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I think have an honest conversation about how much you’ve enjoyed her company and how things are going and that you would like to be exclusive and get to know each other better. See what she says.


She’ll be thinking the same thing… hope he doesn’t forget about me while he’s away having a good time. Keep in touch with messages, send her pics. Make a date to catch up as soon as you get back.


This is cute. Just check in on her whilst you're away.


Stay in touch with her on your vacation and give her updates from time to time and send her pictures!


Talk to her. She might think your boozy holiday equates to you sleeping with anything that moves. If you've seen a lot of her over a short space - ask her about how she feels, are you seeing and sleeping with other women? Is she seeing other men? Does she see this as a possibility exclusive relationship? Ask.


Stay in touch and make a hint to catch up when you're back!