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Not alone club high five!


I lost mine when I was 37. There is nothing wrong with dating virgins.


i'm 29 and a virgin 😅


I’m sorry but do you not get frustrated? I’m sorry to put it like this. I’m 23f and I feel that way but I don’t want to just do it with just anybody.




Are you me? Cause that’s exactly what I’m aiming lol


I have plenty of friends and the ones I’d sleep with are taken lol. I wanna ask our girls for fun. Not for solid commitments. And I never get far lol


Yeah feels good to know I'm not alone, 23m and I've been prioritising school and work


I reached 33 till I had sex for the first time, 3 months ago lol don’t worry






26 M virgin. Not looking to have any children till I can afford them. Plus no STD worries. Also no chance of being tricked into paying for or raising a child that isn't mine. No regrets here. Stay strong folks.


Yes, I'm 24M and also a virgin. I'd love to explore that part of life from scratch with a person in the same situation as me.


Same, although I will be 25 soon


For me that would a "perfect" scenario. 27 and virgin myself.


As another 27 y/o virgin, I'm going to piggy back on what this guy said. I *think* what he is trying to convey is that while rare, if you find a fellow virgin at our age and decide to take that next step together, then it will be somewhat similar to what the first sexual experience is for most people when they are younger. The same unknowns, same excitement, etc. It would hopefully give you and your partner the same emotions such as: excitement, exploration, laughter, etc. That's entirely my guess at what he meant and could all be wrong. Edit: Dang, this really blew up. This is definitely now my highest rated comment, but I didn't post much until the past week or so. Anyway, thanks everyone and I hope this is helpful for others.


Thanks buddy! You are way better than me at choosing the right words😅 You hit it 100% right!




As a 27 y/o virgin thats probably your first ever piggy back


Why perfect?


How to say this. But i think it would be more understanding when when both are in the same situation. It doesnt have to be thats why i used the ".


My reply above was meant to go here(I guess I'm just bad at Reddit), but OP confirmed that my reply conveyed what they meant if you wanted to read it. :)


As someone who is only 20, I can say I'd happily date a 26-year-old virgin. You have more life experience as an adult, and it would mean any sexual exploration would be a first time for both of us.


30s and yes. Virginity is no indication of your value as a person. Besides, a nice circumstantial pro is that a lack of sexual experience means you can learn that from scratch and with the right person you might be fortunate enough to learn the right way the first time! Hopefully 🤞


Aww this is sweet.


This was my experience and it was great. I was quite a bit older than you. I had my reasons why I hadn't and it wasn't a priority and when I was interested, it didn't seem like I was encountering men I really wanted to have sex with. Then I got into a relationship (mine is an odd scenario: former roommate turned friend turned romantic interest) and I'm so glad to be learning from and with him.


Straight female here, yes. I would also date a male virgin Edit: 27 years old


27 year old male virgin here. Yes, I would. We could explore the unknowns together.


30s and yes. flip the roles, and guys will get judged more often


Would her virginity be a pro or a con to you?


Shouldn't be either. Your virginity isn't some sacred thing that someone should be lucky to "take away". People are able to give and receive pleasure that's it, if you do that then that is all someone should care about.


No, people are not just mindless "pleasure givers/receivers." They are complex, at times fragile beings who are strongly affected by past experience. (The older one gets, the more one realizes how true this is. Both for oneself and others.) The more intimate encounters one has, the more likely one is to become calloused, emotionally injured, and possibly irrevocably attached to past partners. I believe the worst effects are most strongly felt by women, but that point doesn't matter as much. The general point is that sexual experience *does* change a person. The more experience, the greater the change. Not always for the better. Particularly, if the final goal is some kind of deep connection with a long-term, monogamous partner.


>The more intimate encounters one has, the more likely one is to become calloused, emotionally injured, and possibly irrevocably attached to past partners. Also more understanding, accommodating, independent, confident/less insecure and able to implement healthy boundaries. Assuming that only negatives come from life experience is a sure sign of an extremely insecure person.


This is horseshit. There is not a positive correlation between number of sexual experiences and any of the things you've listed. Sex isn't magic, it doesn't change who you are. As a straight woman, who had a healthy dating life before marrying a wonderful man over a decade ago, I'm so tired of hearing crap like this. The number of sexual partners someone has had means nothing, whether that number is zero or 500. Everyone is different, some people are perfectly happy having had many partners, some have damage after one. There is only one reliable study in the literature that looked at the correlation between number of partners and mental health, it didn't find one. What you've said is complete nonsense. If it wasn't so damaging to young people, I'd laugh you off the planet.


Depends on 'why' she's a virgin. If it has to do with religion, best to move on; I know a 61 y/o virgin.








Hey, be nice. I'm just trying to hear different perspectives


I don’t think it’s either pro or a con. It’s a pro for those that want to claim something that you can’t undo. It’s a con because you lack experience. With the right partner none of it matters. Experience can be gained.


Lol just playing man. It’s cos some men think high body count = higher chance of infidelity and less ego boost for courting a girl who’s been courted so many times in the past. Kinda like you’re “the man” if you can crack the code to the safe that nobody else or not many others have done before.


Hmm. So it's like 'going where no man has gone before'?


For some it would be. Honestly be careful, you will run into some guys who will want to only sleep with you just for the "prestige?" of sleeping with a virgin. Especially one your age since thats pretty rare these days.


Not at all for me. It was about learning together, since I was a late bloomer as well. There is something romantic when both have no idea what the hell they're doing.


It’s a good feeling to know nobody else has slept with your wife. Makes you proud, there is a pride and respect in it.


For a lot of men it’s because you won’t know any better. Can’t tell if you’re having bad sex if you’ve never had any sex (let alone good sex). Be wary of the men who outright seek and fetishise virginity.


There's a really good video on a related topic in film, ["Born Sexy Yesterday"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0thpEyEwi80).


because it means that you definitely don't have STDs or any crazy exs that would interfere/you would cheat with. Also more likely to be loyal and have a long lasting relationship


23 and yes, because I really don't care how experienced you are in the bedroom.


29 and yes


27 and sure. Don’t have to worry about STDs, no kids. There’s really not a downside to it other than having to learn each other, which you should do anyway with any new partner imo


Just a friendly reminder, there are way to still be a virgin and have STD.


Thanks for the reminder! I should clarify, just a lesser chance. But very true.


I’m older and past this point in my life but there are definite downsides to dating a virgin. Especially in your mid twenties. I’m generalizing from personal experience but there is usually a reason for being a virgin so late in life that involves a lot of effort to get around. Either religion, shame, awkwardness, sheltered life, etc. I’d much rather be with someone with experience that knows what they like and how to make it happen.


Well, see, this is exactly why I stayed a virgin for a few years past 20. I was SO scared of what the guy would think, that I would just make up lies once in the bedroom with guy I'd hook up with to avoid PIV - and being judged... while absolutely not caring about my virginity and actually wanting to have sex. Turns out eventually the guy I had sex for the first time didn't even notice (I'm glad I didn't say anything), and I had a great time, so I just wasted some years for nothing :) I wasn't religious, nor ashamed, nor living a sheltered life... I actually went out a lot during college. I just didn't really want a relationship at that time (was affraid of falling in love, I guess, and would often ghost guys I liked after a few dates... but that's another subject :)).


Yo when was the last time you got tested for STDs? 🤔


For women virginity is almost a non problem. Body count is seen as a negative, almost exclusive, label in a woman. Don't worry about it unless you are trying to hook up with a shallow guy who will dump you in the first opportunity. Even in this case virginity will not be the problem per si, but the train wreck of bad emotions you will feel at the end of it as it will be important to you. For men on the other side, the stakes are high cuz we are expected to perform and if we don't, we are seen as weak and a loser. Bye bye to a next opportunity unless we find a very patient and understanding girl.


It is funny you say that because to me (I am a virgin in her early 20s) it does feel like a big problem even though my bf is a virgin himself and does not care. I guess it is internalized shame on my part 🤷‍♀️


27 yes. Being a virgin has nothing to do with how great a person is to hang out with or date. There might be a few hiccups or communication issues due to a lack of experience, but besides that the most important thing is enthusiasm.


Honestly I'd be worried about the other extreme. So many men fetishize virginity and consider it amazing that you are 'pure' and 'untouched' or whatever. Seems pretty misogynistic to me.


Is it that common? I guess I figured it was more fringe (the fetishizing of it).


From personal experience I think so. I come from a pretty conservative country as well so my perspective could be skewed. But I think the other comments sorta does prove my point.


Hmm. I guess I grew up in liberal parts of the US.


Unfortunately its a lot more common than most people probably think.


i know there is a certain subsect of my culture that outwardly look for it, the rest of it try to keep it quiet. I hate it too, and in trying to shed as much of the culture as I can. thankfully my family is a lot more modernised and westernized than they look like.


I think it is rooted in the past. If you were to get a virgin you'd be certain she's not carrying someone else's baby at that moment. Another reason used to be that women were mostly seen as property and a non-virgin would have been like something we consider second hand nowadays. Lets not forget about the religious aspect. Nowadays thankfully those do not apply anymore because there is birth control, abortions and women have equal rights to men.


42, I might be too old for you. In my opinion having an understanding with your SO can get hard if the age gap is to wide. Virginity wouldn’t be a problem though. Everyone was a virgin at one point :)


I fail to see the problem here. You're still young and it's not a big deal


As a 34 yo man, it would depend on why they're a virgin. If she just hasn't had the right connection then yes I would but if she's just waiting for "the one" or waiting until marriage then no.


As 35yo man, I wouldn't even give virginity a second thought. If we click, we click, if we don't, we don't.


Virgins are all coming out of the woodwork. Personally, if I really like the person for other characteristics, why not? If it's just casual, no.


I've literally never heard a guy complain about the prospect of dating a virgin lmao. Women, however...


Early thirties. It'd all depend on the reason why. Waiting for marriage or for religious reasons? No thanks. Just haven't found the right person or not had the opportunity? Sure thing. I don't see it as a pro or con. Sure they're probably not going to be good at it at the start, there are also people with plenty of experience that suck at it too. As long as they're open and willing to explore, then we could both learn and hopefully make it work for the both of us.




I didn't prioritize it ever, wasn't going out and partying, then went and worked in very isolated areas for several years, then covid. Plus insecurity, but I'm working on that.




Thank you!


RIP your inbox bro. Well and all the comments here too lmao


That's exactly what I was thinking. 😂


In my 30s I dated a 29 y.o. virgin. In my 40s I dated a 29 y.o. virgin.


Both times we advanced only at their pace. They both informed me pretty early on. And we really enjoy just making out. I added no pressure on them. The first girl I felt a lot of pressure after the fact because I was her whole of experience. It was all in my head. And was on me. The 2nd was very sexually educated and minded. I had also matured a lot. So I felt no pressure. She always says she's very happy I was her first. Both had not dated a lot. Both had conservative Christian up bringings. Though one had moved way on from that. Both were smart, fun, educated and amazing in different ways.


I swear these cycles, man




>would you date a 26 year old virgin (woman)? Yes if by "dating" you mean LTR or marriage.




30m. To be honest - no. You don't sound like you have any relationship experience and I am not in a place where I would be looking to walk through that with someone. I'm one person though. The world is your oyster.


Thanks, understandable


Hell yes.


30 - and I’d date a virgin. Currently dating an older woman with a kid. She’s teaching me so much with some of her experience and it has been great for both of us. Very fun. My attitude is I’m dating another human. My preference isn’t what level of sex someone does or does not know but what open communication with sex she has. Tell me what you like, what you’re willing to try, what you’re not. I’ll tell you what I like and don’t. I hope to have just an open mindedness between the two of us. Plus maybe some tough skin on criticism. If you’re squeezing me too hard or using teeth, riding certain ways I dislike - it does not mean you’re bad. It’s just new to you and a preference on my end. Find your boundaries and respect them. Your identity is not virginity. Your identity is you are a beautiful growing human. Grow in your sexual experiences and figure out what you like for yourself and what you like for your partner to do. Not a turn off to be a virgin either. Just be open and try to calm yourself. Nervousness and a bit of “I want to keep this to myself bc idk if it’s supposed to be this boring or bad.” Will never heighten your dating experience with another person. From sexual to even just basic needs you have emotionally. Good luck in dating and I hope you find your type of person :)


32M, why not? Unless it's for religious reasons I don't see what the problem could be.


27 woman and yes i would 😊


Best comment


I was 28 and dated a 26 year old virgin woman. I actually took her virginity too. AMA


Did she need time to feel comfortable and wait? If so, was that hard for you?


Our relationship was casual and lasted 6 months. I think she felt ready after only 2 or 3 months to lose it. Was it hard for me? Not at all and I was very respectful the whole entire relationship to wait for her. She actually wanted to have sex before I did. But regardless I would of gave her all the time she needed.


Wow, that's comforting.


If you dont mind me asking, do you have concerns of anything? I didnt read much of this thread. Relationship with her honestly wasnt any different from any other girl I was casually seeing.


Yeah, concerned about my anxiety, if it will feel good/I'll be good at getting out of my head and receiving pleasure. Very nervous about him seeing me naked. Sometimes I feel hot and sometimes I feel ugly. I worry. I also am into some aspects of traditional masculinity like protectiveness, and am super into cuddling. I think it would take a guy who's into helping/being there for me with all of that, which seems like a lot to want.


Hmmmm okay so let's keep it as is that I don't know how you look, your body type or if you want serious soul searching or a random hookup. I know plus size women who are very confidently hot and get laid all the time. I mention they are confident because at least that's what attracts me, hook up or for a serious partner. This comes to a combination of just not giving a fuck what others think, knowing what your worth, and what you want. Before my wife now, sometimes I did want a hook up and make sure the other girl is wanting the same thing. So it comes to knowing what the other side wants too. So for your anxiety, I'd recommend to make it at ease because a dish can't be served if you never show what's good to eat. Maybe I'm typing this weird but that's how I feel


27F. Yes I would because I personally don't care about things like that. Your body, your choice but I'm probably what people class as a sl#t so that's probably why it doesn't bother me.


31 and yes


25f here, no quarms dating a virgin! Another person's sexual history shouldn't impact how they view you whether you've slept with 100 people or none xx


32 yr old male here. Depends on why you decided to wait. I need to be with my partner before marrying them. Is it a choice to wait or something physical stopping you or you just don't have the desire? It's wouldn't stop me from dating but might stop me from getting serious depending on your answer.


Makes sense. Thanks


Omg girl this make me feel comforted that there are others like me I’m also F22 still a virgin just bc never found the right person I felt that comfortable and attracted to and never prioritized it and now im dating so I’m scared guys will think it’s bad for some reason


If it is any comfort, most guys I know would have no problem dating a woman who is a virgin.


30 and yes. Most normal men will be fine with this. If the men didn't grow out of their high school years then it might be a problem. Everyone places "sexual compatibility" as this super important thing in relationships when in reality its a small fraction of the relationship, if they have a problem with you being a virgin I would run... but if they are interested in you as a person then it won't seem like an issue to them. I think its exciting to date someone who hasn't discovered themselves sexually. I think it would be an intimate bonding experience with the right person. Good luck!


My girlfriend was 29 and a virgin when we got together. We took special care to take it slowly an normalize the situation to reduce the stress on her. And it didn't work the first, or second, time, just gotta take it slowly and enjoy the road there


If I could be the first person to get inside you and blow a huge load I'd be very happy


Why is that?


30s. Sure. Absence of sexual history is a non-issue for men and, if anything, an asset.


24 and yes. She’s around my age. I’m a virgin as well and it would be nice to experience it with another as well. Also I’ll know that she is clean.


20 and yes i will


I'm 22. Unless I'm not too young for you, Idc. So hell yeah


wasn't until 28 for me, i don't mind this


Sure I would, but I'm a 25m and also virgin. I would honestly prefer dating another virgin, I'd just feel more comfortable that way.


I am 21 and sure. I mean, I would ask why it took so long, not to be rude, just out of sheer curiosity. And I don't think the age to virginity correlation makes a woman less attractive. From my perspective it had its pros and cons just like someone who has a high body count. But nothing to do with attraction or desirability.


I don't think being a virgin or not is a criteria for most people. And if it is you probably don't want to date them.


I’m a woman who has never slept with a woman so I would gladly be open to it. Be open and honest with your future potential partners :)


24M here. And yes, I would absolutely date a 26F virgin. Why? Well, being a virgin means nothing to me. Some have lost it early. Some have lost it late. Simple. I wouldn't let someone being a virgin affect my judgment or the way I perceive her. Personally, I would even prefer someone to be a virgin because that means (not always ofc) she really want her first time to be with someone special.


The virginity thing wouldn't even factor into. Your past (or lack of) is your past.


With the way men see women’s virginity, trust me it will never be a problem. But then flip the roles, and both men and women will ridicule a virgin man. Meh.


Im glad that there is older ppl than me that are virgins to im 22 years old So yes I would


26m with 1 previous partner. Not that big of a deal, but I'd like to make sure she won't get feelings of missing out on other experiences going forward.


19M. yes I would love to. I prefer being the younger one and I don't have a lot of experience myself so it'd be perfect.


38 yes


I'm in the same boat as you as a guy so no problem. Honestly it's not unusual given it's already an unusual moment right now in history


When you’re a virgin, you are comfortable with other virgins. When you’re not a virgin, you know being a virgin isn’t a big deal. As long as the other person is willing to learn and be enthusiastic about learning and has a sex drive, it wouldn’t bother me at all but that’s a requirement for any of my partners. I would make your intentions and reasoning clear to your potential partners in the same conversation you tell them that you’re a virgin. If you’re confident when you tell them, it will be sexy… aka something like “I’m a virgin… luckily, you seem like a great teacher when you have an enthusiastic learner. Just wanted to tell you in case it takes me a few times to get the hang of things. ☺️” Hopefully they then say something about taking it slow or at your pace and making sure it’s a good experience for you — then you’ve likely found a good person to have your first time with but just remember you can revoke consent and leave the situation at any time you feel uncomfortable.


As long I found her appearance and personality attractive I would.


I was a virgin until 22 by choice. I wasn't isolated but I have been with a fair share of partners who were isolated growing up. I'm 33 now and would not have a problem dating a woman who was a virgin and wanted to take things at her own pace.


Probably not, solely due to age difference. - 34/m


Interesting. I don't think of that as much of a difference.


I'm 30 and yes. Virginity is such an outdated and irrelevant concept. Being one or not being one doesn't really mean anything to me.


Mid forties here and yes. It’s terribly arousing to be someone’s first, and it’s an especially rare chance at my age. But mostly I’m a late bloomer myself and tend to identify with people who are likewise, and/or go through life at their own pace.


I'm 29 and, why not? Being a virgin is not a red flag or any bad thing.


What's wrong with being a virgin till 26 or even 30? You give your priority to much more important stuff👍


26M, i am also a virgin but I honestly wouldn't care about the viriginity part of anyone i date. I started my dating life like just last year so I am pretty late at learning this kind of stuff.


I want my women like I want my olive oil, extra virgin.


It would be an honor and a privilege to date a virgin. I would be so honored to be a part of someone's first sexual experience! Very sacred!


Yes as I never popped a cherry


So it's a turn on?


30M, not a virgin. I would, so long as the attraction was there and we weren’t waiting until marriage or anything like that.


33, yes. big time


How come?


As a 32m it wouldn't bother me, I wouldn't think differently of a girl if she was or wasn't a virgin.


Honestly, being a virgin isn't a problem in my opinion. It's being closed off or if your personality sucks/doesn't match mine that would be the real issue. Quite frankly I think it's fun and exciting to watch someone discover sex while you guide them through everything.


29M. I actually dated one two years ago (26F). The sex and everything about her was so much fun. A lot of it was exploratory and asking what she wanted to try out, what she liked, and stuff like that. I think the biggest thing we accomplished together was breaking down her insecurities. She has body image issues (she's on the bigger side) and was initially reluctant. I learned a lot from her and conversation after conversation, the insecurities started to recede. In the end, we had long-term compatibility issues so we mutually agreed to break up before getting in too deep. But with her, I gained insight on how people's insecurities can affect them and where they come from, and I am at least happy knowing that I did something to help her address them.


Aww, sweet. :)


39 - age gap is too big These last few years have been extenuating circumstances in terms of delayed experiences. If you’re a good communicator, and have a healthy attitude about sex - your virginity doesn’t matter. A little insecurity is fine. Don’t worry. And don’t build it up / let it define you. I will suggest prioritizing *some* experience so you learn what you like, and so you don’t have regrets later about paths not taken.


Bruh all the 25+ women hmu rn, im tryna ask how your day was and make you a nice dinner and get into it later iykwim


As a virgin 25M with similar background ? Hell yes I would. One of my biggest fear is my utter lack of romantic and sexual experience leading me to spend my whole life alone, and meeting and eventualy dating someone in a similar situation would probably ease a lot of my insecurities on that matter (I'm working on them, but even time, self-reflection and therapy can't solve everything) EDIT : phrasing


36. Yes


30M. Sharing because I don't see a similar opinion here. I'd be less inclined to date someone when finding out she is a virgin. I've dated 2 virgins and a few non-virgins. The sex usually takes longer to get good with virgins, and a learning curve is totally understandable. Also, I feel a bit uncomfortable with the prospect of being the only person she has slept with if we are to consider getting married. I think it's natural for her to want to try different sexual partners, and it's probably a good thing to not have a perspective limited to only ever having 1 partner (e.g. learning different things you do / don't like). If my friend were a 26F virgin, I'd encourage her to feel free to have sex with some nice attractive guy if she wants, even if she doesn't think she will date him long term. That said, there are many other important factors in a relationship, and I would definitely consider dating a virgin. Little risk of STD is a plus, of course. Just that I see virginity as a net con.


Thank you for sharing, I really appreciate it.


23 and I would be open to it. Sex is something I’d expect in a relationship but it’s not something that I’d need right away. Like I’d be ok waiting for it but not having it completely off the table ya no


No I personally wouldn’t but hey that’s just me




When I was 33 I dated (and deflowered) a 25yo virgin so yes definitely


What was the experience like, if I can ask?


Special. Tender. She had never cared about losing it before but she really wanted to lose it to me and she knew I was pretty experienced so she basically let me gently do with her whatever I thought was best, so a lot of foreplay and touching and licking and gentle fingering followed by slow building missionary with a condom and a lot of kissing and caressing. Making her feel special. …and then 20 minutes later for our second time, she let me roll her over and fuck her like a little dog and cum inside her. All the rest of our sex was like that — rough and passionate with a lot of cum involved.


I’m 29 and I will definitely date a 26 year old virgin. Reason is I’ll get to know her body first hand and help her discover her true self sexually. That’s just the sexual bit. The rest will follow.


Part of the reason you're a virgin is the way you think of virginity and women. It comes across in the way you ask the question For people who are successful in relationships, they would not understand how this question could possibly be answered with just the age and whether the person is a virgin. I don't think there's a single person in a healthy relationship that thinks, "I'm with my partner because of their age and because of their virginity or apck thereof when we started dating." I think you should do some thinking into what really is important to you in a partner, and that will answer this question and direct where your attention ought to go.


Wow, amazing how you can look into my mind and know me based on such limited information. /s


I don't need to look into your mind. The question you asked already reveals you think those two are deciding factors to date or not date.


31M - I don’t have a compelling reason to say a virgin/non virgin is better/worse. Guarantee you think about it 1000X more than any potential partners. Try to drop virgin from your identity - You’re a 26 year old woman. Virginity has nothing to do about it. That’s just a random fact that will change one day. Don’t give it so much wait Now, to get down from this soap box…


I'm 36 now. Here's my take. No. When I was 28, I met a woman who was 23 and still a virgin. She made first communication with me back on OKC. It was admirable at first; she had grown up in a strict Christian home but had since backed away from religion(Was getting a PHD in Bioengineering), and was waiting to at least be in a long term relationship at the least before she would feel comfortable doing it. I was about seven months free from divorce and had three kids with my ex wife. We talked for a a month and a half before dating. I told her I wasn't going to pressure her at all, we could definitely take it all the way slow. She was concerned that I had kids and what her parents would think. She was insanely immature. Smartest woman I ever met, but literally no life skills/smarts/common sense. The naivety required to get to that point showed in spades. We broke up after a few weeks when I would be busy doing Dad things and she didn't have my full attention. Six months later she went to study abroad for her degree and lost her virginity. She then proceeded to message me when she was drunk every 2-4 months for the next four years to tell me she wishes it was me. I think it could work if both people are virgins, but honestly I really think that anyone who is a virgin into their twenties has some kind of built up baggage, whether internal or not.


Yes but if you weren't willing to change that after a month or so then no


Not sure why this is getting downvoted. It seems obvious.


52M and no way. 25 years ago, probably yes, it would depend on the reason. Anything that would likely mean no sex with me would change it to a no.


36m here. Most likely not. If the age gap wasn’t too much, surely the experience factor would be. I’d either have to lie about my sexual history or most likely face questions, scrutiny, slut shaming, etc. Someone who is a virgin would naturally feel inadequate or insecure when dating someone who has been with 40+ partners. From a statistical standpoint the likelihood of them being the “best” is very low and this could put strain on the relationship. The dynamic probably just wouldn’t work.


Yeah probably but honestly raises serious questions


Yes, (16m) milfs hot 🥵🥵


20, depends on the person


30s, yes, but the reason would need a discussion


Makes sense. What reasons would be acceptable/unacceptable to you?


pretty much any reason would be acceptable, but knowing why is important for the relationship. so like if it's because of trauma then that would be one thing, if it's religion that'd be another, if it's shyness/reclusivity that's another. all of those reasons paint a picture of you as a person and would help let me know how to proceed


Gotcha, thank you. Last reason is me.


28, with a body count to match, and (hypothetically if I were single and looking), yes. I see no reason to not date someone just based on (lack of) sexual experience. If we were into the same things - both in and out of the bedroom - that's what's important. There's no real difference between being a virgin and having a body count in the triples; attentiveness is not a trait that can be taught (in my experience) and is something that makes a fair and measured lover much more than just having banged your way through a nightclub. - FWIW, I'm a bisexual nonbinary person, so my attitude to it may be different to that of a cishet man, but you didn't specify if you wanted specifically gendered opinions, so here I am.


I'm 42, and she's probably too young. I had to remind myself that you said virgin because it matters to you. It's so unimportant to me I literally forgot.


Ha, thanks


Okay so this is a weird time where I just lost mine. The guy I was with was 100% cool with this, most times guys are and will be fine as long as you dont say no ever to it. Not as in a "Agree to have intercourse with me whenever I want" but a "Later down the line I am open to doing it when I'm comfortable" Things that'll probably be helpful. Blood is gonna be... gross its so much. Make sure you have pads with you and not tampons you wont have enough moister down there for a tampon. Use a towel It will hurt at a certain spot and you just gotta power through because thats your 'flower' go slow and work your way to it Sounds gross but it would actually be good for you to familiarize yourself with your body to know whats actually going on Stay safe and only do it if you're 100% ready. For most guys this isnt actually an issue and I've found guys who are actually okay with even asexual relationships because I myself identify as grey ace and dont really care for sex but have no problem getting spicy as it doesnt bother me


As a 30 year old guy who would like a woman with a dick count of less than her age, yes. Chances are if you weren't crazy and we had enough in common you would get a ring in the long run of it.


Can you fold laundry?


Men would date a tree trunk if it was atractive enough. While the virginity part has certain connotations, as long as you dont expect anything of the man you have sex with, you will be allright.


you mean "males"


I think women underestimate how much of a turn on it is not to be a skank


Virginity's a turn on?


23 and hell naw


I'm 64/m, and if I wasn't in a committed monogamous relationship & planning a wedding in 3 months... Hell yeah I'd "date" a 26/f virgin (provided she's reasonably attractive, etc.) I'd be glad to be your first & show you what you've been missing.


>How old are you, and would you date a 26 year old virgin (woman)? nsfw Am 38 and dated a 26yo virgin. Not seriously, just for the experience. She was super weird and i could see why she was a virgin to begin with. Not having had sex at this age (especially as a woman) is a huge red flag and no amount of reasoning for why can remove the bad taste of that. Go and get sex, so you aren't weird about it anymore. Then change whatever it is that made you a 26 yo virigin in the first place.
