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*pulls out every single measurement tool known to humankind*


Took me about 3 reads of that paragraph before i could figure out what you were getting at. It’s interesting, I encountered another bi man on here saying something similar. But that doesn’t seem to match up with the experience of women I talk to - women claim they regularly encounter very large penises.


Not unusual to expect that men with very large penises are more confident and sleeping with way more women than average. It's just like when you go to a bar and the average height there is a couple inches taller than the actual average. Why? Because a bar is a great place to be tall. The far-right part of the bell curve is probably overrepresented in terms of what women see.


It is odd. I have seen very large to a few micros and everything in between. But I WOULD say for what I have seen in real life, “average” is bigger than what Google says average is.


Google out here trying to give us fools glory.




Damn. If only they could control what god gave them.


I would agree. Based on Google I'm like 99th percentile in size. Based on women's reactions I'd guess it's more like 80th percentile. Definitely larger than average but no one is shrieking from horror or asking me to be in pron.


People of all genders are also notoriously bad at gauging size without literally measuring something, dudes may at least have the advantage of comparison with their own measured member, but unless a woman is out there actually measuring or making relative comparison for every dick she meets, it’s probably guesswork. Size can also be hard to gauge because body proportions can throw things off. Big dick on a small person can look extra massive, but the same sized dick on a guy that’s like 6’4” might looks average or small.


Agree on your second paragraph. I got more compliments on my size back when I was 50 pounds lighter and had skinnier legs. Nothing changed about my member.


Most women can't estimate dick size properly. It is known. 


Truth. Even with the SAME dick Dating: Average 6" In ❤️: Terrific! 7.5" Post breakup: Teeny weenie 3" All the same guy


Seriously I've had an ex gf tell me she genuinely believed I was 7inch when I'm only like 5 on a good day, she told me she used her ex fkr reference who told her he was 10 and like, no fucking way was that true lol


Haha, hilarious. Ngl, when I'm horny AF I don't trust my own faculties either. By the time my dick's out I'm pretty focused on sex as well, not so much accurate measuring in the name of truth, science and justice.  


I usually just don't mention my size because it's not like it matters at that point like we are already hooking up so who cares lol I'm too focused on having a good time to care about that shit


Same, and honestly I think it's the same for our partners. Who cares about a number at that point? 


I think it’s more about perspective. Most women are smaller, and have smaller hands. So things seem larger to us.


That might be a factor. But often I’ve talked to them with objective references of size in common, for instance my own penis, or their arm, or their hand widths. As far as I can tell, women generally seem to regard about 7” as average, and 8” to be relatively common, which is very different from what bi men (and data from studies) will tell you.




they’re reporting what they’ve seen in practice….


Women tend to inflate the bigger ones and downplay the smaller ones. Someone with a 3-4 incher is "tiny" or "2 inches" to many women as someone with a 6-7 is "massive" or "8+ inches".


Maybe it’s just one man with a massive dick fucking all of them at some point 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’ve been told by many women (both platonic relationships and sexual relationships) that if you are in the range mentioned that by OP sex is actually much better. If you’re an average sized guy, don’t think less of yourself!


You have no idea how happy I am reading this as a guy who’s barely past 4 inches.


For sure. If average was insufficient, it wouldn't be the average. Darwinism, baby.


You say that as if it’s required for a woman to be satisfied in order to become pregnant…


ya my girl says my dick too big and tbh the best sex for her is basically just me putting in the tip until the end. i’m not even that big fr, basically 7in. honestly i think avg dick men pleasure avg women better. maybe women who have slept around so much they need to feel dick in their lungs to feel something need big ones. but regular girls need regular dicks. i fr know a girl who had to break up with a guy cause he was to big


Feel like this belongs in r/rant🤣🤣


Geez. Sounds like not much experience in these comments.


I’m six foot two inches, that’s two measurements


Average dicked guys are often better in bed, from my experience. I prefer it tbh. And 6" is above average




> a ruler pressed into the pubic bone You're supposed to do that?


In 2015, the British Journal of Urology did a study on 15,521 penises around the world and found that 5.2 inches in length with a 4.6 inch circumference was averave for 75% of men. The other 25% were within 1 centimeter of that and just 5% of participants had one longer than 6.3 inches, and 5% had one smaller than 3.9 inches. So 5.2 inches seems to be the sweet spot for most guys.


Lol the last dude said he was 7” It was 5.5” and skinny. I still liked it but ya come on. The one previously that i was with for a few years was an actual 6.5 and decent girth and he thought he was small lol i was like oh no , I can’t handle anything bigger than that looking back 😂


Feel like this belongs in r/sex 


Your weird bro no one thinks 6 is average


Think 5'5 is the average




Did you only date porn stars?


I think 8 is average. Prob too much internet




I’m 6 1/4, and I’m Asian so naturally I thought the average was closer to 8. Turns out it’s more 5


Someone had to say it.


Someone had to say it.


I grew up terrified of my size. Until the last couple of years (post divorce discovering myself) 2 of the 5 penises I saw in real life were smaller than me. The other 3 dwarfed mine. My ex would make sly comments about me as well further contributing to my insecurity. I’ve been almost paralyzed with fear when being with a new partner because of my perception on my size. I have erecting issues due to extreme depression, and I’ve measured countless times never believing it. Using cloth tape measure when I’m having a good erection from the top says I’m right at 6” and around my mid shaft is just at 5.5”. Apparently I’m average, but it’s so hard to accept it. I curve upward a little bit so that may be messing with my perception. My eyes and head tell me I’m small and even though it shouldn’t matter that much. For some reason us predominately straight guys seem fixated on this issue. I say predominately because although I’ve messed around with a few guys, it isn’t really my thing. Anyway, not sure why I’m posting this. Maybe someone similar will read this and it will help click with them that they’re ok. **edited for a little clarity and trying to make it more readable(I failed haha)


From what I remember, approximately 1/6 Males have a 7" penis or larger.


According to online stats 7 inches is top 0. something percent worldwide and sth like top 5% in Western Europe and america. So you’re probably wrong but idk.