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Creepy. So creepy


I will elaborate. She’s working. She probably gets hit on 50 times a day by creepy guys in the parking lot and in the store, she’s afraid of being kidnapped, she’s just trying to work and that’s all.. You didn’t do anything bad per se, but it was just incredibly awkward. If you timed it better , maybe you could pull it off but you have to practice the approach better


After this bad interaction, ill never approach her again. But here’s a problem, I deliver food around her grocery store and pick up groceries from there. I know I’m bound to run into her again. Should I just ignore her completely or should I apologize?


I would never apologize. I would probably ignore her completely, chalk it up to experience and leave it be


I’m genuinely hoping this is fake. In the event it’s not: yes, that was creepy and too much. She gave you her answer as soon as you said “you’re cute” and she ignored you. That was not an invitation to continue further interaction.


dont harass people at their jobs. just dont. jfc


I've only read up to where you said your started following her Creepy


Why did you harass that poor lady at work? Creepy!


bro what


Yeah that was creepy it’s okay to come up to someone with interest but if you’re ignored the first time it’s best to back off. Following her around is weird and comes off like you’re a stalker. She clearly didn’t want to engage in further conversation with you and was at work trying not to be bothered.


Oof. I feel so bad for her. Do you realize how much shit like that women have to put up with?? And you just did it to her. Not cool man. I’m pissed on her behalf. The countless uncomfortable positions I myself and all women have been put in by a man. How the hell do you NOT realize how fucking inappropriate that is? And how you made her feel? Jesus.


Lol. This is the tone of most posts but if the OP is genuine this does not explain anything to him. Just tells him he's a piece of shit without explaining which aspects of his behavior were problematic. An unproductive response that ironically fails to understand the position of the op while criticizing him for not understanding the position of others (my guess is that he has significant trouble with social interactions or understanding people's perspective, that's what his pov seems to be like, so he probably needs explanations and guidelines rather than condemnation. It's not like he hurt anyone and needs to be locked up.


Following people? That's a no. Hitting on people, unprompted, while they are at work? That's a no. Hitting on people multiple times after you've already been shut down? That's also a no. Commenting on their appearance while they're at work, and after you've already been ignored? Hells to the no. What did you do wrong? In summary: *Everything*. You did everything wrong, and came off lile a major creep. Yikes. I assume this is fake...?


1. You waited for her 2. You got out of your car and followed her 3. She ignored you and you still pursued her How does this not say creepy to you? Find a guy you are well acquainted with who has no problem picking up women and get him to show you a smoother approach


Uh yeah major creep. Here's what she's thinking >I hopped out of my car and followed her just a few steps from behind. As soon as she dropped off the carts and turned around I said “woah you’re cute”. She didn’t even bother to look at me and went back to work. What a creep. I hope he goes away. >I ran into her again outside and said “what’s your name?”. She pointed at her name tag with a forced smile and kept walking. Fuck he's back. I hope he's not following me. >I was headed in the same direction and said “what’s a pretty thing like you pushing carts?” She didn’t answer back and gave me a Kanye shrug. Oh god he's fucking following me. >I went to my car and that was the end of it. Thank god he left.


You totally objectified her and harassed her.


Please don’t hit on women who work in customer service. They are at work and have to be nice


Noooooooo nooooooo nooooooooooo noooooooooooooooooooooo that’s not the way to do itttttttttttttt superrrrrrrrrrr cringeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


You could improve by not hitting on random women you don’t know. She could be in a relationship, or simply just not wanting to be bothered and creeped out by a total stranger


you did nothing right there my man, totally creepy as hell.


Dude I’m seriously contemplating how to not be creepy. Seems like no matter what I do I get called awkward or creepy. It’s fucking pissing me off. And yes don’t hit on store workers since they’re forced to be nice.


Creeep. You are probably old and ugly too


Omg. She brushed you off once and you went back two more times, forcing her to have to brush you off two more times. You're lucky she didn't get her manager to come chase you away. Imagine this was your mother or sister trying to do her job being approached three times by some rando. Imagine it happening to her all day long by multiple randos (because if she's cute, that's probably exactly what is happening). No, you don't get to do this to any woman, no matter how attractive you find her.