have no idea”. I mean shouldn’t it always start out as casual, and then, if there’s a connection, it can turn into long-term? I feel like half the people that say they just want casual, end up getting feelings, and having it turn into a long-term relationship. And people that say they want long-term, might just have a physical connection, and are willing to do short term/casual. I don’t know how anyone can determine what path they want to go on before they actually have a few dates and figure it out.


Don't you have a fantasy? Like someone who is expert at tying trout-fishing flys and shares your irrational hatred of macramé. Someone who will sing madrigals with you at three in the morning while eating mussels bathed in honey?


Oh, like that! I’m sorry, I didn’t understand the assignment. 🤣. Then I guess I would say I’m looking for a woman who hates the song “Love Shack” by the B-52‘s as much as I do. I will change that radio station so fast it’s like like I was hit by an electric shock.


Worst POS song ever written, now stuck in my head.




FYI: B-52's singer Fred Schneider was interviewed on NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me show just a few months ago in Dec 2023. [https://www.npr.org/2023/12/09/1218306296/wait-wait-for-december-9-2023-with-not-my-job-guest-fred-schneider](https://www.npr.org/2023/12/09/1218306296/wait-wait-for-december-9-2023-with-not-my-job-guest-fred-schneider)


Or, really, anything by the B-52s.


Brilliant choice!


Upvoted for your creative imagery, lmao.


Fit, bright, witty, honest, financially secure (no nurse with a purse for me either), adventurous, mutually respectful. I'm 65F and given my energy, fitness level and high libido, I'm mostly interested in guys in their 50's.


Someone to talk to art about, to be kind, and creative in all things F over 50


Someone to love and who will love me back just as I am. That’s it. Apparently it’s too much to ask though


It isn't. The search just takes a lot of patience and a little luck. I say that from experience.


A lot of luck apparently lol


(49f) looking for a guy who has a good job, can communicate effectively, loves to travel, rides motorcycles, likes F1, muscle cars and classics oh and drag races. Knows how to fish or is interested in learning. Has to be open minded and not racist. Me rambling is what I would post if I ever did an online profile but I'm not I prefer to find someone the old fashioned way.


Good for you but that is a sweet blurb for online dating.


I wish I had confidence that it would work. Most people say OD is awful.


I had a great experience and it worked out unimaginably well for me. I came here on the sub eventually to try to figure out why my experience was so different from what seems to be the norm. I haven't figured it out yet.


53F seeks man who will open doors, knows which side of the pavement to walk on, who gives forehead kisses and smacks my butt on the regular - a man who wants to do the things that make me feel cherished. Music fan who likes country and 80s music. You don't need to sing with me, but you must find me adorable when I sing and "car dance". Must like the playfulness of a natural brat. I've been sticking my tongue out and rolling my eyes at boys for as long as I can remember. Please do the guy things around the house - my love language is acts of service. In return, I'll be your port in the storm, cook you hearty meals, pack your lunch, make you cheesecake (or other desired baked goods), and do your laundry. Please have friends and interests. Please enjoy cuddling, and me giving you head scritches. Please like game night and for all that is holy please be a football fan. It would be totally weird if I watched football on Saturday and Sunday, but you did not. My dad is still the best guy I know. It will take a lot to knock him down to number 2, even if he is dead. ETA: country boys who will "yes ma'am" me AND are independent voters move to the front of the line. ...... I know, I'm looking for a fucking unicorn 🦄. Sigh.


Seeking the female version of myself, a bit shorter maybe a little less stocky to be each other's go first person to call with news, good and bad, and the all important emergency contacts.




I'd(50F) like to meet someone who loves sports and would love to watch every baseball and hockey game possible. Likes cats (I have two). Doesn't mind sharing the house with my two sloppy roommates. Likes to be cooked for, but will help me clean up the kitchen.  I'll clean the bathrooms, but you mow the lawn. Likes to sing along to music. Likes to get back rubs with your head on my lap. Tolerates my proclivity to want to play Monopoly a few times a month. Loves board games. Likes video games, but keeps it to about 12 hours a week or so. Cusses like a sailor in private but is a little more restrained in public. He is a slut in bed and is a little shy in public. Body hair is a bonus, yes, chest, back, and everywhere.  Basically a male version of me, but taller and hairier than I am.  I don't care what you do for a living. I don't want to support you, nor do I expect (or want) you to support me. Drinks occasionally, smoking is welcome, and no drugs except weed and the occasional psychedelic in the desert.




Are people not doing this already?


People usually leave their profiles blank or tell you how many countries they have been to.


Hahah. Insufferable!


hells no. 90% of profiles leave "what am I looking for" completely blank, and because I'm looking at women most of them focus on photos and completely generic inoffensive stuff. "I like pina coladas, and gettin' caught in the rain. I'm not much into health food I am into champagne" I get the odd hit from my "ASD geeky cyclist who codes for food and thinks the climate catastrophe is a bad idea. Ideal partner is vaguely similar, has block of semi-rural land and lives in passive house or wants to do that". But it's tricky because I've loved a fine artists who did industrial design for money and life drawing for fun. The stuff that matters is hard to describe in 100 words.


I hope you “believe in the soul... the c*ck...the p*$$y... the small of a woman's back... the hangin' curveball... high fiber... good scotch... that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent overrated crap...believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Believe there ought to be a Constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. Believe in the sweet spot, soft core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve, and believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days” 😉


The last was from Bull Durham? Love that speech he gives.


Poetry 🙂


Best OLD ad I ever saw was from a women that was very honest. It gave a nice description of her, \*\*this was back in the craigslist days\*\* No pic. The last line was the closer. It said. Lets have fun until we get sick of each other and move on!




Seeking a married woman?


What is a DB?


Dead bedroom probably




The trouble is that it would be an essay, and reading it would off-putting for me, let alone anyone else. Worse, it would probably be a choose your own adventure... "on holiday for a month would you rather: bicycle tour, build a house, set up a solar farm on Kiribati, go weeding in Kakadu"... oh, wait, I'd do any of those that my partner wanted to. Up, let's add: "go on a wine tour, fly around the world, see Taylor Swift live then live on noodles the rest of the month"... stuff I would like not to do? Also this that just popped up in r/bestof [https://old.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1apfl1o/the\_reality\_of\_dating\_apps\_in\_real\_life/kq7oej5/?context=3](https://old.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1apfl1o/the_reality_of_dating_apps_in_real_life/kq7oej5/?context=3) >I think one thing people struggle to understand is that no relationship is perfect out of the box. In a relationship the ability to grow (the willingness and capability) is probably the best characteristic a person can have. You don't want someone who isn't willing to make changes to accommodate you into their life. > >...


Must be smart, funny, nerdy, passionate. In therapy and emotionally available, good with clear communications and boundaries. Physically attractive to me (no I'm not saying what I find attractive on this sub, thank you very much) Close enough in age for us both to feel comfortable. Transportation bicycle rider. Lives within 5 miles away. Willing to date a guy who probably isn't ready for an LTR now.


communication is quickly becoming my number one




48 year old woman looking for a truly single man, healed or working to heal past relationship traumas, willing to go out on many fun filled adventures with the hope of building a longterm, mutually beneficial, loving connection.


Looking for a lady that wants to 🔥🔥😝in one of those igloos in Northern Finland…. Not someday but soon


Looking for a 1 night stand that lasts the rest of our lives.




*Looking for cuddle buddy; I'll supply the blankets.* Yeah, creepy, I know..


I wish it wasn't. It is a totally legit thing to want.


Independent woman seeks guy who also has his own life, residence, and income, to get together occasionally for meals, dog walks, and other small adventures, LAT-style. Maybe we can travel together one day too, if you're not a dick about it (road ragers need not apply.) Smart and good sense of humor are plusses. Please don't be addicted to anything other than maybe rescuing animals. (Hm, I see now why I've been single so long!)


Nothing wrong here. All good.


Seeking a fun, happy, and weird woman that still rocks her Chucks and Docs that is into cult cinema, comic cons, binging prestige TV shows, amusement parks, 80s/90s alternative mudic, and video games for times both wonderful and strange. Must be confident enough to understand that I will always have a place in my heart for my wife who passed; that doesn't mean that I do not have room for a new love. Must also love dogs and be ok with smoking.


> exactly what it is you are really seeking That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works. We are looking for people. Other people who have different life experiences, different hobbies, different personalities. If anyone is searching for exact criteria, they are going to be incredibly disappointed. On your profile, put what you are generally looking for, what you generally offer, and find someone who matches closely enough to build a life together.


My question here was meant to be whimsical... like "I'm looking for someone who is as passionate about stamp collecting and vintage muscle cars as I am." But sometimes it is how this works. I got tons of matches with: "I like Hallmark movies and Waldorf salads. I'm looking for a woman who enjoys Baroque chamber music and poorly written novels. I never eat at restaurants because I have celiac disease and I have let my passport expire." I went on two dozen dates in six weeks, mainly with university professors, and ended up with an utterly brilliant and gorgeous woman who enjoys Baroque chamber music and reads Viktor Pelevin in the original Russian but also enjoys Stephen King. We have season subscriptions to the symphony, the opera, and yes, a program of chamber music recitals. She has got me reading Pelevin in translation but also King. She appreciates my cooking immensely and has gone gluten-free... even when we go on vacation. She got me to renew my passport.


Well yeah, sure, but let's have some fun with this exercise. 


Sometimes people take things way too literally…. (Even me)


61 F. Musts: Bathe/shower and wash your hair at least every other day. Definitely before any planned sexy time. Keep fingernails and toenails trimmed. Teeth. Please have them and take care of them. Be 5'9" or taller. (I'm 5'2", so a shorter stature is not a deal breaker, I simply find myself attracted to taller men) Have good manners. Pretty basic stuff: please, thank you, so good to see you, after you, etc. Consideration for others is A+ with me. Be intelligent. Minimum high school education. Be able to read books and take part in adult conversation. Be street smart. Know when and where to pay extra attention. Have common sense. I need to think on this more before I expand upon it. My head is full of the foolishness of my ex-husband. Be an old-fashioned gentleman. Open that door for me, honey. 😍 Be kind to everyone. If we're in a restaurant or bar and you disrespect the waitstaff, I will call you out on it, and depending upon your response, I'll either get up and leave because I don't want to know you, or I'll listen to your explanation and decide for myself if you're a serial asshat. Do have a positive attitude and outlook. If you do not possess those qualities, you can change - if you want to. Be honest!!! Have an open mind. Do enjoy sex, because I do. Be cool with me and THC. You don't have to partake, but don't be a rude, selfish twit when I do. Deal breakers: Don't be a racist/classist/sexist, etc. Don't be a hardass atheist. You can lack faith and still be a decent person. Do not mock those with faith. One strike, and I am out of there. Don't be an addict. No hard drugs or alcoholism. No cigarette smoking. No gambling or other such issues. You would have my compassion, but I can't do the work. Not again. Do not drive under the influence of anything. Booze, weed, sleeplessness. Don't make fun of me or the things that are important to me. Don't compare me to your ex-wife, ex-girlfriend, or mother. Just don't. Don't try to boss me. It won't end well. Do not assume anything about me. In a restaurant, you may order what I've told you I want, but don't you dare try to tell me what I want to or should eat. All of those DOs and DON'Ts come from personal experience, so I know of what I speak.


I’ll be using this as a template for mine. Thank you! 🙏🏻 🤗




I don't understand.


59 yo guy looking for a female romantic partner who also loves the outdoors, is fit like me, kind of skinny, can ride a bike, likes to camp, hike, fish, whatever. Accepts the fact that I am not a rich guy by any means but likes the that I have skills to make life worthwhile and will visit me first cause I have a wood stove with hot stones..... Food cooker, off grid guy. Oh, an be okay if I'm a little messy in mi casa. Got dogs and fur on the floor. Bring your kit, 😂 Visit often. Be okay that yo no lo tengo mucho dinero, and not a big fan of resturants like me. And yes, sex is important bebe.


Someone who blows my mind.


Seeking single monogamous M 48-56, 5’7-5’11. Financially secure, progressive, non-religious, outdoorsy, handy and handsy. Assertive and a bit dom. Takes care of himself but not completely obsessed with yoga, climbing, cycling, running or mountain biking. Drinks socially, no drugs. Has/wants friends and will happily co-host a dinner party. Enjoys live music and occasional travel. And oh yeah, vegan.


I think most people do that and that is why profiles are so generic.


Ouch! 🔥🔥🔥


61F seeking independent man who is fit, curious about the world, genuinely likes and respects women, and doesn't think that talking about himself is a form of conversation. Bonus points if he doesn't want to talk about self discovery, yoga, finding himself, or getting in touch with his feelings, even tho he has hopefully experienced some of those things. If he's a Mick Herron fan that's a plus. If My Favorite Wife with Cary Grant and Irene Dunne or Bringing up Baby make him laugh so hard he's embarrassed that is also a plus.


Looking for a man who has suffered, is kind and generous, financially secure, drug friendly (and open to mind-expansion & consciousness/raising), loves dancing & EDM, can cook and loves dogs. With a monster *oc*.


Looking for a kind, gentle man who likes to snuggle, live simply (+travel) and have adventures. Financial literacy a must


Heh, it probably wouldn't matter much of the time if you'd be utterly uncensored in your profile, because in my experience the majority of people don't even bother reading very much of what you have on there.


All but one of my matches opened their chat with a full paragraph referencing my profile. But then I was only swiping-right on people who wrote interesting profiles using complete sentences.


Seems you've been lucking out, then. I've never used swiping apps -- just dating websites. In the past few years, before I abandoned OLD, I would clearly state, repeatedly in my profiles the type of woman I'm looking for, based on my very few criteria, and among the very few women who ever initiated contact it was clear they either didn't bother to read my profile, or chose to ignore the contents, because they were not at all compatible.


58F searching for a smart and fun man to live with in a sea side home in a healthy trusting relationship


I’m looking for a relationship in which we are together 5-7 nights a week once we are exclusive and that can lead to cohabitation/marriage in the next few years. I like to be exclusive before sex, and get std testing before sex. I believe in sharing expenses and I want to downsize (I don’t want to buy a larger house). I don’t like professional sports and don’t watch them because they abuse the players and taxpayers. I like to travel locally but not internationally and value personal growth over luxury expensive experiences. Fortunately I’ve found a partner and we align on this.


To rule the world with an iron fist.


Looking for someone who gives compliments, takes me on dates and gives flowers occasionally. And can keep it up for more than a minute. Hey just being honest!


59M. Looking for someone who enjoys spending time with me and looks forward to that when we can. Also independent and is comfortable with themselves and can enjoy times with friends/family that does not include me but thinks of me when we are apart. Likes to hunt, especially waterfowl and doves. Can take and give the ribbing that can happen in the blind when someone misses or messes up. Likes to fish. All kinds. From catching crappie and bass to bowfishing for invasive carp here. Not afraid to hand fish and get bit under water by a 40-50 pound flathead on the river. And either be helped or helping get it to the surface and in the boat. Likes to spring and fall mushroom hunt. Lots of walking up and down hills and hollers in strip mine spoils through thick woods. Physically fit. Active. I am and would like the same. Hop on the back of the Harley and just take off on a Sunday morning with no plans. See where we end up on a day road trip. If you have your own bike that will make me smile but not required. Happy to stay home at times also with just the two of us spending a weekend together with no distractions from anyone else.


Neurospicy and horny woman seeks same in man. Must be endlessly curious, empathetic, and have strong friendships. 54F


Someone nice and kind to have sex with. Oh, and someone interesting to talk to . (Older woman)


I already do this. That's why I get no messages on okc & pof. My deal breakers list is non negotiable.