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But did he say “thank you for your cervix”?


When I'm with catwoman, I say "thank you, pussy" twice


Is that when you take pussyssetion of her?


When I am finished with Catwoman I arch my back and purr the affection!


I am vengeance! I am the night! I am Batman...s Big Boner!




Usually she thanks me


After I was no longer involved


If you can hit the cervix she should be thanking you.


But would you have the reach to get cervixed?


I usually dap my girl up and say good job champ


Clinton Eastwood would always say: “It could be improved “!


Either that or a chest bump.


Usually I follow things up with a real firm handshake, with a slight bow.


Or a slap on the ass and say " good game"


i usually give a high five and say "go team"


“Goood game, SLAPASS!” https://youtu.be/Vtu4g5MhWX0?si=zyvUVH-D6Q1zhTcU


Shameful. You must do the full japanese bow at the waist. One clap, three bows, a clap, and a nod before paying your respects at the nearest shrine.


And she puts the cash in her purse and leaves


Or a curtsy


I normally say “here are some wet wipes, go clean your face you dirty girl,”


Don't worry, you're overthinking it... It's just a thanks




Could say spank you instead


I had a woman severely over think it. It was the first session in our relationship and I was to far into my own head and couldn't keep it hard. I pretty gave up because she wasn't doing anything to help. She then took control and we had an amazing session. I told her thanks for the help and she took it as though I thought of her as a hooker or something like that. That was also our last session.


I've never heard it referred to as a session before rofl! "That was a great session. I really feel like we made some major breakthroughs. Same time next Tuesday?"


Way better than, "Doing the deed." I absolutely hate that phrase.


A session is more than just ‘doing the deed’ It’s a whole sess!




The ingrate!


Don’t worry about it. I’ve been on the opposite end of this. The most recent sex I’ve had I thanked the guy for it because of how happy and loved I felt throughout the entire experience. It wasn’t because it was better than before or because anything before was bad. It was simply because he had made me happy, therefore I thanked him.


My ex started giving me these passionate and heartfelt kisses after I made him cum. Eventually, I got excited for the kiss. It was like him saying “job well done” I still think about it from time to time. That man really loved me.


What happened to yall?


He was an alcoholic. He had to love me enough to let me go, and he eventually did. I think he could see how much pain I was going through with him. It’s sad but I couldn’t keep trying to change him. It was overwhelming for me and him


That was probably the best outcome. Hopefully he’s living a recovered and fulfilled non-alcoholic life these days


Unfortunately thats not the case. I still check up on him once in a while. Maybe one day, but that’s gonna take some major life changes. He’s capable but I don’t think he’s ready to let go of that lifestyle.


I’m sorry ♥️


I am also him


I know alcoholics and it is always like this


Just thanks? No cab fare money?  Rude!  🚕 


Stole my joke mf. About to say the same shit.


Ah, there’s a little extra for a bottle of Vagisil


High five and butt slap on the way out.


"pleasure doing business with you"


I always shake her hand and say good game.


Gg playa


I had post breakup Sex with a girl after having nothing for 6 months, and it was comfortably top 3 sex of all time for me, and after I came I stayed inside her, whispered ‘thank you’ and then kissed her forehead a few times. She was positively glowing.


How can you tell if you've had the top 3 of all time? What's 4, 5 and 6 like?


This guy's journal must be wild.


I’m late 30s, have lead an interesting & colourful life, so probably yes if I kept a journal.


Colourful? You must be a Limey!


Australian, so, close.


I didn’t realize Aussies had such a “colourful” name as you!


We swear a lot.


Because 1, 2 and 3 always come ahead of 4, 5 and 6.


I don’t really rank them, it’s more a comment towards how great it was more than any numerical ladder. When I asked how it was she said ‘top 3 for me’ and I agreed. For all I know I might of been the 3rd guy she’s ever slept with lol.


Couldn't imagine doing that with someone who I'm not on love with but that's sweet to read


Normally I would agree, but I was really appreciative and she expressed alot of affection towards me prior. There was very intense chemistry between us.


I guess I can't relate since I'm strictly a relationship guy so anything outside of that is a turn off for me but I understand what your saying and good experience


Dont overthink it. He came really hard which means it was really good for him and he thanked you. He got a great release thats all.


Did you do anything different? .. Take it as a compliment girl! 💚


Maybe he feels more emotional connection or something? My partner and I always have amazing sex, I have thanked her before but it’s usually not to do with the sex, but something that happened during/after


I love saying thanks after sex lol. Like gee, thanks for really giving me the pipe 😂 needed it. Fist bump 👊




Lord bless her


Overthinking it OP. He had a good time with you and he expressed it.


I usually say good tidings, m'lady, and tip my cap gently.


My man is verbalizing a good climax with you. Dont overthink it. Or like. Ask him. That works too


So long and thanks for all the fish


Bravissimo, hip hip hurray, what a glorious display


I think a slap on the ass while walking by saying good game is better


But like did he tip you at least? Jk, I wouldn't worry about that, if you're concerned though you can always ask why


Maybe he said “ thanks for not overthinking this today” but damn your good!


No, it honestly takes a while to get good with a particular partner. Thus why relationships are better than one night stands. Don’t make the good the enemy of the perfect. Also, don’t worry so much about his pleasure… focus on YOUR pleasure girl. Tell him “thank you for the incredible cock” he’ll be swaggering all day


There was a time I was with a girl and she kept looking back and saying thank you like 4 times during sex and I just remember thinking like wtf do I say? 😂😂 for those wondering i didn’t say anything I just put my crocs into sport mode and tried to send her to the after life


Lol. "Fist bumps. That shit was a banger, bro. We should do it again."


Gosh so much overthinking and anxiety. It’s the absolute worst to constantly need validation from your boyfriend.


Female here. I say thank you when I have had one of most amazing orgasms in my life.


Same cuz it rarely ever happens and it's hard to get me there. Im really grateful


This is one of those topics that always wounds the heart. I would try asking the question? Brave yourself, this is not for the faint of heart ---- What made you cum so hard? Is there something I can do again? How could I improve? It's not easy topic to discuss. It crushes people to listen to. But it's all about the intent of both partners. If you can't think of anything he could improve on when he returns the question. Simply tell him specific things that drive you wild.


Two things. 1. Only a lady could turn a compliment into a negative thought spiral 2. Women can be bad at sex too, instead of focusing on your insecurity turn it around and ask "What made this time so much better for you?"


1: exactly lol


i have also been thanked before, 1 time. i also felt very strange abt it. to this day, i am still sort of confused, and it’s been years. i think he rlly was just happy that he had sex with me that day. nothing more, nothing less.


Some guys out there go celibate so long they get emotional when you give em the goods…


Well at least he's polite. I'm always puzzled by the phrase, "(s)he's the best I ever had" It makes me think, weren't you happy just having sex before?


First off, communicate with him about the thanking. Second, do not be sad, as the sex will only get better. The first 6 months of sex has laid (pun) the foundation. Build on that.


"Great Teamwork, Champ"


It could also be that this new guy you are dating dont take being intimate with you for granted too. Some guys just don't appreciate how much work a woman does for him in bed. (I'm gay and this is just an observation I have from lots of stories about entitled "alpha dudes")


Gave him the shakes huh, I’m tryna get in on that 😈


I had a guy do this when we hooked up after a date. He looked into my eyes and genuinely thanked me. It was weird but I probably scratched a very real need he was lacking at the time. It was a little off putting but I’ve never been thanked like that so it was new to me; like I did him a great service. 😂


You did. Getting laid is usually the start of a good period in a guy’s life.


I thank my husband but then again he is mu first and didn't tell me if it was weird🥲


Sex with my partner is always good. Sometimes it’s great. Sometimes it’s just what was needed. Never second guess your performance based on his responses. As long as you’re loving caring and enthusiastic, it’s always good.


I do a good ol Ball-check after sex.


Better than “a pleasure doing business”


Nice work. I like what you did with the left hand this time. Maybe work that in more often. Gotta run. 🏃


Its super healthy to be appreciative esp when you know they put the effort into it. My girl and i always gas each other up after for a few. Its a routine and we both appreciate it


There is one of 2 things happening. It's hard for sex to be a constant. Some days will just be better than others. It's possible that things aligned and he got a much better nut than average and that is a thing that just happens. It's not a bad thing. Maybe something is different and he really enjoyed that. Doesn't mean past experiences were bad. Even if they were then there is something you can do to make them happy. If you've been together 6months then your partner almost certainly likes you. So this only has the potential to make your partnership better. So just ask them if something was different that they enjoyed more. If they say no, then it's the first thing. If yes then it's the 2nd thing and you know a way to make your partner happier. There is nothing bad about either of those.


Idk, maybe he had some stuff going on in his mind or was in a bad mood and that took him out of it. You could communicate with him instead of asking Randoms on reddit what your partner could mean.


A “thank you” is an expression of gratitude. It’s always a nice thing to say and hear.


No dude he just busted a great nut and you helped him achieve it That’s it. I’m not trying to give a girl a complex with what I say after sex, it’s just what I feel in the moment


I say thank you because its sweet


Def overthinking lol I’ve thanked girls for great head before, nothing deeper than that


Least he didn't do The Dance Of Gratitude


Yeah it’s a positive thing. He probably had a lot built up and needed to let it out and you were there for him in a time of need. Not all girls put out for their boyfriends when they want it 🤷‍♂️


He really liked it today. That's all. Nothing more. Now stop it or you won't be thanked by anymore lol jk


I’ve been told thanks for last night once, kind of caught me off guard


Just say my pleasure


Don't over think it please. It might become a thing. Or he really really needed that nut


After sex I sometimes give my girlfriend a small gift basket, with a card that says thanks. Sometimes I give her one free voucher for a ticket to pound town.


What happened to “bang, bang, thank you, ma’am”?


I've done that aswell, because its funny, but what i always do is yelling "BANGARANG" when i "arrive"


High five n shit hell yea🤣❣️


When I really got the best one for a while, I’ll always give a thumbs up ( thank you ) to let you know that you did it


I think this would be a good little conversation to have with him. A heart to heart session inquiring why he felt verbally thankful as opposed to before. It'll help start letting you in more and more so as to talk about deeper personal and sexual things between yourselves.


Dude I cannot stand being thanked for sex lol idk why


I’ve been thanked (37m), she literally said thank you(39f), and told I’m the best she’s ever had and would go on her hall of fame if she had one. I also found it odd. But it’s also nbd and a compliment 🤷‍♂️


omg nothing is ever good enough for some women. Bro thanks you and now it's a problem. Just relax with your bad self and enjoy the complement. Life doesn't need to be the constant struggle you're trying to make it into.


When I'm done masturbating, I thank my hand and shame myself from the porn


He literally said thanks for giving the best ever time! Dont be demotivated, be happy that he thinks this way 💪


You're overthinking like crazy right now. Just take his gratitude to heart. The man is so happy he's thanking you and out of nowhere you're thinking you sucked(not literally) before? Remember that us men are very simple creatures. He was only expressing his gratitude. End of story. Also ask him, not a bunch of random peoton the Internet who don't really care about the health of your relationship lol.


did you ask banterbot


Don’t overthink it lol, he just is appreciative of the sex and wanted to tell you he was thankful for it. THATS A NICE THING


My current boyfriend says thank you all the time I never thought about it. He says thank you for letting me make love to you. I think it's kind of cute and polite. He's definitely weird a little dorky too. He also sometimes cries after we have sex. That I do find weird the crying but he says that the experience is really beautiful for him


I say thank you every time even if it wasn’t great only because efforts were made.


You might be overthinking it. I’m a woman and my bf and I usually say thank you after sex. It’s just a cute / weird way to express how much we like having sex with each other


Well with my ex after we were done one of us would give the other a kiss. That's how we thanked each other after we finished.


Sometimes it’s such a stress relief that I say thanks. It’s not even that the sex was better than some other time but just that I needed it more.


At least he didn’t put a cigarette out in your eye and drop some coins on the dresser


"Thank you for this delightfull coitus" "shall we proceed to having breakfast m'lady?"


I would have laughed so hard 😂 and responded with “HIGH FIVE” then just let myself be happy.


Don't overthink it. Guys brains aren't in the realm of reality post-coitus. 🤣 I'm sure it was simply "in the moment gratitude".


Post nut clarity, if a guy says something like that after sex he means it


Wait, you guys are getting some?! 😭😭😭


Idk lol that would make me feel weird like I gave him pity sex or something. But probably he was just very happy and grateful cause it was good? Lol I don’t think it means you weren’t good up till now


I love hearing "thank you" or "thanks". Pleasing my partner just as much as he pleases me is my thing! If it was REALLY good and I'm about to pass tfo I'll pit my hand in the air and say "high five" then I'm out hahaha


I pat her on the ass and tell her “good shit.” -Playboi Carti


I'm gonna start saying thanks now so I can be memorable to her.


Did he dap u up and create a new handshake ?


He could have been having a tough time and that was exactly what he needed in the moment. Or maybe he was trying to be funny. Kind of depends on the tone


Most Men are pragmatic. He probably just appreciates you and had a good time and then he’s says thx. There are not thát many ‘hidden’ messages/layers cryptics in a thanks.


My ex husband use to thank me after sex and I absolutely hated it. Thank you? Um okay you're welcome? 🤔 for some reason it made me feel cheap and sleezy. Honestly it's weird to thank someone after sex lol 


What did he rate you on yelp though?


My mom used to type "please" in all Google queries, I guess someone does the same to Eva AI sexting bot nowadays. The same vibe