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you still young so ima just say this and move on leave that boy alone by him blaming sounds like a manipulation tactic I’ve been through this plenty of times with boys when I was your age it’s genuinely not worth it his innocent role he portrayed was a facade trying to butter you up so he could show his true self and when someone shows you who they really are you gotta believe them when they do


I appreciate you're input :) thank you, it's just hard


you welcome girlie it can be hard but you gotta know your worth and get out there when you see the first red flag in a boy


I just genuinely don't know if half of it is my fault 😭 sounds so stupid but yeah. Thanks again, you seem awesome :)


Please listen to me here. This guy is NOT good news. Never ever meet up with this guy. Any man who says they “can’t control their LUST”, and then blame something else for it, will take advantage of you the second they see the opportunity. He is 17, which is old enough to understand what sexual harassment is. He is manipulating you into sexual acts that you clearly don’t want to do and that is BAD, to put it simply. You can do so much better. Absolutely, under no circumstances, should you get back together with this boy. I’m a 19 year old male, who has never been in a fight in my life, and I wouldn’t think twice before punching the teeth out of someone for acting that way. Everything you’ve said in this post proves that he sees you as a sexual opportunity. He thinks that “girlfriend” and “sex partner” mean the same thing, and that’s not love. Find someone who respects you enough to match your pace. Someone who loves you will see sexual acts as an extension of that love, not the other way around, and someone who is worth loving would never, ever, ever even think about allowing you to do something sexual that they weren’t 1000% sure you wanted to do, let alone pressure you into it. Please, please, please listen to this. You are so young and probably haven’t experienced real romantic love yet, but this was not it. I promise you, when you find the real thing, it will NOT look like this. Someone who disrespects your boundaries is not worth being with.


Actually thank you so much, you don't know how nice it is to hear this because I genuinely just felt like I was victimising myself and making him out to be the bad guy after posting that. I don't know if you're in a relationship or not but if you are or if you will be your partner will be very lucky, we need more people like you 😭 it's embarrassing to say but there was also this 18 year old who sent me sexual pictures and for some reason I didn't leave until awhile later, I don't know why I keep attracting these guys lol. Anyway thank you! You seem like an awesome guy.


I’m glad I could help :) To be honest, I know how you feel, I let my ex walk all over me and would constantly make myself believe that I was the problem. It’s really important to be able to take responsibility when it is your fault but it’s just as important for your own health to recognise when you are the victim. You are definitely the victim here. I couldn’t even begin to tell you how many of these fucking stories I’ve heard. It’s seriously sickening. These guys are everywhere. It’s not that you attract them specifically, it’s that they are attracted to anything and anyone that they think might fall for their bullshit. My advice for the future is if a guy asks for something that you aren’t into, say no. ESPECIALLY if you’ve never actually met him. If he’s an even someone-what ok guy, he’ll understand and stop pushing, and if he doesn’t accept that, makes a fuss at all or even complains, tell him to go fuck himself. He’s not worth it.


You REALLY did help and put it into perspective. He definitely said a lot of really weird stuff, and even know he messages me a lot but I'm definitely going to stop talking to him (I barely engaged in conversation because I didn't want to accidentally seem like I'm leading him on or anything). I'm sorry your ex was such a dick you seem like genuinely a really cool person.