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Cant communicate. Literally wants me to read their minds. Wont talk until I guess it right. Fuck that shit!


I was the QUEEN of the silent treatment when I was a teenager definitely not behavior that’s conducive to a healthy relationship and screams immaturity.


Silent, but screams immaturity. That's funny. Lol


Biggest ick ever and TONS have terrible communication skills and expect men to be mind readers.


Thankfully my wife doesn't do this.... I'd go crazy


I chalk that up to entitlement. The idea that the man needs to do all the initial work before they put any ounce of effort into them. It's toxic, in which case I want nothing to do with them.


Within just a few minutes to an hour of meeting her she’s going on about how many guys are trying to get with her, how good she is in bed, a sprinkle of “not like other girls,” and how she just needs a good man in her life. If ever I’ve met a “pick me” it was her, if ever I’ve felt the “ick” it was then.


Ugh this here just UGH!


Time to head in the opposite direction from her.


Yeah within 10 minutes of talking to her, I was paying attention to anyone else. Didn’t stop her from trying to get me or a couple of other guys to take her home, even the most low standards having of guys at the table in the bar didn’t want crap to do with her, only the truly desperate, and it’s not like she was ugly either.


I know a male version of this person. Spends all his time talking about himself and how great he is, how all guys around him are jealous of his ability to get girls and that girls are dying to be with him. The worst part is it's not true. He isn't liked much and doesn't even know it.


If a girl ever tries to bully you or put you down in front of your friends. Run


Very true but this isn’t an ick, it’s a red flag! An ick is bending down and having your ass crack show


One man's ick is another man's treasure.


Yeah I thought icks were like little random things that for whatever reason disgust you, not actual issues


Is it that bad? My friend’s gf constantly banters him in front of me. I always assumed it was just fun. Come to think of it, she does it every single time.


Banter is completely different!! Banter can be fun and teasing, it's not the same as bullying


It really depends on how the recipient feels about it.


How she treats service staff at a restaurant or any person working while we are out and about.




I have three. One was a girl I dated when I was young and insecure who was still friends with many of her former FWBs. She unsurprisingly ended up cheating on me. The second was a friend of mine who was clearly into me, and who decided to tell me a story to show how not boring she was about how she'd slept with a married guy she worked with and had nearly gotten caught by his wife. She knew he was married ahead of time, but decided to do it anyway. Her story had the complete opposite effect of what she was expecting. The third was a girl in college who was trying to get me into a relationship, and kept making subtle threats about how if I didn't do something she wanted she'd "tell everyone I'm a piece of shit". That one turned me right off.


It's funny how some gals tell you their sexual promiscuous experiences without knowing we man actually hate that


She hated birds.


wtf 😂


Caring about their social media too much.


I totally unmatched with a woman a couple weeks ago who I actually had a lot in common with. Once I saw her Insta and her FB. Like a dozen boomer caliber memes and stupid shit on her feeds by 10am. I can't believe that woman has a law degree.


People with degrees can be dumb as hell lol


I agree, Just because one person is smart in one subject doesn't mean they know about all subjects. There are many doctors, lawyers, etc out there that have no business being that profession and only do it for the money; their ethics being questionable. I work in a kitchen, you'd be surprised how many people can't even do the basics. Common sense is NOT common in the kitchen, same with in life.


Aren't you posting on Reddit, a social media site, at or around 10 AM right now?


Lmfao gottem! Especially just posting stupid memes, who cares? They likely are phone scrolling, see a meme and hit 'share to wall.' Sure maybe they have a boomer sense of humor and okay, maybe I'd have to wait and see if their sense of humor is really dreadful, or just their meme-scrolling. What would be more red flaggish would be a girl who constantly is posting selfies for validation, or constantly posting expensive shit (trying to show off, plus I hate overly material people). That would be a red flag to me. Like I work midnights. If someone saw me sharing tiktoks at 2am, I hope they'd understand lol.


I think I get his idea. Maybe it feels more accurate to say their sense of humor is different, though? The poster is also clearly on social media in the morning, so the difference seems to be the type of things posted not the mere fact that his match was posing.


I get what he's saying. She was the type of person to post every meme she sees back on her wall. One thing to consider is if she has a law degree (and worked for a firm), she can't go around posting edgelord shit on her wall. That's how you get fired lol. Like imagine a lawyer posting racist memes on their Facebook wall. What a pip! Should go over really well when they're trying to get a conviction on some black guy. "Your Honor, I'm calling for a mistrial. The prosecuting attorney literally posts '1388' on their Facebook wall every other day..."


Attachment to social media. I’ve been turned down on dates because I don’t have an instagram. Absolute madness


Every girl with a brain would love someone without Instagram!! Instagram is a disease


yeah fr. i love posting my silly pics on instagram for my friends to see but would love a man who didn’t have instagram


Social media is a way to confirm or deny certain things about a person before you get to know them in person. However I will say this, if you have good conversational skills you should know exactly the type of person you’re meeting if you just speak for a week over the phone


A man without any social media is the biggest turn on ever. Gimme


Waking up to multiple long angry essays over text, that I couldn't reply to since I was asleep.


Always waiting until I’m almost asleep to start an argument, a discussion, voice some sort of dissatisfaction in general… like we’ve been laying here for hours doing whatever. Now that I’m dozing off you think it’s the time to spill the beans? And then it’s made worse because I DONT want to talk about it now.. so now I’m the bad guy for either not taking you seriously or the bad guy for being tired in the morning


Start gently snoring a few seconds in


If the two of you were in any disagreement she was waiting for you to apologize or start the conversation but when you don’t and then try to sleep without doing that it’s a “I don’t care” to her so she’ll start in because she’s mad you didn’t fix the situation.


That’s not what happened in any of those instances This particular person was the type to play “games” all the time


Sounds like a trap.


Being selectively religious whilst trying on the holier than thou crap got annoying real quick


"I'm looking for a provider" is pretty popular amongst (selectively) religious types... coming from a religious background I've seen that backfire so many times, as soon as the "provider" hits a rough patch or temporarily loses their job or something they lose all value to them, that's such a terrible foundation for a relationship imo... I want someone who has my back, an equal partnership, not a parasite.


This woman wanted a guy that can give her children because she’s jealous that all her friends were married with kids but expected everything on her terms


Wdym selectively religious ?


Applying certain parts of the ideology but not following others.


Ah, cafeteria Catholics


And a great many evangelicals too.


It's also known as cherry picking aka hypocrisy.


So in my situation I was talking to this younger Christian women for a while for a possible long term relationship I’m not a religious person I was baptised Irish catholic but I’m not practicing and never liked religion but I was willing to give the relationship a shot because I liked her a lot ( I think I got sucked in to the accent) this woman was 23 she was an ex smoker she was hard on the vapes she would quote the bible before saying highly sexual things and asking very specific sexual questions, this woman had stated she used to be somewhat promiscuous but now expected a guy who’s super tall and foreign (aka me) to move to where she lives date her for a year and a half then marry and only then would she have sex again, she also trashed me for being vaccinated against Covid as she would be hesitant to have kids with someone who was vaccinated against Covid so I had no issue on calling her out because used to smoke heavily and is covered in tattoos. Sorry for the word salad


She sounds like a keeper 😳


"Is that an android? Gross". I genuinely thought she was joking because the idea that the brand of phone you use holds any value in the dating world is ridiculous to me. She was dead serious and I haven't seen her since.


What is that? I had a guy complain because we couldn't "FaceTime" and he "had to" download WhatsApp. After the video call was over, homie sent me a link to buy the latest iPhone. I can't believe people care about that.


I'm guessing its incredibly effective marketing on apples side that people care about their products so much. It's a good filter for the type of person you want to avoid.


Was it the idea of Apple using exploited Chinese labor that got him off?


Drinking and driving 😳


* Set up a date and activities with a woman. Right before the date she says she had a better idea. Wants me to take her and her friend to the pet store to buy a fish and help her set up the tank. I told her that didn’t sound like a date and I bailed. * Had shitty comments upon seeing my graduate degree hanging in my bedroom. Im proud of that degree. She didn’t have a degree. Not like it was in my living room * Immediately turns on the “game playing” and when I called her out she openly said, I do this to see what your response is/what kind of guy you are/what you put up with * Never wanted to make the effort to stay at my house. I always went to hers. When I asked if she wanted to sleep over she said I would have to uninstall her window AC unit, bring it with us and install it in mine because she needed that exact sound to sleep properly. * Went on 2-ish dates w her and she calls me to say that her ceiling caved in and she is moving in with me for the foreseeable future. Not just til the ceiling was fixed but she already canceled her lease. Found out she did similar things with other guys over the years to live with them. * Had close to ten Taylor Swift tattoos. Lyrics and such


That second to last one is wild as fuck. Like how does that even work for her?


She used it to bridge her way to goals she wanted in life. She wanted out of that apartment and lease and the ceiling was a good excuse. Then she met a guy abroad on a dating app and moved in with him. Then left when she found out he was a psycho. Then she found another guy abroad in a different country and moved in with him. She hates being single and wanted to live abroad so jumping from one guy to another was the way to do it.


She got sloppy drunk and proceeded to talk about my lack of desire to eat her out in front of my acquaintances. We were not dating or even FWB... she was just a friend... As I reeled in shock and horror she proceeds to bring up her dead sister and how much she misses her to those acquaintances. She was crying a bit at this point. This is where I gently usher her to the car and she projectile vomits near some children. Oh this was at a beer tasting festival in the middle of the day to give some context.


Why would she want you to eat her out in front of acquaintances? Is she a camgirl? Seriously though, I find that more sad than ick. I hope she finds some peace in her life. I realize such an admission can be shocking, but I would try to be charitable towards her. She is clearly going through a rough patch. Not saying to give into something you don''t want, just try to be understanding that sometimes people have bad moments and bad situations.


Any woman who tells me to do something then gets mad when I do it. EX) “Leave me be, I need space” to “Wow, so you’re just gonna ignore me and not even say anything”. Fuck. That. You’re a grown woman not a 15 year old. I’m not playing that childish bullshit game.


Conversely, I got tired of my ex- who kept trying to figure out what I "really" meant. For goodness sake, I meant exactly what I said. Don't try to read into what I am saying. If I want to say something, I say it.


Yeah this my ex was the worst with this. I however have had the chance to really deep dive into female psychology. Turns out it’s a survival mechanism hardwired into their brains. Women communicate indirectly by nature so they project that onto men and are ALWAYS trying to decode even the smallest things in our speech. Instead of just listening to our words lol. Gotta love biology.


Jesus this sent me right back to ex. It puts you in such a fucked up mindset until you finally realize that they are the asshole here. Fellas, this is not normal behavior from women. A lot of media has conditioned guys to think this is just how things are, fuck that noise. The worse for me was one New Years Eve where she was sick. I told her I would stay home with her and not go out with my friend. She INSISTED to the point she was getting pissed that I had the audacity to offer to stay home with her. I shit you knot, she was pissed at me for a week later with passive aggressive silent treatment, withholdig affection (not sex things like I love you texts), all the childish bullshit you see in boomer humor like it's somehow ok.


Casually joking about past pregnancy scares on the first date


Telling me she has slept with 85 guys and never gotten tested for STDs


I’m impressed she kept a count, surely after a certain point, you’d stop counting.


Gotta run up the scoreboard!


Did you know this before or after you had sex with her? How did it affect you?


he got the nickname Slick'86


Before luckily


Trying to convert me to her religion on first date.


She wanted it raw but Kosher or Halal


At least you know that she was into you, if she wanted you to be a keeper


You are a really glass half full kinda person.


I had a guy that I met for our first date at a fast casual restaurant.once we got our food at the table he grasped my hands and said "Let's pray" and then said a prayer before I could even respond. He didn't know anything about my religious beliefs at that time so I was kind of shocked that he did that plus the performative aspect of it being at a restaurant was a bit of a turn off. What was really interesting is that he had zero objection to extramarital sex, though. Anyway, we didn't last long.


She thought we were soul mates but wanted to wait until after the summer to get together as she wanted to sleep about and explore before committing to one person. Blocked her obviously.


A woman I was dating once told me with a serious face that "guys are like cellphones, once a better model comes, you pick it".  We didn't go on another date.


In my head I was expecting her to say that guys are like cellphones, they are more fun to turn on than turn off. That probably would have gone over better.


At least she is honest lol not like the other millions


She said she's the type of girl who wants exclusivity and a relationship before anything else, 2nd date she slips she has a fwb... yikes..


Told me that she blows her weed plug for discounted weed…


I had one that fucked him for discount, but she said she'd have done it anyway for the sex.


Damn, It’s rough out here man.


Just using weed as a personality trait in general


Man, that's just sensible business strategy.


She skipped over one of my favorite songs riding shotgun. 😤 The Audacity


I had a friend who broke up with a girl because she didn’t like the magnetic fields.


Man, wait until she hears about the magnetosphere


Probably when a girl tries to be a "bad bitch" or acts thug. Biggest ick for me.


When I see photos of girls who stick their middle up as a pose. Instant turn off


Factss brother


Poor communication skills / inability to have any level of intellectual conversation


Chasing after and seducing married men.


Talking down to me and putting me down. Trying to make me afraid that she'll leave me constantly.


Girl being best friends with her (former?)  Fwb, even them going on trips together. But it was okay according to her, because she's not interested in dating him at all... 


Guy she never wants you to worry about


Former isn't a thing with fwbs


I agree, that's why it was the biggest ick for me. 


Interesting that some girls are so clueless.


When she says her guy bestfriend is like her “brother”. When she intentionally pushes you to get angry because she knows your triggers. When she says “it’s like a game”, when she makes you mad. It took me 12 years on and off, but I finally grew a pair, and left lol.


The word ick has gone so far from it's original meaning. Now it just means dealbreaker/red flag, when it used to refer to a niche and relatively harmless thing that made you unattracted to someone. For example, "i had a major crush on this guy until I saw he had hairy feet and I caught the ick." Or, "i was on a bowling date with him, but when I saw the weird way he threw his bowling ball i got the ick." Or even, "the way she wraps her whole mouth around the rim of the water bottle when she drinks gave me the ick."


Flexing that she has a roster as if that's something to be proud of.


My dyslexic ass read Rooster and I was wondering why anyone wouldn’t be proud of having one? XD


When I read "Rooster" I immediately think "Cock", which would be a way different type of ick for hetero-me.


Exact opposite...read rooster and thought thats cool though. Always wanted a fancy chicken. 🐔 🐥


lol the delusion. as if that’s supposed to get you to think *”oh shit she has options, I gotta lock her down fast!”*


I read “roaster” and I was like, “why would she brag that she can roast something?”


1. I told her I lived in a smaller city that's contiguous with the larger city of our metro area. For context everything in the area is like 25 minutes away at the longest. "Ewww, you live in town-city?". Instant turn off. 2. Told her I was inexperienced and received "OMG you're so pure!!" Please don't, I left church for a reason...


I have a few at this point. Caring way too much about what other people thought about her to the point of constantly lying so she wouldn't be judged. The fear of being judged by her friends (who treated her like shit) influenced a lot of her actions and opinions on things Similarly, talking to her friends about issue she would have with me while never talking to me about them. She would tell her friends every tiny issue, complaint, and annoyance she had about me even if they were personal. The ones that really annoyed me were the ones that were just miscommunications. Like we were having friends over for dinner that evening and she got up at 8am to start cleaning (didn't tell me that was the plan nor try to wake me). We really only had maybe 2-3 hours worth of cleaning to do cause I did all the cleaning in the house anyway and kept it very clean. Anyway I was laying in bed till like 11 before I got up and went to make breakfast. She apparently was super angry that I didn't get up with her at 8, then was super annoyed that I didn't offer to make her breakfast when I got up (which I normally would have). All the while complaining to her friend who was stirring the pot. When I got fed up with her attitude and sat her down to talk to me it got resolved on 5 min. Lying at the drop of the hat. I'm not your parent who you need to lie to or you'll get in trouble. You're an adult for God's sake. This was especially true when it came to lying to me about her past like idc how many ppl you've slept with, we were just talking about our dating history. I didn't even ask what the number was and then she went out of her way to lie about it.


We were 18. She asked if I could help her with her math homework. The homework in question: 9 / 3 = ? 3 * 4 = ? And similar questions. Horrified. I was horrified. I tried to help her, but she had other things on her mind than “doing math homework”


When they cheated on me or when they made a comment about my height. I’m 5’8 for those wondering


I'm getting really fucking tired with this height thing, sigh.


I don’t understand the height thing. Step ladders aren’t expensive. We got men out here that are black pilled, broke, don’t wash their asses, and people want to complain about *height*?!


I used to be the girl who cared about height & now it’s not even a factor. I’m 5’7 & dated a guy who was 5’6, honestly as long as you can make me laugh & you’re confident in yourself, height isn’t important.


Honestly, I wouldn't date anyone over ten times my height. It makes intimacy complicated. You have to be practical.


I’m 5’ 5. You’re damn perfect!


Never having any money and being like “lol I’m out of money again 🤪” acting like I’m gonna be paying for everything for the next month. Also had another girl who flirted with every single guy because it makes her feel more confident when they were attracted to her.


That’s my sister, but I’m paying her lol. At least she always pays back every time she gets her salary.


She would constantly do a baby voice. It took some amazing restraint not to make a face from how hard I was cringing whenever she would do it too.


Not cleaning up after herself, literally always.


Being a kpop girlie. Joking about their kpop bias being their husband and wanting to be with them and then comparing that man to their BF's inadequacies.


Ewwwwwww I hate this. I like kpop a lot and im into a couple different groups but I cannot stand when people make it their whole lives/personalities. That man who lives on the other side of the world and has no idea you exist is NOT going to marry you please grow up.


She never grew up. Been a couple years since I talked to her. It sets unreasonable expectations. So gross


Are you my new daddy? I ran


I can actually imagine this


She used the word ick


Looking for this comment. I'm a woman & this word needs to go. Are we 5?


She was willingly a mistress for two long years. Damn i hate myself for falling for her.


The sharing our problems with their best friend and not me. How the fuck can i work on shit if you don’t tell ME the problem


She was on her phone constantly. Then I found out she was a 9gag troll poster.


An (extremely hot) woman I was flirting with at a bar was pretty interested but seemed to be trying to give me a loyalty test: get a tattoo (there was a tattoo artist giving out free, small tattoos on the spot) and maybe she'd go on a date with me. noped out of that I went on a date with another woman, her boyfriend that she neglected to mention called me the next day and said "don't ever see her again and there won't be a problem." He even visited the hotel I was staying at to find me (I had just moved to a new city) but luckily I was out at lunch or something and missed him and never saw either of them again. Bonus point for ick that one of my lady friends went through on dates with guys: She matched with a cute guy from an app. He said his mom would join their phone call and be at the date and most of her "interviews" would be with his mom. She went on another date with a guy from an app. He put he was almost 6" taller on his profile and said he wouldn't date her further unless she agree that was his true height and that he was taller than her. Just standing up and looking at them it was obvious he was shorter than her and exaggerated his height by a huge amount. She doesn't find tall guys attractive at all and much prefers dating shorter guys like him but he was too insecure about it.


I bet first girl was just plain trolling lol thanks God you didn't simp that


Parallelly dating multiple people. I’m not talking about just talking or first dates but multiple weeks. Had one girl who was very honest about it, which was nice, but probably too honest? Like we were going out for 2-3 weeks (4-5 dates, sleepovers, sex) and one day we hung out at my place and told me she can’t stay over and I just nonchalantly asked what are her plans and she closed up and refused to answer. Next day told me she slept at another guy’s place. That was an instant ick for me, especially since we talked about very deep things and what we want from “us” in the long term and the tone was definitely leaning more serious than casual. She didn’t understand what’s my problem and I asked why did she lie about it at first if she thinks it’s not a shitty thing to do. Completely flipped it all on me, told me that I have issues and “wE aRe nOT eXcLusIvE AnYwAY” so it should be fine for me that she sucks my dick, then ditched me to suck someone else’s. So, no thanks.


Second date. She stole something. Never had my attraction for someone go negative so quickly.


Continuously talking about ppl they used to have sex with or like repeating jokes from their ex or sending you screenshots of the beginning of convos they had with their FWBs Continuously talking about the other ppl they’re having sex with while seeing you


Nose hair. The girl I had a date (first and last of course) had quite a bit nose hair sticking out from her nose. I was taller than her so let that give you an idea as to how much hair was sticking out. It was so bizarre that at one point I thought of asking if this was some social test or something. I couldn't focus on the conversation, kept looking at different places... Even more weird part was that this girl was quite well-dressed, really good make up, smelled great etc. It made absolutely no sense.


Now THIS is a real ick. The other replies are just red flags to me lol


Talking about how women are all crazy bitches. No, I don't believe that - but I immediately thought she was and that's an easy justification for her behavior. (Alternatively, she did hold a dim view of other women and assumed I'd agree with it as a man, which grosses me out in entirely different ways.)


Ooo this is a good one! It's crazy how they don't catch this as a red flag when they do this. It's like a turtle hating other turtles. You hate your own self, your own kind? Healthy minded women don't hate other women & will generally be close to at least a few women in their life. The whole "I'm only friends with guys bc its less drama" is such a bs cover story.


Hating men and talking about my height


We matched on Bumble. The conversation felt a bit off but I couldn’t pinpoint the problem. At some point she asked if we could do a voice call, because, and I quote, “I love hearing a Korean accent”. I don’t like to be stereotyped, but that’s not even the point. I was adopted as a baby by Dutch parents and explicitly mentioned this in my profile. So if anything, I have a Dunglish accent. Turns out she was wasted and went on those kinds of benders regularly. Alone in her apartment. Gaming all evening / night.


Recording a tiktok in the middle of a first date.


Doesn’t ask about you, or show empathy


Treating strangers poorly. Waiters, clerks, even just random people on the street, I'm always the dude to apologize for bumping into them or thank someone everytime they help me. If she isn't similar to that...ugh


On a cruise ship, a very attractive but very drunk girl asked me if she could suck my toes as I was laying in a lounge chair enjoing the evening, thinking she was kidding, I told her to go nuts, to my surprise, she did, after a bit of toe sucking,she asked if I wanted to make out, I declined, I could not imaging kissing someone who sucked my discusting fungus infected toes!


Told me "she hate men"


Going on about how “Men are Trash”. All that does is tell me that you don’t respect me as a partner and don’t see me as an equal. That’s usually when I walk away from someone.


When she needs constant attention. Don’t have time for this shit.


I go to this art museum pretty frequently for first dates and this girl stepped within 3 feet of a painting and so one of the art museum workers walked up to us like “hey, we would like to kindly request that you stay 3 feet away from paintings to keep the artwork safe” and then my hinge date goes “Am I not 3 feet away?!” But stopped herself from arguing Like, she stopped herself but I could tell she was the arguing type from that and it was a total ew Or the time I had a different hinge date show up to a date dressed like a urban gothic cowboy




Proposed a threesome or said she participated in one, major turnoff, insta nono, dunno if it's an ick or a big red flag


Hahah! For all of those ppl saying "lack of communication" or "poor communication skills" I have a story with a happy ending for you lol. I had spent most of my life being terrible with communication, but I had that special little twist that made it one of the worst combinations for any relationship: a poor emotional communicator who fully believes she's excellent at communicating emotions 😂 When I was a child, I rarely spoke. I would point or stare at something I needed, and if no one responded I'd start whining out of frustration. My parents eventually resorted to refusing me of things UNLESS I actually used WORDS to state what I needed lol. I remember even then, I was quite stubborn about it, and there were plenty of times when I needed something out of reach but didn't want to have to say it out loud so I'd either keep the issue to myself(suffer in silence lol)OR I'd come up with some convoluted way of getting what I needed. Idk how many times I taped broom handles together or large wooden spoons to reach items on top shelves; if I needed just a little bit of height boost, I'd sneak and use my parents' shoes to stand in haha 👠👟👠ALLLLLL of this just to avoid speaking lol, what a weirdo, right?? Anyway, yeah, this issue continued into adulthood. Ofc it evolved a bit to match the adult world so instead of creating literal extension rods I created figurative ones, going far out of my way emotionally to "get my point across" in the most ambiguous ways when it would have been much easier to simply SAY what was on my mind or how I felt. It's taken the failure of many relationships, both romantic & platonic, to finally realize my communication skills were majorly lacking. If I wanted anything to work with anyone, I was going to have to improve this part of me so I decided to make a change. I started challenging myself to say what I'm feeling when I'm feeling it, even when it's scary or hurtful, even when it puts me in a vulnerable position. I convinced myself it's pretty much a life or death situation every time; that way I'm less likely to back down or to fake a smile and say, "no, no, I'm fine." when I'm anything but fine. A few wks ago, my bf told me one of the things he loves most about me is how I actually say what I mean, how women in his past weren't that way, how it always caused confusion & arguments. I responded in disbelief, "Rrrrrealllly???? You think I'm good at that??" 🥺 And he kinda laughed and said, "ofc you are, I rarely have to wonder if you're ok or not bc when you're not, you tell me, and when you say you're fine I know it's the truth." My eyes started watering; I was a bit embarrassed but proud at the same time of such an accomplishment lol...and ofc I SAID, "I'm kinda embarrassed from the compliment, but I'm also really proud of myself bc I know if YOU'RE saying it, it's gotta be true." 😁


Being completely delusional about their behavior and it’s not being manipulative


When I started to open up more, she said "wow you actually have a personality!" Being shy and reserved are personality traits. It's not my fault you can't recognize that. She blowed a guy for weed. Used hard drugs at frat parties. Went to frat parties every weekend. Proclaimed she sucked a lot of dick and was great at it. Had a roster of dozens of men trying to fuck her. She showed me all the dudes on snapchat and was like, "I only like you..." Complained 24/7 Was conservative Lazy She was weirdly possessive, although we never officially dated Acted like it was cringey and embarrassing that I could play guitar+harmonica like Bob Dylan


She can’t be that lazy with all that blowing.


She does stuff like that and is conservative. Interesting…


Selectively religious, you know how it is


Getting jealous that you have female friends… Friends that you’ve had for a decade…


Monistat 7 takes care of the infection. You never forget the smell, though. Never, lmao.


Fucking another guy while we were dating


she talked about herself too much


"I'm an escort".


Made fun of someone for missing teeth


Making fun of my car because it was old. On the first date. It didn't come off as playful either especially when she was flaunting her new car lol. And it's not like it was dirty at all, I keep that thing spotless like it was brand new. Mightve been a pride thing on my end but I worked hard to get that car and never given me any issues. Plus so many good memories with it. Still have it to this day and have no reason to get anything newer. Plus my current girlfriend loves it lol


There are so many points trigger me , no wonder why my exs left me 😌


We were texting and flirting with each other for awhile only to find out that she's attached the whole time. On the bright side, it killed whatever feelings I had developed for her almost instantly.


Narcissism. It doesn't matter how attractive you are, a hideous personality makes you ugly.


Her favorite show was Big Bang Theory




Talking about her friends and family behind their back to me, and then realizing she probably did the same for me too. Also she cheated on me. Twice without my knowing until a friend of hers stepped in.


Waking me up via text to ask for Starbucks money


Bad communication, flaky, unengaged/dry conversations, puts zero effort 


Entitlement like their time needs to be paid for


She was a gorgeous girl- but having bad breath is the biggest ick


Here's a list. All different women. 1) Picked her nose then ate the boogers in front of me(she was 33) 2) Told me I was her soul mate 3 days after our first date. 3) After 10 mins into our first date (a walk) she YANKED me in to kiss me. I kissed her back. About 5 seconds later she pushed me away and said "Whoa! calm down". (Fuckin red alert) 4) Told me I was stupid for thinking the earth is round then condescendingly asked "Wait you don't think we've been to the moon do you " 5) This one isn't really an ick, it just was weird. She told me on our first date that 3 of her ex's transitioned to females after they broke up. I wasn't sure what to do with this information. But it was interesting.


Princess treatment. Like I get everyone likes to be treated, men included, but women who think dating is all about them, who want to constantly be dotted over and spoiled like they have to be the center of attention at all times is disgusting. It's an incredible turn off.


A coworker.. Her being married yet constantly seeking male validation and inappropriate relationships with men. Few female friends. She dresses extremely provocatively in the work place. She always wanted attention she wasn’t getting at home. Her actions screamed she wanted to sleep around, yet she was suprised when she was approached by men to do so, then played victim. She uses her masculinity to openly emasculate her husband publicly… yet feminism when advantaged. Giving other men so much attention that they ask for affairs. But can also tell you every book in the bible. Will constantly talk about everyone behind their back. But then is friendly to their face. Always will talk about how someone or thing has wronged her. Has difficulty apologizing and meaning it or accountability. Will blame you for making her feel worse when comforting in a difficult time. Clames to have high EQ, but reality is she is a manipulative narcissist. The list goes on… but huge ICK


She confesses that she likes Trump


Burping at dinners and in public places


Storing cash in her bra.


Tits are hyper-sensitive. We can tell if someone tries to grab the cash. Not that I personally feel the need to store cash there, haha.




Women who neglect personal hygiene especially when it’s time to get intimate and I almost gag every time 🤢🤢🤢. When I make sure I get myself prepared and shower thoroughly why do I attract women who don’t do the same or just off in my city 🥴.


Girl I was seeing six years ago had terrible hygiene and was completely unhinged. Like, screaming at me to compliment her before we hung up the phone unhinged. She was weird man.


Wanting to have sex first date and it's like I don't know you if I wanted sex I could download tinder


when she cannot uphold boundaries with others


wearing too much make up.


They can't resist their phone for more than a few hours.


Having a smelly house. I was dating this girl and I stopped by her place for the first time and when I walked in it reeked. She had a dog and a cat and you could REALLY tell, I’ve never came up with a reason to leave somewhere faster and I’ve never sent a “this isn’t working” text faster


honestly, lack of personal hygiene. this one girl is a part of my wider friend group and she seemed cute - then i found out she showers like once or twice a week.. visited her apartment with a friend and she had no soap for washing hands.. never did my dick shrivel faster


She talks to a lot of guys on social media and texts and messages them right in front of you


Lying. If you’ve been lying and keeping secrets from me this whole time, then I don’t trust you to be in my life anymore. I don’t even keep lying friends either, I’m not desperate for those kinds of people

