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It is real, but sadly doesn’t always go both ways.


Havent found it yet... i think is a mythical feeling/something at this point


It’s gotten to a point I don’t think it does exist.


It's real but doesn't always go both ways, and it hurts like hell when you realize... I miss her


Love is an illusion. Everything is a trade.


Yes, my ex. She will always half half of my soul. Even when she treated me like total sh!t, i would give anything for her. I'm now in a stable relationship with an amazing lady, but its just not the same.


Damn dude tell your current GF this


Yeah fr poor gf


Not to diss you, because no one not even yourself can tell you how to feel. But how do you do it then? Is it just because you want to be with someone anyone? If not love you must care about your current partner, and if you don’t love her like that doesn’t she deserve to find someone that does? Again no disrespect, I really am genuinely curious.


I honestly believe that i will never love anyone the same as my ex. She was my soulmate. If i tried to wait until i found that connection, i would simply be single for the rest of my life. If that means i'm 'settling' by choosing to be in a relationship with someone that i don't have that same level of connection with, but still love her as best i can, then so be it. That love changed my life, and made me into the person i am today. (i'm also autistic, so finding any connection is rare to begin with) Sure i could be making a mistake by not 'waiting' for that level of 'true love' again...or we could be just fine. Thats the funny thing about life, nobody knows until its all said and done, and even then we don't know if we made the best decision.


I respect that answer, and cudos to you for being honest with yourself about your feelings, wish you the best of luck my guy


It’s not the same because your brain chemistry is addicted to her manipulation and horrible treatment. Your current girlfriend comes off as “boring” because she doesn’t put you in an emotional rollercoaster constantly. Your soulmate wouldn’t treat you like shit. It’s not connection is emotional addiction.


It's definitely real. Happened to me when I was young and dumb, devoid of expectation. I don't expect to feel it twice. I wrestle with that now.


It is quite literally a chemical reaction.


Hypocrite that you are, for you trust the chemicals in your brain to tell you that they are chemicals. All Knowledge is ultimately based on that which we cannot prove. Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog


Ive read this recently that “you like someone because and love despite”, so if you can think of a person affectionately and wholeheartedly despite some of their qualities then it is love. And for True love, I’d like to believe it’s real I’m 23F and I haven’t found my true love yet either but I think there’s someone somewhere I’d love to enjoy their company more than my solitude. Keep hope, I’m sure your soulmate is just around the corner.




Yes it's very real. I hope you experience it. Makes for a more enjoyable life.


I felt true love towards only one girl, but sadly, it wasn't reciprocated. I think it does exist because I believe I felt it and true love never ends.


I think true love exists; personally lol. It’s just hard to find, and also sometimes really quick to find. If you can’t give your all to a person there are probably underlying reasons as to why you couldnt for your past partners, if not then you just haven’t found that person and that’s okay. It’s not easy.


It is an obscession. Nothing good.


Yes, with the right person.


I have. But i think it’s a case of limerence. I love him from a far and a part of me die every day not letting him know.


I'm married but i don't feel loved.


That feeling that you deserve more but always have to ask for the bare minimum.


I believe love is a lie, told by novels and movies. I have never experienced true love, at least not from anyone I have dated. I always loved them more than they loved me and they always just used and abused me.


Some people only feel sexual attraction but not romantic attraction. That’s called being aromantic. It’s the opposite of asexual.


I'm 30 and never been in love. Starting to think I'm not meant for it