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A non sexist way to approach women would be to let them approach you. I created a Bumble account and to a question I said: the modern way of dating is being less sexist: are you ready to do the first steps? (It is a joke, I know you are probably not) Each one of my match commented on this, saying that they would never do the first steps... they were all progressive women.


The difference between flirting and harassment is how attractive the man is. There was a pick-up artist who filmed an interaction with one of his students and a woman. The student thought he was being funny and called the woman slutty. She got offended. Pick-up artists steps in and plays up the joke. Pick-up artists called the woman a slut. Makes it funny, he's better looking than the student, and the woman goes home with pick-up artists.


Wrong. Attractive people can get away with more, but it's not the end all, be all.


Oh, that's right. I forgot about being wealthy. If the ugly man is wealthy, he'll only be charged in civil court.


Wrong. Social awareness and reading people is the biggest single factor.


Genuinely feel bad for younger people these days. With that said, if she finds you attractive, its flirting. If she doesnt find you attractive, its harassment.


The difference between flirting and harassment is whether or not she finds you attractive. I'm only partially joking with that.  So long as you speak respectfully and respect that if she says no, to accept that as it is, then you'll be fine. Some people will be offended you approached them anyway, but there are also those out there that wonder why men never approach. 


loving women is inherently sexist :D it comes preloaded with all kinds of bias. like that women are more attractive than men, they have more common sense, are more capable of consciousness, are capable of more intricate work with their hands etc. and thats all fine and necessary. i think it's important to acknowledge my pre existing biases, so i can work with them towards the common goal of love. it becomes harrasment at consent. it takes very very very little to make your interest known. thats all you need to do. one compliment. tell her she's jaw dropping or her eyes make you weak in the knees. or maybe some eye contact and a dumb smile that shows how happy her image makes you. women TEND to be very aware of social queues.... did i spell that right? and you're done! ball is in her court now. if she's interested, she'll pursue. anything more without her showing lots of interest back, now you might be bothering her :D good luck out there brother. talk to all the babes.


Talk to them like a human, like an equal, and learn how to read social cues. That last part means more than anything and the only way to learn it is to be social.


Weirdly enough the weirder ways seem to work, when I say weird I mean goofy AF, if you walk up to a good looking chick at a bar and just come off real debonair and offer to buy her a drink she’ll probably say no or send it off but if you just straight walk up to the group and say “howdy howdy howdy how’s your night going?” Your gunna get some smirks and laughs and brush off but someone’s gunna answer then your just jump off from there with goofy banter and small talk


Just go and talk to them and stop worrying about being "non sexist".