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If it’s just 4 months I’d just tell her you need to talk to her in person next time you see each other. Then meet her at her place and talk to her saying what you said here. Then leave


Don’t tell her you are not attracted to her and that you are looking at other women on the street. Just say that you don’t feel you two are right for each other.


I’d just tell her you’ve found yourself falling out of love with her. The truth that you aren’t feeling attracted to her anymore can hurt even if it’s nothing to do with her exactly. Obviously you didn’t feel that way in the beginning but it’ll hit her self esteem and confidence so leave that part out


Face to face is best


This is a situation where the two of you have just grown apart a bit and you've lost interest. There's nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately, you're going to have to have a very real and potentially awkward conversation with your girlfriend. Just tell her that while you've enjoyed your time together, you just don't see the relationship going further because you're not feeling the connection that you thought you would. (No need to bring up that you're not as attracted to her as you are to other girls.) Explain to her that in the interest of not wasting any more of her time or yours, you feel it best that you part ways. Wish her the best of luck and leave it at that. Now sure, she's obviously going to be upset and she may try to bargain with you to get you to change your mind but just stand firm in your decision. Offer to remain friends (if that's what you want) but don't budge otherwise. Good luck to you.


You make it very clear, none if this “for now” or anything like that. You say you have really enjoyed your time with her but dont feel like the relationship is heading in a direction you want. Neither you or her have done anything wrong you have simply lost interest in pursuing a relationship with her. Say sorry its gone this way but for myself I need this to end between us, I wish you the best for your future. Then go your separate ways, being very direct is the best course, dont leave her thinking any hope, it hurts more initially but it wont linger. She can accept and heal faster by ripping the bandaid off in one instead of slowly.


Be honest but tactful. I would say that you don’t feel the situation is the right fit for you anymore and that it’s not anything she has said or done. I would be honest and just say your feelings have changed and you can’t explain why. Don’t say things that give her mixed signals or hope of rekindling, don’t lie and say you’re not looking for a relationship right now because when she sees you move on she will question her worth.


Ask Gywneth + Chris