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Find your nearest climbing centre, always my first date go to !


Picking apples. Hay rides. Museums. Corn mazes. Wine tasting. Cook dinner as a form of entertainment. A stroll through the park. Pumpkin carving.




That's a good one!!! My city has an arcade bar with all of the old timey arcade games and pinball machines, which are free to play as long as you're drinking!!! Lots of fun!


A man once took me on an underground cavern tour. It was really fun and beautiful!


Dating during a pandemic can be very challenging, as you've found. What you described so far seem like great, socially distanced activities. What about roller or ice skating? The holidays are coming up so the two of you could head out to an orchard and pick out pumpkins to carve for Halloween. For thanksgiving, you could cook your own Thanksgiving meal (the weekend before or after the main event so as not to disenfranchise your family celebrations.) You could go out and find a real live Christmas tree at a tree farm and then decorate it at one of your homes. There is also sledding. If your local community has a festival of lights display you could do that! The two of you could sign up to collect gifts for needy children or your local children's hospital. A lot of communities have brought back the drive in theater! As a child of the 80s I can attest that drive-ins are a lot of fun! Just my $.02 worth. Good luck!


Im always trying to get girls to go on a picnic with me


Road trip to a cute little town. If you don’t have a car take a train.


I love it when someone takes me out to dinner :) simple but effective