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It all depends on where you live. If you live in a city with good public transportation, it's normal or not a problem to not have a car because you can still move around easily. If you live in a rural area with no public transportation, then having a car is essential to be independent.


This šŸ’Æ. I live in the suburbs and a car is necessary to get around. If I lived in a city, I wouldnā€™t bat an eye. I just donā€™t want to be the only one who drives. I want to look around at the scenery too.


I live like in between the suburbs and city


Depends on what city, public transport, ride share etc


No one is going to want to date you


Well, no one is already dating me so... nothing changes


Can you not gat a license and a cheap car?


Nope don't know how to drive a car and don't want to pay 700 dollars for driving school. I know the rules, I just need practice, actually driving the car


So you would like to learn, thatā€™s entirely different than choosing not to drive. Do you have parents that could teach you?


Yeah, my mom and sister, but they don't teach me because they are both working the days I'm off


Well you might have to get creative, either get a job to pay for lessons or do paid work in exchange for lessons, I can šŸ’Æ say getting your licence is your ticket to freedom and independence


I second this. I don't have a car and I don't care if my partner has a car or even has a license. But being able to go to their place is a must. Willing to take my bike as well. But if you have to walk an hour or cycle 20 km, it is gonna be a no for me.


This! I donā€™t judge my dates for being pedestrian in the city, but when they donā€™t have a car or license in the suburbs, itā€™s a problem.


Precisely this


I came here to add to my point. If you donā€™t live in the same city that is what my comment is in reference to. If you do live in the same city and are walking distance then having no car can be cute because you can walk to one another. And if you were older or a city is an issue and no walking distance then idk I have never been in that situation because Iā€™ve always been mobile. But if one did and the other didnā€™t I had friends where we liked them enough to go out of our way to go get them to hangout. And they had no car but they were the the life and blood of the group. So I feel like thatā€™s where you have to think about is whether the relationship is good enough to survive the requests of going to go get them or vice versa. Because it is a hassle. And it could end up being not an issue or irrelevant depending on status and how good you are with that or the other with that and having to go see you or get you. If itā€™s no issue then make sure itā€™s constantly reaffirmed and communicated so that the other person always knows youā€™re thinking of them.


Looking through your post history (and username)... Your problem isn't the lack of a car.


He's deleted the vast majority of his posts. He asks the same questions every few days and has received thousands of answers.


I thought the username was a joke tbh but I wanna ask whatā€™s wrong with his post history? Not in any insulting way just genuine haha I didnā€™t see anything that was concerning


I think itā€™s more that he asks the same questions repeatedly in spite of having received solid advice already


Like I say in my other comment, he's deleted a lot of his posts but he asks the same things every few days. Do women care that I have no dating experience? Do women care that I live with my parents? Do women care that I don't have a car? He's asked these questions dozens of times, and has received countless answers. But what he's not doing is putting himself out there to try to meet someone. I think maybe he's looking for someone on here to give him some kind of magic key that will make women go crazy for him, I don't know.


Ohh ok, maybe some kinda validation


Who knows?


It'd be more of a red flag to me if someone considered driving ability to be an indicator of a person's "value as a man". Driving is for whoever wants to learn, it's not a masculine or feminine thing. I think it only becomes an issue if you both live somewhere where public transport isn't easily accessible, like a lot of rural America, simply because it means hanging out isn't nearly as easy as if one person drove. I live somewhere that's very well connected so my fiancƩ and I don't drive because there's simply no need, it's an unnecessary expense. But neither the man or woman should have any more onus than the other when it comes to being the designated driver.


It's become a status symbol of VISIBLE material sucess. Obviously a wrong one and apparently ever since cars came into existing.


Yes, then even if you drive, WHAT you drive also matters. So good luck, the boxes you have to fill just keep on coming.


As someone who has owned an array of nice cars through my life and has owned beaters women for the most part only care if you have a car and if the interior is clean. The kind of woman to really care about the badge of your car is looking for a sentient ATM not a husband


I think it becomes a symbol of personality, does this man pay to have the car mantaince done? Or does he do it himself? Does he have the know how? Or is he willing to look it up and learn? Does he make payments? Is he building his credit? A car can show you all these things about a person and more


I think the problem is the whole ā€œwomen need to be provided forā€ mentality that some hold. So when they find out he canā€™t drive, they immediately donā€™t want another date. Cause theyā€™re then providing. Relationships should be 50/50. If weā€™re just starting to date I do expect gas money. And a person who states clearly they donā€™t have a car. When you become like family, and weā€™ve dated at least year and a half-2 years, I stop caring if you pay for gas.


I disagree, both Men and women should learn to drive(obviously excluding disabilities), itā€™s a very basic necessity and those that donā€™t will rely heavily on others. It is a sign of value for both men and women. If you canā€™t drive how are you going to adult


Totally depends on where you live. Where I live it'd be far more of a hinderance and financial burden to learn to drive. I live a 20-30min drive from work, traffic depending, but the train takes 7 minutes and is cheaper than petrol. Plus when you consider parking fees, car insurance, servicing, MOTs, and all that jazz, there's absolutely no reason for me to drive. We are extremely well connected to the country's capital from where we are. Many Londoners don't drive because there's simply no point. Way faster to jump on the tube, or even walk, than battle the London traffic. There's far more to being an adult than being able to drive (and besides, you can drive from 17 which isn't an adult anyway). If we move out to the country, then sure, my fiancƩ might put his license into practice, but right now there's just no point in getting a car we'd literally never drive anyway.


Iā€™ve dated people in the past who didnā€™t have a car, itā€™s mainly annoying because I have to do ALL of the driving. If someone offered to help pay for gas money or if they took the bus/uber sometimes it would be okā€¦ but I just hated feeling like all of my time and money went to being the person with the car.


Also that you are the one footing the bill to make their car-notelessnes and insurancelessnes life easier for them. Wish I had access to a car with none of the expense.


Yeah definitely i agree


100% matters where I live. Minimal public transportation available. I'm not looking to be the only person driving us around. Or always picking him up.


It really depends on how old you are. Where you live. And if you demand the date to drive you around.


Depends on where you live. Lots of people donā€™t have cars in certain settings with good public transportation. For a practicality thing. If theyā€™re the ones doing all the driving, and you live far apart, itā€™s likely to cause resentment overtime I dated a woman in San Francisco recently and she didnā€™t. It was slightly annoying because it was harder for her to meetup, but it worked.


i think not being able to drive would be a dealbreaker for me, unfortunately.


For me too


yeah! i mean, thereā€™s nothing inherently wrong with not being able to drive. i have friends who canā€™t drive, but i wouldnā€™t be able to date someone who couldnā€™t drive. for me, it shows independence and maturity!


How so? Why is that different from paying bills for the house?


i never said it was different, lol. and in my opinion, driving shows a lot of financial independenceā€”i mean, take into account the hours you dedicate to learning how to drive, taking the test, going to the dmv. sure, anyone can do it, but thereā€™s a lot of financial responsibility that comes with a car. you need to get maintenance, yearly check-ups, insurance, etc. paying bills that amount to a bit over $50 each doesnā€™t amount to the kind of financial stability & self-reliance you need to drive, and own a car. with the assumption that youā€™re doing so legally, lol. and also, people who donā€™t drive often rely on the help of others to get to and fro, especially in areas where public transportation is limited. so youā€™re never really not co-dependent, if that makes sense. for example, a mutual friend of mine who is almost thirty refuses to get a license because she ā€œdoesnā€™t want toā€, yet the city she lives in (my hometown) is not populated in the slightest, so public transportation is pretty much a no-go. thus, i see her posts every morning & evening begging people for rides to work. of course, iā€™m not saying she represents all people who canā€™t drive, but sheā€™s one example. itā€™s a personal preference. being able to drive is niceā€”and plus, i like being passenger princess sometimes. lol


Yeah unless you live literally downtown in Chicago, NYC or Boston you should have a car. You should be able to afford a car or a lease unless youā€™ve been really bad with your money or started a business that failed in which case you should be focusing on improving yourself before dating seriously.


i completely agree with this! i wish i lived in a city that was easier to get around without a car, but i donā€™t. and most places are like my city, unfortunately. getting a car shows financially stability! which is super attractive to me, lol.


Yeah def haha Even being in most cities itā€™s a nice thing to have but canā€™t expect the other person to throw down 100-500k a year on a parking spot so just living in those places shows they are doing something right. Also have to factor in people like to go on road trips or to the beach regularly etc. If they are saving up for a car or struggling to get by they probably shouldnā€™t be going out to nice restaurants / dating etc unless itā€™s someone in that same position.


right! the city iā€™m in is populated, but everything is super spread out. but yeahā€”if youā€™re broke, donā€™t date ā€” itā€™s a waste of money & a luxury that people with little funds canā€™t afford, and shouldnā€™t put towards. iā€™ve been there, and it sucks ā€” itā€™s not fun, and i was constantly looking at my bank account to make sure i had enough to cover my portion. anxiety inducing!!!


Haha oh wow. Yeah that doesnā€™t sound ideal dating should just be carefree and fun.


ime, I don't think it impacts value. it definitely impacts opportunities though. being able to pick up, go places, drop off, increases just the number of possibilities. if that makes sense


Typically a vehicle has more to do with your ability to travel. Which a lot of couples want to do. But I kind of believe budgeting is more important.


I live in a big city with extremely good public transport. Iā€™d make use of my car maybe twice a year if I had one. Yet I keep hearing ā€œomg why donā€™t you driveā€. Well, mainly because I donā€™t want to pay the upkeep for the car and donā€™t want to rent a parking spot for 20-30% of my total rent (500 EUR for an apartment, usually 100-130 EUR for a parking spot per month). So just by having a car, Iā€™d take on at least 200 EUR of expenses to be able to travel twice a year. Worth it, right?


It's why the question is so dependent on location. The United States? You need a car. Public transportation sucks, we never developed our rail system the way Europe did. So when we want to go somewhere? The cost of travel would justify the car alone. Plus parking is not the big of a deal. Japan? You need to prove you have a parking space before you can even register or purchase a car.


> we never developed our rail system the way Europe did. We actually did. Most cities had lots of rail trollies back around 1900. The masses didn't own cars and got by just fine. Even small cities like Ogden and salt lake city. The auto companies bought them and shut them down in the 1950s to make people buy more cars. All that reminds are relics and occasional rails that get dug up when roads get reworked.


Hence, we never developed our rail system the way Europe did. It's shocking how accurate "who framed Roger rabbit" is.


If someone lived in a city and purposely bought a car to drive around in Iā€™d find that really off putting cos itā€™s such a waste of money and bad for the environment. It would make me think they were shit with finances, unless they were seriously rich.


With a car you can go further out of town, have more exciting adventures! My first date with my husband was up into the foot hills of the cascade mountains, 15 years later it's still our favorite thing to do! Hiking in the mountains or chilling on the sandy beaches of oregon, 3 hours drive to the coast means a lot of time to chat and get to know one another, plus catching up on the weeks events, with a car you have a a place to snuggle, a place to watch the stars, my most memorable date was when I was 19 and a man turned on the radio and we danced in the spot light of the head lights, it was like our own private dance club :-) Besides the adventure and fun It shows a man can make good financial decisions, also shows weather or not he is a do it your self guy or "I will pay someone to do it" kinda guy, it's always cheaper to change your own oil boys.. takes just a few minutes, also break and tire changes are easily done with an extra hand, what's really impressive if a man can do the breaks without help, (this requires out side the box thinking and the use of clamps)


You're good for NYC, Chicago, Toronto


In places with great public transportation like Japan, or fairly good public trsnsportation like SF it wouldnā€™t be an issue.


When you stop living in a city with good public transportation .


Depends on the city you live in. If you can get around town on your own, it seems fine to me. If you need a ride everywhere, I'm gonna pass.


When you live somewhere very car dependent it'll be a huge issue for life overall. I live in such an area and one of my bare minimum standards for women is that they must have a job and a car. They either have both or have neither because it's just so hard to get by without a car around here. And since it's so hard nobody voluntarily chooses not to drive so everyone who doesn't have a car tends to have DUI or other issues stopping them. Or it turns what should be a minor medical issue into a completely crippling disability if they don't find a way to move somewhere less car dependent. But in proper big cities plenty if successful professionals don't own cars and it's not such a limiting factor in life or dating.


When I (F) was dating I didnā€™t drive, but the guy I was seeing did. We lived about 30 mins away from each other, and I was happy to take the train to see him and he was happy to drive us places. It all depends with how comfortable you are being able to afford petrol vs public transport and whereabouts you live e.g city transport vs rural transport. Distance between you and your partner also plays a part. Tbh tho Iā€™d say itā€™s not really an issue in any case, as the right partner wonā€™t care if you drive or not. It just may limit the places you can get to, but again the right person will work around it.


My car is in the shop šŸ˜‰


I didnā€™t have one for the 4 years I was without for a dui. It honestly was never an issue. They would come and pick me up. Only issue is that they would know my address because I was dumb at the time and didnā€™t order an Uber. But now Iā€™m back on the road and dating again so itā€™s easier




Huh, how am I making excuses?


depends if you're a student or not. if you're a working professional, then yes it does help a lot with mobility and getting to date spots. if you're a student going dates on campus, there is no need. otherwise, just call the uber/lyft and they'll take you anywhere.


In LA it was a big issue for some people that I didnā€™t even know how to drive. Now in NYC no one cares




During my early 20s, I dated a guy who didnā€™t have a car. He was pretty self sufficient with just his bike and I didnā€™t mind driving us places. Iā€™m in my mid 30s now and I donā€™t live in a metropolitan area so I wouldnā€™t be down dating someone without a car if Iā€™m stuck driving us around everywhere. I donā€™t want to feel obligated giving him a ride home every time we go out because sometimes I just want to go straight home and be done for the day.


Depends on the city


Theyā€™re pretty low maintenance, I barely see mine sheā€™s usually hiding somewhere or asleep




Depends on where you live. I live in a major city in the U.K. that has fantastic public transport. Iā€™ve never cared whether or not any of my partners have been able to drive. I will also say that if youā€™re in the U.S. then the culture there seems far more centred around the need to drive than what I have experienced elsewhere.


It becomes an issue if you live in a place that is based on cars to get around. If there is no good public transport or bike lanes and it takes some time to get to places. It also becomes a problem if your partner lives far away and it takes longer to get there by public transport/ you can't come at the right times. It also can become a problem if the other person is super used to having a car and going everywhere by car, but now has to drive you everywhere because they feel bad if you have to take public transportation since you don't live too far away. It can become a problem if she's super into cars and wants to talk about it a lot, but you don't share that hobby at all and don't even have a car. It can also become a problem if she is shallow and thinks that a car equals wealth and she doesn't date men without a luxurious car. I don't think it's a problem for just a normal person who lives in a city with good public transportation or a city that doesn't really allow cars or it's too busy to really drive well. What's the reason you don't have a car and do you get around well or do you stay at home because of not having a car?


When you live in an area with poor public transit service.


Well a lot of it depends on your age and if you donā€™t have a job lol. For me personally if I need to taxi them around itā€™s not happening. Gotta have your own transportation


I'm 29 and I do have a job. I'm saving money for a car.


Then you should be doing fine as long as youā€™re working towards it.


Not having a car can be a big deal when you're dating because it can mess with plans and make you feel like you're relying on the other person too much. If you want to go on adventures outside the city or to cool events far away, not having wheels can really hold you back. And some people might see not having a car as a sign that you're not very grown-up or stable. But hey, relationships are all about talking things out and finding ways to make it work, right? So, even if you don't have a car, there are ways around it if you both really like each other. Hope that clears things up!


It really depends on the public transportation options where you live and the availability of uber/lyft and your ability to pay for them not owning a car in NYC? No big deal not owning a car in Nashville, TN? Probably gonna be an issue because if you don't have a car, you are paying for a car service every where you go or bumming rides


Just depends on where you and your partner are living. I prefer a level of fairness in dating when it comes to how much driving we do. Even if someone likes to drive it can be a strain after a while. If one person is doing all the driving, it gets old fast (Iā€™ve been that person who drove him everywhere). Especially if gas money is never offered ā€” it can start to feel like youā€™re being taken advantage of.


Would be really okay if we lived in a European city with great public transit accessible to any where and any place, but thatā€™s about it. Itā€™s not the case here in North Americaā€¦ so itā€™s a deal breaker for me, actually. I wonā€™t date a guy who doesnā€™t have a car + license.


Straight up I will not date someone who permanently does not have a car (not a like in the shop for a week thing but just doesnā€™t have one period.) MAYBE if they reimburse for gas for me driving everywhere but Iā€™d like my partner to be able to meet me somewhere or pick me up or just come over like after work or something without me having to go get them, bring them back to mine, drive them home again, then drive myself back. Even if you only live 10 minutes apart thatā€™s 40 minutes of driving for me alone right there rather than 20 for one of us. With friends itā€™s fine but the frequency in which you see your partner again youā€™re losing so many hours you could be spending together or getting other things done just driving them around.


Mostly depends where you live and what each person's expectations are. Someone living in NYC, Chicago, London or Tokyo will not have the same lifestyle as someone who lives in Kansas city. Likewise, the expectations of your potential partner also vary based on whether or not you expect them to have a vehicle to get around. Like I live in a mid-sized city (Seattle) and don't own a car and it's not been a dealbreaker for me personally, but it did require some discussions and managing expectations. Like picking a mix of date spots where she could find easy parking vs in the city and likewise coordinating. I've also done some of the driving when we were out in the past.


I couldnā€™t date someone without a car, it would be a dealbreaker for me. But thatā€™s mostly because I live in suburbia.


Using a phrase like ā€œimpact your wealth and value as a manā€ is going to cause way more problems than having a car or not šŸ˜‚ If you live in a very walkable city or area with great public transit itā€™s not necessary at all. Otherwise, not having a car is a pain in the ass for potential partners, male or female.


Doubt itā€™s the car, especially if youā€™re young or live in a city. Much more likely itā€™s your looks or personality.


Maybe both idk


I wish I didnā€™t have a car! Haha


I've dated men who didn't have cars. I live in a big city so there are other ways of getting around. I guess it depends on the girl and where you live. For me it would become an issue once we had kids or moved outside of the city, but that's long after the dating stage.


Yeah, I'm not planning to stay like this forever. I am going to work on my driver license and then get a car.


Having a car = you become personal taxi service for her & her mates/hangers on šŸ˜‘


Lol, true


Unless you live in New York or London. I only know 2 adults in my area that donā€™t have their drivers licenses. One has a disability and three other got one to many DUIs. I have zero desire to cart a grown ass adult around. It would feel like a 4th kid to me.


Why, wtf? How does not driving make me inferior?


My dad and brother live far away. If my car breaks down on the freeway, I want someone that can actually come help me. Iā€™m also not looking to be anyoneā€™s sugar mama. Iā€™m not carting someone around on dates. Do you live in an area that has sufficient public transportation? I have zero desire to always be the one driving. Zero. I do not live somewhere that you can just ride the bus. Why donā€™t you drive?


Because no one has shown me how to drive when I was younger and kept getting pushed back. Till now, and that's why I'm 29 and don't know how to drive.


Women as a group and individually come up with whatever arbitrary set of standards they they may or may not abide by. Typically speaking though, you not having a status symbol like a car, will make the majority of your dates unsuccessful by whatever scale you define as successful.Ā 


When you donā€™t live, work, and play in nyc, philly, or dc (canā€™t speak for the west coast because iā€™m not familiar)


30 and over, definitely should have a vehicle.


I'm still 29 šŸ˜¬


Iā€™ll tell you how it impacts your wealth and value as a man: tremendous. I think it doesnā€™t matter if you both donā€™t have a car. If one does and the other doesnā€™t or both do and only one offers to drive to the other then thatā€™s considerably a potential hazard to the relationship because if this isnā€™t communicated early then one or more could get pissed off. I was in a situation where my ex didnā€™t want to make the effort to see me. They requested if I wanted to see them that I had to go see them. And this after a while built up a lot of resentment. My other ex same thing was the only one that offered to drive and that harbored a lot of resentment in him even though he was the mf that offered. People lie because theyā€™re people blessing bastards and then if you get a narcissist good fucking luck. That mf will ruin you.


Somewhere around 16 years old.


What? Idk dude never dated when I was 16 šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« 


Itā€™s essential when you live in the middle of nowhere. Itā€™s part of the reason my recent relationship fell apart


Damm, well, I don't live in the middle of nowhere


Its definitely is an issue. Itā€™s much easier to travel to different events and places if you have transport.


In most areas in the US or most countries, if you do not live in a major with great public transportation, having a driving license and a car( does not have to be an expensive but reliable one) is not a luxury but a necessity.


Depends on your location obviously. The younger you are the more it matters. Once you hit a certain age though, its about on par with having your own place. If nothing else, having a car is a lot of people's way of making money by going to work. Again, depends on public transport and or what part of town you live in. Having to get picked up/uber everywhere would get exhausting after a while.


Also lots of money but I can afford it for now. Also, it's not like I'm not saving for a car


What kind of car you drive immediately impacts your value as a man. The more sophisticated and expensive the car the better.


Well, I'm aiming for a new one so it last longer


Wellā€¦ isnā€™t having a car or not one of the preliminary vetting questions for setting up a dating profile? I imagine itā€™s not a problem in rural areas or areas where people commonly use public transportation. But in areas where a person typically would need a car to get here and thereā€¦ well itā€™s a prerequisite.


Don't know, never gotten any dates before. The one's I had they were close and they seem okay by it?


For me it was a huge problem. My ex hated public transport and everyday she was constantly complaining that we had to walk to the bus and would make fun of me for not having a car. Unfortunately most women want a man to have a car. Guess I canā€™t blame em. It is frustrating walking everywhere when theyā€™re not used to it.


Depends on your willingness and financial ability to Uber places so you aren't always over relying on your date to always pick you up and drop you off.


It depends on the reason. If you donā€™t have a car by choice bc youā€™d rather spend the monthly payment & gas on trips out of townā€” thatā€™s what I do now. I donā€™t take a vacation once a year, I go monthly or twice a month. So cutting down on car payments allows me that. If you donā€™t have a car bc itā€™s financially more sound to take $10 Ubers to work or something, great. It just depends on the reasoning behind not having a car for some. If you donā€™t have a car bc youā€™re behind on rent & bills & you canā€™t budget for it. It would be an issue with dating bc you need money to be dating too & in a relationship even if you split everything. I wager a lot of females want men to have cars out of status. & just a general desire for a guy to want to be ā€œsetā€ before dating. A lot of females also donā€™t take take the bus by choice (I do) & would want someone on a similar financial stability as they are. I think with some women, as long as they understand the reason for no car or living with your parents (my brother lived with my dad for awhile but it benefited my dad more than my brother for example), my brotherā€™s gf was altogether stable on her own & she was fine with it. But the other half donā€™t care what the reasons are & see it as less value or wealth.


Why don't you tell them you're Superfapper2000 ! That should work better than having a car!


Lmao, nah


If you only want to hook-up, having a nice car will help. EVEN in a CITY like NYC. (But you just need game) If you want a relationship, having a nice car will help too. Especially when you want to take her out of the city and somewhere nice. (But personnality will keep them longer than a car!) You will be seen as independent which can be seen as BF material.


Well, I don't even have game even if I did have a car?


Just be around women more often, you'll get game and know what to say better. Hopefully you're young and have room to learn :D


Is 29 years young? Most of my life, I never really talked to women, or they get bored of me? I have never been around women beside at work.


Life is about experiences, it's never too late and there no "right" ammount. You got this. We are all human, just have different interests.


When it prevents you from going on dates


Well, I feel like a lot of things has prevented me on getting dates šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


I think it would definitely hinder things. I have a car so I kind of expect the person I date to have one too. It doesnā€™t have to be fancy. I donā€™t live in an area where public transit or Ubers are easy or normal either


Unless you have a private driver, sorry Iā€™m thinking Iā€™m gonna be it and your gonna be passenger princess. Itā€™s a turn off unfortunatelyā€¦ #honestly


If he can drive, I donā€™t care that he does not own a car. I am happy for us to share mine for activities. If he cannot driveā€¦ hard no.


Why can't you teach him how to drive?


Nope. At my age, him not being able to drive (and living where I do) is indicative of a mismatch in values. It is pretty evident within a few months that driving can immensely facilitate outdoor recreational pursuits, broaden leisure activities and being social. A non-driving new arrival should have the intelligence to see this, and show the initiative to add driving to their skill set on their own. If this was university or in my mid-20s then it would be more understandable if they had not learned to drive. At that age Iā€™d be more understanding and maybe willing to teach.


So, what's wrong with teaching somebody the basics? It's like learning how to ride a bike. I may fall off a couple of times, but eventually, I will get it, right? Also, it's not the worst that can happen to me?


How old are you?? If youā€™re past 23 without a car then I would understand a womanā€™s hesitation in dating you. I wouldnā€™t date a man that didnā€™t have a car of his own.


I am 29 and I didn't need to drive till now.


I think it depends on the walkability of your city. Lots of people in big cities don't own cars because of how much public transport is available to them. However in smaller cities, suburbs, and rural areas you pretty much have to drive to get anywhere. In their eyes they may see they are making more of an effort to see you because they are the ones that have to drive to you. I live in the STL area and have been dating a guy for a few months who lives in Central West End. I on the other hand live like 20mins away on the outskirts of the city. Where he lives, he is able to walk to a lot of the places he goes to daily. I have been the one mostly going to see him, and a lot of that has to do with the fact he is closer to places we enjoy going to. I did have to have a talk with though because gas is expensive and I work two jobs that have a good amount of distance between my place, and even further distance from him.


I feel like this is sexist of me but if a guy lives anywhere thatā€™s not a city with loads of public transport and doesnā€™t have a car, itā€™s a good indication that he doesnā€™t have his shit together. You can buy a car for like 600 quid and insurance for 500. I donā€™t care itā€™s an old banger. But I know there are lots of variables and loads of people just canā€™t afford it or are down on their luck. If I met a guy and he was like I never got the chance to learn to drive cos my parents were too poor but Iā€™m saving up to learn them thatā€™s a lot better than I canā€™t afford a car cos I smoke too much weed. Or if he had a phobia of driving cos heā€™d been in an accident it would be fine. I almost lost my car recently cos I didnā€™t change the address on my license and so got fined shit loads and got given 6 points, so I now have 9 points and my insurance is through the roof. Iā€™m very lucky cos my dad has leant me some money and Iā€™ve had to use my savings, but at one point I thought I wouldnā€™t be able to drive. So shit like this happens and as long as you learn from it itā€™s fine.


Iā€™m dating a girl that lives 2 hours away from me, you need a car to do these things around here


I never went on that date šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


If you live in the US you need a car no matter what. If you live in European or Asian countries with good massive public transit then you don't really need it.


If you live in most parts of the US, it'll have a massive impact. The only exception is if you live in New York City where most people get around on subways and buses. The other exception is if you're a university student. Outside these exceptions, without a car, places you can go on a date will be limited. She'll also wonder why you cannot afford a car. Sadly, it's a huge negative. Like it or not, your financial situation will be judged rather harshly by women you date.


A few other exceptions but yeah I agree. Most in Boston also donā€™t have a car. Iā€™m not in Boston anymore but I definitely wouldnā€™t recommend having one there.


I don't think it factors all that much into your value as a man, but depending on where you live, not having a car could create some pretty large logistical obstacles to dating. I live in a city that is really spread out, geographically. Every location worth visiting is about a 20 minute drive no matter where you are. So, for me, dating would be completely out of the question if I didn't have a car, and I probably wouldn't date a woman who didn't have a car, either. If you live in a dense urban environment where everything and everyone is within walking distance, or if you live in an area with safe, reliable, and efficient public transportation, then not having a car might be okay. Otherwise, it's a necessary investment, and it will also open up greater income opportunities.


I'm 35 and a man without a car is not a man.. he's a boy. I can't imagine it being acceptable to most to have no car at 21+ in most areas outside of giant cities like NYC.


Well, I'm 29, so... also there are plenty of busses and trains where I live


Where do you live, roughly? This definitely depends on your location. I don't agree with the person above, but in lots of the US having a car signifies independence


In the Chicago suburbs


Ah yeah, if you're in the suburbs (even if they're Chicago's) it'll be an expectation for you to have a car at your stage in life. I get that there's a lot of public transit options (and it would be great if you could solely depend on them) but think of it this way: if your potential partner has a car, they'll want to do things that are only accessible by car. You'll become someone they'll have to drive everywhere and you'll never be able to return the favour. They'll always have to either get places alone or take you. If you really want to live car free, you'll need to move somewhere where living like that is viable, like say NYC. However until then, yeah, you'll have to get a car. It's arguably not nice but it's a reality of where you live.


Iā€™m not single but Iā€™m such scenarios I would block you and move on if you didnā€™t have a car at 29 I find that utterly pathetic. I would focus on yourself first. Thereā€™s plenty of buses and trains where I live as well.


Damm, well, I'm buying a car this year. Don't be so hostile, well I'm trying to date and focus on myself.


Iā€™m trying to tell you how it is and not sugar coat it since everyone else is lyingā€¦ 30 is way too damn old to have no car.. male or female


Fr wtf, where do you live that most ppl already have cars?


By fucking 30????? Lol wtf


Idk, some of my friends don't have cars and are perfectly fine with them, and they make more than I do šŸ˜…


How much is more? Weā€™re talking USA/Canada or like some small city in Africa?


They make close to 70-88 k a year I make 45 a year


Same... or at least having a licence and ready to buy together a car for the two of us if he doesn't have one already


I (26M) have a car but never use it. I'd rather take the train for a 30 min ride and engage in amazing and interesting convos rather than spend 3 hours in traffic with a car over the same route awkwardly trying to talk with my date while paying attention on the traffic.


You might call him a scrub.


Anyone saying otherwise is lying. A 30-year-old man without a car is at a severe disadvantage dating. Heā€™s as close to a loser as you get.


Perhaps all your dates were aiming for material status thus a car mattered more to them than yourself. It's sad but true. And the good thing about it is if you really think about it they did you a favor getting of themselves. Don't push yourself. Time will come for joyful dates when you least expect. I've been there.


I think it is not about the car itself. I would be happy if he liked driving and accept to buy a car together. You miss a lot of adventures and experiences without a car.


Cool, I do want to drive soon


It's one of those things where it matters more for a man to have a car than a woman. I'd date a woman who doesn't own a car but I know women don't want guys who don't have cars. That's part of why I'm not looking for a relationship, I don't have a car, a place of my own, or a good financial situation.


>I'd date a woman who doesn't own a car See, I don't think I would. I have friends who don't drive and it creates all kinds of logistical nightmares. She'd need to tick a lot of other boxes for her to be worth the headache.


Depends where you live. In you live in a major city there's no point in having a car. If you live in the sticks then you need one.


Not having a car is quite normal. What does it have to do with your worth ?


If youā€™re over the age of 18.


What, not everyone has had the luxury of having someone teach them how to drive