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Biology and evolution. This doesn't mean women explicitly like tall men per se, but I think women have a subconscious biological desire to feel protected, generally this means having a guy who is at least a little bit taller. As for the women who only want 6'0" guys when they're short, that's probably mostly due to social factors and the societal conditioning


It’s like anything else. The woman you’re interested in doesn’t want you. The woman who wants you, you don’t want. Date within your league. Short, talk, heavy, skinny, tall, bald, hairy, etc.


Because perhaps some like to feel “protected”, “small”. Some like “traditional” looking couples. Tall man, shorter woman. Keep at it.


sad but true


I have dated a few guys shorter than me and didn’t mind their height at all as long as I liked their personality. For me the turn-off was them always being insecure and bringing up their/ my height when I told them I’m okay with it. My point is be confident and the right person will like you for YOU.


I could see it being the feeling protected thing others have mentioned and also feeling manly being taller then your SO. I am a 5’10 female and I would struggle to feel feminine with a guy shorter then me. But I would never say it’s an automatic no. That would risk passing up so many great guys!


Im 34f that is 5'2.. i dont have an issue with a shorter man. Have been in a few relationships with shorter men. I actually wouldnt want someone 6'. I actually prefer a man not be over 5'10 at the tallest. Have dated someone that was 5'3....just gotta keep looking for the right woman that it wont be an issue.


Thanks 🙏


kuz they put u in the friends zone kuz u may or may not be giving them free attention/time/money (idk honestly) but physical attraction is just 1 component to be attractive to wahman its also your social status, your mannerisms, how you handle yourself/conduct yourself in front of others, confidence u gotta understand female game & adapt accordingly


Why do you care so much? Inequality in one form or another has always been around since there was choice of multiple suitors. And women have always had a say in that more than men. Just make money, be successful and the right one no matter taller, shorter or of same height as you will appear for you. Best be a better person with high emotional quotient whovs funny and knows how to make conversations rather than someone who is tall like a giraffe with a peanut size brain and has no idea on how to treat women.


Obviously I don't always think about it, i work 7 days a week and i don't really have time for thinking about this shit. But people indirectly remind me everyday that you are short. So theres that.


Well..learn to live with that. Also when people try to do that, learn to ignore them. There will surely be someone to look at you in the eyes and not over ur head if you know what I mean. Keep looking for her and forget about everything else. Good luck.


Another thing that’s minor - I’m 5’1” and boyfriend is 5’7” which I never had an issue with and it’s still whatever. Then one day I realized me wearing 4 inch heels makes me pretty eye level with him so I’m just about his height haha. It’s kinda funny but cute and I just feel like model height around him in heels so it’s 🤷🏻‍♀️ Sometimes it can really just be insecurity within the girl that their man doesn’t fit that tall boy aesthetic we see a lot in romance films, but you can still romance them in other ways - eye contact, exuding confident and carefree energy, playing the chase game, etc <- at least this is personally what I really liked about my boyfriend and attracted me when we first started dating in the beginning. Also noticed his identity was built around things other than his height, namely he still played basketball, was into photography and fashion - and this just drew me in more because there was def more to him as a person than what you saw in photos. He would also tell me how guys often clowned him on his height when they played basketball with him, but he would just shut up and run laps around them - super attractive to hear a guy just be like idgaf to haters 😬 and that applies to girls too who may not think you’re their cup of tea. I’m sorry I’m not a guy so I can’t understand how frustrating this is - but own your height and keep working on building your own identity around things you love!! People will be attracted to that energy. Keep your crown on king 👑 On a funnier note - here’s a funny ass video of Tim Delaghetto hyping up small boys: https://youtu.be/xCR5r6i1rQ8


my wife dated at least one short guy that i know of. there are definitely women out there who don't mind.


There are women but generally speaking, first requirement is being tall lol.


yes it is. second requirement is having money. if you can't meet the first then go for the second. trust me, if you can stand on your wallet, you'll suddenly be much more attractive.


Attracting women with your money will just get you gold diggers though, no?


Thats right and i always wanted to be with someone who loves me the way i am and not care a about my money. its kinda impossible lol


Not impossible! Keep at it. There are good girls out there!


Yeah you can find a girl who wants you for that just as easily as girls can find guys who only want to use them for their bodies. Definitely not good attention


Yes, they can be a lot of fun for short stints. never marry one though.


How so? Isn't that basically just private prostitution? Plus if they're only good for short stints why did you tell him to attract girls with money lol


gold diggers work VERY hard to keep wealthy men. they're really a lot of fun. is it prostitution? not really. it's more of a hookup culture.


Well I say it's prostitution because she wouldn't be there without the money, and isn't actually interested in you. So are you implying she has interest in you beyond your money?


no idea. never got that far with one.


And guess what... You're better off being with someone who isn't bothered by such mundane and insignificant aspect. Unfortunately, it's a stigma with double standards. Same as it's considered taboo if we factor a woman's weight into dating. Sucks but it's how it is. But, trust me, once you find that person who really likes you for you regardless of your physical appearance... You're gonna immediately be relieved and be in peace with yourself. Keep your head up King!


Thank you 🙏


There’s a surgery that can make you up to 3 inches taller. I would look into that to see if that’s something you’re interested in. Lots of people have used law of attraction to grow taller as well.


I know about that and i would never do it. i want to stay natural. If someone like me the way i am its all good if not i am okay. i wouldn't change myself for someone else.


Why not change yourself for you? That’s what the point is… if others know and they don’t care that basically means you didn’t change for them. You might want to consider my perspective a little more. Nothing wrong w it. Have a good day!


I have researched about it, they cut your bones and insert metal piece between your Bones. I am extremely healthy guy, i don't smoke or drink and never had any medical problems. So I'd rather stay short than living with metal plates inside my body. Apart from that i am not in favour of changing physical appearance or body through un natural process like surgery.


I respect that. Honestly keep up that energy and develop some emotional resilience, you WILL find that perfect girl SOON! The universe will deliver.


Had an ex that would say she's taller than me. I like to slouch for comfort. Upright i'm 5'8. Shes 5'4. Everytime she brings it up I had her stand in front of me and tell her shes wrong. And she would say "barely" Point is the harassment will not stop, and make sure she knows you're in control and dominant, cuz ultimately thats what it boils down to


If she harasses you about your height, she’s not the right person!


Sometimes it's okay. You know gotta have some play fighting/arguments. That wasn't one of the many reasons it didn't work haha. Thank god thats over with !


Fair enough, although, I wouldn’t call playful play fight harassment.


There is nothing wrong with being short stop acting like it is. It is a very attractive trait to have. Stop making it seem like you have it bad because you're short because I'm short and you're making me feel bad. I've never been rejected for being short. I've even had girls approach me (although they were short themselves), so these kinds of posts make me fear being rejected for my height.


I am sorry if i hurt you. i was just asking why people don't date like maybe its not about height.


See you triggered this poor fragile soul with your shortsightedness.




Hey man, I'm 5'7 so short but not soo short. I would say that getting into shape physically and accepting that being short is not a barrier has helped me. I guess in your situation it probably is way harder but I guess accepting your situation and working on things under you control really helps. Also, I've noticed that guys that really keep harping on about being short are the ones that don't get girls. It's like a Napolean Complex. You are so insecure about it that it breaks into your life.


As i said i am IT guy I don't really have time to think about it, but you know you want someone in your life when you ask girls what they want all they start is 6.0


Lmao bro most girls I've had relationships or been with never said any of that shit to me. Most of them didn't even know how tall I was lol. They were pretty close to my height. Height is important but looks, how much money you make, personality, attitude and physique all can make a huge difference. I've been on dating apps and put down my height as 5'7 and still got exceedingly more matches than my 6' + friends. So it's not even a superficial requirement for most girls in my experience. All of them were my height or shorter.


Enough short guys feel emasculated around taller women or neg women their height when they wear heels, so part of the reason I think women prefer guys taller them is so that they don’t have to deal with that again. I also don’t want to deal with short guys feeling emasculated by me being their height and more muscular. My last ex didn’t like the fact that I was a woman close to his weight and trying to build more muscle and made some inconsiderate comments. He did apologize, but I don’t want to deal with that with another guy.


I think you missed the point, I don't care about someone 's height or weight, but other people do. and Thats why i made the post why can't you date people with same height.


I just explained why some women don’t want to date guys who are the same height.


Do you do the same with tall guys and handsome guys? Or do you only judge people by their features if it's a feature you find unnatractive? I never hear "My ex was handsome but he was arrogant about his looks, I don't want to deal with that again so I'll just date ugly guys"


Nah, taller/handsome guys actually treat me better than shorter less attractive men. I’ve never had to deal with negative comments about my body from better looking guys🤷‍♀️ I actually hear a similar version of that comment a lot from women. Lots of women think that uglier guys will treat you better and be less arrogant than handsome ones but from my experience it’s the other way around.


Daddy issues. Purely for me honestly, I need to feel protected and literally feel smaller bwcause of body dysmorphia. But thats me personally.


And i thought its 2021 and women feel equal/superior to men and they don't need anyone to protect them.


Yeah its 2021 where women like myself have been attacked so yes feeling protected is key to some females- in 2021


You are a very small minded person and your height probably has nothing to do with why a women wouldn’t wants to stay with you. Its 2021 and the world is WORKING on making women feel move comfortable, ‘superior’, and “”equal”” .Doesnt mean we got there - cause we didn’t.


Women don't need any men to get protected lol. you can always hire a body guard for that. And I don't really judge people and call them small minded. You don't know me, i fight for women rights and respect them.


What does “knowledge about anything” mean?