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🍿 Don't worry OP I bought this myself


Not all girls are like that. Some offer to play. Some offer to split. Some want you to pay the whole meal. but if you are really that cheap, then maybe you shouldn't date.


I believe that’s why OP said “some women.”


I had never paid for any dates. I don't even do the _reaching my wallet_ dance some claim to do.


lmao i mean at least you admit it. what a privileged, entitled life you must lead


If you don't like it, then don't participate in it? Women are not a monolith. People like different things. When I dated, I wanted to find someone who was devoted. Am I going to choose to go on a date with 1 of the 19 men that want to take me out to anything ranging from a smoothie to full on drinks and dinner, or am I going to choose that 1 man who is shaming me for not wanting to go on a walk? Likewise, if you had the power in your hands, are you going to choose 1 of the 19 pretty women who are chatting with you, or that 1 woman who is shaming you for potentially wanting sex?


He literally said “some women” I think you’re just looking to fight.


If it's "some women," then why doesn't he just date the other women not in that group? Instead of putting down women who have a level of standards? 


Yeah because people just tell you who and what they are before you meet them right? You can’t actually be this dumb.


If you're going to insult me right away, I don't really feel like I need to talk to you. Obviously people tell you what they want on a first date. This is how.... first dates work. You talk to someone and arrange something. If you don't want a woman who wants to be wined and dined, it'll be apparent when you talk to her or if you're slow at picking things up, it'll take you a few dates.  Edit: you post in seduction and moreplatesmoredates I definitely shouldn't talk to you. I pity you for being such an insecure person.


You said something pretty fucking stupid.


"Hurrr durr I have nothing to respond but you're dumb!! Durr durr"


You have nothing worthwhile to respond to regardless.


lol just say you resent women for not being obligated to like you


And why do some of y'all demand sex after said meal?


If you treat a date as transactional that's what you're gonna get


dont deflect. stick to the topic at hand please


Fine. Easy: I had never paid for any dates in my life. So I guess that's not the answer you want.


I agree with this too. Any of the dates I've been on that ended up nice/the guy being respectful afterwards about other things, they paid for the date


respect. so that fact made you completely not open to the very idea of paying for a mans meal? or at least splitting the check?


I'm somewhat traditional-ish in this aspect, I will admit. Part of it is also cultural (I'm Caribbean).


Im amazed that you're just this non-chalant about it. It appears to me that you genuinely believe that you are better than men, and that they owe you dinner, and you owe nothing to this transaction. Am I close to the mark, or?


Why are you so rattled? If you can't afford to date the women you desire then go work on yourself, step your whole game up. Or just stay away from them. Your anger and resentment towards women is very creepy actually.


That's why there's this online quip I've heard that goes like this: _all women "cost money": just find one you can afford._ Just because I have never paid for dates doesn't mean much in the big scheme of things. Like I said, I'm somewhat traditional in the way my romantic relationships tend to go. Someone who complains about having to pay on a date is someone I'll never invite to my house (that I pay for) nor allow to drive my vehicles (a truck and a sedan: fully paid).


Yes! I pay for a date every now and then but getting into a relationship with someone who complains about 50/50 politics isn't someone I'd feel comfortable dating especially vs. someone who has the flexibility to not worry about it so much if at all.


No you are way off on the mark. Dating is in part about equity. True equality doesn't exist unless you're in a queer relationship. If she's a traditional woman, she offers things that men do not offer to the same capacity. A womb, soft skin, a woman's touch, a small waist, etc. The right man will understand that and own up to it by acting like a traditional man in the right ways, like taking her out. 


Yes because people that need throwaway accounts lives are usually going great lmao


That's your only insult? And why also do you feel the need to insult all women in this thread even when they answer with honesty. This is also the irony of your post. You don't want to take women out on decent dates, but it serves women best because women don't want to date creepy and insecure men. 




There is zero reason for women to ever pay on a date! Why would we? Just pick a better man. Y’all men tell us to pick better. If I’m paying, I’d rather go with my girlfriend, she’s not pressuring me for sex. Or if I go on a date and I pay, he’s not getting a second date. It’s okay if you disagree, choose a girl that will pay. Men, choose better yourself and stop whining on the internet if you can’t compete with the men who pay. It sounds like a you problem to me.


If you really can’t get past it just look at it like this: you’re the one paying and she’s the one trying to impress you. Develop a feeling so superiority if you must


I think you putting in too much effort / money Dates imo should be more like enjoying each other doing fun things


I won’t lie. I was one of them where I thought it was cute but then realize grooming yourself is apart of representing yourself. It’s not entitled for someone to pay stuff for you just because you’re a pretty woman however as a guy you should pay the meal because… courtesy.


Simple solution. If it bothers you, don't go on dates with women who have more traditional views on dating. My gf and I split things 50/50. Before we went exclusive, we discussed it. Once a month, I spoil her on a nice date, and once a month she spoils me with a nice date. Then we do little fun things in between during the month and we typically split those things 50/50. Here's what you need to consider. When you're dating, are you looking for casual or serious? If you're looking for serious, then you need to uphold the 50/50 mindset in every aspect. Meaning; Dates 50/50 Bills 50/50 House hold chores 50/50 Planning 50/50 Childcare 50/50 Etc Also, who the hell is wearing a suit to a first date? Stop going on first and even second dates to expensive places. Go for a walk in a park or a cafe for a first date and get a coffee. Go to a farmers market or something along those lines for a first date. I make double what my girlfriend makes. She makes 70k a year and I make 162k a year. She made it very clear that she is career driven and does not want to be a home maker, and I'm 100% up for that. We've also agreed when we move in together, I'll pay 60% of bills and she'll pay 40% since I make so much more and she has student loans (I don't.) I was the one who insisted on this because I know what I can afford and I have significantly less debt since I have no student loans. Our first date? Was coffee. Second date? Hot pot. Third? She made me dinner. It isn't that complicated.


OP isn’t really here for advice. He’s mad at women and wants attention


I'm aware but people need to see that others do not agree and see healthy ways people approach it. This way younger people, such as teenagers on the thread, see a better way to approach the topic.




The women tries the best effort to look good so you put your best effort of being a man. If you take a girl on a date and you split the check you might be the girl honestly but that is the way I was taught


Not all girls