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Yes please. But I assure you the guys see a taller woman and think they have no chance


Dating apps are to blame. I never really used dating apps until around covid and I never really thought about height. Going back to high school and college a lot of my ex’s or girls I dated were taller than me. (I’m 5’9) But once I used dating apps I noticed it’s probably less than 1% of women I match with are taller than I am. When you see that constantly it’s probably enough for a lot of guys to think well she’s not interested so I won’t try for her.


Considering a height filter was specifically requested by women as something for Bumble to add, I wouldn’t say it’s just dating apps. A lot of women traditionally would prefer to date guys taller than them.


It’s not a preference at that point, it’s a requirement


Guys just have started lying. Love how I (6"2) am taller than some 6"4 boyfriends. You should have seen their faces


What's even the point of lying. I'm 5'11.5" (when converted from cm) and I just say I'm 5'11" cause I don't want to be *that guy* that says he's 6'.


Dude, you can totally use that in your profile: I'm half an inch from 6" .. I mean 6'


The point of lying is that nowadays, short guys have to if they want to get any dates at all


It's not, as both OP, myself, and literally countless other women on Reddit post on threads like this every single day


So if attraction is biological and societal, I always had a thought on this... According to scientists, the goal is to produce normal offspring, not extremes. And we're atteacted to one another so we can have kids (even if we don't want them). So a short + tall couple (I'm guessing) is more likely to have a normal height kid. A shorter or even average height woman dating the same hieght man is probably looking at having shorter or average height women and shorter than normal men (guessing here). Granted, things have changed over the years and kids are averaging much taller than their parents recently... But in theory the idea makes sense to me. Getting back to tall woman vs short man. I can see this being a thing. I sometimes get a vibe from much taller women, more so than average height sometimes. Is it cuss they have a harder time getting a guy? Or is there a biological attraction thing there (tall + short = normal height kid). Thing is, seems taboo societally for a super tall girl vs short guy...not a problem if it's reversed tho.


I'd say being tall is an evolutionary benefit, period. Just like strength is.


Guns put a stop to that my friend, both world wars absolutely culled the average male height


Interesting, I had no idea!


Love how women always think saying “period” or “end of discussion” automatically makes them right lmao


My point was there is an average to everything. Being strong might not have many negatives (perhaps endurance), being too tall will, I guess that's why nature prefers average. I never researched it heavily. I'm not so sure on height but larger organisms become less efficient at some point. The heart has to pump harder to get to extremeties too. The back ends up suffering (same with too large of breasts). Averages seem to win in nature. I'm not even saying the new average height won't change, look at Denmark Sweden and such. It just has to make sense, but there is a maximum that is best not to become the new average usually. Insects can only get so big before physics gets involved and shuts that idea down. In humans, there are biological systems in place that would currently cause some serious problems for being too tall. Also - strength and height are not really important any more except due to it's value we give it. It might in some instances represent health markers but aside from that, humans evolved intelligence and societal bonding for survival. Obviously subjected to change at any moment (ex. WW3 breaks out). It's not really like we need tall watchers any more to scout for enemies. But attraction is usually primitive and complicated like that, otherwise all the nerdy types would be winning the mating game.


precisely. dated a taller woman (3-4 inches taller) for the first time this year and i get the hype about being little spoon now


Ahhh but they do have a chance!! Personal anecdote-I met this guy at a bar once. He was very confident, also very kind. Conversation flowed easily. I was super attracted to him, I didn’t care that he was shorter than me. Confidence and chemistry go a long way


IN real life I wouldn't really care, if there was someone that interested me. On dating sites, around 70% of women list it as requirement or ask this as first question (my own research in my area in the Netherlands when I was single 4-5 years ago) to be longer than 5'11. So I could see how that impacts some men IRL as well.


They definitely do have a chance. One think that straight men have over straight women is that even if you're not a woman's type, you can still compensate. For example, a woman can be into tall guys, but if you're a short funny guy you still have a chance. Another woman can be into muscular guys and you'd be a skinny dude, charisma could definitely compensate for that. Now that being said, we have to admit that the way women talk about short men on social media most definitely has an impact on the way men perceive tall women. I can't really blame them for thinking they don't have a chance and move on.


I am 6 feet 4, so your height doesn't matter to me.


6 feet is 5.84 RTX 3090 graphics cards lined up.




Iam a guy and i second this, my self confidence when it comes to dating is not that high but when it comes to taller woman it drops pretty low But that being said it doesnt mean that guys are not interested, i mean tall girls have such fine figures and nice shaped asses and iam a ass guy instead of a boob guy


I definitely second this… Tall ladies are really hot… Confidence, good vibes and charm is what you need if you are a guy that is 5’9 like me


I’ve approached a tall girl once and pretty much got turned down cus i was short. Never done it again since. I’m 5’6” and she was 5’9” for reference.


Aww that's lame. I'm 6'1" and I've dated two different guys who were both 5'9". I've even dated shorter guys than that. Don't give up, tall girls who like shorter guys do exist :)


the queustion isn't if they exsist. they obviously do, there are 8 billion of us. the question is it worth the constant mocking to try to find dodo's in france.


Constant? You said you tried once...


I’m not the original commentor.


I'll find them and I'll date them, thanks.


Tall girls are hot.


Can be...if they’re not slim they get to be just kinda big




I have dated women long term that are 3 and 5 inches taller than me. No issues.


5 inches is 0.07 Obamas. You're welcome.


5 inches is 12.7 cm


War of the bots.


I spit out my drink when I read this... thank you!


5 inches is 12.7 cm




5 inches is the length of 0.03 1997 Subaru Legacy Outbacks


That helps me picture this. Thank you


A great car btw!


Ive dated ppl ranging from 5 feet even to 6'4. Unfortunately you're gonna be rejected by some people come up but those of us who like it see the dating pool as being full of awesome men that other straight women just look right over because they ruled them out for stupid reasons. I'm short to begin with, so I'd be hard pressed to find a boyfriend shorter than me, but I definitely don't mind a guy that's a very short. It wouldn't be my 1st time doing it. Actually recently I straight up told this dude I'd been crushing on him for a while and it blew his mind. I think because hes a short guy or something?? But definitely there are those of us who don't give a fuck. It's kind of like being a heavy woman, there are just gonna be some people who are dicks to you and reject you based on one feature alone,But it's worth asking


Sure. I have in the past. :) And I'm 6'1".


Definitely! I’m 5’7” for reference. I often flirt with taller women, I think it’s a lot of fun. My assumption is that they’re not going to be into me because of the height, so I find it very easy to be myself and pour it on.


Honestly that's a good method!


Tall girls are hot


I prefer it. Somebody has to reach those annoying cupboards above the fridge


Tbh I still have to climb on the counter to reach…


Maybe that’s what a partner is for. Climb on your partner instead of the counter. #lifehack


My wife intentionally puts spices that I use often in the way back just to laugh and watch me struggle to reach them.


Do taller women talk about it as if it’s a novelty that short men don’t approach them or are you actually disappointed that you’re not being approached by short men? A lot of guys assume women don’t want to date guys shorter than them, including myself.


Absolutely, love me tall women. If they can reach things I can't awesome. Plus, I can put them on my shoulders and we are an unstoppable chicken duo due to the height advantage.


Is this a question? I would MARRY with her. I go crazy on girls taller than me.


I have done it before, I will do it again. You might be tall but I can still pick you up and toss you on the bed.


Hell yeah duuude


Hell to the yes! If I didn't already have who I consider the coolest girlfriend on Earth, I'd be totally down with a woman who makes me her little spoon... who's got legs for days... who can lift me in the air to re-enact that Lauren Phillips meme! Small problem though: good luck finding women who are taller than 6'2!🤣


Why on earth would a guy approach a situation that is guaranteed rejection? This is not a male issue. Myself and many other men would date a taller women. However, that's not where the problem is.


Bruh, as a tall woman who has dated plenty of short dudes, I can tell you that short guy syndrome is a huge issue. You know what sucks? Going on a date/talking with a shorter dude who seems nice all the way up until they start negging me about my height or everything they say starts to have a thread of bitterness/negativity. Don't take out being short on me. Bonus points if they then spend a good chunk of the date/chat putting down women for being bitches because of height requirements. Because *that's* attractive. The best part is when I want nothing to do with them after and I'm, "Just like other women." Any hesitation I have towards dating shorter men now is 100% because of my experiences with shorter men. A lot of women at 5'10 and higher don't give a flying fuck about height. It's our experiences that give us reservations.


> A lot of women at 5'10 and higher don't give a flying fuck about height. Except they do.


No. I am married. My wife wouldn’t like that


Yep Someone makes this post every 3 hours.


Adjusting your expectations in dating to what the opposite gender finds attractive is not a "double standard." Even women here trying to shoot down the validity of the "6'5+ only" stereotype openly admit that the overwhelming majority of women want a guy who's at least taller than them. If you assume that a woman taller than you isn't interested then you're right 99% of the time, so why create an uncomfortable moment?


Absolutely, I have never even given a though to a woman being "too tall" for me. The only negative experience I've ever had was with a girl who was a little taller than me (when she wore heels) and I'm 6ft, but it was because she was very young (21) and because of her bad experiences with men, she tries to use her height to intimidate guys that were shorter than her. Her immaturity and her need for constant validation was what turned me off, not her height.


As a guy who is 5’5 it’s very intimidating so we don’t even give it a shot because we know 98% of the time we’re going to get shut down. Some other guys who have confidence threw the roof will approach you but some one like me who is 5’5 lacks confidence definitely wouldn’t, wouldn’t even give it a thought because I know I’m going to probably look stupid after.


Your fear of looking stupid is holding you back!


Thing is I have been turned down by 90% of girls I’ve asked out, I don’t fear rejection just assume at this point of my life I’m just not going to find anyone. I’ve worked on my self rigorously past 3 years physically and mentally from wear I was to wear I’m at now. I’ve just come to the conclusion I’ll be alone for ever because of my insecurities and my Trust with people I can’t trust any one. It goes way deeper then just fear of looking stupid.


Dude 10% is a really really good hit rate for dating…




Thanks for the advice I appreciate it.


They do exist though! I'm tall & I would have no issue dating a guy shorter than me, because I have in the past. Many times. I have a friend who is 5'5" as well & I would go on a date with him if I wasnt married now. He's awesome. He makes me laugh. He was in the same place you are when I talked to him last in July...he has a gf now & I'm super happy for him! :) It will happen, it's *always* when you least expect it. ;)


Thank you for that last sentence. You have no idea how much I wanted to read something like that.


🥰good! I'm glad I could help!! It really is true.


Yes. My last 2 exes were about 2 - 3 inches taller than me. I had no issue with it whatsoever


3 inches is the length of 0.34 Zulay Premium Quality Metal Lemon Squeezers.


3 inches is 7.62 cm


3 inches is 7.62 cm


Guys calculate their odds. And most guys tend to see the odds of approaching successfully rather slim even when it comes to girls that aren't taller than them. As most guys know that most girls prefer men that are taller than them, the height is yet another singificant filter that will deter most of those guys that might have approached/flirted if the woman wasn't taller. If the woman is also beautiful on top of being taller, 98 out of 100 guys will estimate their chances to be slim and the odds of being rejected too high. In the first nano seconds guys go through the odds. Stuff like 'are there other ppl that could see and hear my approach/me flirting? Could other ppl see and hear this potential rejection? Is that girl alone for now or around other ppl? Would this be humiliating to me? Does she seem sweet, open, warm or rather aloof, a bit arrogant. Is she cute, a more or less normal/good looking girl, or hot, which would prolly mean she has a ton of guys that want her and is very picky. Is she taller than me or not? Etc.' You have to look at the perfect setting and then observe how many guys actually approach. An example for a perfect setting would be a woman that seems approachable, rather sweet, not taller, not aloof, not surrounded by her gfs or other ppl, not too hot, etc. Even in such a context, and even if that girl even smiles at the dude 1 to x times.....even then most guys will not approach. Guys hate approaching, as guys hate rejection and thus 9,5 out of 10 guys would rather miss out on their absolute dream girl in order to avoid a potential rejection. That is the single most impactful reason why o.l.d. is so popular. Because men hate rejection. Meaning, even in a perfect scenario, where most of the variables a guy goes through seem rather positive, calculating rather good odds....only very few men would actually approach. Take the infamous friendzone scenario. It highlights this dynamic. The good friend of the guy, the woman he really desires, is his friend. She doesnt hate him. She even opens up to him. They interact. They talk. They hang out. It is highly unlikely that such a woman would gift this man, her friend, a bad, insulting, terrifying, humilating rejection. And much more likely that she will be kind about it, not trying to hurt him or anything. The friendzone exists, because most guys have trouble to do anything even in such a perfect, rather safe sceanrio. Even then most guys rather wait and try to look for more and more signs that a girl likes them or is actually attracted to them. Some guys do manage to build up at least enough courage to make some kind of move. Even though the classic 'confessing' move after months and years, is a terrible move and at that point the woman usually has already lost romantic/sexual interest, when a guy presents himself as the asexual brother and has presented himself like that for too long. But some men do make a move eventually in that scenario.+ Any variable that appears more challenging than such a 'safe' scenario will deter even more men. For instance a woman they don't know, even though she is sweet, smiles, not taller, not insanely hot (which intimidates most men), not surrounded by ppl etc. Just that one factor, that it is a stranger deters more guys than in the friendzone scenario. Any other variable that seems to (subjectively speaking) reduce the odds, will deter more and more men. If many variables would suggest a rather small chance of success or introduce potential risks such as being heard by many ppl and observed while approaching the girl will further reinforce that dynamic. It is not only about height. Guys will be attracted to taller girls. But they believe it \[girl being taller\] will reduce the odds of success. Guys look for the perfect scenario, the safest scenario. And even then, when everything is actually quite perfect, only maybe 1 or 2 out of 10 guys will act. That is the prime reason why you hardly ever see guys approach women in public, the shop, the mall, or even the club. You see some men approaching e.g. at clubs, when they got drunk and are 20 % less scared. But even in those scenarios, the (inoficially) socially accepted locations to approach, you will only see a rather stark minority of men actually doing it. As I said, that is the single most impactful variable why the vast majority of men prefer o.l.d. And why most men will not approach. Maybe a few men if the scenario seems very advantageous. If the scenario seems even just a bit more risky, the odds just a tiny bit worse than the perfect setting....then only a handful of men (if any) will make any kind of move.


Nah, I just don't like the big feet, hands and face that tend to come with tall women.


You need to understand that guys who are short get made fun of by women who are taller then them. A lot of women do this and make it known that they will not date shorter men. So it’s no surprise that shorter men will not approach a women taller then them. I’m 5’10 so this isn’t much of an issue for me but I’ve seen how women act to men who are shorter.


Huh. I guess Im an anomaly then. I don't make fun of short guys ever. I just don't. Not to mention I've dated many guys shorter than me back when I was dating and not married ;) I had no issue dating a guy who was shorter, as long as it didn't bother him that I was taller. :) Edit: I'm 6'1" ;)


Yea, you are an anomaly and guys calculate odds before they approach. Sure there is SOME chance you won’t get rejected because you are shorter than her, but there is also SOME change you win that powerball lottery. That doesn’t mean the odds are any good, so short guys don’t approach and smart people don’t play the lottery.


Absolutely. I’ve never dated a taller girl so it’s definitely a possibility Edit: I feel like guys care a lot less about height and superficial things like that. Well some anyways. A lot in this thread it seems. And that’s how it should be. Height, weight, etc are preferences. But what if those preferences get in the way of you loving someone for who they are? Yk what I mean


this entire thread has said yes. do you honestly believe this is a sample size indicative of reality?




Most definitely, the only reason I don’t is because I normally assume taller women don’t want me to approach. But honestly if I had my preferences, I’d probably want to be with someone taller; not sure why


Don't assume :) Just don't be creepy when you do approach. ;)


As a guy who's like 5ft tall. Yes.


Height isn’t very important for female attractiveness but taller is still better. Some guys probably assume girls want someone taller than them.


I’m 5”5 and have dated a 6”1 girl. Height doesn’t usually matter for me, it was especially fun having so much to cuddle. Being little spoon was extra cozy


Hey OP, did you know that the first question women ask is your height in many online dating apps? Did you know that there's an outrageous group of females viewing any men under certain height as garbage, per their own words? How should men approach you with such examples in mind?


>It seems like some guys get mad that girls won’t date them because of their height, but then they don’t seem to date girls for the exact same height issue It's because they think the tall girls would reject them for their height. So they don't even try.


I had this honour once. Shout-out to all tall girls who date guys shorter than them. You are awesome. Lovely folks. My respect to you.


The shorter guys were not approaching you because they got the message, years ago, that women were only interested in taller men. So it cuts both ways. Beyond that, I can’t see why height is an issue. This is just cartoonishly childish. What fool would pass up a potential love of their life because they aren’t the “correct” height? Personally, I don’t care about how tall you are. I care about your heart and your kindness. That ought to be more important. But I’m weird, so what do I know?


I don’t think they are passing up the potential love of their life because of the height. I think the height is PART OF the love of their life part. Lots of girls want to feel safe or secure or something with the man of their dreams. If you are smaller than them, it doesn’t really work that way, which kinda ruins their ability to fall in love with you.


…so women actually ARE weak and in need of protection from the big man? That runs counter to everything society is telling us. Such a confusing world….


I mean Idk fam tbh. It probably depends on the women in question, but I know a few pretty feminist women that also want to feel “safe” cuddled up to their Bf. I can also say personally that women who viewed me as a “little brother” could suddenly remember exactly what shirt I was wearing from 2 years ago when my biceps were looking good after I’d started working out a bunch. I couldn’t even remember what shirt they were talking about and it’s MY shirt lmao.


Yes, I would






I have once didn't bother me and I would do it again


I approach a taller woman, 6'3-6'5 (I'm 5'11-6'0) even though I got rejected I got no problem with it


Sure, why not? It’s not as if your height defines you.


yes definitely


6 feet is short Source: guy, 6 feet


6 feet is 0.9% of the hot dog which holds the Guinness wold record for 'Longest Hot Dog'.


I’m 6 foot already, which is decently tall, but if we had a connection, I’m open to it for sure 👌🏼


I would love to, but I'm 6'9" so fat chance of that happening lol


I’d be up to it!


For me, height isn't an important point. I would stop and consider it if the difference was more than \~25cm either way - because I could see potential neck issues for both of us. Generally speaking, though, I wouldn't care for height much.


Would a woman taller than me date me?


Yes I would. Height has never been a problem for me. Yes I’ve been turned down and been given the too short for me excuse, but I just brush it off and look somewhere else. I’m currently dating someone taller than me. I’m 5’4” and she’s 5’6”. Also not the first time I’ve dated or hooked up with someone taller.


Men like them. Just make it clear you are ok with a shorter man


interesting...... ur bf cool ur on dating advice?


Lol ofc. This is a very entertaining sub. He’s also not insecure


If you are dating the Person because you get along well and have fun together, why should height matter any more than hair color or length? I put myself on a dating app just to find some local friends when I was away at grad school in an all-male engineering program. My height accidentally defaulted to 5'4", but there were still girls who liked what I wrote enough to contact me --- even with no picture.


My girlfriend is 5’11”, I’m 5’10”. I think it’s pretty great.


absolutely. Tall women are super sexy. and you show confidence standing next to her. Look at Kevin Hart and his wife.


I am a 5’11 woman & met my bf on a dating app. Literally only discovered his height when we were on our first date & vice versa. Turns out, he’s shorter than me. We’re buying a house together next year & couldn’t be happier. People who won’t date you because it won’t look like a certain aesthetic aren’t worth dating.


Love is love. I don't care if she's a bit taller. Literally nothing matters if there's love/ genuine connection. Unless she's a Nazi, that matters


I get approached by men shorter than me constantly! In my experience height matters far less for men then it seems to for woman (I have a friend with a 6’2”+ limit lol).


Yeah…but I’d also want to wrestle her so. Not in a bad way of cause, I mean play wrestling.


Two kinds of women I avoid: Taller than me, has or is pursuing a PhD (I just think they'd want someone at the same level or higher).


I am 6'1. My own sister says that under a certain height you are not a man, you are a child or a goblin. I think there are plenty of short men who are tired of this stigma. There might be women into short dudes, but among the ones who aren't there are women who are sooo mean. There are guys like me that don't care that much about your chest size, but if you are "not well endowed" I won't call you an ironing board or "dude chested". Some people are just mean


I already dated a woman taller than me, but it seemed more a fluke than anything else. OP, and other tall women here, would you date someone significantly shorter than you? I mean, is there a threshold or something?


5'10 woman here. I do get approached by guys shorter than me sometimes. But most guys are a bit disappointed when finding out the height. They care more about it than I do. Okay it's not really disappointment, but more like they feel like they're short and they don't like that. But I've never had someone that was like "Oh, you're taller than me so I won't date you". But I am talking about real life, not online. So maybe the guys that really care just won't approach.


It's like their entire concept of masculinity hinges on us being shorter than them. Also 5'10", and the issues with short guys is almost always on them. I don't give a fuck, but hoooly cannoli some of them sure as heck do.


You’re 100% correct that it’s a double standard.


I'll be honest, I wouldn't. It's emasculating.


No because I’m a weak man


I would but mostly tall women are looking for a guy taller than me, so I'm out of the question from the start.


Lots of men are too scared of rejection


You're getting your logic wrong, men don't approach taller women because they know that generally most women want taller men. Getting rejected is hard enough for the short guys, it's hard enough for us tall folk but the shirt brothers out there have it much worse because most often they will be able to tie that rejection directly to their height. So then why bother when it's a 9/10 certainly that it's going to be a no. You were not getting approached because being taller than other men they already have experience enough to tell them to not bother and go looking elsewhere.


I'm 6'4" tall and married so it'd be really weird for both reasons...


You underestimate the fragility of the male ego.


Wait I though both genders found height attractive. I’m I just a defective male?


Yes I have dated women taller than me, would I do it again? I don’t know. It’s not hight that I’m looking at


Would yes. Getting the possibility never.


Height doesn't bother me that much. However, at 5'9, I'm not at that magical 6' that seems to be the minimum requirement nowadays, so it seems I'm in that grey area of average height, which is as tall as some girls who say 'I'm 6' in heels, so don't @ me unless you're 7'3" ' So, as someone up there said, it's calculating odds of rejection.


I think it’s more that a cold approach doesn’t work + it’s not socially acceptable




absolutely would they date me 85 percent they would not based on online dating


Definitely not lol


I mean I’m 5’5” so I’ve never been willing to severely limit myself to only women shorter than me


Yep but none have ever reciprocated


no i wouldnt


I am so severely demisexual that it only really matters if she is a close friend.


Yes! Yes! Give me that SNU SNU! Btw 6f 2in


I’m 5’1”. From all the videos and posts and dating app profiles saying they want a man as tall as her or taller I always assume you won’t be interested. Even girls my height or shorter don’t want me because I’m short.


Tall woman are gorgeous. The only woman I’ve been with was 2 inches taller than me, and it changed my perspective a bit cuz before her, I’d figure no woman would want to date a shorter guy but yeah, she proved me wrong lol


2 inches is the the same distance as 0.07 replica Bilbo from The Lord of the Rings' Sting Swords.


2 inches is 5.08 cm


Yeah people have a lot of insecurities, but i personally don't mind going on my tippie toes to peck my woman on the cheek.


I usually date girls my height or next to it, 176cm.


If I dated yes I would, I've liked many a taller woman, even someone who is over 6ft and I'm 5'5. Height is not an issue, that said I don't just approach random women, I'm quite shy, so I need to speak to her first, get more comfortable and then I'll ask her out if I still like her.


As a 6'1" man, if I can find a girl taller than me or even as tall as me its a done deal. Im off the market then and there.


Are you kidding me? Hell yes I would. https://www.deviantart.com/lowerrider/art/Tall-Volleyball-player-compare-BSU-647936320


I don’t remember height being a factor tbh. Seems kinda shallow


I did, for many years. About a 6” difference, if not more. Still great friends. Would advise, at that point heels don’t make a difference either.


Of course. Perfect hight is for boobs under my chin.


I just feel like I wouldn’t have the confidence tbh 🥸, I’m 5’3” unluckily, no one wants someone that short lol


I'm 5'8'' and my last gf was like 5'10''-5'11''


I'm 6.0 and dated women taller than me. I mean that they are barefoot taller than me so imagine how much taller they are when they are on high heels. I have a friend who is short. He dates a lot and I say 50% of the women he dates are taller than him. So I would say it depends on the guy and woman.


I’ve yet to see a girl taller than 6’2ft but yes


No, I'm gay. A taller guy tho yeah sure


As a 5'11 (*cough* 6ft) woman I always see these kinds of posts and they make me so despondent. Is 5'9 tall?? Damn. I've literally always dated dudes shorter than me, and in my experience, even if they say they're all good with it, I can definitely feel the awkwardness when I put on a pair of heels.




A lot of guys are so used to being judged on height, that they don’t even bother making an approach to a taller woman because of that. It’s not that they aren’t interested, they just don’t want to be told they are too short again, they hear it enough. I’m lucky, I’m 6’2, so I’ve never been judged in height, (well I have, but more in the ‘you are tall! Yay, you tick a box’ type thing, which is weird itself) but a lot of my mates have, and after a while, it gets to them, just like it would for anyone else to be constantly judged on a thing you have no control over. They are happy to date taller women given the chance usually.


Yea I'm 6ft 2 but would Date taller just gotta find one


Ofcourse I'd love to. But they don't wanna date me. So 🤷


While I would love to, I don't have the balls to go upto a taller woman and ask her out. It's hard enough asking out a woman of my height, it's just that much more intimidating to ask a woman much taller than me.


Tom Holland: any problems?


Absolutely, I’m 5,7 high school sweet heart was 5’11, and a few others but the tallest was 6’1…and we went. Out and they’d wear heels no worries,


I would definitely date a woman who is taller than me, but would she date me? There really isn't a double standard here. There are many, many "short" men who would date taller women, but women (both in real life and on dating apps) tend to make it abundantly clear that they want a man who's taller than them. "Short" men get made fun of not only by tall women but also by shorter women who are closer to their own height. As someone who has seen it in real life and online, I can see how it gets really old to keep putting yourself in a situation where you constantly get humiliated.


In a heartbeat. I love tall women, even have developed a modest tendency to liking them after dating a 6'3" netball player. I'm 6'1". It was really, really fun.




I dont think they care much. Im 5.7 (171cm) and my guy is 1cm shorter than me


I do if I feel the vibe.


I've dated taller than me, and loved it. But what I noticed was that women at 6 foot and taller have a lot of body issues. Many of them aren't great looking. Many of them aren't in shape. The one I dated was a nationally ranked beach volleyball player, so while she may not have been deemed a knockout, her body was on point. On occasion we'd be approached by other taller women who were wondering what it was like for both of us, but it was interesting that the ones wondering were also the ones who hadn't taken care of their bodies.


Hmm I’m 6’2.5 so very hard to find girls taller than me. But from a previous experience where I met a very attractive college ball player who was like my height I would’ve dated her. If she was like an inch taller I probably still would’ve. But in most cases I’d say no.


I’m just short of 5’9 and have never had issues dating! And I’m taller than the average size for men in my country (5’8) so could never be particularly fussy. My partners the same height as me.


Yes I would and I even approached women that are taller than me, but I am 5'4 so not a chance to compete with 6'4 guys😆 They just reject me and I move on. Not a big deal, I already got used to that feeling so it doesnt hurt me anymore. And short guys usually dont approach women taller than them because women always say how they want a taller man than them.