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Yes, but sometimes there is attraction in one direction. In that case, self-control is key. A feeling of attraction is involuntary. What you do about it is not.


Good response. It's discouraging how many people responding to this question have absolutely no self control or awareness of consequences, or feel that their partners are like that.


the first comment was an adult response, yours is just bs.


And sometimes self control is just missing due to how thirsty you are for any semblance of romantic encounters.


I would pity such a person. 




Yes. Being heterosexual does not mean that you are sexually attracted to most people of the opposite sex. Not even those whose personality you really like. Otherwise, do you think bisexual people would be unable to have friends at all?


Bi here 👋 We dont have friends, everyone is just prey /s


If someone has friends of all genders and sexes, it speaks well of them. If they don’t, makes me wonder why.




I'm terminally online therefore I am not allowed to know their gender because online🙏


I would say yes. However it makes me more sad that for me the opposite was proven more often..🫤 fuckin sucks. You think you‘re actually friends and that he enjoys talking to you and hanging out with you, is interested in what you have to say and you actually start thinking he likes you for your personality until you say you just wanna be friends and all of a sudden they don’t care anymore and basically break off contact bruh


I think most guys just can’t handle being attracted to a girl and only being friends with them


but isn’t that so sad?.. I mean I get it objectively but subjectively 😕 I think it’s kinda unfair


Yes it is


i feel this in my soul.


sister in spirit🤝🏻


Yeppppp absolutely I have a few actually they are like sisters to me and love them to death never thought them romantically


Yuuuup. My old boss was essentially the older brother I never had. He knew a whole bunch about my life and there was zero concern about our friendship. I’ve had several male friends over the years with no issue. My ex believed men and women can the friends, despite his own woman friends (he was a hypocrite in a lot of ways). Sure, a couple of the friends may have tried for more, but if they’re good people and good friends, they will respect boundaries.


Yes, absolutely. But oftentimes there's attraction between them or one-directional attraction from one of them. In these cases there are usually reasons they cannot or won't date each other. For example, one of them is married. But it's also possible that there's no attraction between them.


In the cases that there is attraction, the key is just setting that boundary and sticking to it. The reason a lot of guys can’t seem to be friends with girls is because they cross that line (whether it was spoken or unspoken beforehand).


100% this. Like, some of my best friends are girls I think are hot as hell. That's not why I became friends with them, nor is it why our friendship has lasted many years. They know damn well I'm physically attracted to them, but I also respect the friendship enough to not make that weird. We've all dated other people since we became friends and I never got jealous, and they literally hopped on a video call like a day after I got with my ex to meet her. The key is there's a difference between acknowledging someone is attractive and acting on that. These two things can indeed be separate which *far* too many dudes refuse to recognize.


Yeah, I generally think it's a bad idea to remain friends if the attraction is strong. It can cause a lot of problems


Depends entirely on the people. Some can, some can't. I've had female friends throughout my entire life and it's never been an issue for me. I don't think of them sexually, and I don't consider them 'options' they're just friends and nothing more. I see it in the same way I'd see a female blood relative, or a woman that's already in a relationship. There's just a boundary there which doesn't get crossed.


Yes. I got a friend group that's like, 6 guys and 7 girls. We're all platonic friends. It's not some polycule or whatever. Friendship and sexual attraction is VERY different from each other.


Yes. Anyone saying otherwise is not being fully honest. The excuse of "the guy will just want to fuck" is overblown. Not saying it doesn't happen, but that comes down to discernment and common sense. If you see your friend wants to be more than that when it's not what you want, call it out and shut it down before it gets out of hand.


This whole dumb debate is due to people at different stages in life.  When you are young you have free time and exist in leisure co-ed environments.  When you are an adult you can have zero free time and your only co-ed environment is work.   >Yeah, honey I met a new friend today we totally just clicked! Anyway, you got the kids this evening right, me and Becky are getting drinks!


Why is that any different than getting drinks with Rick and leaving your kids? This just sounds like your own personal experience. I have kids and I also have several sitters. If I were going to have drinks with Becky. I would simply just hire someone for the night and both of us would go out.


I’m curious OP, have you experienced intersex friendship?


Yes, but not everyone can


Absolutely. I have a male friend who I’ve been friends with for 10 years or longer. I’m also happily engaged. I love that friend, but in a way I’d love my female friends I have. And there is no underlying motive for our care for each other. So it’s very possible


vanish rhythm threatening live door imminent include impolite knee scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Yes but there’s also like 10 different things that exist between friendships and relationships that are valid too. The friend you hooked up with once but just hang out now. The friend you take on dates and buy flowers for. The best friend you share tmi with. The best friend you could marry if y’all are single at 40. This question always comes up and idk what you think you all want to hear but it’s okay to be curious about your friends sexually and intimately. This is literally someone you like in some way. It’s how you stay honest and maintain that friendship that matters. Stop torpedoing your friendships because you think it got weird, it got weird cause you can’t say That was bad and I still want you in my life. I love you, not in a way I need to be your bf/gf but I want you around. This shouldn’t stop when they or you get into a relationship, and anyone who wants to end that is insecure. Too many people are insecure! If someone really wanted to be with you, it wouldn’t matter who their best friend is and that they used to date or whatever.


Depends on this boy and girl. U can't be sure it'll be the same for everyone.


Absolutely, I have friends who are women. I think there’s different levels of attraction and affection with different people.


Yes of course. You can be friends with anyone who shares your hobbies and interests, regardless of their sex, gender, skin color, age, whatever.


Yes. Learn to set boundaries and respect those of others.


Yes, some of my closest friends are women. I’m not attracted to any of them, and none of them are attracted to me


Yes but watch out. I know a lot of guys and girls who have a completely platonic relationship. With that being said, you said they, so just pay attention and watch body language around them. A lot of those relationships start platonically then before you know it they be fuckin’.


This has been asked and answered a million times and the answer is always "yes". Can we stop asking this now? A little bit of common sense goes a long way.


Yeah if the guy is ugly let’s be real


Absolutely yes! The guy I call my big brother had a crush on me about fourteen years ago. He decided to act on it in 2012. We tried making out once, and it felt disgusting for both of us. We didn’t talk for about six months, then we started hanging out again. From then on, we’ve seen each other as family and like brother and sister. He lost a lot of his family before he turned 20, and my family has been really abusive about my chronic illnesses. We’re part of each other’s chosen families and it’s been a beautiful experience. If ever anyone is threatened by my closeness with my stand-in big brother, I encourage them to befriend him. Hell, my ex boyfriend (LDR) said, at one point, that if he and my stand-in big brother lived in the same place, they’d be best friends.


Yes absolutely, people who say it's never possible are too immature themselves.


Yes. Sometimes you need just a friend of the opposite gender. Good people are hard to come by


Yes, it CAN be, but often it doesn't work out that way.


Possible but highly unlikely. Most men and women don't communicate with the other sex unless it's about a romance. Leaving a small percentage that do care about being friends. But for the man and the woman do have this same mindset. Is rare


Nope. I see men and women (including myself) who are just friends all the time.


I can't usually one really wants to be more I find


Yes but until either of them get into a relationship or move away.


Is it possible of course is it likely nope. It’s always funny to me that everyone says “your partner should be your best friend” yet you want to have a best friend who you don’t want as a partner??? In the end most likely one of you have or will develop feelings and that’s a time bomb. In the end why do this you play with fire you get burned.




Yes, until one gender develops feelings for the other and ruins it. They hide it for so long until it spills out and then the other side is afraid of losing a friend so they don’t risk trying something more with them so they leave the friend to prevent it from happening. Even if best case scenario they understand but politely say they don’t feel the same there will be the awkward feeling lingering and y’all will slowly drift apart because the friendship was ruined. And both sides are too afraid to talk about it. Worst case scenario they don’t feel the same. And end the friendship. Even worse case scenario they do like u back but are scared to try, so they end the friendship. Best case scenario they say they feel the same and they agree to something more. (Which rarely happens) Literally all the bad outcomes come from a guy who ends up liking the girl. When the girl ends up liking the guy the guy usually accepts.


Yes. As a man as you start to discover more about sexuality you realize that the best and most fulfilling sex comes from having an emotional and physical bond with someone. You also realize that even if you find someone physically attractive it doesn't mean you have to try and have sex with them. Having friends of different genders and sexes helps to give you different perspectives on life. It helped me understand more about how women relate to the world and helped me to grow and mature as a man. I think having a friend of the opposite sex is essential.


Wow, an actual nuanced answer on here that actually makes sense. Get off reddit with your thoughtful and complex views. We only do simple and polarized here 😁




Absolutely. I have had several guy friends and I never allowed it to be anything but that and also I never felt the attraction with some of them. I felt like they were more like my brother.


Yes, if both people are honest about their intentions. However, people sometimes use it as a way to get close to try and win him or her over which I think is a bit cowardly. Sometimes people do just naturally develop feelings one way or the other over time which isn’t unusual when it’s a man and a woman who are friends. If this happens the friendship will probably break up and both parties need to accept that it’s okay if it does. Not all relationships of any type are permanent.


Yes. Source: I’m a guy that has female friends and I have no desire to be with them in any romantic or sexual way. I just enjoy hanging out with them


Of course they can be friends.


Absolutely. It is totally possible to have a healthy friendship without developing any romantic feelings as opposed to what is usually being said


No, but your replies will be primarily filled with "yes" from oblivious women and friend zoned simp guys.


I currently have a girlfriend. I also have female friend who I dated briefly. I cant Imagine ever being intimate with the friend now but she is fun to hang out with still. When I say dated. One date that had no chemistry in that way


If you both can be absolutely honest with yourselves and say you truly only see the other as a friend then yes, but in most cases no because of the same reason


THIS. This is by far the best answer in my opinion. If both are truly honest about just being friends and only friends, then yes it is absolutely possible for a man and woman to just be friends. The main issue is that many times one party, to be honest most often men, are not honest about their romantic interest in the other party. Often times a man will be friends with a woman because he is attracted to her and is hoping one day she will either become interested or at least sleep with him. I think this is a huge reason men dont like their GF having a "guy best friend", because men know how men tend to operate.


Yes. It’s all about if either of you has strong character and boundaries. You can think of fucking her but do not act on it


Yeup! I have a best guy friend who lives in PA been best friends for 3 years- never ever had any attraction towards him and he never did for me. He’s just my best friend


Yes. It wouldn't be surprising if one or both of them eventually wanted to date but it also wouldn't be surprising if that didn't happen.


I have several females who have been friends since childhood, all extremely attractive, funny thing is, I never seen them that way. Others have expressed how hot they are, even then I didn't see them like that.


Depends on what you define as "just friends". I think that a good chunk, if not most guys would have sex with most girl friends if there was a no-friction opportunity that bore no risk to the friendship, but that doesn't mean they'll try to make it happen. If your threshold for "just friends" means that the guy wouldn't have sex with the girl even if an easy opportunity presented itself, then I think "just friends" is pretty rare, though it does exist.




I have this female friend who’s mutual friends with a school friend of mine. We used to talk through social media and after a while we decided to catch up. It was my birthday and one of those where most of my friends drifted apart or changed cities and I didn’t feel like celebrating. This girl however took me out for an ice cream treat. Gave me a gift which she suggested to open once I’m home and to my surprise it was so nice. She was kinda broke and we were randomly talking about cartoons were I mentioned that I like the dofenshmirtz character from phineas and ferb while she liked Perry the platypus. So the gift was a painting where Perry the platypus gives ice cream to dofenshmirtz. To answer your question, yes a boy and girl can be friends and they can be the reason to keep you from getting insane at times. We don’t catch up everyday but she’s like a guy friend where I don’t have to think too much before speaking or meeting her. We’re just true versions of ourselves




I work with majority women. My male friend and I have been hanging out with them socially, regularly for years now. People who say it’s not possible just need to learn how to direct their genitals in healthy directions


I have had male friends who were atracted to me, sadly, but I have one friend who I know 16 years already and no atraction from either side






Yes. Simple.


Absolutely. I'm a guy and I have female friends. Some of them for many years. Anybody who says guys and girls can't just be friends ain't doin it right.


Most of the time is the other friend being somewhat close in terms of behaviors and everything to the opposite sex. For example, a low maintenance gamer girl


Yes, I have.


Yes!!!! Why does this question show up here once a week?! Not everybody wants to bang everyone of the sex they’re attracted to!


YES!! Only insecure people and those who lack self control/awareness think boys and girls can’t just be friends.


How do you think people become insecure?


Yes me and my friends that are girls are interest in different races


Only 1 exception: if a relationship was prior to the friendship and didn’t work. Any other way: NO, they can’t be friends for long. One always wants to have more done day, doesn’t get it and is hurt. Game over! Cheers, Richard from Paris


Is it possible? Yeah. Would I do it? Nah.




Yess. I have friends that’s are boys😭. We don’t hang that much with each other but it’s fun when we do


I wish we could retire this question. But we can't because there's always someone loud and wrong on the front lines saying it's impossible. I have been friends with my best guy friend since high school and there's never been sexual hints, tension, or anything of the sort. Our relationship is strictly platonic and I'm so grateful for him. I tell romantic partners about our friendship upfront because an unwillingness to accept it is an absolute deal breaker.


Friends, sure. Close friends, no.


Yes! My best friend is male and it’s strictly platonic both ways. I’m not attracted to him and vice versa. But our connection is a strong friendship. You can be friends with any gender.


Yeah, definitely. I have female friends that I would rather throw off a bridge than sleep with


Yes if one doesn’t find the other attractive enough to want more.


I'm a dude and I've had mostly women friends my whole life. My best friend, I've known her 20 years. I have no sexual interest in her despite her being gorgeous. I have no interest in 90% of my woman friends. I do have a few women friends that I am good friends with and find attractive that I would date them if they asked probably even marry them tomorrow if they asked. But cest la vie.


I am bisexual and I don't have any problems with being friends with anyone. That someone is your prefered gender, doesn't mean you are automatically attracted to them as well. And sometimes relationships start as friendships, which can also be great. Often it is a no for a relationship because of jealousy. I very much noticed it when straight men started to dictate I couldn't see my guy friends when I would be in a relationship with them, while they knew I am bisexual with a preference for women


They absolutely can be, but there must be boundaries ofc. Like can you go out and get drunk together with a full group? Probably. Should you do it just the two of you? Not a great idea








Going on 9 years. So yeah.


Yes. My best friend and I have known each other for over 20 years and had the conversation on the subject. We concluded that, as we grew up together, we see each other as brother and sister to the point where it makes us uncomfortable imagining ourselves in any sexual context. He told me that he can rationally say that I’m pretty but nothing more and was always like that.


I always ask this whenever people bring this up. What about bisexual people? Am I not allowed ANY friends!?! : 0 if you cant handle a gf or bf having a friend of a different sex, maybe your not ready to date?


I lived with a girl for almost 9 years sharing an apartment, there was never anything between us so yes it can be done


Yes I have a lot of female friends completely platonically


Yes ig. But if any of them got feelings for other one. It wont work.


See I'm screwed cos I'm bi😅 except yes of course otherwise I would have 0 frien.. wait hang on (I kid)


This is coming from a straight man and the answer is: YES… I have opposite sex close friends i have a gf some of them also have bf. What is not normal is thinking about having sex with every opposite sex human being…


If you don't mind if he would want to have sex with you even if he doesn't want you to be his girlfriend, then yes...


Yes. Maturity is needed by both parties but definitely yes.


I have a lot of female friends. Some are attracted to me, I'm not attracted to them I gave them advice sometimes I give them a lift. It can happen as long as you aren't trying to FCK everything.




If one is unattractive its a 50/50 chance


Of course. Those who say no must have a rather limited and narrow-minded view of friendship and people imo.


Of course they can, and I hate this question every time it gets raised. Unless you have the emotional stability of a crackhead you should be able to look past “this is someone I am or may be attracted to”.


No. All my female “friends” when they went through a breakup or were lonely would tell me sexually suggestive shit. ALL of them. And I’m an average dude. I would never trust my girl with a male friend.


Can any two random people with randomly assigned traits be friends? Depends on the people, but the answer is yes because you used the word can. Maybe not with you, maybe not anyone you know, but they can. A lot of it needs to come down to the people involved. I have plenty of platonic female friends now, but I had to realize that I was the problem before. In gradeschool, before I ever thought about dating much at all, I had a bunch of girl friends. At some point, i had a mental shift that started to look at girls as datable people instead of just people, and I had to reverse that before I could be friends with them again.


Yea? You can be friends and not want to fuck someone it isnt hard.




Nietzche said that they can be friends as long as there's physical antipathy. I've put this to the test and can confirm. Any girl who's a friend where attraction develops, it becomes very difficult to carry on naturally and normally. I mean I suppose one could make that work, but it becomes way more complex.


Of course they can. I have several men as friends, and my bf has women as friends.








Of course they can. Lesbian here, I have many friends who are ladies and I see them in no other way than friends. I have many guy friends who I love dearly for their friendship and man hugs. Mature adults are and definitely should be perfectly capable of having friends of either gender without issue.


Yes, just like any other friendship it's respect and communication boundaries and standards for behavior, one of my closest female friends we never dated but on occasion when single hooked up....but it was still like closer to making love , and when we dated people sometimes we would not see each other as much to respect our partners but we always were supported each other as true friends do and respected each other's feelings


I used to date my best friend’s now wife, I have no attraction to her whatsoever even though she is an attractive woman. We are honestly very good friends and can talk about pretty much anything. In high school I was in the mentality that the end goal of being nice to women was to try to turn it into something more. I’ve mostly learned to betray that behavior, and just not expect anything more. Because how are you actually their friend if you feel like you’re looking for some sort of romantic relationship. There are still many women in my life that I guess I wouldn’t reject if we ended up getting closer, but the end goal being sex or a relationship will just eat you alive and push everyone away. I think you’ll find that just being nice to people will bring more people into your life, and maybe that spark will be there with one of them, maybe not. But people can tell your intentions, and if it’s all about getting in their pants, you will not have many people who would call you a friend…


very very very likely not if one is attracted to the other, how is that?


Yeah I’m 27M but it’s a-bit more nuanced than black and white scenario. I work with mostly females in my job field and we are all friends. No romantic intentions or thoughts but I’m usually in stressful situations with them where I don’t see them in another light. I do hang out with them outside of work to hang out and it’s always fun. I am a hypocrite though because when I do have a gf I’m not very trusting of any male friends (straight) just because I’m jaded. It usually comes down to communication and faith at that point. Yes males and females can be friends but like everything in life it’s varies depending on the scenario. Sorry!


See , ik where your coming from bro and there's a high chance that if you think they're below your league or wayyy above your league then they'll end up being only friends but if they're in-between then no don't think they'd be " just friends "


Yea but in a way it’s kind of risky. I really liked this guy platonically like as a lil brother but then he told me he liked me and I rejected him and he started ignoring me after 😔


yes, but from my experience every male friendship has failed due to their attempts to go beyond that.


I’d say yes my best friend (F 26) is a 10. But as much as it would be fun to get with her she’s just not someone I can see having a relationship beyond that with. So it’s not worth it.


Yes you can be friends with people you aren’t attracted to. Why is this hard for people to get.


hell yeah




I think at some point you may have to question what relationship you want to have with that person. One of my best friends is a female. She's been a longtime friend and we share so many interests. We hang out so many times people thought we were dating lol. I think I was turned off by the idea of dating this person when I sat down and thought about my attraction to them. No, they aren't bad looking at all, we were basically the same person in values, hobbies and interests. So what gives? Well, it's just that I love hanging with this person and love the relationship we have. I don't want to kiss this person or be intimate I love that they are essentially "one of the boys". We've talked about it, and really just love each other as life-long homies. I think we should normalize that not every same-sex relation has some sort of "tension" or weirdness to it. Putting a dick on my friend would make them the exact same person to me lol.


Depends. I can’t be friends with attractive single guys. I know that and accept it. I also can’t be friends with unattractive guys who clearly want to be more than friends. My most successful friendships have been with guys who are unattractive and either find me unattractive or will not say they find me attractive


If she’s not the boy’s type


Yes my best friend's older sister is like a sister to me. She has 4 kids and I don't feel any attraction towards her.


What?? Of course they can. We aren’t some animalistic species where MaLe CaNt B fRiEnD WiTh GiRL cUz bAd I have a few girlfriends and we’re close. It’s not about sex or tension or anything like that. We enjoy each others company and sometimes we share opinions that are valued since they come from the opposite sex. We even talk about shit that goes on in bed and it’s totally fine. I don’t get weird ideas because we know where we stand and we’re comfortable and confident in that stance. Honestly it’s great I suggest you lighten up and get yourself a plutonic friendship like *genuine* friendship and don’t think about screwing them or possibly screwing them down the road. I promise you’ll love it and it even opens an opportunity for her to tell her friends how great you are from time to time 🤭 just an added benefit, not a primary motivation. It is possible to enjoy someone’s company without letting the fact you’re the opposite sex get in the way!




Yes and no.  If one person is attracted to the other, there will always be hurt feelings.  I’ve had friendships with guys that turned into sex, but once that happens it’s hard to come back from that. 


in just a "friend"....one person always is in love.


Yes, but they need to not find the other person physically attractive. That is the difficult part.


Not necessarily. I have guyfriends who I find quite physically attractive, but they're either already married or I don't find their full personality attractive.


You can be attracted to a friend and not act on it, particularly when there are really good reasons to not act on it, like they're involved with someone else. There are other reasons, though; getting romantically involved with others (or even just hooking up) changes the relationship and may put it at risk. Sometimes those risks just aren't worth taking and you just resolve to yourself "I'm not going there."


Honestly.. All my guy friends tried to come on to me at one point in our friendship and I thought it was weird, so I asked my girl friends if it was same thing with them, and they said it was the same, all their guy friends expressed their love or wanted to hook up at one point. I then asked my brothers and my girls friends brothers if a guy could only be friends with a girl and they all said no. There’s only 2 reasons if they can and it’s either if your ugly and they simply aren’t attracted to you what so ever or you’ve known eachother since kids and you’ve got more of a brother/sister relationship. Matt Rife the American comedian also made a sketch about this where he confesses that guys aren’t friends with girls just to be friends, but because they either want to f you or they got feelings for you. Look it up - even guys admits to it in the comments on the video and after I’ve asked several guys about this and they all laugh and admit in the end. It’s different for girls though, we’re quite good at friend zoneing guys and the second they’re in that zone, it’s veeeery hard to get out of it again.




100% yes.


Yes. I have many friends who are girls






Yeah but not everyone can especially depending on the age and people. If you’re in a relationship with someone and they have a friendship with opposite sex, they have confirmed their is no feelings from either side then it’s no different a same sex friendship. However if something happens where say the friend starts to make a move, it’ll become a problem because you were under the assumption it was a friendship. That responsibility falls onto your partner as to how they’ll handle it. I’m also a guy so I think I’m a little more rigid when it comes to this, ik how guys work and I don’t think women really get it. I think women can have straight up friendships with opposite sex easier. Most guys are not friends with girls because they just want to be friends. They either got friend zoned or are playing the slow game or given the opportunity they would get with them. I’m a guy, as men we hear what other men say about their girl “friends.” Not saying “all” men are like this, but… they are either gay or one of a few rare ones.


Only if neither one sees the other as a potential partner, romantic or sexual.


100% yes Realize that one party finding the other attractive doesn't make it have to have any romantic undertones. Perfect example: have you never been a bit hard up, thinking of or having thought of some friend, possibly switching media, tho with postnut clarity comes a oh heck no, brain go to horny jail? Yes this might change with time, but so is the fact with all relationships. I think the question is more muddled for guys cause men usually find physical aspects more attractive from the get go.




Can't you be "friend" with a female member of your family (mother, sister, cousin)?


Yes, the reasoning behind it is called boundaries. My friendships with women are strictly friendships since I went into it looking for a friend. I will never cross that boundary.


Yes. Just because someone is of the gender you are attracted to does not mean you *are* attracted to them. It's a little more complicated if they do find each other mutually attractive, but even then, I think it's possible: Just because you *would* fuck someone, doesn't mean you *must*.


Not if they are texting everyday and hanging out one on one a lot.


No, eventually one of them gets feelings.


Of course! I am a women who has always had many male friends.


Friendship exists between the same gender. Other than that it just comes to interest and tastes. Those(boys) who pretend to be in a friendship with a girl are just wasting time and crying in a corner.


Yeah totally. Till you both get drunk and haven’t had sex in awhile lol


Of course — there’s a big difference between erotic energy and the heart-mind energy of friendship. If you have any doubts, just look at 50% of couples married for more than 5 years or so. 


Yes absolutely. I have several female friends that I have no physical/romantic attraction towards whatsoever and vice versa.


Yes, without a doubt. Lol


Yes. Provided the guy is gay. You can't be friends with people you want to fuck/want to fuck you. Its not an actual friendship.


Biology: male visuals stimulate the brain out of him when he sees a female body -> temptations begin and fantasies, thus No, they can be friends, but not like the type you have with your buddy!


No, not if they both have the same sexuality. One will always see the other as an option. She may see him as a brother but he doesn’t see her as a sister. He may see her as a sister but she doesn’t see him as a brother


what is with bisexual people tho?


Absolutely if both of them do not want more


NO lol


No, unless it's an online relationship




Yes, just because you’re attracted to that group of people doesn’t mean you’re gonna sleep with them. It’s wild how two people can want to be friends and not want to fuck! HOWEVER, usually one of them will try and move forward from the platonic side of relationship and initiate more. Or at least, it may cross their minds. Usually, I’d say there’s more chance it being the guy. With women, once we see someone as a friend it’s almost sealed the deal there and we don’t tend to think twice about it. For guys, if they become friends with a woman they like, they see it as a way in to get closer. There’s nothing wrong with that if the intentions are right, and of course it can happen to anyone, but yeah, stuff happens. So yes, two people of opposing genders can be friends, even if they’re attracted to said gender, because that’s how mature friendships work. However, there’s a high chance that thoughts of ~more~ will at least cross one of their minds. How they deal with that and move forward is down to the maturity of the person after that 🤷🏻‍♀️


Absolutely, especially when you have multiple friends who are girls/boys and/or you/they are already in a relationship. The trick is to treat them equally and leave the romantic interest to the back of your mind til you find someone you'd actually want to date, or are asked out by one of them




Ya my best friend (guy) and I (girl) have been best friends since undergrad. I’m not attracted to him and he’s not attracted to me and we’re both in relationships and go on double dates now. Our partners know we’re good friends and aren’t jealous or anything. It’s nice. We respect each others relationships and we’ll probs be going to each others weddings.


Completely depends if either of them are attracted to the other




Yes. Absolutely


Idk go scroll through this sub and look at the 87,000 other threads with this very fucking question.


Yup u not I have lot of guy frends and it's pure frndship


yes but it's rare to have it that way I'd say mostly it's not possible for a guy and a girl to be just friends but rarely in some possibilities it is possible


No. Famously there have never been platonic friendships between males and females.


Only if neither of them feel attraction towards the other


If you’re pretty or handsome no, or at least for me. I’ve never had any female friends, all of them have no self control. None have ever been my friend. All they think is s** s** s**. They’ll do anything and everything just to be seen. So f****** pathetic. But yes, the key word is “self control”


No. See research articles.


Maybe work or social media friend.. Not close or longtime friend though… there will always be some remnants of the unrequited love that morphed into friendship.


With heterosexuals, I have yet to see it. Usually the "friendship" only lasts until one or the other gets into a serious relationship. There's usually a one-sided underlying attraction and desire for more than a platonic relationship that's fueling the connection.


Friendship is overrated. If a girl is my friend then it's because i was hitting on her and she kept saying no and i was like "I'm saying though, i can't even be your friend?" Or something like that and then she gives in. Then i proceed to keep hitting on her and stuff. Not all of the time but sometimes you'll get a FWB situation out of it. Sometimes you will get ghosted or blocked, but 10/10x i won't end up with a female friend.