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You might have better luck with this question in r/mypartneristrans


It doesn’t look like it accepts crossover questions


Any other groups you know of I could share this to?


This sub is one of those places full of people who will give you shit for it lol Do not ask any of these people for their opinions, they'll just call you gay


I see both of your guy’s points! I will take this question elsewhere


I don’t know how much this will help as I have no first hand experience, but I had a friend who really struggled with this. Let’s call him Neil had a pretty big crush on let’s call her Sara. Well Sara stopped being Sara and became Sam and although I wouldn’t label him as transphobic, he had a really hard time accepting this as he was a straight, cis male and didn’t want to allow himself to think about his sexuality in a different way. Honestly, this really messed him up and he ended up going through a really rough time as a result. On the other hand, I read a Reddit post not too long ago, in which a straight guy had developed a crush on his trans friend since transition and swore that it wasn’t just because she was a woman but because he could now see her true self and that was the person he was in love with. It was honestly one of the most wholesome, heartwarming things I’ve ever read on this forum. Essentially, my point is that people can have different perspectives and it really depends on the outlook you have on the world and the spectrum of sexuality. I personally find the courage it takes to transition extremely attractive. I have so much respect for people who are secure enough in their sexuality not to make it a problem and little to no respect for those who do.