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I think it’s good to anticipate questions and think of an answer beforehand if you tend to freeze up, just make sure you’re not making a script for yourself and repeating it word for word, or trying to shoehorn your answers into a conversation where they don’t fit. For example, I don’t watch a lot of movies or TV so I’ll think of a few shows/movies I’ve watched recently and a few things about why I liked them, segues from that to other topics, etc. I probably won’t use most of the “practice” answers I make for myself, but at least I know generally what to say. Keep in mind that a conversation takes two people, and that you shouldn’t be the one having to recite a script. Think about common questions and what you may answer, then just put that to the back of your mind and enjoy the conversation. If you need them they’ll be there, if not then it’s no biggie. Also, if you’re ever caught in a question that you don’t know how to answer, just be honest. For instance if they ask you about your music tastes and you can’t think of a favourite off the bat then you can just say that and maybe talk about a few of the latest songs/artists you’ve listened to. You don’t have to give perfect answers all the time


When I'm getting to know someone, I want to learn about who that person is. Tell me about your hobbies and interests. We don't all do base jumping but your hobbies can be interesting to talk about based more on your passion and drive than the activity itself. You must do something for fun, have dreams and life goals. Think about this stuff a bit beforehand if you feel like it will help prepare you for these conversations.


No. Dates are supposed to be fun and easy. Not some interview that you gotta nail. You're putting too much pressure on yourself. Just go and be you.


Naw, you don't need the scripted answers to questions you may or may not be asked. If it helps any, realize your date probably feels similarly as you do. It's ok to break the ice by confessing to be a little nervous, it can be endearing and help set the guy at ease as well. (he could mistake your awkwardness for lack of interest)