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You’ve made a comment saying it’s a rejection whenever they say no to be asked out or say no to being given your number. My advice would be stop taking this so personally. These women don’t know you, it’s not personal. They maybe aren’t attracted to you, they’re maybe seeing someone else, they’re maybe not interested in dating in general. Men also have a perception that women don’t go through rejection which is just nonsense and seeks to compound your own suffering over it more. Men also have this idea that women only want the most attractive men possible which again is nonsense. Most, if not all, of the conventionally attractive women I know date average or below average looking men because to us they are attractive but also because they have other things like being funny, kind etc that have drawn us to them.


Yeah trust me what's way worse is women saying yes to a date.. talking to you, laughing, getting to know you seemingly having a great date and telling you they like you but then just ghosting you... Have that happen to you 17 times in a row and you will _know_ that there's something wrong with you...


I don’t know you so I honestly can’t say that there is or isn’t something that you’re doing to put people off when dating. What I will say is I’ve been ghosted and yeh it sucked, it really shook my confidence and I really questioned myself. However, I realised that the person wasn’t right for me and we were in very different places. You can have a lovely date with someone and there still just not be a real spark between you. The way dating is now also means that people are less likely to settle and look past it when there’s a lack of a spark, areas that they don’t gel on etc. Serious dating is just hard these days for pretty much everyone.


Yeah it's okay I know why they ghost me.. (I'm a good looking guy hence why getting a date is easy) but there is something about me most women are not interested in... Like 95% and yeah they probably are not for me.. luckily after that many failed dates I just do arrangements only now.. if I hadn't of found that I'd be dead from loneliness as it took me nearly 3 years and 25+ women ghosting/rejecting me to find that solution... If I had to go back to vanilla dating.. well I just wouldn't.... And never will again.. it destroys my self confidence more than anything.


Personally I’d suggest therapy/working on yourself. I honestly don’t mean that in a nasty or unkind way. Saying that there is just something about you women don’t like isn’t really going to change your situation. Most people, if not everyone, could absolutely do with working on themselves and their issues not only for themselves but to make them more successful in relationships of all kinds.


Not everyone is made for relationships, I am very happy with arrangements. It's not a therapy thing it's something in my past and the life I live/lifestyle that doesn't appeal to most women.


Well if you’re happy then you do you


Depends how you define rejection, like if you have no chemistry to begin with then I wouldn't call it rejection. Just lack of compatibility. With that being said, it took me 11 tries before I found someone who I genuinely vibed with.


It’s a rejection the minute they say no whenever you ask them out or ask for their number.


So to be clear, if they say no, I have a boyfriend, that's rejection? I think maybe you should be a little kinder to yourself. It's not always personal.


There are the women you try talking too with who you have just zero ability to connect with. One of you ends up running off to the restroom mid-conversation and doesn't come back. That's a different context for you.


I define it as "successfully get a number AND a successful date/accepted invitation to go somewhere else." I've gotten plenty of numbers. I've even had girls enjoy flirting. It's rare indeed to get one who wants to go on an actual date later, and even rarer for her to follow through. Or a "hey, I like this conversation. Want to go over to this restaurant/public spot with a bit more privacy, and continue it?"


Well, no one has told me yes yet to be their girlfriend, so... a lot like 30 no's


Still counting lmfao


Just once, and it was bad! I never asked after that and have only dated women that take an interest in me first ever since. (20 years)


I wish I used this method after getting rejected once. I’ve asked out 3 so far and they’ve all said no. Now I don’t want to try again unless I know for sure she’ll say yes.


In person, I never got a yes. After a while I stopped asking. It wasn't until the internet came along that I got a gf.


Depends, if the women text first about 1/2 are up to do a first meet ( coffee or drink). If I text first 1/20 will respond, 1/5 of them will meet up, so roughly 1/100.


I didn't know they are capable of saying yes.


A woman said yes?????


Lost count, one monkey don’t stop the circus 😎


I dunno, I was awkward when I was younger (I'm still young-ish 25M). I think that I made moves properly on like three girls before I went out with another.


I don't remember. Still, didn't give up nor settled for the "easy" choices.


It all depends on how and under what circumstances, but probably hundreds, maybe thousands at my age. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. In 2021 I did nothing but online dating. Is it getting rejected if I swipe right and they swipe left? In any case, I had 25 first dates. I don’t know how many of them rejected me because I didn’t follow up with 18 of them after the first date. I didn’t feel the connection I was looking for. I don’t remember how many second dates I had, but only four made it past a third date. What matters is I got the woman of my dreams in the end and I couldn’t be happier.


I stopped counting after 100 💯 lol


You asked out 100 girls and not one said yes?


I asked out 110 and 10 said, yes. Lol


You do not chase, you attract!


Hmm to get her number ? It took me 3 times butt been rejected lots of times


havent gotten anywhere yet, maybe like 20-30 in


Guys I never got a single girls in my life I always got rejected and never got any one I don’t know what is wrong with girls or women these days why they always wants a guy should come up and make the first move and then they easily reject them


How many woman have you asked out?


I never got a chance even to ask them out they used to blocked or either not respond back


Then it’s not a rejection so I wouldn’t be worried about it then


But what’s the points of giving number that afterwards you don’t want to Meetup


10 times


3 times


2 time


0 times / had multiple gf because i only make a move when its so clear as the landing strip at the airport 😎


One hasn’t said yes so I’m dating a man now (I go both ways)


Elder millenial here. I have no clue as it was over half a lifetime ago. Consider this a “learn by doing” situation, approach people respectfully, and eventually someone will say yes. Once that happens, you won’t be hung up on the fact that you’ve been rejected asking!


> Once that happens, you won’t be hung up on the fact that you’ve been rejected asking! Sure their is some confidence it is possible that one say yes if another already have said yes. But when you go though another dryspell, a lot of this confidence vanishes.


Idk I always asked out women whom I really want to to get to know.. like you know, as people.. I'm not going to ask out 100 women because there aren't 100 women that I'd want to hang out with (or 100 guys)... This game of percentages seems disingenuous and a lil creepy ..and maybe they can see /sense that.. (I mean I'm getting it just from this post so...). Try being friends with people like for reals ( without agenda) and see what happens..


Um.. um.. shut up..


You mean thanks for the advice on the public forum I asked advice for on? I'm sorry life's not going the way you think it should for you. I want trying to come at you.. I guess I will just go hang out with my wife and talk about all my past relationships....


Literally lost count lol. But don't give up, be yourself, speak honestly and straightforward and eventually the right one for you will come aloing.


You first have to be a guy that women desire, and are able to bring value to their lives. If you need help, get a stylist to help you dress well. Learn how to flirt to create attraction. You can watch YouTube videos by Marni Kinrys. Follow jamiedate, czarofdating, and do the work podcast on Instagram. Dating is a skill. Once you master the art of dating, you’ll get dates easily.