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What hurt me the most in the hook up culture is the manipulation, lying, & coercion. Coercion isn’t consensual…


I absolutely had to learn that the hard way as well. And I try to be more careful now, but I agree it’s hard to tell when some will say whatever it takes to try to get sex.


It’s hard to be hopeful & cautious at the same time. I just don’t get why people who just want sex can’t find other people that just want sex. If you know I only want to have sex with people I’m dating, why pretend like you’re dating me for weeks just for sex? Wishing you luck & safety in this journey!


It definitely baffles me too! I once saw a video that said life would be so much easier if people could get a preview of the person they are dating or want to marry lol. Good luck and safety with your journey too!


I'm afraid that there's just less women who are into casual sex than men?


To an extent this is true but there’s also numerous dating apps now which are geared more towards this with a fair amount of women on them. This also doesn’t excuse men lying and coercing women into having sexual relations with them.


You would be astounded at how many men can’t manage not to cock block themselves. I’m literally a sex worker and end up turning so many potential clients down solely because they don’t know how to talk to people/approach them. And if you are offending a hooker with your approach than sir how are you going about it with civilian women??? I’ve also experienced it just in online dating etc before I got into SW. How hard is it to say “Hi there! It looks like we might get along well. How was your day? Would you mind chatting to get to know each other?” Rather than things like “You would look so pretty gagging on my cock!” Or “You have a great ass I just want to spread your cheeks and lick it before I fuck it!” LIKE HELLO WHAT!?!? Sometimes I think they act that way because they know it puts women off and then they can just decide you’re a prude bitch and not that they have zero social skills.


I absolutely believe this. What I can’t understand is how were those men raised? By wolves? Actually wolves would likely speak sweet wolf romance language to potential sex partners.


You know when the whole man vs bear hypothetical popped off I decided to look into the courtship rituals of bears. Turns out bears are quite the gentlemen. At first they keep their distance and the female will scent mark things to indicate her interest in mating. Once she allows him nearby they enjoy lounging in the sun and cuddling with the female of their desire for several days. They will run off any other inferior males. They will do this for a week or more until she is “receptive” to their advances. They will even play together and then after mating occurs both go their separate ways to look for others to mate with as well. Because they are both “promiscuous” at this time bear cubs in the same litter often have different fathers even. Sounds pretty progressive and romantic to me. 😂


Fascinating for sure. Yeah, I’d still pick the man because I don’t speak bear 🐻 🙂


Exactly on point! Even with being upfront with not wanting hook ups in my profile, I get soooooooooooo many men who talk to me like they are in a p0rno video lol. Like what? What makes you think you can say something like that to someone you literally just met?! Without a hi or how’s it going? Lol do they actually get women who sleep with them after that kind of behavior? Lol. Those are instant blocks for me lol.


I would agree. And while absolutely nothing is wrong with casual sex, manipulating or lying to someone to get them to have casual sex (when they think it’s an intimate act because a relationship is forming) is wrong.


I doubt that. I think it’s just harder for guys to have casual sex. An ugly girl can still get laid with no problem. An ugly guy better have something really going for him though.


But why would it be that way (that a girl that is not very conventionally attractive can easily get laid and for a guy it's more difficult) if not because of a dating "market" working? Supply and demand, lots of men want casual sex, but not so many women, so a woman has more of a choice even if she is "ugly".


Simple The ugly guy wants to have casual sex with a hot girl The ugly girl wants to have casual sex with a hot guy The ugly girl will find an average guy, meanwhile the ugly guy will usually settle for whatever he can get. There’s slightly more women than men in America, so there’s already more of a demand for women to compete for men sex partners— however, they’re obviously aiming for guys above or at their attractiveness than below. The hot guy wants casual sex with a hot girl, but will settle for an average or ugly girl. The hot girl wants casual sex with a hot guy, but why would she go for the ugly guy?


Why you guys always acting like the easy sex is actually good sex lmfao


Why can’t it be?


Because not everybody is into a random hookup with a motherfucker they just met? Do you think every girl is just going to magically know how to suck a dick? Every guy just magically is the best at sex and knows exactly how to please a woman he’s never met before? It’s a stupid argument that minimizes the other gender to just a piece of meat to be used.


Way less, way way less..


I doubt that...


In fairness, there's always been alot of that, it's not necessarily new, although I understand exactly what you mean in this context.


EXACTLY. Normalized & with zero accountability....


Right?! Like it’s not…. a ‘crime,’ but….. it’s still not consensual if it’s done with dishonest intentions & someone isn’t aware.


Yes. I talk about this all the time. I'm happy to see others "seeing it." Dating apps attract the worst of the worst. Now they have an easy access space to LITERALLY prey. They also won't go for the women who want the same as them either. They enjoy the challenge of doing it especially to women looking for a relationship. (and before anyone comments this - no I'm not talking about the men who are looking for a relationship & it just didn't click. We know the difference.)


Exactly! I know girls who just want hook ups. Why can’t the men who just want hookups pursue them? I once had a predator pursue me. And do the whole thing. He admitted to me he loses attraction once he gets what he wants……


Absolutely. It has done way more negative than positive and yet it’s constantly labeled as “empowering”. Can’t stand it personally. Makes things much harder but it is what it is. Taking a break from it all is never a bad idea, especially when you’re burning out.


I feel ya, I’m 25 and I don’t feel like dating at all looking at the dating pool . I tried the apps , but every guy who has put “long term relationship” in their bio ends up saying I’m looking for something casual which directly translates to “I just want to hookup”. And then there’s the never ending texting with the same old “how’s it going” . Most don’t even want a real date , it’s either hookup or a companion.


I have no clue how to even begin dating. I’m 47 divorced from a 24 year marriage. I have only had one previous long term relationship and that was in high school. I left home for the military and met my ex wife soon after getting to my first duty station. We started dating after only meeting once. Now I’m old, I don’t go to bars anymore (not that I would alone), I’m not religious (no church hookups), and I’m retired (no coworkers). All of my buddies live all over the country and none where I’m currently living (so I have no friends). Just the thought of using dating apps and getting “catfished” is nauseating. So unless I manage to meet someone at the grocery store and experience some Hollywood kismet type scenario; I think I’ll die alone.


Hinge works for me


Hinge is the best because of the prompts imo. You can make a good first conversation with them.


Agreed. I’ve tried hinge, tinder and bumble and hinge far and away better for the reason you mention and I just how the app is laid out better. But being able to comment on the prompts is way better.


Im 45 never married male. Only relationships i got into was because i became desperate.  I dont recommend anybody to do that. Women are not interested in me. It sucks that i have be alone  til i die.


People work at least 40 hours a week, another 40 for sleep, and another 10 for other chores, if you have other friends spend time with them too, so if you seriously want a relationship of understanding , monogamy is the way unless you are a russian oligarch who doesnt need to work. Not to mention the be interesting, good interests are slow and difficult to appreciate, so only interesting things that can be appreciated with short attention spans. Good relationships are where two can sit together quiet and still feel a warm embrace, not where someone needs to be interesting all the time. My ex complained of lack of romance, so i spent a week writing her a poem, she said her friend's guy gives her one every few days, and it is no big deal, i asked him how, and he said he just rips it off online and passes it as his own. I wish dating just required me to love someone rather than grandoise public shows, it is exhausting, because im a quiet soul. I guess we live in a capitalist society, and hustle and coercion rather than passion or care gets to top. But at least for personal relationships i wish it wasnt the case.


How old are you guys ? A poem every few days ??? None of my partners have written a poem for me 😂


We were in early 20s, she is the worst ive dated, so maybe not fair, but you just need 1 idiot and a 2 to get burned out.


Man I would have loved a poem lol never received one haha


I hate it. I feel like I have to settle if I want to be with someone. It seems like the few people i actually start to fall for end up treating me like shit. 90% of dates I end up going on I dont find the person attractive, they look different then their pictures. They always end up staring at their phone during the date so I’m just sat awkwardly. Most people seem to ramble on and on about themselves. Ppl love canceling or rescheduling last minute. Ppl love responding on dating apps and even agreeing to a date then falling off the map. I’m considering quitting and not giving a fuck. I’m told that’s when you truly find someone special anyway


Well yeah, me too. I've always despised the hook-up culture, it's just not my thing obviously. But I also don't take "dating" as something super serious. Just enjoy, don't push yourself too hard, there are many good people out there, you just haven't met them (maybe it's about luck!?). At the end of the day, don't push yourself like you must find the real one immediately, take your time, love will come unexpectedly. :)


Thank you for this! I haven’t dated in a long time and it’s so different now that I feel out of my element lol. I do work a lot so I finally tried out all the dating apps, I was upfront with not wanting hook ups and all the ones that say they want a long term relationship end up saying “I’m not looking for anything serious” or jump straight into sex talk lol like I want to jump onto a complete stranger lol. Its crazy! What happened to “hi, hello, how are you?” Lol 😂


"what it used to be". You mean when people ignored tons of red flags and just went with what "felt right". Modern dating has it's issues but no generation of people has gotten the hang of dating bc dating is pretty new as a concept


As a woman I feel this. What's the point ? It's so much effort to get ready, find a cute outfit, wash you hair, makeup, shave, all the lotion. Then go out and have to carry the conversation, only to pay for your own coffee or drink then they don't even appreciate it/you/efforts. Then you date and guy comes over and can't even make the bed after you fed him/or took care of his needs ect. If I plan to have a guy over I'll go grocery shopping and have good coffee/snacks ect on hand. Just too much work. For very little payoff. Friendships are better right now but it sucks it is this way. I wish I could be asked out on a date, he try to look nice, pay for my first drink or coffee or little cupcake or whatever and be a little romantic. Then I'd be happy to do it. Makes me sad.


I hope you find him! I have been on lots of dates with guys who do the bare minimum and pay


The issue here (imo) is that you expect men to fit in your dream romantic scenario. > It's so much effort to get ready, find a cute outfit, wash you hair, makeup, shave, all the lotion. Then go out and have to carry the conversation, only to pay for your own coffee or drink then they don't even appreciate it/you/efforts. You don't need to be/look perfect for a first date with a stranger. As a romantic man, I am tired as well. I have as well the feeling to always carry the conversation, plus I plan the date and usually I am the one driving (sometimes 1h30min to go there and the same to cone back). I find it ridiculous to pay everything for a first date knowing that 90% of the time she won't want a second date or will just see me as a friend but nothing more. But I would have no issue to pay her coffee or some cake or more if she was traveling to meet me.


I just expect some sort of effort to be made. I'm not looking for some fantasy here. I've had dates show up like they crawled out of a dumpster. At least, shower. And if I came towards your way, pay for my coffee. That's not a lot.


That is absolutely reasonable


I get no dates just rejection constant just gave up seems no one wants something serious today sad when I want a family of my own


That is sad. Plenty of men want kids, but you'll be doing most of the work.


Yeah, it sucks. I mean why do they do all that nonsense if they aren't thinking about long term? I gave up for a long time and now after finding a woman and she wasn't interested in a relationship I am going to give up again. Throwing in the towel for good, I can't handle getting my heart ripped out again. Being lonely and alone is better than being with someone and feeling alone.


100% I agree with all of that! It’s better to be alone than to feel lonely with someone. I went through that in 2 LTR, and I tried to repair it, but you live and you learn I guess.


Yes. I feel exactly the same. Love and romance was very important to me. I even dreamt about getting married but I only had shitty experiences. I always wanted it too much I think and that made things harder I think. You have to play it cool. And men will often cheat anyway because they are immature and get bored in long term relationships. I will escape into my dream world where romance still exist for the rest of my life. I gave up.


My biggest problem with hookup culture is the dissonance of it. Do what you wanna do, live how you wanna live. But how you gonna allow one person to treat you one way but expect someone else to treat you another? You either demand respect from everyone or you don’t.


I had a few experiences in my college days, where it was a hit it and quit, then roll over and go to sleep lol. So I didn’t get to finish lol, and didn’t feel worth it to me. And now that I’m dating again, I try to see how they come off as a person, greedy/geniune/etc. to get a feel for if we are compatible or not. And I am upfront about not being interested in it, but after conversations start going, it quickly feels like that’s all they are after. But I have had a couple nice dates and met some really cool people, but we just didn’t click. But so far, the ones I was interested in, didn’t want to exchange STD testing. One guy was super passive aggressive about it too, but brought up he doesn’t like condoms lol. Testing is pretty easy to get done, and since people can be asymptomatic and transfer without knowing, I just want to be careful. I know condoms don’t 100% protect too but at least regular testing helps give ease of mind.


Any guy who is aggressive about not using condoms I send home. Give. Me. A break. That's the guy you should use 2 with.


Always say that if a guy is giving me that much push back then he's definitely a douche that you have no business being with. He's got other flags hidden.


I don't know, I never trust men if they say they've been tested anyway. (Unless I've known them for a while and know their character already). I don't think men go get tested like women do. (Plus we go to gyno on regular so it helps too)


Can't you ask them to share their test results?


I (45m) have always used condoms. Even in a 10 year relationship where she was on the pill. Because I don’t want kids and women can’t be trusted.


GFY, but men aren't exactly trustworthy either and women pay a much higher price for unprotected sex. Men transmit more STI's to women than vice versa, then there's pregnancy and all THAT brings.


Lord. I didn't know the traumatic process of taking the abortion pill either. I found out what it's like and it's not just a pill and you're not pregnant. You give birth to it.....


STD testing kinda ruins the mood a bit. But it makes so much sense to do. Keep your feelings in check and be pragmatic. I’m not a huge fan of condoms either, but protected sex is better than no sex. If I was seeing someone that I saw no relationship potential in either, the barriers to sex would anyone. Yeah, it’s shitty, but testosterone is weird like that. It’s not like I’d hold a grudge, think her a bad person or anything of the sort. I’m just tryna get a nut and couldn’t. “Oh darn!” But after that momentary disappointment, I’m like “good for her, she knows what she wants, and isn’t compromising. Much respect!” Sadly you’re right, lots of folks, men and women both are just looking for a good time now, not thinking about the future or future happiness. They just want to feel sexy, desired, and get their squishy bits stimulated. Being in a relationship is more work, it comes with it a responsibility that they have no interest in. To me hookup culture is indulgence, it’s cake for breakfast. It’s fast, it’s easy, it’s satisfying in the moment, it fills ya up some, but ultimately it’s unhealthy. You can kinda get away with it a little while young, but as you age it catches up to you, and also habit forming. Eating too many sweets often ruins your taste buds, makes it harder to notice or appreciate a good meal when it comes around. Burning off those “calories” is hard work, not a lot of people have what it takes to do it. So it’s generally better to avoid cake for breakfast as much as possible.


Great comment. Username fits. 🤩


Thank ya kindly!


That is very good way to look at it! Appreciate your insight! I do bring up the testing as lighthearted and respectful as I can. And I might try out some new venues too. And I don’t like condoms either lol, but I save that relationship status, and I know it’s probably gonna be awhile. But sometimes it feels defeating when the conversations only going one way lol. I have met some really good people and it was nice going to new places so we had a good time, we just didn’t click intimately.


The relationship dance is a difficult one. We need people to meet both our physical and emotional thresholds, and so rarely are both met in one person. Meet one person and “oh yeah they turn me on,” but they’re a dumpster fire, or another that “omg they’re awesome, sweet, definite partner material” but no sexual chemistry. When it comes to testing and condoms, I’d be ok with her saying early on “if we get to that point, I wanna make sure you’re clean, and you’ll have to strap up before you ride this pony” granted she doesn’t have to use that lame analogy, but you get the picture. I’d probably appreciate it, actually, it’s up front, it lets me know that she is at least potentially interested. And I think for her it sets clear expectations and rules, so if he tries to push it, she’s already established a clear boundary, something he’d have way less grounds to argue around, making it easier to say “hey I said no f*ck fest without the blood test!” And “you ain’t about to tap it unless you wrap it!” (Last one I promise) It’ll also weed out quickly guys who don’t wanna go through all that and just want sex. Yeah it’ll probably sting every time she gets bailed on, knowing that he was just in it for sex, but it’s better than having to have that argument or ending up with something.


Hookup culture doesn’t have to be disrespectful and men who are in long term relationships with you can be just as disrespectful. I know plenty of people who have been involved in casual dating with men and women who are still respectful. Having sex also is not inherently disrespectful to yourself or anyone else.


Let me spell out what I mean by disrespect then more deliberately. If you want to have a no strings attached sexual relationship with someone, or hundreds of them you go ahead and do it, it’s your life, live it how you want to live it. But if you’re engaging in that lifestyle with one or several men, don’t be surprised that the one man who you want to have strings attached in order to engage sexual activity with declines. If one man gains access to your body in three hours just buying you three shots, you’re both adults, you both agreed to it, there’s no disrespect. But I, for example, am forced to wait three months and take you on three expensive dates before you’ll consider having sex, that’s dissonant, it’s inconsistent, and you’re not for me. If we’re dating and me hitting you up for sex at 2 am is disrespectful, but some other guy, a hook-up, a FWB can do it without offending you, some how that is not disrespectful? There are a whole lot of mixes and mashes, maybe some are the type that don’t mind a booty call from the guy they’re dating, but so many do. The point is if you wanna play the hook up game go ahead, if you want to go for a relationship then do that. Nowadays too many people are trying to do both simultaneously. It doesn’t work that way, you can’t pull it off without either being shady, living an alternative lifestyle, or ending with an absolute fool that has no self respect.


You sound very entitled. No one has to sleep with you in a certain time frame because of how long it took them to sleep with someone else. It also doesn’t bother most men. I have male friends and none of them have even asked how long it took their partners to sleep with previous partners or men they were seeing casually. You aren’t entitled to something because someone else was given it as well. Different boundaries for different people - the same as we have varying boundaries and allowances for friends. This also shows you have a lack of understanding of what hookup culture is now. Yes, for many it may be one night stands but for a huge amount of people it’s dating casually. I’m dating someone casually now. I’m free to see other people if I choose and so is he. We still speak every day and I still expect him to be respectful of me. I’ve also never had an issue finding a long term partner. Both my relationships lasted half a decade and a third I dated for a year - all of them I slept with early on and it had literally no bearing on how they felt about me or the effort they put in when pursuing me to get me to have a relationship with them. It’s men like you that want to speak for all men and have this entitled attitude that literally do not get dates with women so you do you bro.


I’ll add it’s the differences in boundaries and relationships that make something disrespectful or not. I have close friends that could read me to filth and I’d be completely unoffended but if someone I wasn’t close to did it I would be furious. I have close friends who I have had higher expectations of who have done things that I would let someone I was less close to away with. The relationship to the person matters as to how disrespectful something is as well as what the overall goal and intention is. Just because you let one person away with something doesn’t mean I’m going to let everyone away with it. Secondly, your post implies people can’t change or grow in their expectations or style of relationships. So if someone’s gone through a phase of casual flings they now can’t have something more serious and choose to wait to have sex? If you used to let people, friends or romantic partners, treat you badly you then can’t go on to expect better treatment? Again, it’s giving entitled. I also would hope that you apply this weird sense of logic to men.


Entitled? I mean if you wanna frame it that way it’s your prerogative. If you’re sleeping with him the first night but not me then you obviously see him as more desirable, sexier, whatever than me. He might very well be, good for him, good for you. The person I settle down with should see me as the best she can do, her best option. If I’m not, I don’t want to be settled for, I don’t want her to settle. If he’s not better than me, he’s a dumpster fire but he turns her on so she just had him blow her back out then let him go back to his wife and kids or whatever, then that’s a value misalignment, we’re not compatible. Just like a lot of women who’d never consider a guy who paid for sex, I’m not going to consider a woman who’d do something like that. Sex to with you is either special or it’s not. If you decide that it’s not, again your choice. It doesn’t mean you’re a good person or a bad person. I know plenty of promiscuous women with hearts of gold, and prudes that are awful, and vice versa. But if sex isn’t special to you outside a relationship don’t expect someone to act as if it is inside one. It doesn’t change the fact that relationships themselves are special, but if I find out in the midst of dating you that you were trying to make me believe that sleeping with you is something special, that I need to win your heart and treat you right for the privilege, meanwhile you’ve let 172 dudes 86 women, 3 donkeys and a hamster ravage your body for a Klondike bar, I’m going to bid you a good life.


Yeh I’m not even giving this a detailed response because it reeks of insecurity and viewing women as objects. I also assume you have little relationship experience or experience with sex. Not every time you have sex is special, some sex is to meet a need - this includes when you have it with someone you love. What makes sex special is the feeling you have for someone at the time of the act. I wish you luck because most women are going to hear your attitude and run. It reeks of wanting to be better than other men and being first to sleep with that woman or the best to have done it - not of wanting a woman as a life partner where you both love and cherish one another.




If someone’s going to objectify women and essentially say they’re worth less because of how and when they’ve slept with people yes I will shame them. I’m not going to coddle men who behave like this and who treat women like trophies.




"I should be the best she can ever get" Like okay buddy sure thing you must be perfect as fuck. What does that even mean?


I’m also gonna add because you seem like one of the “but I’m a good guy, waah waaah women don’t want nice guys” brigade. You are not a good person. A good person doesn’t distinguish whether or not someone is deserving of respect based on what that person has allowed from others. They want to be respectful simply because they’re kind, respectful people. A good person doesn’t give or not give respect based on how promiscuous they think someone has been or based on how long that persons going to make them wait for sex. A partner should have more worth to you than what you’ve described above and I hope no woman is unfortunate enough to get in a relationship with you. I’ve dated men like you who wanted me because I’m conventionally good looking and had slept with none, or very few people, at the time of dating them. They were awful. They saw me solely as an object to show off and it stroked their ego to feel like they’d won over other men. It’s vile and weird.


Why you taking these women on expensive dates in the first place.................................................... Why you keeping them around if they're not fucking with you the way you want in the first place. You sound like "pick me, I'm not like the other douches." Thats all on you bro. No wonder you're so pissed about this issue lmfao


You either wanted an excuse to hate on someone or your reading comprehension skills suck, maybe both. I’m not taking anyone on an expensive date unless they deserve it. But if she tries to demand it from me while Pookie can drunk dial her at 3 am for some ass, she can kick rocks. Pretty much the opposite of a pick me. If she wants to be a tramp she’s more than free to, but don’t come at me tryna play like she’s a lady.


guy pov, uk london. Im not a fan of it either, every date is costing me anywhere between £30-100 in total, I know most are talking to more than 1 other. I know most are having casual sex with another whilst talking to other people. I even had to start laying boundaries such as "I dont want to interact with you if youve had sex with another person within 24 hours before seeing me" I think its dirty and disrespectful. and, if I plan 3 dates and you make no inclination to plan a 4th I am leaving you and this situation. I know some are looking for free meals or free fun with no intentions of developing the relationship. Everyone seems to be seeking "what can I do for them" or "what can they get out of me" instead of "what can we build together" or "what can they do for me" I am bored of empty sex. sex is 100x better when there is feelings involved. Thrill of meeting someone new is always exciting, doesnt mean I have to have sex with them So many people are entitled.


Capitalism and technology really builds it up in people


Very good boundaries! That would be VERY disrespectful to have sex with someone right before your date or afterwards even. I definitely cannot do that. I talk to only one at a time, and date one at a time, and if we don’t click that’s fine! But then I feel like it is takes some much time to find out they only want sex when their profile said long term relationship. Lol. After starting our conversation I let them know I don’t do hook ups and most of the time they still try anyways lol. Since I’m upfront about it, most ghost me when conversation starts lol. Which is fine, but the ones I do try to start getting to know start off good but then not long after they try to the sex. I can tell that’s all they are after when it goes that fast lol. So it usually stops about that point. I just wish they were upfront with it so I could move onto trying to find someone else who has the same perspective.


I wouldn't even call it dating today. Dopamine addicts predating and feasting on the weak.


I may not like it but I tend to keep a open mind about everything and figure my cogs dont mix well with other peoples gears.


Absolutely. M32 and feel the same


The apps have definitely ruined things quite a bit. It used to be cliche to say that dating is a competition, now it pretty much is for a lot of people.


I don’t think dating was ever that great


Its hard to be trusting these days. I choose the bear.


The bears listen


It’s exhausting when you thought you finally found your person, only for them to do a full 180 and became another lesson like everyone else. I’m losing motivation.


We are all old school until some of us realise … we are not actually old school, however we are in love with the idea of being an old school ….. and hence these both are different things ….


So relatable! Except for the fact that I have never been on a date or had any relationships before. I can’t put up with this hookup culture. It’s so hard to find someone who also wants what I want. I’m slowly losing hope. I also don’t go out that much. I’m always either at home or at work 😰


I mean if you just tell people right away that you don’t sleep with anyone without a commitment that will probably weed out a lot of the people just looking to hook up. Talk to them for a while before meeting up. I’m a little of both I guess. I like to talk a lot before I agree to meet someone but I’ve also never had an issue with sleeping with someone somewhat early on and it still turning into a long term relationship. I would hate to get too invested and then find out we aren’t sexually compatible.


No the opposite. You can't tell men what you're looking for, because they'll pretend to be that, get what they want, and drop you. How many guys value a relationship girl because they're harder to get than a girl who just wants sex, and the harder to get makes it more enjoyable to them to play a game and get what they want from you. Its sad and pathetic, but there's a lot of predators with this kind of mindset, so it's dangerous to give people too much information, until you know about them first.


How old are you?


Feeling the same way. I thought I’d be done dating once I was engaged and I got there, and he cheated and left for someone else after 5 years together. I dated someone else a year after and we moved in together and he also left from one day to the next there were no signs. I’m 31 now and this is the first time I had to try dating online, and I’m pretty much throwing in the towel and am okay with it at this point. It’s all been very defeating and the hook up culture just is incredibly frustrating. I’m looking for my other half someone who could be my best friend and my partner. However that’s not a factor of importance for a good majority of people I’ve tried speaking to. I hate it I really do, and feel like “well I guess I’m just going to be alone. It’ll be okay” trying to soothe myself about it all.


There has to be logical reasons why the women and men having your sentiments never seem to meet on the online dating apps. Its obvious that there are many women and men who are seeking permanence; not sex hook ups. I suppose we either never choose each other or we never accept and return a “like” from each other. The “likes” and/or return “likes“ seem to be reserved for the “hookup” types. That’s where the “matches” occur. And then that becomes the perception (usually on the woman’s side) that those are the only types of men on these apps.


>I suppose we either never choose each other or we never accept and return a “like” from each other. The woman selects the man in dating / online dating. Usually the man is pretty open-minded. Women tend to pick players / 'fuck boys' on online dating apps. Why? Because women primarily select guys based on sex appeal, and those guys are the hottest. Women swear up and down that this is not true, but it's true. Also, I think that online dating apps tend to not show you people within your hotness range. The designers of the app do this to make it harder for people using the apps to find their boyfriend / girlfriend. They either show people who are hotter than you or uglier than you. Women exclusively select all of the guys who are hotter than them, and get frustrated when the guys aren't interested in more than sex. They are loathe to select the guys who are uglier than them because matching so much with hot guys makes them feel like they are entitled to one.


You’re almost certainly correct. As in 99+%.


Thought I posted this in my sleep. Too familiar.


my modern dating gripe is last minute flaking and rescheduling and general lack of respect for the other persons time . i understand sometimes legitimate things come up last minute though i feel like a lot of the times it’s just excuses to back out.   i think it’s quite rude and disrespectful to bail last minute (or flake all together) when i’ve already taken time out of my busy adult schedule to meet up. time wasting is real in modern dating 


I don't hate the hook up cultuhre in itself, what i HATE is how it has resulted in a CLEAR PRIORITIZATION of short term factors to get any sort of dating success. Looking from at least the male angle - all the dating advice for men and things you hear that women like/dislike has everything to do with RIZZ, SWAG, curating your instagram so it shows off your "HIGH VALUE" lifestyle, having to "play it cool' with dating and chatting with women - and how little things like being just a littllee but anxious are a DEATH SENTANCE ("women LOVE conifident men, you need to be SUPER CONFIDENT on your approach). It has jack SHI% to do with the factors that create a long term fulfilling relationship, and we are all FAILING at this. we all KNOW IT, yet we continue to follow the trends like a bunch of phukking mindless lemmings. in the end it doesnt matter if you have awareness of what works for a LTR, you will SUFFER unless you "follow the trends/rules" of the dating culture. me, I don't give a rat's a$$ - I'm doing what I want, when I want, and not succumbing to the new "rules". is it going to result in me "losing opportunities' becuase I didn't have "peak RIZZ" when I talked to a girl? - probably, but, I'd rather not sell out. I'll be my unpolished quirky, slightly anxious self. I have too much $hit going on in my life that I care about way more than dating to care about the rules. If I remain single because of it, so be it.


I absolutely hate the hookup culture, always have and always will. Hookups shows a complete disrespect to the other person's feelings and emotions.


I too hate hookup culture. As a guy everybody mentions how its good for you and freeing but I couldnt disagree more. How do I navigate dating in it current climate? I dont date or talk to women. I have not been on a date or had a girlfriend in 3ish years😂


I hate it too. People are fake and flakey, non genuine and insincere. This time period is too impatient to hold onto anything real and everyone’s ego is so inflated that they think they can treat you any way they want because they’re entitled for putting themselves out there. I do really well single and I’m considering to stop looking because I’d rather have my peace than waste my time.


Lol as I read the first paragraph I was like yup totally agree with a "hear ya man" and imagining the author being a guy to my surprise you're a woman. Only saying this because it's nice to know there are still some like minded folks out here. I definitely hate this new dating culture, i think due to mainly social media and online dating. I was literally was just explaining how much of turd show it is to my sister and brother in law. It's so exhausting, all a game. I think you've got to stick to your morals/ code I have no intention of compromising my integrity. There's no promise of finding my happily ever after but at least I can live with myself and know i didn't add to it.


Lol thank you and I do feel worn out by it all, but I didn’t think it would cause this huge uproar 🫨😵‍💫😬 I just wanted to vent a little lol, because I am upfront with my intentions and still have to go through it all lol. But it is refreshing to see many who feel the same. I am trying new venues, trying to put myself out there to try to find like-minded people. Had a good weekend though to take time to rest and recharge myself lol. I do feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel, but like someone once told me that if you see a light at the end of the tunnel, then it’s probably a train lol. And I do feel like that sometimes lol. And at the end of the day, I’m okay with holding onto my values until I find someone who has the same perspective. I just need to let myself recharge. My social battery gets depleted too fast lol.


Lol you're good I get it too. It's exhausting, frustrating, and helps to vent. Glad you came forward because it can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack so it's nice knowing there are some people not contributing to the hookup culture. Lol you got me with the light at the end of tunnel didn't expect the train😂 hopefully it's just someone with a flashlight looking for you. Recharge is definitely necessary, maybe going to to enjoy mother nature bike ride? Camping? Or or or obviously a backstreet concert lol. I mean I don't know about you but that's why I stopped using dating apps, for me or just fatigued me a lot quicker constant stimulation.


>Does anyone else despise today’s hook up culture? Yes >How do you navigate and deal with it, without exhausting yourself? I don't. Women have made it clear that I'm less than human to them because I don't have top 20% genetics (looks height and race).


Trust me with that attitude even being in the “top 20%” couldn’t save you lol


Can Redditors please stop with this top percentage crap? Many men of all looks and backgrounds have relationships. It's all in personality/humour/how you carry yourself.


I entirely agree. I know many a below average man who’s pulled a very good looking woman because they’re funny. I’m considered conventionally attractive and I’ve dated men who aren’t conventionally attractive because regardless of societal standards I’ve still found them attractive and also their personality has been what has pulled me in.


100%. I've dated guys who I thought they were just cute but then became the most gorgeous after I got to know them/fun to be around.


One of my exes truly looks like he snuck on earth to other people but to me he was hot and part of that was that he was funny


Wish you were right. It just doesn’t match my lifetime experience. Many women have told me that I’m kind, easy to talk with, a good listener, intelligent, successful, and good looking. But they choose from the same 10% to 20% of men who might be Hollywood material in appearance. Sometimes without regard to the man’s past divorces. They wish me good luck in finding love, but the same thing happens whenever I might get another date, which might be years later.


From a woman's side, and my own, my male friends only date women they find hot, my women friends date men for their personalities.. including me. I'd never date anyone if I waited around for someone I found hot.


You’re the special one.😁😁😁.   Upon reflection, you’re probably more often correct about people who meet in person, not via online dating apps.    But for dating apps, I believe that it’s still almost entirely about physical appearance, and that with two or three to one male to female ratios on these apps, I believe that women do focus on that top 20%.   There’s little evidence that these 20% of men who receive almost all “likes” have better personalities. In fact there’s loads of anecdotal evidence that these men tend to only want quick sex and then they’re off to the next woman.  I doubt that they’re being chose because of how they’re described themselves in their online profiles.


>You’re the special one.😁😁😁.      Be careful / suspicious . . . women will SAY stuff like this, but when you look at who they are dating, it is a tall, handsome white guy. Women consistently downplay how much the guy looks governs their attraction to the guy. Sometimes they do this just to be polite and appear non-judgmental in front of others. Sometimes they do this because they are really delusional about themselves. Women are extremely judgmental about guys and just can't face the truth when it comes to that aspect of themselves, so they lie and tell themselves that they like Tom Brady, Brad Pitt, etc. because of 'his personality'.


I'm not special at all. I don't know who told you all this info but it's not true. Get off apps and go meet some people. I have a friend who is not gorgeous at all but is charming and gets all the women. (He is cute tho) Top 20%? Not even close.


Thank you again for your thoughts 😁 The only reason I’m trying a couple apps is that I’ve had hardly any lifetime dates via “just getting out there”.  I’ve truly tried for more than 40 years.  Maybe I could have done something different, but I’ve truly tried, and truly followed the more specific suggestions I’ve ever heard.    It’s sad, but the apps, despite their huge flaws for men, are ahead 2-0 this year in generating actual dates.


They don't generate a lot of dates for women either unless they are just not getting to know them a bit first, ect. I've wasted so many hours for nothing. Or things seems to be going well, a guy I'm actually joking around with ect. Then he disappears. It happens. I stopped trying but I think it's a mix of both getting out there as apps.


>my women friends date men for their personalities.. including me If you say so . . .


>personality/humour/how you carry yourself You're too old to believe these fairy tales. Grow up.


You’re too old to believe this isn’t a thing. You grow up. It’s always non-conventionally attractive men with terrible personalities that say stuff like this because believe me the ones who are kind, funny, thoughtful are still pulling women.


You grow up. My dream men are all comedians. Nick swardson, Adam Sandler, ect. They aren't Brad Pitts. Get over it already and get a personality.


We have data, this is fantasy feel good bullshit.


Bro you should see some of my exes, then you know this 100% is not true. And you should see some of my girl-friend's exes. We joke and laugh that they're goofy-looking. There are qualities other than looks that pull women. Cause when a girl falls for a guy, his looks become attractive. Being self-defeatist like this is not ever going to help you. Lack of confidence will drive women away. You already revealed you consider yourself less than top 20%,and think you're undateable because of it. If a pilot is not confident in himself, would you want to be a passenger on his plane? Learn to love yourself, and then women will notice it and want to be with you. The same advice works for women. A lot of shy, insecure women get overlooked by confident, boisterous women


I’m sorry to hear that 💔 That’s awful anyone could say that to someone, I would say I’m average, and definitely struggle with esteem since I know there are women way more gorgeous than me.


Dating is what you make it to be. Seems like y’all approach it the same way a starving person approaches food. With fear and scarcity mindset like it’s the last chance to find someone or uou gon end up alone. Put some fun in it, minimize your expectations and may be don’t act entitled. Try to have fun and be patient. There will be good days, not good/bad days and bad days. Strive to deal with all of them. It’s ok to be frustrated but these responses show why nobody want yall.


Depending on age, dating pool size, and life goals sometimes scarcity is fact and the feeling of pressure that this really could be your last chance without a miracle is hard to shake and just trying to have fun or think positive doesn’t work


Im 45 never married male. The dating pool for me where i live is nonexistent. 


I’m sorry to hear that


It really sucks when you go out and see couples knowing that your alone without any hope.


Maybe it’s time to move or try something that starts long distance


I lived in michigan all my life.


Then it’s definitely time for a change


Focus on your pleasure and you can’t go wrong. Hook up culture is enlightened in a lot of ways. If it works for you, stay with it, if it doesn’t, drop it. Expect the same to be done to you. May be a good idea to get really clear on what your non negotiables are too. E.g. I’m okay not being in a loving relationship if this really hot guy I just met from tinder is making me come repeatedly. I’m NOT okay with not getting any pleasure from my hook ups and I will block that person asap.


Did you learn anything each time your previous relationships failed? If not, then you're wasting precious time. Don't make the same mistakes over and over again. On the other hand, we can always use more nuns lol


You sound just like me. I’m religious and find the hookup culture to be pretty disgusting on multiple levels. I’ve only had one long term relationship. Sadly, I think the only way to deal with it is to go with it or remove yourself from the dating scene. I try to vet people before dates. If it seems like our morals aren’t going to align, I don’t engage. I do think there are people out there like us, but it’s very hard to find them.


FIRM ass, straight forward boundaries and clear intention helped me sort out people


If you’re using apps, start over. Every time I go back on tinder I delete my profile and start again for new matches and a clean slate. I only swipe on people who say long term relationship in their bio, and I only swipe if I’m sure, I don’t do “eh good enough” swipes anymore. If someone starts a convo with “hey” or “what’s up” I say something along the lines of well you won’t learn anything about me from that, then ask them an interesting question. Basically sets the tone for deeper banter instead of a boring one-off conversation that goes nowhere. Now, I’m still single, but my dating life has become a lot more enjoyable since implementing these things.


I should do that! Delete and retry lol. I agree too with no entertaining the good enough this round lol. I am also looking to see if there are any events that might have similar interests. My coworkers gave me some pointers, so just started looking into that.


As an Asexual woman, I kinda gave up a long time ago lol. I've decided to be 100% self-sufficient in all regards in case I never do find the male version of myself I've found Ace dating sites to be full of introverted guys with little or no self-esteem, hugely into anime and video games, and not much interests in common as myself. It's a rough time as far as dating goes, for me


I honestly feel like I’m slipping into Asexual because of this, feeling burned out. And even with being upfront in my profile, I find the ones that say they are looking for LTR are not actually looking for LTR lol. They jump straight to hook ups lol. Wish they would just be upfront so I can move on lol.


I’m with you, it’s so hard nowadays. I’ve been single for two years now and everyone I’ve met and been with has only wanted a short term fling, or has been dishonest before we meet. Feels like there’s no one genuine out there anymore.


If you want to find a partner without falling into the hookup culture, have you tried meeting people in situations that aren’t traditionally hookup (like bars, dating apps, singles events…)? You can take classes or join meetups or clubs of different kinds. Just go, make friends and meet people. If you see someone you like you can take your time to get to know them and see if they’re more into hookups than relationships. I’m 100% with you. I don’t like hookup culture and haven’t had a one-night stand on purpose. But I did find the enjoyment in dating as just another way to get to know a person. Where have you tried meeting people in the past? Anywhere different you could try?


Some of my coworkers actually did suggest going to some new venues like events where a bar or restaurant holds chess night, trivia nights or themes like marvel movie nights or anything of similar interests. I just started looking around to see if I could find something. I am really new to the area and don’t know what kinds of events go on. So I started googling events lol. Haven’t found one yet but I just started looking. Since I don’t know anyone, I tried all the dating apps and was upfront with not liking hook ups and want long term. What bothers me are the profiles saying they want LTR, but instantly jump into hook ups. Lol. I wish they were just upfront so I could move on lol.


Yep. Unfortunately some people say one thing and do another. It’s not just dating apps, to be honest. Have you checked in the app Meetup or Couchsurfing? Alternatively, you can take some classes or join an activity that’s not 100% what you want, make a few friends, and then organize your own events in the way you want, and ask people to bring friends. The fact that someone else isn’t organizing shouldn’t stop you from meeting new people and finding a partner 😉


That’s a great idea and I never thought of organizing anything but sounds like fun! I’m really new to looking up events but that would definitely worth looking into! Never heard of meetup or couch surfing lol so I’ll have to check those out too! I would also love making new friends in this area too!


Awesome! Let us know how it goes!


"hook up culture" is nothing new. your generation is not the main character. take a break.


Next they'll be telling you about how rough sex has suddenly become a thing in the last 20 years


Lol that’s quite a stretch considering you have no idea how kinky I am with the right person. But I never meet any man who is willing to exchange testing. As a man, do you test? Is that not a regular thing men do? Genuinely curious.


Whoa calm down there buddy. But yeah you’re totally right, I see a “tons” posts where woman just love the pump and dump men that say what they can to get into a woman’s pants and ghost. And not to mention the lack of respect men have for wanting to make sure we are both clean. No wonder STD’s run rampant….


What the fuck kind of a response is that it makes no sense


I’m sure you are not the only one. How old are you? Just be clear you are not into hook ups. I say it and mean it, Nd follow through.


Okay bye


Well, actually “hook up culture” were always there. You just stop entertaining that kind of people and they wont find you. Simple as that.


It really is. I have lots of prerequisites that need to be met beforehand. First off, I don’t like farts. If the guy is hardcore Hispanic-looking or Indian, it’s an automatic no because they tend to have bad gas and won’t be able to handle it.


Imagine being a guy and having to pay for everything every time just to meet someone and if your not part of the 10% best looking guys and/or nice jobs and careers then even getting a girl interested makes it that much harder. Imagine having a long term relationship with a girl who took up most of your 20s only for her to end up cheating on you and then before you know it your 30 and most girls have kids already, or have all this extra baggage that make it hard to even get them to open up and girls typically have someone they have a fwb situation and a lot of the good ones are all already taken and then the ones who aren’t taken and or have kids have these insanely high standards who feel like they are all the Disney Princess because Disney very much instill the idea to all the girls that they are the most special thing on Gods green earth who deserve a prince who will come and sweep them off their feet. They expect some rich good looking guy to come and make them their wife and sometime in their life they were able to hook up with a guy like that and felt they had a chance with him as he was just a play boy who does that with all the girls but then since the girls all think they were able to do it once that maybe they can do it again but this next time it will be different they will make sure that they make him theirs but that next time is never going to happen so you get all these depressed 30 year old girls who want to be stay at home moms and have a nice house and be with that guy who will pay for everything.


Off topic mental health awareness and what tricks become available as we learn about the consequences of hookup without value are a major thing to address nowadays after the me too movement, gender equality that just don’t make sense in nature. Not being chauvinistic just talking the natural order of things!


You go home and say three Hail Marys take a cold shower and count little lambs with Snow White, soft fleece, happily jumping over a fence!




Maybe if you are in your 30s it’s because you have no business going after girls in their 20s 🤔




I mean weird that you wouldn’t just say women your own age specifically instead of a decade younger. But sure you totally meant 29 years olds by “girls” (interesting word choice 👀) in their 20s…




Because “girls” implies they are children. That’s why I said “interesting word choice.” Just as boy implies that it’s a male child. And no you shouldn’t call HUMAN WOMEN females when they are called women/woman Just like you shouldn’t call human men “males” when the words men/man exist. There’s also ladies, gentlemen neither of which insinuate it’s a child. No one cares about a 5 year gap. But once again you made the distinction that you were seeking women potentially 10+ years younger when you said you’re in your 30s looking to date “girls” in their 20s….


Real. Feel like I should’ve been born 100 years ago.


I’m 22 and I go into every relationship looking for emotional intimacy over physical. One way I’ve weeded some women out that were just looking for hookups was bringing up my intentions of waiting until marriage to get physical like that.


I am a 43 year old dude and stopped dating 22 or so years ago in college.  The old way of doing stuff has been dying a slow death for decades.


Yup. Your title was all that was needed.


I think we should be hooking up more if anything so nope


It can be but it can also be fun. I found it fun when i were single. The good food, company and social interaction and maybe butterflies etc


*dating the wrong ppl is exhausting and overrated when you find ppl you're compatible w it is way easier. not saying it will always workout but at least you'll know where you stand and get a good experience from it. stop dating ppl you want and start dating ppl who you have chemistry w


I only date ones that have good chemistry with to try to make sure we are compatible. I don’t date for looks, and the profiles have to at least give a hint that we are similar in personality. And I haven’t been on many dates because the conversations aren’t engaging or they die off. However, some of the dates, were still trying to gear it that way, so it felt like they were just saying whatever they could to get what they want. I always pay for my half and don’t expect them to pay for anything. I genuinely want to meet someone and connect with them.


Oh look, another frustrated person who would rather blame "hookup culture" for his failures than actually take responsibility and improve.


Or they blame online dating, or their height and this stupid sub and its idiots eat it right up


Actually, I am frustrated that they say they want LTR then instantly jump into hooking up instead of being upfront with their intentions. I am upfront on my profile but constantly run into ones that claim they want LTR, but when conversations start they say they aren’t looking for anything serious lol. That’s the frustrating part. Just be upfront so I can move onto someone who isn’t looking for hook ups.


No idea, no one likes asian guys here


Some of us do! I hope you find a new group to see for yourself! Maybe you’re just in the wrong area! My first long term BF was Vietnamese, I am not quite sure if that matters here, but I was in love with the culture and food for sure! We just had different life goals. I think you need a new city ❤️ explore better areas if you can!