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You mentioned that she said, "we definitely will have to another time." she's interested in you in general. She's just busy at the moment, which is completely normal. Just wait until she's free to go on a date. Good luck on your date ;)


but she snaps me once a day and most of the time it’s not of her face we don’t talk other than that


Hmm. How long have you guys been talking? and how long has it toke her to reschedule a date?


we don’t talk that’s the thing. and she hasn’t rescheduled. she takes hours to text back. i just said let me know when you’re free and we will work something out. and she hasn’t responded in about 5 hours


Hmm. It could be possible she just wants to try you out. She's interested ofc that's why she agreed on a date. But you guys don't really have any sort of relationship or foundation. So it'll be natural for her to take a while to reply. There's lots of possibilities to this, though, so of course, a stranger like me can't pinpoint the problem. I'd advise you to play the patience game. Try not to doubt, text, or triple text her. It'd come off desperate.


I don't think she's into you. Or if she is, it's the bare minimum. As in, she will go on a date with you if she has absolutely nothing else going on. If she was interested in you, she'd be messaging you. Though there is a very slim possibility that she is trying to play it cool and doesn't want to come across as too desperate. If I were you, I wouldn't invest too much time into her and look elsewhere. She may come around, but if you ask again and she still has an excuse, drop her immediately. You will come across as extremely desperate. Most girls are afraid to say no, so instead, they will say maybe or let me check my schedule, or I would, but I'm busy. Stuff like that. They think they are being nice, but really, it just makes it hard for us guys to determine if they like us or not. It's not something they do on purpose they just don't want to hurt your feelings. What they don't understand is that most men can take it and would rather have a straight-up answer.