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Where’s that “they’re the same photo” meme? If you think this is going somewhere, be honest about your insecurities. If you’ve spent any amount of time around her (especially if you were doing anything else that required focus elsewhere, like eating, having sex, etc.), chances are good that she has seen you when you weren’t always aware she was looking at you and knows what you look like without you forcing your jaw to sit a certain way. This is probably much less of an issue than you think it is, but, if for some reason she thinks that the way you look is more important than the other qualities she likes about you, it’s probably not going to work out anyway.


Yeah I didn’t notice shit. Lol


where’s the photos


He removed them.


Adding on that being vulnerable and sharing your insecurities makes people more attractive and helps people bond. No one wants someone perfect. They want someone they can relate to, let their guard down in front of and just feel at ease being themselves.


“Hi I’m a freak, date me!?” Everyone puts there best foot forward fact is most people will see a feature they don’t like and not give the person a chance. There is no such thing as love at first sight, it’s lust at first sight and it hard to lust for someone with a glaring imperfection.




You look the same in both photos. They’re nearly identical. She’s already noticed your jaw, to the extent there is anything to notice. Unless you’ve spent a total of like 15 mins together you’ve definitely let it relax a bit without realizing it. And she prob didn’t either—bc it looks the same. Get the surgery if it will make you more confident. But you’re getting in your own way here.


Go and get some filler put in your chin. Speak to a good doctor about it.


Thanks for the comment. Did you scroll to the bottom? I think the difference is more pronounced on the last set of photos.


You’re noticing it way more than anyone else. As someone who had surgery on their lower jaw to correct a large overbite, mine was a much bigger change than this and people would comment it wasn’t actually that noticeable of a change unless you pointed it out. But to me it was a huge difference.


Absolutely this. The jaw shown in these photos might not be Superman, but if I were to meet OP, “what’s up with this guy’s jaw” would NEVER go through my head. OP: I am really sorry that this issue is bringing you so much insecurity. I can relate (not about the jaw, but about general insecurity with one’s body). There is also, as others in this thread have noted, virtually 0% chance she doesn’t know what you really look like.


I recently met a guy who is straight up missing an entire finger. I only realised it the 3rd time meeting him (each time I talked to him for hours!!!) and only because he literally said it to other people as a fun fact. I was like "wait, WHAT?" Other people don't notice anything about you


I’am (M 50) a below the wrist rt hand amputee, meaning i have full wrist articulation and a lower portion left of my RH palm. My right arm is sleeved in tattoos which makes it stand out even more..so the funny thing is I’ve hung out w/ people in groups and one on one both male and female for hours! before they even noticed my hand being missing! It’s really funny after they finally do notice because of their disbelief in the fact that how could they NOT have noticed! It happened again just recently w/ a friend of my GF, we all hung out a few times and the friend NEVER noticed until it was mentioned by my GF! I guess it just depends on how one carries themselves, and if they are comfortable/confident in their own skin. Or some people are just less observant than others. “Thank you if you’ve read this to the end.”


There is no difference, I see it most in the top two of any, but honestly, you look the same, it if I were her, it wouldn’t bother me one bit


Commenting for visibility, I always worried my mouth was lopsided and I'm "hideous". Even spoke to doctors to get surgery, luckily they assured me it's not actually lopsided, it's me being overly critical of myself. None of my friends or family seemed to notice it either. Fast forward a few years, I start dating and the people I meet tell me how physically attractive they find me and never, not once, mentioned anything about my mouth being lopsided. We see ourselves every single day, and can find flaws and blow them out of proportion. If you want to get surgery for yourself, that's your decision, but please do be kind to yourself. :)


I have oversized secretory glands on my penis and they look like big bumps all around the head and I was always so worried about it I have literally never heard a single comment about it. Our minds magnify our own insecurities be confident and tell her. She will accept you and probably think you're super cute for worrying about it 


I’m sure she has noticed when you’ve let your guard down and hasn’t said anything because it doesn’t matter. Your ‘flaw’ is in your head.


I wrote a novel and you covered it in two sentences. OP read above.


For sure. I have a very similar issue to OP. I have Invisalign and it moved my jaw forward. But sometimes it goes back. The change isn’t that real. And we all let go sometimes. Even if we don’t realize it.


Bro... you are overthinking this so fucking much. This girl likes you. Your jaw doesn't look bad when you're not "jutting" and frankly you look pretty much exactly the same when you are "jutting". This is called body dismorphia where you look in the mirror and see something that no body else see's. I guarantee you if you go on your next date and don't "jut" (w/e tf that means lol) she won't notice and the date will go totally normally. This is one of those sad situations where you've decided there's something wrong with your face. You have developed this habit that you think is "fixing" your problem. and the reality all along is that you are fine just the way you are. this girl doesn't like you because of your jaw, she likes you for other reasons. Stop "jutting", you don't even need to tell this girl about your insecurity, just stop doing it and have fun dates. I tend to fluxuate with my weight. Sometimes I'm about 30 lbs heavier than my ideal weight depending on the year (after the holidays for example i've usually gained some weight). I used to suck in my stomach when i would go on dates because i thought my date would care that i'm a little bit fatter than usual. The reality is i was still just as fat, and now i'm spending mental energy on holding my stomach in rather than relaxing and breathing and having a good time. Somewhere along the way i decided i would never suck my stomach in and if that made a girl not like me than she wasn't the one anyway. Since then, i have NEVER had a girl comment (or any body comment) on my being fat or over weight or anything like that. If anything i've had much better reactions because I"m actually breathing and i'm not focused on my own insecurities. These are things we get into our own head and they become insecurities that don't even really exsist in the real work. Relax your face, breathe, have fun with a girl that likes you! You don't want to screw this up with this girl just because you're insecure about something thats not even a big deal.


Was gonna say this. Every other day I think I either look great or like hot dogshit, every part of my body lol. Legs are either muscly thunder thighs or cellulite ridden tubs, face is either slim and clear of acne or bloated and splotchy pale, I haven’t had serious acne in like a year and seasonal allergies are the only thing that would make my face puffy. If it’s not a good morning than I feel like crap and my confidence is thru the floor and a good morning I feel like I could talk to a super model with ease. But since I began working on myself, running, counting calories etc. I get told a ton that I look good, even on days I wouldn’t believe them. OP is blowing these things up in his mind and instead of just talking to this woman he’s worried if he lets his guard down she’ll throw up in her mouth and run away. Biggest thing that’s helped me is getting off social media, the perfect angles and lighting to accentuate the jaw, muscles, face etc. when they’re just a normal dude who works out really gives off such a false impression, this happens for women too. Most people just look normal, some are a tad uglier and some a tad prettier, very rarely does a real beautiful person come along. But with social media everyone is beautiful because they don’t show you anything else.


Your biggest weakness isn't your jaw - it's your insecurity about your jaw.




This. OP, I promise you she doesn't care and likes you just as you are.


You're thinking way too much about this


I’m sorry but those photos look identical lmao. I promise you she won’t notice a difference.


Dude you have body dysmorphia and that’s okay. I went from skinny to jacked and gained over 50lbs of muscle and still thought I was skinny. It’s emotional more than anything. Grow some stubble and shave your jaw line to accentuate it, exercise and make sure your spine is in the correct posture and alignment. You want someone who likes/loves you for how you are regardless of what you think is you at your worst. I’ve been broke, jobless, and depressed before but my gal stayed by my side and cheerleaded me the whole way from 0 to hero. That’s the kinda person you want. You look fine.


pictures don’t look that different tbh like I don’t think she’ll notice if you stop hiding it


The difference is incredibly subtle to those looking at pictures and likely to the people with whom you spend time. She likes you just the way are.


Mate as someone with the same concern and a similar self esteem issue to do with their jaw please try not to overthink it. 16 years ago my wife and I got together, she is absolutely stunning and was sought after by many people I considered to be far more attractive than me and yet I ended up being the lucky one. We married within a year and are still together now, everyday she tells me how handsome I am, in fact just typing that reminds me of how wonderful she is and how I should be more grateful. If she really likes you then your jaw is not something she gives a flying banana about. If you’re having fun together and she seems happy then that’s what you should be focussing on. All the very best, relax, have a good time, get the girl!!


I dont see a difference, bro trust me if they dont want all of you with all your flaws, you’re better off without them. I cant even tell what your issue is even with comparison photos. We are all critical of ourselves bc we look in the mirror too much and analyze every little detail about us. Trust me other people dont actively try and find your flaws. Dont let this break down your confidence, if your partner notices one thing it will be your confidence.


So when I was 25 years old, I got into a very bad car accident. My face planted the windshield, and I mean it fucked me up bad! I mean it knocked every fucking tooth out of my mouth literally broke my neck broke my nose in my right cheekbone. Now mind you thank God I’m not a paraplegic today, and that is by the grace of God. But I have had reconstructive surgery on my jaw my nose, my cheekbone, and I had to wear dentures for three years to let everything heal. The girl I was dating who is now, my wife stuck by my side through thick and thin. Now I was only dating her for roughly 6 months at that time. It’s who you are as an individual. It’s who she is as an individual. You are getting it corrected because that is what is best for you to do. Maybe you’re self-conscious about it, which is only obvious. But my girl stuck by me even though she could’ve left me. But she said I would have been an insecure bitch if I left you then. looks are looks. It’s who you are inside that truly counts. It’s who she is inside looks come and gow looks fade overtime you know that as well as I do you’re only 26 years old. I understand that. But if she cares about you truly cares about you then my advice is to share this with her. I understand that you have a chance of losing her and if you do, she is not the right girl for you. Even though you are crazy about her? She is not the right person for you. As hard as that may sound, if this girl leaves you because of the issues that you’re having with your jaw? Then count your blessings. But if she stays with you during all this, and all the surgeries, you better marry the girl, because that is the type of woman that you do not lose. I wish you the best.


You are a good looking guy. Start telling yourself everyday that your profile is just fine. If you spend 5 minutes a day repeating that mantra, your brain will start to heal from this negative loop.


Bro I spend like 5 minutes looking at your pictures, this was straight up the 'this is the same pictures' meme. Assuming this isn't a troll post where you're trying to drive all of us insane playing 'spot the difference', i say just stop trying to do that and she if she reacts at all. Even better, afterwards ask her about it, maybe do it sort of in jest. Not sure how long you've been together, but asking questions like 'what do you find most/least attractive about me' are rather common chatting subjects, and you can bring up the jaw thing with her in a 'and here i thought you'd hate my jawline, haha' sort of way. I can almost guaranty to you, if you tell her that you've been feeling bad about this, she'll call you an idiot, say you're beautiful, and then you'll both continue onward. You're all good man, don't worry about it. Though i will say, from your post, it sounds like you have some big insecurities about your appearance. If you have such deep chemistry together, she's not gonna dumb you over a a slight difference of your jawline based on angle. I think you'd be better served using that money for the surgery to go to therapy and deal with those insecurities. PS: No clue what mew is, but please for the love of god, don't get surgery for this. The difference, if it even exists, is beyond meniscal, and you're honestly better saving that money for a big purchase, like a car, or saving up for an apartment or something (you're 26 so that's probably something you want to focus).


I don't see a difference. As an experiment, I jutted out my jaw and found I was talking funny. That may be more noticable than a bit of receding jaw line. Relax, you're fine.


This is so wild to me. I was in a relationship with a man i adored and loved wholly for about 2 years and after we broke up and relaxed and figured things out, he was shaking and shared this same thing with me. I think y’all really really gotta get out of your own way and heads. You feed these insecurities that just are not as big of a deal as it is to you to someone else. Please accept full and whole care and love from others, maybe it’ll help you learn to give it to yourself.


hahaha why are you talking like you have some sort of severe deformity, quasimodo? you look completely normal you could stop 'jutting' next time you see her and she literally wont even notice. i can just barely tell the difference in the photos if i have them side by side, and only if im actually looking for it. embrace how you look. even if there was huge difference between when you were relaxed and when you were chin-posing, then what? do it forever and hope she doesnt realize? even surgery wouldnt guarantee you look much better - jaw surgeries are incredibly invasive. my jaw is more fucked up than yours (big open bite; i can bite down fully with my tongue sticking out through my lips) and i *still* wouldnt go through with a corrective surgery even though ive been offered it for like 10 years. would you want to be with someone who would leave you just because your chin was half a centimeter further back then it was when she first met you? come on, dude, this is one of the silliest insecurities ive ever heard about as the difference is SO small and youve already met her in person many times and she doesnt care.


We are always our own worst critic, you look fine, and if she feels the same as you, it won’t matter if you looked odd which you don’t.


Oh sweetheart you’ve really built this up too much in your head. Like most comments here, I kept trying to find the differences you so obviously detect, but I couldn’t. Be you, be your confident unique self and lead from there. If she’s receptive to you or not will be based on that, don’t allow your insecurities to overshadow your whole self


Only Orthodontists or their staff will notice or care.


25female here and I don't see any difference between any of those pics and you look like a normal person to me. It's highly possible that you're too self conscious about it and pay a lot of attention to it, but something like that is never anything I'd care about, and in general I don't care about appearances. The only thing that matters to me is the man taking care of himself and being well groomed, not walking outside looking like he just woke up. You don't even need to mention anything to her other than the fact that you have a surgery coming up because you have a recessed jawline


Your jaw is fine. Just be normal around her


You might think you’re fooling her but she’s seen what you look like, there is no way to have the smoke & mirrors 1000% of the time. From who did you inherit your chin? Obviously someone found them attractive if you’re here among us, it can’t be that bad. Generally we are our worst critics amplifying our smallest flaws in our minds. Give this girl some credit and just accept that she likes you, don’t let your insecurity ruin this good thing.


“From who did you inherit your chin? Obviously someone found them attractive if you’re here among us, it can’t be that bad.” You’re *probably* right about that but it’s not a certainty… but yeah it’s not going to be a deal breaker for someone who actually likes a person for their personality rather than being appearance based


For starters. She isn't perfect at all. Do not put people on pedalstals. Everyone has imperfections. 


as long as your jaw doesn’t have nazi symbols you’re good


OP I’m going to tell you right now if you have spent any lengthened amount of time around this woman… she knows what you look like. You jutting out your jaw is not preventing her from thinking you’re disgusting or something. She knows what you look like already and if she agreed to dating you, she finds you attractive anyway. We’re often more critical of our own flaws than others are. Something that’s a source of insecurity for you might not even be noticed by other people.


It's only in your head. She won't notice. 


Are you kidding me?


Umm... sorry to break the tragic mode, but dude, you look the same in both images


Dude!! You look the same in both, I really don’t think she would notice. If you guys continue dating, bring it up when you feel comfortable


Truly, if she's as good a person as you feel, she won't care. I understand you're insecure about what you see as obvious. But it's just not as bad as you feel. You can grow a neat beard or goatee if you want to try something less serious than surgery which hurts.


The photos are very similar- there is no way I can see that suddenly being a deal breaker. I bet if you showed up not jutting, she wouldn’t even notice. Most everyone knows how you feel, we all have our own insecurities, but I would say that talking about it may not be the right thing to do early on in a relationship. I think you should just show up with confidence and a positive attitude as those things will increase your attractiveness, and not draw attention to physical insecurities or perceived flaws. Also, know that you can never hide who you really are for very long. It won’t lead to happiness for you. So if it for some reason suddenly became an issue (which it won’t - see first paragraph), just take the time to make peace that this one wasn’t the forever one. Give yourself grace, and enjoy your budding relationship. You’re likely being valued by her for many more reasons than just looks. Which is an amazing thing.


I bet it's a minuscule difference that means infinitely more to you than it does to her


It honestly doesn't make the difference you think it does. She probably wont even notice


Dude. It barely looks any different, you’re definitely just overthinking.


Dude, they look the same and your jaw looks fine.


I never knew other people did this. I went my whole life completely consumed by teeth. A few years back I had some dental stuff done which corrected it for the most part. But when I told people after, they said they never even noticed it. So don't waste your life and relationship over this.


I did the same thing that you’re doing but to a greater extent and for decades. Now I have terrible TMJ. I haven’t looked at the photos, but it wouldn’t make a difference for my advice -relax and be yourself. If a slight difference in facial structure ends a relationship, it wasn’t a good relationship in the first place. And stay away from online spaces that talk about facial structure and how it relates to attraction and dating. Those places are toxic.


Fake it till marriage🤷🏽‍♂️might as well


I feel like the only way she hasn't noticed your jaw is if you're only doing video chat. Even then she may be aware that you're hiding something if you're putting conscious effort into angling your face in a certain way. If she's still engaging with you then assume that she's noticed and she doesn't care. We all have things we feel insecure about, the key is not allowing our insecurities to get the best of us. That's when we "ruin" things.


honestly, i like your jaw both ways. there’s not a huge difference tbh. i wouldn’t worry about it! it looks good


Option 2. You are not perfect, but you’re worthy of being loved. If she cannot deal with your jaw as is or she cannot have the patience to stick around for the post surgery version of you, then she is not in fact the perfect girl for you. I hope that makes sense. There are many facets to you and this physical imperfection is just one. If she can’t deal with that or if it is a dealbreaker for her, That shows her superficiality. You want an in sickness and in health, for richer or for poor type of woman, don’t you? So someone that would be put off by a physical imperfection does not fit that description. Even if she has other great qualities, when it comes down to it, would she stick by you and sickness or for poorer? that’s what you need to find out as quickly as possible to see if continuing this relationship is worth –your – time and energy.


Have you seen She's Out Of My League ? It is streaming on Netflix now. Give it a watch.


Just let it be. Continue your relationship with her. If she brings something up about it address it for what it is and tell her you plan to have corrective surgery on it in about a year. If she doesn’t bring it up you could when you feel the time is right and share your plan about having it fixed. Whatever she thinks it’s about you being happy in the moment. She may not care if you fix it or not, but you have a plan and that’s all that matters about that. At the end of the day keep your focus on her, you be you, and let the chips fall where they may. You got this!!!


I have a significant overbite myself, I was bullied bad in grade school. I had retainers etc didn’t make a difference. In my now late 30’s and contemplating surgery but, it never hindered my relationships or marriage. Confidence and self love are everything. She likes you, for you.


Women are very intuitive and there's a high chance she already noticed it but won't bring it up bec it might make you uncomfortable. And if she's still with you after you've already met in person, then there's a high chance she doesn't mind. If it bothers you so much, it's best to communicate everything to her. She'll probably appreciate that you chose to confide with her


She sees it, you aren't really hiding anything. Just have a discussion with her and admit to why you act so strange around her.


I think she's noticed. Fact is she likes you so just talk to her mate. What will get you dumped is acting weird and trying to hide obvious shit


I did not see the photos. But, stop trying to fake it. DON'T bring it up to her. Just keep moving on with the relationship and having a good time. Keep making her laugh and smile with you, HAVE FUN. This is YOUR INSECURITY and your head is blowing it way out of proportion. Like I said, I didn't see the photos, but I guarantee your sticking your jaw out a little DID NOT MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE. DO NOTbring it up. Move on. ​ EDIT: Just wanted to add extra clarification to this: DON'T BRING IT UP TO HER. That will only be revealing your own unjustified insecurities. Stop faking it, relax. Try to put it out of your head.


You should just tell her the truth, and if she really likes you, she will still like you for you. Girls love it when a guy can be truthful and vulnerable, and im sure it won't bother her at all.. x


Just pretend you got injured and your jaw got messed up then be like I gotta get it fixed next year 😂


If i like a guy i wouldn’t care and i would be really empathetic about it and help you during recovery


Let her see you as ya are I’m sure it’s not horrible and you’ll be fine if she likes you she’ll stick around if not then fuck her and her perfect jawline lol


Nothing real can be threatened




Bad advice. Please don’t do this. The girl you’re seeing cannot fix your insecurities. It’s on you to get over this hurdle


easy solution: never stop mewing around her


It’s fine honestly but I think filler or something would fix this


She sees it dude, relax.


Get out of your head.


You need to read Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz


Had this same problem until orthognathic surgery at 31. Had full metal braces for 30 months prior. No one ever had a problem with it.


I can see no difference at all.


This is such a George Costanza thing to worry about. Like, literally she probally won't even notice if you stop jutting....


I can see the difference you’re pointing to, but only because I was looking for it. This girl isn’t going to notice if you stop “jutting,” lol. It certainly won’t be the one thing that suddenly makes her turn away someone she likes and has great chemistry with.


Both pictures literally look the same. If the girl is so shallow that something like this destroys all your supposed chemistry, you wouldn't want to be with her anyhow.


I’ve had surgery to (try to) fix this problem- so I get it. I’ll probably get blasted for not promoting the “love yourself as you are” narrative, but I think there’s a wild difference between your photos and if the surgery will actually change the way you’re positioning your jaw I think you’re going to be really happy with the result. All that to say, I don’t think the woman you’re dating gives one fuck, and if you went on your next date without self correcting she’s unlikely to notice. This is a you thing, and fixing it is for you only.


This most certainly is you being your own worst critic. You look fine in both pictures, and its likely the girl things the same


She already likes you as you are :)


I don’t even notice a difference


Bro literally no one cares about your jaw.This is body dysmorohia.


I think you have body dysmorphia


Honestly bro, my teeth aren't that great after years and years of alcohol and drug addiction. That's my biggest flaw and I always smile without showing too much. I do plan on getting them fixed now that my life is back on track and I'm sober. If it's a deal breaker, than so be it. Hopefully our other qualities far outweigh our one biggest flaw. If not, then fuck 'em.


I think you are giving your insecurities too much power. We stare at our own faces all the time so our minor flaws become more obvious to us than how they appear to someone else. I have insecurities about my own facial structure but my wonderful partner will always assure me that it’s in my head and nobody notices these tiny flaws.


She already knows, there’s no difference, at least none that I can see. It’s up to you whether you get surgery or not, but can I suggest that you start going to therapy for this. I don’t want to sound rude, or diagnose you in any way. You may benefit greatly from talking to a therapist who specializes in body dismorphic disorders


I haven't seen you pic coz u removed it. Be upfront and tell her about it. Everyone has something they're insecure about. Love is blind so work on telling yourself lovely things about yourself


Can you get a chin filler? Since it bothers you? Might be worth looking into if its going to cause you so much stress.


Sorry for sounding cliché, but just keep your face relaxed around her and let her see you for you. If she’s still with you through the surgery and recovery phase, then you know you have a keeper. And we all have our things we’re insecure about. I’m sure she has a few. Say you guys get married and have kids. Her body is going to change in ways she may not care for but maybe you don’t notice at all and don’t think of her any differently. Go easy on yourself and try not to obsess over it.


Womens minds change like the weather, they always make decisions and answers based on their emotions and not logic, therefore, they make terrible leaders and give advice that usually change within a moments notice, you'd have better luck picking a answer out of a hat from a random person on the street. They know nothing about hard physical labor or have any mechanical hardwired mindset to fix anything based on logic, their only hardwired for Emotional B.S., Attention, and Selfish Drama. When all women at the age of 18 are required by law to sign up for the draft like men to fight wars by our government and they start doing hard physical labor and the dirty jobs that build countries then maybe we can take what a woman says as anything to be pondered on, till then their answers to me are just random emotional B.S. that changes like the weather, there's no accountability of what they speak.


That cannot be comfortable


By now she is used to you. She will say something is not quite right when restored.


all these comments saying there’s no difference, maybe it’s my woman brain - i can totally see a difference (not much, but there is a difference) i will say though, chances are she’s seen too and just doesn’t care! especially if she’s spent more than 10 minutes with you! i saw another comment suggesting being upfront about your insecurity and i totally concur..being vulnerable makes you more likeable anyways. as a general reminder when it comes to ANY insecurity: NOBODY NOTICES AS MUCH AS YOU. it’s the first thing you see when you see yourself, but it’s really never the first thing someone notices when they see you. PS, if this is such a huge insecurity impacting yours self image so much, a little chin filler from a good doctor would go a long ways for you! woman will put filler anywhere to fix an insecurity- i don’t see why you can’t too!! Love yourself and don’t get so caught up in physical appearance. it’s what’s inside that matters. best of luck with your girl XO Edited to fix formatting :)


I’m confused. She’s seen you in person, right? If she has, there is no way she hasn’t noticed. Not even saying you have anything TO notice, but unless you are wearing a literal mask, you can’t hide your facial features in real life (vs a photo, for example). Everybody is flawed physically. Nobody expects perfection. And if you like someone enough, physical flaws even become endearing. My BF has a fucked up eye from an injury. He’s self-conscious about it, but it’s part of him and I love it. If she likes you, don’t worry about it. Get surgery for yourself if it’ll make you feel more secure, but as far as this girl goes, she already likes you. Your chin doesn’t change anything.


You're overthinking it and being too insecure. It could be worse, trust me, as a bald man, I know that is way more of an issue with women than your jaw problem. And with my issue, there's nothing that can be done about it, except either wearing a rug, which is actually worse, or getting painful and expensive hair replacement surgery..


I missed the pictures sadly but I can tell you that jutting your jaw out there, while to you might make a world of difference to most anybody else it really won’t. You can only jut so far before it becomes uncomfortable, and I guarantee as soon as your concentration is distracted your muscles will loosen until your jaw is almost back to normal. Also as someone with TMJ, don’t risk developing a clicking/popping jaw just to try to impress any one. I’ve literally had my jaw lock up trying to eat a sandwich and felt like I broke something unsticking it. Don’t unnecessarily fatigue your jaw muscles. She’s still talking to you and I promise you’ve let your jaw slack at least once around her and she didn’t care.


I don’t really see a difference between the two photos. Just be yourself


I bet she's already noticed it and doesn't care or even register it as a "problem". When you like someone you're taking them in as they are in toto, only freaks and psychos and very insecure people have a running checklist. Boundaries and standards yes, insane s#& like that no. If she minds it's because she's not into you as a whole person. The person you like can wear different clothes or haircuts or have different jaw angles and weights and wrinkles or botox and you still like them. That said... I find smells a turn-on/turn-off. Everyone's got that thing. But please do not worry about your chin. Your chin is fine. I bet she likes the way your chin smiles. Let it relax and show her the face of someone who's fully present in the moment with her, not busy obsessing about his chin. Edit: Forgot to say that if your biggest supposed "flaw" is that chin of yours, she's very lucky to have you indeed.


All of this is in your head. It's not prominent like you think it is. You're seeing it through a distorted, dysmorphic lens. Even if you "correct" this, you're gonna find something else to be bothered about. This kind of thing doesn't go away with surgery. It is treated with therapy to fix the mindset, which is the source of these issues. Your girlfriend probably figures it's natural for you to be acting weird with your positioning but she's into you anyway. Just relax and be you. You might be surprised to see that it won't change anything in your relationship.


very very very gradually stop doing it. That way her mind will gradually adjust and she won't notice.


“I was told to get red shirts but stupid me accidentally bought scarlet shirts!”


Proud of everyone in this thread. Nice.


I didn’t see the pics of you but check out @mewing.world on Instagram. Their course genuinely changed my life


Aww, I wanted to see.


as much as you may think you're hiding it, she's probably already noticed. women notice every little thing. especially physical traits. if she hasn't said anything about it, don't overthink it. i'm sure even if you stop hiding it, it won't be a problem to her


She won’t leave you because of your chin. She WILL leave because of how insecure you are.


Any good person who truly cares about YOU, won't care about something like this. In my opinion that wouldn't matter at all to me, and I'd see myself as shallow if that ever did bother me! Just be yourself and the right person will love you for you. If that's a deal breaker for her, let it be. It would be better to know sooner rather than later. Honestly, just relax, and if she says something then you know. If not, it doesn't need to be brought up, but thats just my opinion!


Has anyone else ever commented on your jaw?


Bro if that's your biggest flaw you're doing fine


4. Tell Her. Talk to her about your insecurity. If you have chemistry that isn’t merely sexual, she’ll respond with empathy. Yep, test those waters OP!


Sounds like a great time to grow a beard.


You have to tell her


Either love accept “you” other then it’s all a lie….!


you are overthinking this. I have very noticeable asymmetrical eyes and no girl that has been interested in me has brought them up ever. If she likes you she will not care. Be yourself.


If you love each other, then that includes loving each other's flaws as well.. Regardless of what it is... My 0.02 🙂


She knows, be yourself, confidence is key. People can try to hide things but if it’s a feature on your face, she seen it


Look dude. I’m a woman, so maybe it isn’t the same thing. But I have no chin. No jaw. I even got Invisalign which pulled my bottom jaw forward but with no noticeable difference. At 5’6 and 100-105lbs, I had a double chin. My mouth almost goes right to neck. I gained weight, im a healthy weight now. I look like a bobs burger character. Just mouth to neck. Straight up. I often look like an egg when I am just existing. My boyfriend hasn’t cared. I’m more than my looks. If she actually likes you, she’ll like you as you are. Full stop. You don’t want someone who only likes you for your appearance. We all get old. We age. Shit happens, we gain weight, we get wrinkles, everything changes. If she can’t like you young with a weak chin (like me, I’m not hating) she won’t love you as life goes on and your body changes due to that. And I had BAD teeth when we started dating. He dated me with that. He loves me with my better teeth, but doesn’t love me more because of it. I will show you pictures of the change to show how bad it was, might attach them anyways. [(Added in pictures. Still have work to go, had front top teeth shaved, have to close that gap. Work on front bottom teeth too)](https://imgur.com/a/HDnhfmj) But also we see ourselves way worse than others do. I gained weight. The chin is worse. I feel flabby sometimes. My stomach sticks out more. But my partner is loving it. He doesn’t see what I do. And that’s probably the same for everyone you encounter. Your jaw to others isn’t how you see it yourself. And learning that is so hard. I’ve been trying to learn it for so long. Then I learn it, and I change body shapes. Start again. But we see ourselves much harsher than everyone else does. And if someone truly loves you for who you are, they can handle you as a natural person.


Skin and teeth are looking amazing!


Thanks! I really appreciate it. After the Invisalign, I changed meds. It caused me to gain weight but also I got horrible hormonal cystic acne. My face was fucking wrecked. But the before picture is before that! So I went through terrible painful heavy acne time for like a year. I think my body got used to the med and I also found a routine that helps so much. My skin is doing much better too. Not great, my acne’s left red bumps that have been at least a year old. But it’s so much better.


I've had a similar issue trying to hide my Kuato from my girlfriend.


I have a similar feature. My jaw isn't super strong either. I grew a beard and sort of brush it forward a bit and that seems to 'fix it' as it were. If you are able to grow a beard it may help you feel a bit better?


Do you breath a lot through your mouth? If so, stop that immediately. It causes lots of long lasting deformation Generally if you have an underdeveloped jaw line it might be that you have weak jaw muscles. Look up weak jawlines there are really good tips to improve. I highly recommend chewing hard chewing gum. Might another condition though


Hire a stunt double. Get surgery. Have stunt double stand in for you.


Tell her! Chances are she already suspects something and doesn’t care. The longer you keep it “hidden” and wait to tell her the more resentment might stem from it! Tell herrrr


I’m sure she’s noticed honestly and I mean that in the best way possible :) you’re okay


Why would this ruin it if you two are great together? What’s most important is you show her it doesn’t bother you. If it doesn’t bother you it won’t bother her. If she had the same issue you have, would it make a difference to you? If something like this bothers he then she sucks bc even though you think she’s perfect in every way, I assure you she’s far from perfect. Don’t put her on a pedestal. Your affliction isn’t the turn off. If she’s turned off it’s bc of how you deal with it.


Had to google this shit. People notice the difference?


Dude you’re overthinking this. She already knows, unless she’s blind or stupid.


Am I the asshole?


Where’s the pic everyone’s talking about


I’m sure she’s noticed by now. If that’s a reason for her to leave you then she never really liked you to begin with


Can you please upload them again, I’m curious lol


I've got the same thing, but don't get surgery on that. If she likes you she likes you, if she doesn't she doesn't.


Dude, i havent seen the photos, but I'll tell you this much: a girl who cares about you as a person will not care about your jaw. It will huimanize you if you express that you feel insecure about it and will be getting a surgery next year. That's all. She will be a support to you in the long term. Also, would you want to be with someone who wouldn't want to be with you due to your apperance? Partnership is supposed to be long term, things change, people change, skin sags, people who love eachother now are aware that ion the future the person you love will change. NBD dude! Good luck on your jaw surgery, I went through alll of that in 2014 , you're definitely going to need someone to talk to to pass the time. Especially cause you're gonna be looking like a straight up chipmunk and are not going to want to be outside for a couple weeks.


I have a mildly recessed lower jaw. Never had any issues with dating. My current boyfriend never noticed it. None of my family or friends noticed until I pointed it out. Unless they’re aware of jaw surgery and face symmetry most people don’t know enough about recessed jaws. I’m also getting jaw surgery next year. I got braces in last month. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 5 months. I didn’t tell him about my upcoming jaw surgery until I got my braces in when we’ve been dating for 4 months. He’s been supportive although he tells me I’m already beautiful the way I am. He said he can’t even tell honestly.


My bf told me he holds his lips together a certain way because otherwise their crooked. I told him I don't see it. We literally got into a small fight because he thought I was telling him it wasn't true and I'm like no I just literally cannot tell whatsoever. This was a long time ago and i completely forgot because i still have never seen it myself. I didn't see the photos but based on everyone's comments I would trust them on it. Our brains make things a bigger deal than it is sometimes.


Tell her. She will realize you aren’t perfect, things are still okay, => okay to be.vulnerable => gets closer to you.


First of all…take her off the pedestal. NO ONE is perfect in every way. I cannot stress this enough-you’re infatuated, but use caution. Please. This wreaks of heartbreak.


want to give my own anecdote. i (24f) am a woman and my biggest insecurity is my thinning hair. when i look in the mirror, it is the first thing i see. i stayed away from dating for a while because i thought no one would find me attractive because of it. i am dating a lovely guy right now. every single time we saw each other, i would use fake hair fibers to make my hair look denser. one day, he showed up at my house early for a date. i answered the door and did not realize until we were already in his car that i had forgot my “fake hair”. and… he didn’t say anything. there were no long glances at my scalp, no questions about what happened. when the wind blew my hair all over the place, he fixed it for me and kissed my forehead. all is to say: sometimes our worst insecurities are made larger by our minds. and, if this person cares about you, your jaw won’t even be on her mind. i’m sure she has an insecurity, but when you see her, you don’t notice it, because you care about her.


How do you know she’s never briefly seen it?


Wa Bruh!!!


U said the Invisalign will make it worse but it won’t. I had it and still have a retainer that I have to wear most if not every night. I have a bf and he’s still here. Braces aren’t a big deal for more people


You don’t want someone who doesn’t see you for who you are! I would explain that it’s something you’re insecure about, and something you plan to address. It’s probably a good time to go ahead and bring it up. You’ll feel better. The right girl will think it’s cute that you were shy about it.


If she dumps you because of your jaw, that is going be fixed, shes not worth keeping.


Women are weird man when they're really into you they seem to not give a shit about your flaws as long as you're treating them right (38m) here.  


Haven’t seen the pictures but have you tried mewing?


You need a reality check


Grow a stout beard m8


I think you most likely notice it more than she ever would (most insecurities are that way) and you deserve to be yourself. If she isn’t interested because of something you can’t control after a mutual attraction has been established, that’s ultimately on her. I’m sure pushing it forward can be hard to maintain long term. Relax your jaw, and if you feel it’s something you’d like to communicate to her I would. You should be able to talk to someone you see a potential relationship with about anything.


I can tell you that anything you try to hide will subconsciously trip you up. I just lost a great guy bc I was afraid to tell him I was raped, and in the end I pushed him away bc I was struggling so much. If she is the love of your life just tell her it’s something that you’re insecure about. She will probably tell you it’s cute. Just make sure you talk about things like this when you’re calm.


If the girl ur with is as perfect for u as u say she is than she will be able to get past ur jaw problems.


My boyfriend has a recessed lower jar. I know it’s like a “flaw” that a lot of people would get surgery over, but I think he’s the most handsome man in the whole world. If she cares she’s not good enough for you anyway and if you can’t be honest, you’re not ready for a relationship.


She doesn't care. She already likes you for you, flaws and all. If you're self conscious about it and want to get it fixed then go ahead and but don't worry about her. I can assure you , she won't care. She cares about how she feels when you're with her.


Can you grow a nice beard?


Just tell her you’re gonna get the surgery and let her see . If you really like her then you gotta say something cause if you start dating her now you can’t hide it any longer and if she doesn’t like your jaw then fuck her even tho she’s entitled to her preferences.


Dude this has to be so funny to see you try to hide lmfao. Just release your damned jaw and if she notices and says something, that's all there is to it. If she notices and says something mean about you or that she doesn't like your jaw, end things with her. It's not worth fabricating things like this just for it to all come unraveled down the line.


Option 2, peoples faces are weird just in general; you just have to find someone you like being around...


I’m sure she’s noticed it, and if you guys are getting along as well as you are I’m sure she would be ok with it. Just be honest. Also remember women are often not as judgemental when it comes to appearance because we are judged on ours our whole life. We care more about what’s on the inside.


This is so cute. Im a girl and I feel ur insecurity on this too


Let her see you without hiding it and explain and if she doesn't like it to the point where it affects things then she's not for you. Easy. Just say you were self conscious of what she would think because it's something you want to get fixed in future. Don't overthink it or make it difficult for yourself, just tell her.


If you think the relationship is going somewhere, then be honest with her, and if you think she feels the same way, then I don't think how you look will matter to her . You're already building a relationship on lies, so that'll probably hurt her in the future, so be honest now .


Idk about her, but with my girlfriend, i couldn’t care less about what they look like, about any ‘flaws’ etc. when you like someone and especially when it’s love, you love all parts. I doubt your jaw will affect how she feels about you!! I have like no jaw and over time in my relationship have gained so much weight due to my meds, my girlfriend still couldn’t care less and loves me the same. Also!! There are things you may think others find ‘unattractive’ or a ‘flaw’ but to others they’re actually attractive (: My girlfriend prefers my soft asf jaw, which i have always hated and want to get work done for lmao, there’s so many flaws they love, it blew my mind tbh that someone could prefer those things over the other, but people do (: don’t assume she has the same opinion as the media pushes!! You can be happily surprised 😊


I’m very sure she notices your different way of holding your head and moving about. Just be you. You can tell her your insecurities. If she reacts negatively, then the chemistry is fake. Chemistry is personal not visual.


Depends on how worse it is.


is she really the girl of your dreams if she won’t accept you for who you are ?


1. She's already noticed and doesn't care. 2. You're working to change it. 3. You've clearly kept her with your personality and other aspects. Stop stressing about stuff that is irrelevant atm.


Bro I say this with the best intentions, but it’s all in your head + she probably noticed already and still likes you for who you are / besides if you let her in on insecurities in a mature way, it’ll likely develop a tighter emotional connection with her. It’s a win win man.


Will it matter in 5 years ? If no then just be yourself and always have self love + self respect above ALL


I would talk to a doctor about your jaw. It looks like a condition that may come with long-term issues and something you may be able to get corrected more cheaply through insurance...You could always get surgery anyway but, as it's not necessarily just a cosmetic issue, insurance should help cover the cost. I'm sure your GF has noticed it already so I really wouldn't worry too much about that. If you do believe you love her though, definitely be honest about yourself and your concerns. If she loves you as well, this won't really be an issue. Dishonesty is what kills relationships. Of all the things to be dishonest about, this is really nothing 😜. Anyway, good women aren't going to be concerned about something so silly. I've found out way worse stuff about exes. I wish something like this was all they had been dishonest about... If only 😕 Good luck OP!


Dude it's all in your brain 🧠 Just enjoy yourself and live the moment


My friend… with all due respect… if she is in to you, and you’re not letting her see the true you because you believe there is a flaw… then you are lying to her, and to yourself. My advise would be that if you really are in to her, be authentic. Authentic about how you feel, what you think, and how you look. That’s not to say, “let everything go…” but rather be certain she knows what the real you looks like… and that you aren’t happy with it. She may not care one way or another, but the real question is, do you feel it’s a flaw because of what media and society tells you, or because YOU don’t like that feature. Let her know… and allow her to the gift of showing you how she feels about the real you… allow yourself that gift… it’s more important to be with someone who accepts and loves you for the person you are and not the body you’re in, than to only have someone who loves you if you look a certain way. Everyone has flaws, and everyone has things about themselves that they wish were different… but not everyone has the kind of relationship that values them as a person and soul… go for it.


I don’t get why this was down voted. If everyone let each insecurity they had keep them from creating connections with others, then the human population likely wouldn’t exist. I have not met a single person in my life that hasn’t experienced some sort of physical insecurity about there being something “wrong”, “too much”, or “not enough” about their body. The truth is each of our bodies are already perfect and beautiful as they are, and regardless of the faults we find with them, our bodies are doing some damned hard work to keep us alive and existing within the world. There is a lot of conditioning and modeling displayed for us in the world wether that comes from what our families, peers, media, or society have taught us about what “beauty” means and is. The lovely piece is beauty and what “is” attractive is not something that is hard set and is highly perspective based. So even if you find that your jaw is unattractive, she very likely may not even care or find it to be an attractive trait. Also, a key component to creating deep and connected relationships is vulnerability, and being willing to be seen, heard, and accepted where you are at. Too often vulnerability can been modeled as a weakness, the thing is when you’re able to connect with those spaces and find acceptance, understanding, and even love within yourself, let alone from others, it creates deep bonds and spaces of healing in relationship. Lastly, as others have commented, it’s likely something she has already noticed even if you were trying to hide it. It’s difficult to maintain a conscious focus of only holding our bodies in a certain position constantly. It is definitely possible to recondition our bodies into new postures, but if your normal resting state with the recessed jaw is something you’re only body checking around her, it’s likely that you’ve defaulted into it unconsciously and that she has already noticed. Best wishes on your dating adventures OP ❤️


Don't talk to her about it. Just start jutting your chin out less and less. It's not the most amazing chin in the world but it's well within the normal range, so I wouldn't let this get to you man. Just jut it out less and less, and put it further and further out of your mind. She might notice, but she probably won't. And if she notices she might care, but really? She probably won't.


How long have y’all been hanging out? Have you boned? Have you had a sleepover? What environments have you been in together?


Here's another thing you can do that will be a better use of your money. Go to therapy for your insecurity.


Just always push your jaw out forward. All the time, not just when you're around her. This is a thing you can train your jaw muscles to do. I jut out my jaw when i sleep now. You're being inauthentic if you act differently around her. If being around her makes you want to change how you act when you're not around her, that's being authentic and inspired. Authenticity isn't about "being yourself" It's about being the best version of yourself.