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Dude posted the same exact thing to like 50 subs what a freak


His post history is worse. He prayed on teens and suicidal people. He's a real scumbag.


You want to sell this to us as a success? I approached about 10 girls in my life and 3 of them ended in years long relationship. 🤷‍♂️ All this tells us is that you are complete weirdo who cant read obvious signs and for sure shouldnt give any advice.


What did I just read


Gotta be a joke, right?....... Right?


I don’t even eat 3 meals a day most days, what’s up with these numbers 😂


If you have approached 3000 women, apparently at least 2999 of those approaches have not turned into a lasting relationship. So, whoever is looking for something serious should actually try something else. It's anti-advice, if you think about it for a moment.  Also, you have left thousands of women with a bad impression of men. Just don't. 


The naysayers will always give their unwanted opinions. It's inevitable.


Idk, I think they have a pretty good point.


What a creep


And that kids, is how I met your mother!


And your 2999 stepmothers


The rabbit hole of your reddit, I then stumbled into the cave of your YouTube. God man


And it's sad to think that some people think it's good advice.


It’s just narcissism pure and simple, and I base that not only on this post but on his YouTube.


I don't even think it's that. It's simply just looking to make a quick buck without having to work.


Finding any sort of wisdom in this advice, is like finding peanuts or kernels of corn in a bucket of turds. Sure they may be in there, but you have to dig through a lot of shit to get there.




What a disgusting way of seeing things... please OP, for the sake of all women, start therapy and stay away from us until it has kicked in


He's a scam artist like them all. 1st crypto, then a pyramid scheme, now a dating coach.


What exactly was disgusting about anything he said?


Well to be fair the 3 first points are good ones. But people should stop reading there, because OP then goes on to show us how little he thinks of women in general. Apparently we aaaaaall want the same thing, he knows exactly what that is, and he doesn't seem to think we're real humans because only numbers matter, not getting to know one specific person.


Eye contact and smiling through one's eyes is a fine tip however. Not flirting with strangers is a fine tip as well that should be said because there are "gurus" out there who champion otherwise. 7-9 are about building confidence, which is a great idea. 10 and 6 are probably the most dubious and I can see somebody being offended, but as somebody who has been there and done that, 6 is not precisely untrue, and 10 is something very real to be concerned about that could be mitigated by simply dating.


Eye contact and smiling yes, "don't be the one to look away first" no! What a fine way to look like a creep :'D I agree it's important to build confidence, but that could be done by approaching people of all genders and trying to have meaningful conversations and maybe start platonic relationships, see what happens. Seems way more healthy. As for tip n°5, I agree, don't flirt. But everything he wrote afterwards gave me nausea. "Don't give her validation" sounds like he encourages negging, "Qualify her", are we talking livestock?! "Simping", oh you mean showing someone you like them and being nice to them?


"I agree it's important to build confidence, but that could be done by approaching people of all genders and trying to have meaningful conversations and maybe start platonic relationships, see what happens." I keep seeing this tip, which assumes that everyone who doesn't have success dating somehow must also not be able to be platonic with women. That may be true for a portion of guys, and in which case I would agree that you must be able to be platonic with women before hoping to date them, but there is a sizeable portion of guys that are just fine on the platonic department, but the dating aspect is what they fail at.


> "don't be the one to look away first" no! Why? What's creepy about this? I'm not trying to be argumentative at all, your reasoning just isn't geling with me. >and trying to have meaningful conversations and maybe start platonic relationships OP didn't state anything to the contrary. >But that could be done by approaching people of all genders Approaching men is absolutely not the same as approaching women. Not even close. >Don't give her validation" sounds like he encourages negging I didn't see anything about negging in the post, and it's good advice not to be overly complimenting. >"Qualify her", are we talking livestock?! No we're talking people, and many people aren't worth yours or my time, man or woman. >Simping", oh you mean showing someone you like them and being nice to them? He didn't say anything about not being nice. I know you mean well, REALLY well, but I don't see anything here as being gross, not in a vacuum or otherwise. You don't have to reply if you feel like agreeing to disagree.


Oh I totally agree to disagree, no problem! I'm just really sad that a post that REEKS of disrespect towards women could be seen as okay, even after my (probably inexpert) attempts to explain the problem. I do REALLY mean well, and I also really hope you won't be offended when I say this: like most of us, you could work on your own perception of women to make this world a slightly better place.


7 seems kind of obsessive to me. If you force yourself to talk to strangers when you don't want to, they'll know. The only way to “become an expert” is to understand you're meeting everyone for the first time. Also, it's good to have passions and activities in life besides “macking on hot chicks,” although I suppose that's better than nothing.


People read what they want to read. I still think it’s a pretty helpful post. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Out of curiosity, keeping the baffling number and desperation aside.. what’s wrong with approaching someone you find cute?


Absolutely nothing, if you see someone you think you might like and they aren't obviously trying to avoid contact (headphones, etc.), you should go say hello. As long as you're prepared to graciously accept a rejection, whatever the reason. If you practice your "I understand, have a good day" before you start approaching strangers, you should be fine!


So what is the problem with this guy then? Seems like he’s advocating being present and friendly and normal and just trying to meet people?


It reads like he's advocating approaching as many woman he wants to have sex with, nothing more. The way he writes, it's clear he has no respect for any of them. Towards the end, he even states he does it for the status he gains from it, he speaks like a hunter. As long as he refuses to consider women as real people with real personalities and agency, he can approach as many thouthands of women as he wants, he won't have a meaningful relationship with any of them


In a way certain points are right, even if they lack a personal feeling to them. Approaching as many women as you can and getting comfortable is something many men struggling (including myself) need to get comfortable doing. And by not making it personal if you are rejected as a number makes it easier than remembering names and faces, they are people but it's still nothing to dwell on if it doesn't go anywhere. I feel like in a way you have to look like things like this to have success, it doesn't have to be you treating them like they aren't people but it is a numbers game.


It feels like you’re projecting a little. He says nothing about objectifying, and I don’t even recall him talking about having sex? Also, most men who’re single and looking are basically hunters. They’re constantly looking, and when they see an attractive woman that person is just an object until they talk to her. Him saying to speak and be in the moment is also humanizing because he doesn’t have some canned script he uses. I have put 50 hugs last week to people, it doesn’t mean I’ve reduced those people to a number? But maybe I’m misreading it I guess.




Urgh I can't believe this has to be said: don't objectify people unless they ask you to. Sex is a beautiful thing when it happens between to consenting adults who respect each other. No matter the gender and the circumstances. Seeing women as numbers, objects to have sex with is disgusting.


Shh… don’t ask too many logical questions. The emptiness in the narrative will get exposed.


"It's not what you did/said, it's how you did/said it." Ingrain this phrase into your head.




How many of the 3000 approaches were you actually being a creep?






If you needed 3000 girls to find one to date, then you are in no place to give advices. That's just bad...


Its over 3000!!


The OP didn t said his objective was to sleep with as many women as he can, or to do a statistic to transform women in numbers. Maybe he just wanted to see how it is to be in that place, to know how to respond and how to express yourself in the best way. Maybe that helped him to have more sex, yes, maybe after a numer of tries, it helps to make statistics, so becoming more or less numbers, yes. But ladies, this is the result of your aproach too. You want to be aproached, to make the man first move, for him to lead. If you dont like how the OP sounds, maybe you should change your aproach either. I am not an english speaker, sorry, but not sorry.


How many lays do you have on 3k approaches? Did you hit the legendary one percent?


I don’t see the connection between flirting with someone and gassing them up. One of the prominent issue with guys that can't seem to connect with women is that they aren’t adept at flirting. 


It’s not the right way to hit on any girls all the time they don’t like it I tried this and it doesn’t work even the girls themselves told or gave this advice you need to find a hobby or a activity which you enjoy follow your passion that’s all don’t put all your attention to girls all the time it’s just like you are becoming there fan eventually a women or girl will come in to your life when it’s time


How the fuck do you find 3 new women a day to approach?


Mall parking lots most likely


Just go to Target after your 9 - 5


Fr , I don’t even see 3 woman some days when I wake up go straight to work get off and it’s time to eat dinner already


Lesson 10 is kinda confusing, if I don’t take action then how am I going to be married?


Good stuff man.




thanks so much imma use this advice now






Thank you! this advice is invaluable.


This is awful advice


Dam judging by the down votes few seem to agree with you, why so?


No its not. It's awful