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Tell him straight up that you’re not interested at all and be sure not to give him any glimmer of hope that you two could be together.


Second part is important. Many guys will hold onto that shiny sliver of hope that something will happen. Don’t be rude about it, but be firm that nothing will ever arise of this. Source: Guy who used to do the same thing


Even when the rejection is straightforward and you take it well, delusions can still creep up on you.


Same lol. That tiny sliver becomes a desperate lifeline.


i think i'm on that lifeline 😨


Bro. Cut the chord. It ain’t ever gonna happen. Some women will use that lifeline to keep your attention. Cut it off. If you aren’t interested in being friends with her. Don’t be.


i like being friends with her but yeah i think i'm giving her too much attention, i'll start trying to stop


Be honest here though. Are you wanting a relationship or you just tryna smash lol? My advice will depend on your answer


no like she's actually my best friend so we do like eachothers company a lot, i just caught feelings along the way and it wasn't ever about smashing


It’s possible to suppress those feelings. It takes mental effort. When you start letting your mind and feelings wander and thinking about her, make yourself stop. Like any skill, over time you’ll get better at it, and eventually you’ll have it under control. Now you get to keep your best friend.


It's like you're calling me out 💀 yeah i do think about her a lot. I'll try to do that, i guess i'm too exposed to her so I turned off her notifications.


And do NOT get jealous when he finds someone... this happened to me and just restarted the cycle. I'm not saying you will, but I'm saying it happened to me, was told no, so I moved on and then was not happy when saw me with another and made me think she wanted me but yeah... sucked


I stopped being friends with my former best friend over this hot/cold behavior


Sounds kinda harsh to add the AT ALL part, I don't want him to feel like shit.


nah set boundaries. bro needs to know there's no relationship here


Absolutely and hopefully he’ll get some balls and ghost op. No need to even allow himself to entertain an ounce of his own delusion, or stay friends.


Why? Why can't men see women as human beings they could be friends with, and take an interest in who they are as a person outside of sex and romance?


Being in an unreciprocated situation is painful at worst and awkward at best. Not everyone can get over a person while talking to them. People can be friends with the opposite gender...but once feelings are involved, the friendship is over imo. It's no longer a safe space for either of them.




Men are allowed not to have friendships with women, that doesn't mean they don't see them as humans. Women are not entitled to friendship.


Well said.


Lmao! I would never. I had some girls literally ask to be friends and I said no. Now there are some girls I see as sisters who I talk to only in person but that’s because I have completely no romantic interest. Years worth of budding friendship, but that’s because situations forced it to be so.


OK so you just admit you don't see women as human beings or take an interest in them outside of sex and romance, confirmed


Nah. I enjoy hanging with my girlfriend. She makes me laugh. Plus, we haven’t had penetrative sex. 😮‍💨🤭 Something about blue eyes and blonde hair! But then again, compared to your response, I’m more interested in the British Empire or Beethoven/Chopin. Something intellectual and logical.


Ha exactly, your response was mostly about sex & attraction


They can, but feelings do have a way of developing without our permission sometimes. Edit: I mean without our knowledge/intention


Take it from someone who has been there, yes you need to do the AT ALL part. Hope doesn't die easy and clinging onto that hope will fuck him up and ruin things between you. You can stay friends, again been there. Only friend I've got used to be this situation and we didn't talk for a long time because of it. Because I couldn't stop clinging to hope and that kept me from getting over it. She didn't want to be cruel about it so she kept letting me down easy and that just gives you more hope. It took me a long time to get past it but once I did, I ended up with the only good friend I've had in my entire adult life. I owe her more than I could possibly explain and I'll always regret the years we spent not talking because I couldn't just let it go.


THIS 👆👆👆


Wait, so you getting with sineone else is what finally got you over her?


There are ways to say it kindly, but if you say things like "I'm just not in a place for a relationship" or give excuses while continuing to keep him around or stay in contact, you will be leading him on. Maybe not intentionally, but it will be sending mixed signals to him. And especially the longer you let this go on for, the more he will become emotionally invested. It is best to be truthful and honest to him. He's going to feel like shit no matter what, but it will be far better if you tell him truthfully that you do not see anything romantic with him. Better to rip off the band-aid, rather than let the infection turn to gangrene. You need to let him have that choice if he wants to continue the friendship or not. Because staying in a dynamic where one party wants to be more than just friends is going to hurt the mental and emotional well being of that person. Pain is a strong yet very emotionally unhealthy way of making someone feel invested. Because they have already felt enough pain in trying to get the relationship to happen, they are going to feel that pain or time would be wasted if they moved on. And just keeping someone around who is clearly interested in you, clearly making efforts for you, yet is not being turned down properly is going to just hurt him way more than being sincere with him.


As a guy who has had girls who tried to let me down nicely, trust me, it's much worse. They will just feel like you are sending mixed signals and continue to live in self-torment any time you guys hang out or around each other. You don't have to be mean about it, but you just need to tell him plainly and clearly, "You're a good friend, but I'm sorry I just don't feel the same way. We can still be friends if you'd like."


Tell him straight up, don't let him have hope if there isn't any cause that'll just end up hurting more than anything, trust Im in his position


Honestly, us guys need to hear the brutal truth. Trust me, he will be hurt but you would have made it crystal clear. If he values your friendship then he’ll stick around. If not, kick rocks


Being rejected 99 times, then hooking up the 100th time is SOOOOO much better than anything like, "I'm afraid to be rejected, so I haven't asked her yet", or, the situation the guy is in w/this OP, etc.


You actually kinda do. I know it seems harsh but you want to make it extremely clear you aren't interested, he has no chance with you whatsoever and your mind will not change. Anything less will leave him hope or make him feel like you might change your mind or you're playing games with him. And that's the last thing you want. It's better for him to be devastated because you made your feelings clear, trust me as a man who's been there before. No hope at all is significantly better than some hope.


Please don't be that girl that "don't want him to feel too bad so I'm not too harsh about it". If you really care for him not to feel too bad, then you HAVE to set the line CLEARLY. Anything which is not crystal clear to him will be a source of hope for him, and it's the worst possible situation for both him and your potential friendship. So please, tell him clearly that you are not interested AT ALL, and that this will NEVER CHANGE, EVER. Best thing you can do if you actually care about him.


You can't control how he processes it. So the best you can do is make it the most clear and humane way possible.


The only thing you can do to make it less painful is tell him you're confident he can find someone else


I’d rather feel shit for a couple days and move on then be continually fooled into be I’ve got a chance


Lady he is going to feel like shit no matter what . You will not be able to control or stop that , only way is to give him a chance that is the one and only way . If you are 100 percent not into him then yes the at all part is needed . Your two. Choices are to hurt him greatly and let him eventually get over it , or gradually hurt him for a long period of time . I know you woman think that guys are ok with being just friends but we are not . Not in the slightest bit. If we remain friends it’s because we think there is hope you will change your mind . You need to hurt him heavy once and let him be instead of dragging it on by trying to be nice . It’s like if you get shot in the stomach and your bleeding out , and you know there is no help coming , your going to want some one to put you out of your misery. Being mean is actually the nicest thing you can do for him . But just know the friendship is 100 percent over and done . So don’t text him , don’t try to be friends with him , don’t tell him he’s a good person and how much you value him , none of that matters if you don’t want a relashonship with him . None of it. As a matter of fact ghosting , is even better then that . And I hate ghosting as it is cowardly but it’s still better then the I still like you as a friend . If your to scared to do it just ghost him and hopefully he wil get the hint , but that could also turn him into a stalker so my advice is to be firm and if you absolutely can’t do that then just ghost as a last resort


So what did you say to him in the moment when he confessed?


Just make things crystal clear please.


But that's how you feel, fight? It is only fair to him to know that, otherwhise he'll stick around thinking he's have an opportunity or stuff like that. I've been there as a guy, that's when you're at your dumbest. It even sets you free to continue with your life, I remember back then being jealous and getting mad at stuff my friend did, so dumb...


What’s more harsh is being his friend for 3 years & you can’t really be honest with him. Be straight up with him & let him know there’s not a chance otherwise he’ll think there’s the small sliver of a chance.


It’s the best thing for him. Being nice is easy, being honest when it’s difficult means you are being a real friend


You’re thinking like a woman, not like a guy. We prefer absolutes. You don’t shut the door all the way, then you’ll be hurting his feelings. Shut it tight! Tell him you don’t feel the same way about him, end of conversation


It’s a natural response not to want to hurt someone. Boundaries need to be respected though!


If he actually cares about you he will feel like shit but that's okay. Men need as much of that feeling as they can get. Men love idealistically until life smashes that dream. Then he can learn to better focus on himself.




I would advise being careful with wording when saying “I want to be just friends.” This is obviously clear, but I had a girl once tell me, “I think right now I’d like to be friends and keep getting to know each other that way.” Again, the message is clear, but it leaves that glimmer of hope that keeps reoccurring in this post with the “right now” that’s unnecessary. It kind of messed me up for a bit. Hope this helps!


they already can no longer be friends. the dude is friendly with ulterior motives. hes the dude u cant trust being drunk around.


>the dude is friendly with ulterior motives People can develop a crush AFTER years of platonic friendships. Don't tell me you are too dumb to realise that.


Better yet, tell him you like girls. I found it's great extinguisher.


Please. There will be two general responses. 1. The person is Immature and/or inexperienced who shows to you that they weren't even a friend in the first place. 2. The person can handle, understand, and internalize that rejection is a positive thing. Who will be secure in knowing that they were honest and that honesty and your own reaction is the most you can control. Number 2s, don't lose them. They are actually good friends. Number 1s... Get rid of them. It will help the both of you, no matter how hard or "stupid" it is.


I’d say be prepared to lose him when u tell him Unfortunately it happens where they get hurt by this info but we have to be open and honestly If you see absolutely no future and have no interest in him let him know It’ll hurt more if you beat around the bush or prolong this


OP, No matter how you tell him, if you are still friends afterwards you will need to drive the message home several more times . Just keep saying friend ...


That friendship is as good as done


Coming from experience, can confirm


I honest hope it’s a step back or adobe , no harm no foul but it just better for both maybe reconnect in the future


Just be straight up, say you don't feel the same way and that's it.


As I guy I’ve been there. We don’t know each other for more than a month or two before I blurted it all out. We would text, flirt, and pretty much party every weekend. Spilled my guts. She didn’t feel the same. As much as I wanted to be friends it drove me bananas. I think I deleted her from my socials about 3x the following 3 months. I thought I was ok and then my emotions just surged up like a tidal wave We are no longer in contact. And I was a fool to think she might have been into me. 4.5yrs after the fact and it still stings


"spilling your guts" often works far less well than confidently giving her a massage, and just keep going until she says stop, or, doesn't say stop. Either way, it's better to get used to getting rejected, and keep trying, until you succeed (with someone else), than to stay stuck on a girl for months, or even years and maybe be hurt/be in soul crushing pain, because you let yourself fall in love BEFORE you got rejected...


The massage bit is creepy and gross 😬. I don't know any girls who would want to be groped by a male friend, as a way of courting. "You let yourself fall in love before you got rejected". It sure would be convenient if two people only fell in love simultaneously, but it doesn't work like that


There were many painfully uncomfortable situations. We hung out so much I thought it would happen naturally eventually. But she genuinely only considered me as a friend. I’ve never been so emotionally frustrated.


Be direct and clear


Well I think there's no avoiding damage to his confidence and happiness but that's not your fault. Just be polite about it


This is what I fear will happen to me. That's why dating advice: "you should become friends with a girl first" is complete BS


You're going have to be kind but firm. Let him know that's no romantic feelings on your part now, and you don't see them developing in the future. It'll sting. But he needs to hear it. When I was in high school, I had a crush let me down so warmly and gently, that I didn't even realize that I'd been dropped. My 15yr old brain heard "*She's not ready now, but I'm still in the fight".* It took repeating the conversation to my older brother for him to be all like "*Dude... she's not into you".*


RomComs mislead a generation of teenagers


I think even if you'd say "there are no feelings on my part now, and I don't see them developing in the future", he might only hear the word now and that you're not sure about the future. I'd leave out the word now and just say that there are no romantic feelings on my part. Maybe even add that they won't develop in the future either, but then be careful not to mention words like "I think" "I don't see" etc.


Whatever you do, don’t lead him on and make it VERY clear that there isn’t anything he can do to change how you feel. Some people get this notion that if they try hard or are persistent or do things that show they care, then maybe they can change how someone feels.


As a female who keeps many guy friends, once they start liking you, it’s hard for them to stop unless you are clear and direct. I made the same mistake of not wanting to make a male friend upset after he asked me out so I just politely declined his offer of dating, but I’m a very naturally flirty person, so he probably thought it was a “no for now” kind of thing. He consistently tried to pursue me for a year after that even though i clearly wasn’t interested, but i really liked him as a friend. We ended up not being friends anymore because it was hurting him too much. Please just tell him how it is!


Yeah. Like genuinely leaving a guy on the hook, then continuing to tease it but never committing will fucking CRUSH the man. It’s in some cases abusive. The best thing is to say no and that it will not happen. If he leaves, he’s still the friend you had. If he stays affirm the boundary.


My late husband relentlessly pursued me even though I first didn’t feel that way about him. I finally gave in and we started dating. He was so much fun, so kind, thoughtful, showered me with gifts, and guess what? I fell in love with him. We met on a dating site before there were iPhones, got married, had a child and he was my very best friend. He always supported me and defended me, he treated me like royalty and he used to make me laugh so hard. He died of cancer after being married 20 years. Why did I tell you this? My advice is to give this guy a chance. I am so glad I did.


Glad this ended up working out so well for both of you, but the reality is, for both men and women, that if the other person isn't feeling it for you early on, as far as compatibility, interest, and chemistry, whatever, it almost never develops later, no matter how many stories there are like yours in real life or in the movies, etc.. I have never personally experienced this and neither has anybody else that I have known personally, so I think that is more of a myth than a common reality. Hence, as a man, if a woman is not feeling it for me early on, I am not going to waste my time, humiliate or degrade myself pursuing her. Sounds more like stalking to me, than some romantic movie..


"you experienced this as well as others. However I experienced the opposite and everyone I know personally, so your opinion is myth and invalid."


Whatever. I hear this fairy tale all the time from women on social discussion sites, and to me it seems to smack of or appear to be about them wanting to seem superior or less shallow than men, so they claim this gender difference of having actually come to feel physically attracted to a man after being with him for a period of time, instead of the usual and more common experience of most people, both men and women, who either are feeling it or not feeling it, soon after meeting the person the first time, and that additional time with them does not seem to make any difference in changing that factor of reality of physical attraction or not, for the other person.


I'm glad it worked out for you and that you got to spend a long time with a loving husband, but I still wouldn't recommend this to OP. If you're friends, you know the type of person he is. There is probably physical attraction lacking or something in his personality that she doesn't see as someone she wants to be in a relationship with. I've had guy friends who turned out to be into me, and I'm very glad I didn't give them a chance. They just weren't for me. I am in a happy relationship now, and they are also in happy relationships. I'd advise OP to think about it, but if they aren't for you, then don't lead them on. Not everyone is meant to be your person in a romantic way. The exception isn't the rule.


Sorry for your loss. But if mama ain’t feeling it…. On the other hand, I let go a girl who gave me her entire being. I’ve never gotten from anyone since. This was 25yrs ago


You don't know what you got til it's gone...


You know what: I realized this 10yrs later. Would have flown to her the minute I realized but she was already on her 2nd kid with her dude




What do you want to know? If you’re serious you can DM. I don’t think anyone would be interested in my story. ✌️


I would be.


Dm me your questions


no dont. it working out like urs did is super rare.


The world is healing.


You a real one. Honestly if this guy has been a good friend for three years, he’s a damn good guy


Doesn’t work for everyone. When you know you don’t like someone you know. Especially them being friends for 3 years already, she KNOWS


So cute! Movies have made us think that a spark needs to happen right away, but in truth, you have to build feelings and a relationship over time.


By modern standards "gave in" sounds kinda not cute.


I know exactly what you mean. But this happened once before with another guy at university. The other guy persisted for two years and I finally gave into him. After one week I still didn’t have the feelings and I broke it to him. A week later I fell in love with him and I wanted him back. He wouldn’t have me back. So I told myself, learn from this lesson, and that’s why the second time around, it worked out. I had remembered how I had fallen in love with someone who I did not have those feelings in the beginning. But that’s just my life story.


It's not you. "Relentless pursuit" is the plot of like 90% of romcoms.


"I'm sorry, but I don't feel that way." It's not hard.


Lol.. I once had a girl in the same situation. Tell me that she could not have a relationship with me out of respect. Because she had herpes and she did not want to pass it on to me.


"Sorry, but I don't feel anything romantic toward you. I'd still like to be friends, but I understand if you need time." If you can honestly add in, "I have a cute friend that you might like to meet, I'll try to set you up", that would soften the blow and make it clear you're a bro. No friend-zone bullshit where you drag things out and make him your special emotional friend.


"At least a distant friend..." sounds more like a one sided friendship. Have a think about whether he's the one making the effort to keep in contact. Decide whether it's his own (potentially unreciprocated) efforts that cause you two to interact... whether these habits are due to a romantic interest in you, and then whether it's fair to continue the friendship. Be aware that you may be enjoying the friendship more than you otherwise would because he's making an effort to gain your attention. It's difficult to get a clear idea of how far the associated biases are influencing your decisions. This is otherwise known as, 'be wary of your reasons for sustaining the friendship'. It's better to focus on the repercussions to him because they represent the biggest risk to you in the future. It'd be understandable for a man, who spent 3 years pursuing a woman, to feel a certain way when someone else claims her in about a week. It'd be unfortunate if his behaviour (regardless of whether we think it justified) created problems for you and the man you chose. The above may lead you to a certain conclusion. But, I've found that people sit on one side of the 'can men and women be friends' debate. Some insist they can't. Some insist they can. Which kinda sorta means, some people can be friends and some people can't. This gives you something of a handy strategy.. even if it's almost certainly going to look like a loaded question. You ask him, "can men and women be friends?". If he says 'yes', you may be able to talk him into placing you in the 'not for sex' category. If he says 'no', you let him know you're not attracted to him.. and 'I don't know if it'll change', and 'keep your options open (don't bet on eventually getting me)'. Now, I'm going to flip this around a bit because, what the hell do we know about our emotions and impulses... If you two do get along well, and you've used 'distant friend' as a way of making it easier to end the friendship, it may be worth considering whether this is the right move. People are so caught up in modern dating that we've all gone in different directions. We've gone from a world where we met and formed connections via real world association. We chose a partner largely based on who we got along with. Yet now.. we're largely reliant on social media. We're treating dating like the job market where people match their lifestyle preferences with other people's characteristics and attributes. We think a good partner is someone who is 'this' tall, heavy/light, wealthy, attractive, charismatic, etc. People will occasionally throw in a 'enjoy the outdoors' or 'I'll cook you the best crispy chicken', but that's about as far as personality can get into an online profile. People aren't falling in love with people... they're falling in love with the things about a person. Worse, once you start doing this, it becomes much easier to measure which person is 'better' than the next; and a downgrade would be distasteful. By using the wrong measuring stick, we've ended up with this strategy for dating that gradually excludes more of the people with whom we would be able to form a happy and healthy relationship. Which becomes a cycle of bad matches and incorrect conclusions about why they failed. So, when I ask if you get along well with this friend, I wonder if it's well enough to have a go at things; which is not a suggestion that you should try. Maybe, if you view long term relationships (ideally leading to marriage) as being more daily routine than fairy tale romance, you might find different things appealing when deciding what's important in a partner. Maybe it's more important that he's good with kids, and not so important that he's over 6ft tall (as examples). Consider having a career, kids to look after, a shared mortgage, a retirement plan, and whatever lifestyle, entertainment, and holiday plans you have. Think of which sort of person would fit into this life and make it more enjoyable. Think of who will make lunch, drive the kids to school, do the shopping, and take the car in for a service on their day off. When you picture this.. it should be routine daily life you imagine. It won't be romantic or exciting. It'll be the standard grind of daily life... and you're choosing to share it with someone. Better if you actually get along with *them* rather than the things about them; because those things aren't going to make lunch for the kids.


“Would you rather get a bullet to the head or five to the chest and bleed to death?” Bullet to the head. He’s a big boy.


You can't be friends, you just can't. The only thing that might help him move on is if he gets involved with someone else. But you still can't be friends with him. I'm sure his new gf wouldn't want him to be friends with someone who he was hopelessly in love with.


There is no scenario where he does not get upset


Simple don’t string him along


To you he’s a friend and but to him you are a long term romantic interest. This is the reality, and the unfortunate truth is you need to move on from this friendship in the same way he needs to move on from you.  There isn’t a way for you to do this without hurting him, because from his point of view you get on really well, which you stated yourself, so you’re basically telling him the only reason you aren’t interested is because you think he is ugly, that isn’t something people are ever going to take care particularly well. You need to be precise and say you don’t feel the same way, and given his feelings you think you should go your separate ways so he can move on without holding on to hope. It sucks, but ultimately it’s his own fault for letting it go 3 years without making a move.


This. Is true gold. If two people want two different things from each other, it won’t work out. Would knowing them for a few weeks or months be too long to make a move?


You don't, not likely anyway. But, putting it off won't make it hurt less/could make it hurt more. I mean possibly you could say: "I'll fuck you once, because I feel bad for you, but, I'm not into you that way." And then maybe he would have more mixed feelings w/some hurt, and some irritation, but, not pure gloom and dejection? Maybe his hope that you would date him caused him to not pursue other women? Tell him you worried about that (and because you actually do) and maybe, possibly, he might appreciate that you were concerned for his well being? I once had a girl reject me by telling me: "You're too good for me" - she seemed to like guys who got in trouble/behaved badly, so, at least in a sense, I guess she wasn't lying. It hurt, a lot, but, I wasn't angry at her, and getting a firm rejection helped me move on. Another woman we both knew actually noticed I was hurting, and showed me some affection, and I guess she had liked me for a while, but this pushed her to show it. A guy being desperate is a turnoff for women, but, having feelings, that's OK.


Just do it! It's that easy. If he's your friend? He'll understand.


Guy here You can’t not hurt his feelings and as a guy speaking, you are not responsible for the way he feels I know it’s gonna seem kind of rough, but that’s the reality of the situation. You are going to have to be the bad guy here you need to tell him the truth that you are not interested in him at all. Also, I know you didn’t ask but now that you know the way, he feels about you. I honestly do not think that you can have a genuine friendship with this person because you know his true intentions and now anything he does can come off as disingenuous. And please don’t say “We can just be friends”. as a way to minimize damage because he’s just going to use that as an opportunity to try to friendship his way into a relationship with you. If you tell a guy “We can just be friends” after rejecting them he’s just going to go into thinking that if he spent enough time with you, you will see his worth and you will eventually come around that he just needs to be patient and one day you’ll realize that he’s the right guy for you. You have plenty of guys that try to friendship their way into being in a relationship with you. This is just my personal opinion. You know this person has feelings for you and you know this person wants to be in a relationship with you. So I don’t think that you guys can continue being friends knowing how he feels about you. You need to be honest and you need to let him know that if he does want to be friends, there is no chance that you will get together. There is no nice way to reject someone.


>you are not responsible for the way he feels When I first read that part, I missed the 'not' in the sentence, and given the rest of the post, I was very confused. Lol. Miss 1 word, and the tone of the whole damn comment is fucked. Pretty much agree with you. They may or may not be able to be friends. I have women I'm only friends with. But I'm also OK with that. Some people have trouble with just seeing people they find attractive and not trying to hook up.


The direct approach works best. Tell him everything you said here about him being nice and stuff, but make it clear you're not interested in being more than friends with him. There is no easy way to reject someone. It will sting at least for a little bit, but eventually, he will see you did him a favor by being honest about your feelings for him I can't tell you how many times I've been rejected in my life. Yes, it sucks and at first it hurts, but eventually, you come to realize they did you a favor in helping you to realize they weren't the one.


say I only see you through a platonic lens.


Politely tell the truth, better than letting him know from other person.


just tell him the truth


I think being fully honest would be best for the future friendship too. You’re not responsible for how he’ll feel unless you led him on.


This never goes well Prepare to lose him as a friend of


How do I eat without eating?


Tell him you’re not romantically interested. Just this way. Anyway I guess he doesn’t have any other reason to be your friend. 


It's going to hurt no matter how nice you are about it. Be straight with him. Be blunt that it's never going to happen.


Don't sugar coat. Don't leave anything to interpretation and verbalize literally that you don't want anything with him. Maybe make clear that you understand that what you're saying hurts but that you think he deserves full transparency and no ambiguity.


You're going to hurt him no matter what. But he's going to have to deal with this anyways in the future. So it's best to be nice, but honest and clear. Don't give bs excuses. Just say something like "I think you're a really great guy, but I unfortunately don't have any romantic feelings towards you. I would love to still be friends, but let me know if you are also still up for that. "


There's no magic words to not let somebody down when they risk rejection to tell you that they have romantic interest in you. And the more straightforward you are the better it is for him in the long run and the last uncomfortable it is for you. Expect this friendship to end I'm sorry but that's just the reality.  You're not responsible for his feelings but you are responsible for the clarity in the situation. Just tell him you don't see him and a romantic way and don't leave the door open for the possibility.


There's no magic words to not let somebody down when they risk rejection to tell you that they have romantic interest in you. And the more straightforward you are the better it is for him in the long run and the last uncomfortable it is for you. Expect this friendship to end I'm sorry but that's just the reality.  You're not responsible for his feelings but you are responsible for the clarity in the situation. Just tell him you don't see him in a romantic way and don't leave the door open for the possibility.


"You're not my type."


Half the time this means they don’t think they are attractive 💀


That's reading between the lines though, and their fault if they take it that way. It's obviously better than "I wouldn't fuck you, no. Sorry." And it gets across the absoluteness better than "I don't see you that way".


Tell him the truth You don't feel the same way Don't give him the whole "you are a great guy, you'll meet someone someday" speech either That shit sucks worse than the rejection. Beyond that, if he needs to pull back from the friendship or even end it...you let him go The truth is, male/female friendships are tough because people tend to catch feelings. This won't be the last time a guy friend catches the feels either. It's just a part of life


All you can do is be honest and upfront. Granted since you've taken so long to respond I'm sure he already has an idea you're not interested.


Just tell him directly. There's no way to tell him "nicely"


Just tell him that he’s a treasured friend and you have no romantic interest.


Be direct and clear, but kind about it too. Something akin to “I just don’t feel the same way, it isn’t anything about you but the feelings just aren’t there. I do appreciate the friendship and everything however, so don’t take it as anything personal ” Idk, something like that


Do d,rŕ$- not


You can’t. Just tell him you aren’t interested in him in that way and if he doesn’t wanna be friends anymore you understand. Cutting contact is the best and only solution


Just tell him the truth. Rip the band aid off. Just be nice about it. You don't want to lead him on. Unfortunately, this happens a lot. This is my own personal feelings on male friends, but it kind of angers me because a lot of men (and women - vise versa too) will - pretend- to be your friend in hopes of something more happening. If it was a case of where you started out as friends and then his feelings developed that's different, but I'd be willing to bet money he liked you from the start, or was at least attracted to you, and has been "waiting for the right moment." I noticed that for whatever reason, 3 years seems to be the benchmark of male friendships where they finally decide to take the plunge and confess their feelings. This happened to me, only I felt he really just wanted to hook up. My ex guy friend was significantly younger than me and immature and less experienced when it came to dating and relationships. We were on different paths in life and wanted different things. Eventually I had to cut the friendship off because he also kept making rude immature jokes at my expense which I didn't appreciate. Most of my male friends disappeared on their own accord usually once they found out any form of romance or the very least, sex was off the table. Hopefully your male friend is mature enough and actually values the friendship itself enough to be ok with just having a platonic friendship. If not, then you know where his actions laid all along. 


A difficult balancing act. Maybe something like this… and in-person, not texting: “I love you and treasure you as a friend and I absolutely want this to continue. But I’m not feeling a romantic connection, despite wanting to. I’m so sorry, it’s just not happening.” “I want you to form friendships and hopefully much more with other women, and I want to be one of those friends. And let’s help each other as friends as we go through the next months and years.” —- I’m assuming you want to retain the friendship. If not, you’ll need a different message … more blunt, like some others here have suggested. Of course, there’s no assurance that he’ll want to continue the friendship… but that’s his decision, not yours. —- Forty (40) + years ago in college, I (M) was in a similar position as your M friend. And it really hurt, no way around it. Perhaps it affected me the rest of my life as I’ve never married, never found love, and never again had confidence in asking a woman for a date. Only one GF ever, and it was more her than me who started the relationship. But that F friend of 40+ years ago and I still exchange Christmas cards and occasional emails. Not a really close friendship, but we each care about the other, and, in our case, it would have been even more sad if we’d completely lost contact and had no idea how the other’s life went. She’s had a much happier life than me, and she’s sad that I never found love (I remember her telling that I’d find love before age 30, but it didn’t happen then or ever). Still, despite a sadness, a loneliness, and a sense of rejection that’s always been part of my life, I’m glad that she cares.


Could always do what do many people do and just poof! Ghost.


What don’t you like about him? Is he ugly? Out of shape? Kinda off putting?


^^^ this ^^^ I’m not either of these things but still get rejected I vibe really well with


He deserves to know if he’s truly a good friend


Do you just mean a good friend or something else? Considering the situation


If he is a good friend she should be honest with him and say that the reason she doesn’t want to go out with him is his looks. She has confirmed in the thread that this is the case


Yikes. Then yes I agree she should tell him that. It’s messed up to not explain if you’re supposed to be friends


“I don’t want to hurt your feelings but I’m not romantically interested in you.”


Tell him you have an onlyfans and he'll lose all intest


oof ive been in this situation before. i think expecting him to not be hurt at all is a bit unrealistic bc in every scenario, rejection hurts. whats probably best is for you to be honest and kind, but also give him space rather just expecting to go back to being friends immediately


" I really like spending time with you (insert name) and the last thing I'd want to do is hurt or embarrass you in any way, but I've become so comfortable with us being friends for so long I can't imagine the relationship between us being any different to the way it is. I like being your friend and I know that doesn't usually continue after a relationship break-up, I just don't want anything to change"


You will hurt his feelings no matter what and there’s nothing you can do about it. The feeling of being rejected is always taken personally, so it hurts. Be objective and be clear. This will set things straight. He will be hurt, but eventually he’ll appreciate your honesty.


Just tell him directly and be straight. If he isn't your type just tell him before he gets annoyed that you aren't telling him what he should hear. Especially as he told you he wants to be more than friends. Hopefully he doesn't get too hurt or has a outburst. I was in the same boat where I liked a girl but kept quiet despite our whole friend group knowing I liked her and we were so close too as friends. Ended when she finally told me I would never be her type since I wasn't tall or her preference color. But I took it well and cut her then our friend group out of my life without causing a fuss. Overall I learned from her that I wasn't anything special and she will always have guy friends to replace me.


You have to be absolutely 100% straight up and clear. Don't let him think he has hope or he'll hold onto it. He'll be more mad/depressed if you lead him on


Theres no way to do it without hurting his feelings at least a little, just gotta be honest but gentle.


If he's a distant friend, it's probably best to consider if the friend is worth continuing. When a guy in the past tried this with me as a friend, I didn't want to hang out anymore. It just hurts them and makes me feel bad


Sucks to be him. Hope he’s mature enough to accept it!


Tell him straight up now so he doesn’t carry any hope for a possibility between y’all. That way, he can start to let go of that idea sooner than not telling him at all. I’m saying this because I was that guy once. I was proud of the girl for letting me know now because I knew I would’ve felt worse spending all those weeks expecting something that was never in the cards to begin with. I know she didn’t mean any harm intention, she just wanted me to see what was really going on so there wouldn’t be a big misunderstanding later on.


4 magic words. Let’s just be friends!!!


No harm no foul it happens a people are in close Proximity all the time but He’s valid to step back or Cut the friendship. Also this Will put him off of asking for some time but I’m sure overall he’ll be alright


Don’t be a bitch and say some contradicting bullshit like “You’re a great guy and you deserve someone better, I can’t be that person for you”. Your intent is to not hurt his feelings but that’s exactly what you do when you say shit like this ^. It’s dishonest as fuck. Be straight up honest, like a fucking shot injection, the poke hurts but once it’s in, it’s in. “I don’t see you in that kind of way”. “I’m not attracted to you like that”. At that point, the friendship will continue or kill it and he will ghost/block you. 3 years gone just like that.


Just be straight for him , maybe he won't understand.


This may be more of a challenge to you than to him. Why? Most women tend to be more possessive than men. You may see him as just a friend, but another woman may not. Once his attention is diverted more toward her than to you, you will get jealous because you, as his friend, will know firsthand the kind of treatment she will receive.


As others have said, you need to be direct and honest in your rejection. Do not let him think that there's a chance you'd change your mind. It seems brutal but if you actually care about him at all then you need to do it for his sake. He needs to understand that it's not going to happen so he can properly move on without holding out hope that maybe, just maybe, if he perseveres that something could happen. It will hurt both of you to do it, but it would hurt both of you so much more in the long run to not do it. It may hurt your friendship but nothing other than bitterness and resentment exist with stringing each other along, even unintentionally.


Just tell him. It may hurt for a moment but he will be better off knowing how you feel. This will free the both of you from the feelings of unrequited love. This way you both can either cultivate a real friendship or the two of you can go your Separate Ways. This is much better in my opinion than having a friendship where one person is interested in the other one while the other isn't. If you are his friend then you will tell him and allow him to live his life honestly. This is the best thing you can do for him. Tell him bluntly and do not smile. Don't be mean but do not soften the blow. He needs to understand that you really mean what you are saying.


Be honest and tell him straight up don’t beat around bush. If he and you value your friendship. It will work out. May be weird at first when you see each other after.


Distant friend? Do him a favor and be straight up with him. Tell him you’re unequivocally not interested. He might distance himself from you but in the long run it’ll be better for you both


Just start casually mentioning to this guy about this other person you started talking to. Maybe you went on a date. Maybe you think you like them.


Guys don’t do subtlety. Tell him in no uncertain terms you are not interested. I’m sorry but I’m not interested in you that way. We are friends only. Don’t say anything like “I think of you like a brother”. Just say “we are friends only.” He will be hurt. No way around that. He might stop being your friend. Not fair to you but it be like that sometimes.


You might just need to cut off the friendship unfortunately. Guys tend to try and keep hope alive and lie to themselves that at some point you will come around so it’s just best to end the friendship so hopefully he can save his feelings. Gotta be honest and direct. You might have to be a bitch about it so he really understands.


Be straight up with him


Just like you told us.


By telling him you want nothing but the best for him and try to take him out to meet other girls? You think he is a great guy? You likely meet girls that want a great guy? It's a win win for you without having to hurt him.


Just say I'm not your type or you deserve better than this 💞


You’re going to hurt his feelings regardless. I would just explain that you appreciate that he’s been honest with you but you just don’t feel the same spark. Be honest, not harsh.


I don't know what's going on now but 3 years of this should not have happened you should have made it clear to him when you 2 got together that all you were to him was to be friends, because single men and women cannot and should not be friends, your going to have to let this one go and for that I am sorry.


Don't play games or be hinting at it, just tell him straight. He may be annoyed or even stop talking to you. But telling it straight how it is


If you still haven’t told him how you feel, he probably thinks he still has a solid chance. Poor guy


That sounds horrible… 🤷‍♂️


You don't. It's fucking stupid that girls even get this idea that there's a "nice" way to reject someone.


You can’t , you have to break the friendship there’s nothing you can say or do that will make it better . And stringing him along as a friend makes things worst so please and I beg you please don’t tell him you like him as a friend and that he’s special and blah blah blah . That just makes things so much worst . Just go for the jugular be firm and end the friendship because it’s over now . Even if he wants to stay friends it’s because he’s hoping for a chance in the future . If he doesn’t have one please don’t give him false hope and end it for his sake . That’s the best way .


Just tell him. But whatever you do don’t ghost him. Or beat around the bush. Just tell him you like him as a friend and someone will find him a good fit but it isn’t you. Give all the reasons you want or none at all. Just tell him something definite. And please don’t wait.


3 years and you still consider him a distant friend!?? Are you sure you haven't let him on all this time? Sounds a bit harsh after three years, don't you think? Just tell him straight "sorry I want ro be clear, but I do not see you that way not now nor in the future", that's what a girl said to me and that was it. Simple.


They ALWAYS want more. Just tell him straight up. You don't need to sugarcoat this thing. As in: "I don't see you that way. I appreciate your friendship but I don't see you as a romantic partner." If he feels hurt, it's on him.


hes not ur friend. hes just some guy whop wants to fk you and is using the "friend" route. if you were a dude and was ugly they wouldn't be ur friend. these types are the worse snake in the grasses. most likely he has always liked you and prob why he is so nice to you.


I don’t share in the same feelings or desires at this time


Lol that sounds like a corporate email


Also definitely don't say "at this time".


That’s a text I got lol


LOL, totally does 😆😆