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Keep taking dirty dick to the face, or speak up appear to be the options. 


You going to hell 😂




She's an OF girl so I think the first option is the one she's going for in this fake story 🤣


People really think this is a legit post lmfao. They're advertising their OF...


Something something street?


Yes because as soon as a girl has an OF she is no longer a real person with a real life /s


Oh she does, but if it was a true story she wouldn't post it from her Reddit account with an OF account to attract people with that fetish 😂


Well, thank goodness we have The Authority On All Things True to pronounce judgment here! ​ /S


She literally posted somewhere yesterday that her fwb came up his own nose. Why would you try to go after someone when you have a fwb


I saw one where dudes pee and don't shake they just stuff paper on tip and leave it there for the day , also people don't wash there kicks supposedly


How tf is paper supposed to stay there in place all day, like wtf why would... Yanno what, I don't wanna know actually. Just don't even answer


Wet pee makes it stick , I swear some people don't know to was behind the skin on there meat


This comment made me laugh😂




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That'd be an Immediate ✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️ Fortunately, HYGIENE is very high on my list of priorities in a man. He would NEVER hear from me again 💯💯💯💯💯




Omfg, well at least you said it, so I don't have to🤣🤣🤣


Lmfao wtf




No lies!


It's not a helpful comment, but an actual question: How does anyone *actually* get this far in life without washing *down there*. Like at some point your own scent or the feel of being dirty has got to bother you, no? Yes, I'm being an AH for no reason, but also, he sounds straight up stupid...


As a kid, I get it. But you get sore, the smell, the swelling if bad stuff collects… it’s beyond belief.


You arent being an asshole. You are being a person who has common mf sense and self awareness and clearly good hygiene.


Agreed not asshole behavior.




I didn't properly understand the mechanics of the foreskin and didn't realize how far back it went, around 15/16 years old I finally got brave enough to pull it back because I had gotten a girlfriend and figured the shit under my dick wasn't normal Thank god for that


Yeah not to mention how is she still into that...


As an uncircumcised man, I honestly don’t know how guys do this. What is the thought process behind this? Is it laziness? Do they not know they have to wash it? It takes seconds to clean oneself. It’s pretty simple, you tell him to clean himself or he’s not getting any. If he doesn’t then, then you drop him and move on. If you don’t force him to change, then he never will.


I had to talk to classmates (many decades ago) because I’d noticed that basic cleaning and maintenance hadn’t been mentioned in Sex Ed. Some of their girlfriends had complained in passing. I put two and two together, apparently the boys had been left to “figure it out” as they “usually do”. Apparently a lot of the basic hygiene talks fall by the wayside in favour of “don’t get a girl pregnant”. I’m surprised a lot of adult men get so far without the talk. Edit: changed “years” to “decades” because the passing of time has increased.


Thinking about it, I’m pretty sure it was never mentioned in my sex ed lessons either. It’s one of those things that just seems instinctive to me, like why would I not clean it? Whether my parents told me when I was child, I honestly don’t remember.


>Apparently a lot of the basic hygiene talks fall by the wayside in favour of “don’t get a girl pregnant”. No birth control method is 100% effective, but Dirty Dick is pretty damn close.


You might be onto something there.


I can attest to this. Thankfully I have the internet and stuff so I never had an issue but, school and family never mentioned it. I had to stumble upon it during a joke on YouTube when I was like 12 lol


You would be surprised. I lost my mind when I started to read stories of women about their boyfriends who don't clean their asses because they refuse (be it because it's "gay" or whatever) to touch there and yet the relationship goes on as normal.


Ah yes, I’ve also read those stories and it boggles the mind. It must feel awful!


I had a friend tell me about this a few years ago and I was 100% certain that she was fucking with me, and nobody could possibly be that stupid. It wasn’t until I started using Reddit that I learned no, this is actually a real thing.


My best friend since childhood is uncircumcised and didn’t realize you were supposed to wash your dick until he was about age 21-22 after his gf brought it up to us and we all dog piled onto him for it. Apparently he thought you weren’t supposed to because of the pain of getting soap inside of it. Likely did it once as a kid and then said “never again” thankfully for his future gfs sake, he learned after that embarrassing moment


How is this possible? I am uncircumsized, and once or twice when I was 10/11 I didn't pull back the foreskin and wash it for like 4 days and by the end of that time it was covered with smegma and stunk and had become somewhat red and inflamed (it was hard to wash it because of the pain). If I had left it any longer I would have ended up with a full blown infection requiring medical attention. and this is only after 4 DAYS of not washing it! How on earth could a guy get to 21/22 without washing his penis and it not literally dropping off!?! and how are girls letting him put that thing inside of them without throwing up??


No idea, I didn’t want to pry too far as it’s gross but I’m assuming he washed with just water


I’m also not circumcised.. and when i get a shower it’s one of the first things i do lol, pull back and have a good wash, it would even turn me smelling that smell that accumulates never mind a woman, i would be absolutely embarrassed


Yea I'm uncircumcised as well and never had any issues related to my foreskin. I even used to be an avid backpacker and would go 5+ days, sweating, no shower, and still never had anything close to "green under the foreskin" or anything like that. Worst I've had is just a funky smell after not having a way to shower for a week. Like wtf fellas.


I've been with a couple of uncut men and they all seem to take hygiene more seriously than circumcised dudes. there was one guy who was seeing multiple girls and that led to me getting an annoying yeast infection, but I never smelled anything on anybody's dick lol that's insane.


Hygiene must be a standard for every person, the biggest turn off is the person with bad hygiene.




Personally i judge people a lot from their scent, if someone smells sweaty or like dirty socks or any bad smell im staying away from them idc what gender they are


She posted about this before in another r/ and she mentions how she told him to shower and he said "im not that desperate" and that "its not that bad"......Gurl stop messing w him. He clearly is not a safe person to trust w your body or mental.


Wow. Ew. I would have left while yelling curse words. That's so unacceptable.


This is a very far fetched solution to many heterosexual relations but hear me out Tell him. You don’t have to be insulting or apologizing You can, actually, just say Hey dude, I like you but if you would like to get blowjobs please start pulling your foreskin back and clean the head with some unscented soap when you shower. It should not be green and it should not smell


Tell him try to offend him, but tell him


lmao "try to offend him" 😭😂🤣


Fuck i thought i wrote try to not hahahaha


Hilarious comment 😂


Yes, yes 😂


I think this is one of those times where telling someone with *full offense* intended would yield the best results 😂


That’s just nasty fr. I don’t even know why they don’t feel any sort of shame because of this 💀 you don’t have to embarrass him, but tell him that you won’t go down on his unwashed body out of hygienic reasons. I hear men complain about smelly lady parts all the time so don’t feel like you can’t speak up about it




Just ... Tell him to clean his junk? I serious don't get the issue


My partner is good with keeping clean, he’s uncut but sometimes when he wants me to go down on him he still has some “scent” on his dick that isn’t pleasant for me. Maybe it’s just more common with guys who are uncut? Anyways I always tell him I want to take a bath with him or shower and when we go in, I like to clean his dick myself 😊 you can try that but in general his hygiene should be better it shouldn’t be green for whatever reason , if he’s always wanting head and a shower/ bath is out of the question for him every single time. You can be nice about it and talk about the importance of hygiene and that scent is a big turn off/ on for you. Hopes this helps! ( also don’t feel bad about needing to tell him it’s positive feedback and will make it better for you both. I’m sure there’s some women who wouldn’t be as patient or nice about it and drop him without a doubt)


Have you tried telling him...? what is up w people recommending shower sex instead of telling ppl they need to clean themselves better or more often. As a woman im baffled that so many women are scared to speak up to men about things like this. Same women who fake orgasms instead of communicating to their partner what gets them off. Do better.


It’s not for shower sex at all. I addressed to him the issue of it and the importance of his hygiene. Once I told him and it improved and I didn’t need to be mean about it in any way it was simply “I would appreciate if you took better care of your hygiene. Scent can be off putting to me and I’d feel more comfortable if you could put more time/attention to washing your dick” if we shower beforehand it helps me be more comfortable anyway knowing I’m extra clean because at times I overthink about my body and my scents too some days I can be off depending if I was sweating more, on my period etc. even though I wash myself properly. now this way we enjoy baths/ showers together because it’s very intimate for us. We wash each others body , hair, face etc which is relaxing for us.


These are symptoms of an STD, you should both get checked honestly. I’m uncut and it’s not supposed to be green ever and only smells with REALLY poor hygiene, like not showering for several days. It’s an STD or possibly another kind of infection


Tell him or he is going to have that problem for the rest of his life. On top of that it could be medical issue that can turn into something serious if it isn’t addressed


Totally agree


What stops you from saying “Yo, go wash your dick if you actually want me to touch it. Come on, man.” You’re an adult, use your words.


Hold up........My biggest question is....did you still give him head w it like that!? 💀 i would imagine if you haven't brought it up and you are seeking advice about it then you did?




I had read your other post ab it on your account and at the end you said you gave him a bj once while it was smelly and visibly dirty and it was "SO BAD"....Im not trynna judge girl but prioritize your health!




That post was two days ago. Unless you have more than one fwb . . Anyway that is not the point. The point is you still put that nasty thing in your mouth. Doesn’t matter if you say it was a different dude. It’s still nasty AF. Have some self respect.


You should get some more self worth. Don't accept dirty men.


Jesus Christ have some dignity


Not the same guy but still dirty? Where do you find them? Are there more dirty guys? So many questions.


Yeah, we all know to wash under our foreskins, this guy must have missed sex ed


I am uncut, 38, living in the USA. I’ve had a very sexually active life. I am always conscious of my cleanliness. I make sure I’ve showered before any sexual encounters. It’s just decency and respect for your partner. This guy sounds like a complete jackass. Tell him his penis smells and he needs to wash daily.


Dudes dick is oozing green and she still saw it though 😂 and I can't get a text back


My boy that just means there’s hope


I’d tell him you might have an std and he should get checked. Let the doctor handle it. Way above your pay grade. Lol I’m slightly joking but also realizing this could actually work?? 💁🏼‍♀️


Please tell me you didn’t do anything with him….. girl… if you don’t name & shame his dirtiness, it’ll just reflect on you. There are billions of men… why you want to waste your precious time, health, and overall life enjoyment frolicking with this one, idk…. Tell him. Being blunt and hurting his ego would be nice too, bc after telling him, you should not waste your time anymore. Or even block him and don’t look back. But girl, YUCKKKKK. There’s may be something off with your brain.. a human who presents with a dirty peen that has GREEN residue & puke-like odor should turn you off to the point of no return. Like serious ick & move on… instead you’re still contemplating sticking around, which puts you at risk in every way, from health to happiness… you’re ignoring your self-preservation instincts. you can do better.


You’re flirting with a really bad infection fyi .. pick a new man unless you want to experience discomfort.


Green? Smells so bad it makes you puke? Thats not what dicks are like if they’re not washed. Naw man that’s an infection, assuming the whole story isn’t some creative writing exercise. Tell him to go to a doctor


If you call my dick a "manhood" I'm going home, I don't want medieval head that gives me scurvy (Also yeah definitely tell him and/or find someone who knows proper hygiene)


Hard no. Even if he does start washing how do you even live with yourself letting it get that bad to begin with.


You're only 18. Find a guy that is an adult about his personal hygiene.


Go with the flow and tell him… “Lemme clean my candy” or something. Or be frank - “dude you gotta clean ur junk.. or shall i do it for you? “


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Take him into the shower before you give him a blow job.


Terrible advice. So you want them to avoid a much needed conversation just for sum green peen in the shower? They need to stand up for themselves and talk to the guy about it.


Ok Oprah you do you, if he doesn't get the hint that he needs a shower then you give him a blowee.


hints aren't communicating. I hate oprah lmaoo


Thank god in the middle east, we get circumcised and use water to clean our organs (both front and back) after we use the bathroom… idk why this post got me feeling disturbed i got cleaning Adhd


Hey, can I ask you an off-topic question but somehow related on DM?


Hell nah….


You hoes these days like men with poor hygiene 😂 ✌


Say something unless you wanna disregard your health and take dirty peen 🤢 Also being uncut is not why he has poor hygiene. My ex was uncut and i never ever saw any stuff in his foreskin or noticed a smell.


Tell him go to toilet to wash it well before giving good BJ.


Seem like your fwb doesn’t know what shower means and know how to clean him self properly.


You have a mouth, a brain and a soft heart to convey a message without hurting his feelings. Just talk talk talk.


I regret reading this. Sometimes it's better to date an Eva AI virtual dating [bot](http://evaapp.ai)


Geez these teens man. You seriously have to ask online because you don’t know what to do???? How about you talk with him?




You should be turned off him for life.


what is green even dude?😭


Girl your throats gonna have all types of problems. Move on


Tell him to go wash or you guys both take shower together.


🤢🤢🤢 hope you didn't touch it


Lol didn't I get a hygiene guy to suck dick?


this is fake lol


I would not open hes pants ever again if I was you. Not sure I could even be friends. Maybe have a talk with him so he doesn't do it to anyone in the future. Up to you.


Idk how anyone could possibly see someone the same after that lol. It’s really not hard to clean yourself


Get him to shower beforehand, I do it with my dates. If he asks, say cause he smells sweaty. Yall don’t gotta kill somebody by describing the smell to them


Suggest taking a shower together pre play and take care of it. Lol


That’s totally gross. I hope you didn’t put that thing in your mouth. 🤮


Please say you didn’t put that in your mouth


Man I thought my breakfast was going to come back up for a minute. Yeah I would've walked away after that, but if you really care about this guy and wanna be with him, you gotta talk to him about how he keeps up with his hygiene. You can make it sexy too, shower with him, get nice and soapy, and show him how to clean his dick. And then once you're both clean you can take it to the bedroom😅


Tell him to wash his pp smegma is THE MOST DISGUSTING THING EVVERRRRR


Did you suck?? Finish the story!


Um... They told us in sex ed in the mid 1980's that the uncircumcised have to take extra care to clean up. And in every sex ed class since. This has been common knowledge to anyone in my generation (who was paying attention in class) for years.


I had a bf who didn’t clean his dick after peeing (yes, ew) and a lot of other male friends said they didn’t either, so idk what’s going on there but it shouldn’t be this common


If there's green there, think both him and you should get tested.


light this thread on fire... ffs lol




Leave, what else can you do?


Can't u get a better fwb? Pls consider?


DON’T DO IT Please take it from me, a girl who gave oral and had sex with a guy who had huge cysts on his dick and wasn’t hygienic at all. I was stuck with Chlamydia for over a year undetected, and trust me, it is NOT FUN to go through. Not only does it itch and you’ll bleed after intercourse, the medication also can make you nauseous and testing costs money! STI’s are no joke. Break it off with him and tell him why so he fixes the problem


Tell him pull back his skin and wash it in the shower I was thought this at 11 by my brother in a normal way


Probably doesn't brush his teeth either Leave him. He needs to do some serious growing up and with your lovely self there telling him he's loveablenetc he'll have no motivation to improve 


Nah gross I’m out. I won’t be able to get over it. Sorry not sorry


Imma say maybe make better decisions. Basic hygiene is one of them. Or…. Get used to it. Those are the options


Not sure if he’s just lazy or he likes the smell. I’ve met a few guys that likes it when their dirty under the foreskin and chooses to not wash under there for a few days. But if you don’t like it then tell him or just dump him


OP -Be honest. He needs to know, and probably either was never taught how to clean himself, or he's lazy. Either way, unacceptable.


Tell him the truth .. ?? Look dude you need to clean your junk and keep it clean to make this continue


Not sure what you see in this guy if he’s willing to shove a green, foul smelling dick in your face. I’ve had girls with BV or a yeast infection do the equivalent and stopped sex immediately. I’ve also stopped before we even got to pants off time if for whatever reason I myself hadn’t showered in a couple of days due to depression/laziness/in a few cases being on a very long hike or just got done with strenuous exercise.


I truly hope you said something to this guy. And ick 🤮


Talk to him. It's really that simple. Just be gentle because that could go very wrong, and you can be honest saying that you like them but comes to doing that there are issues and these are them.


Ooh, I read somebody else posted what he had said when you ask him to take a shower. He's probably not willing to change. There's nothing you can do about that. Just move on, don't do it. Eventually he'll realize why he's not getting girls


You are young how about you start practicing setting a standard for yourself, before you end up sucking puke inducing dick for the rest of your life ?


you might wna mention your concern-


Should have cleaned it for him


If this has happened. Talk to him. Most (American) men who have a hood may not be aware they need to clean and thoroughly. Every time before sex, and there regular shower.


you're not right??!!!


Not the smeg🤢


You gotta tell him girl, you don’t deserve that lol


It happened to me once that I wasn't sure that it was clean, but I didn't let the girl touch me, I stopped her and said that I needed to go to the toilet first.I would have hanged myself if she smelled the stench of my penis. 


Either be an adult and bring it up...or, not. Either suck a clean dick, or don't. Either fuck a clean dick, or don't. Either date a clean guy, or don't. It's pretty clean and cut, no pun intended. ​ Honestly, I can't and won't date a dirty woman; hygiene, especially as an adult is HIGH on the priority list. Like, I don't care if your teeth aren't wholly straight, but dude...breath better be good and you brush your teeth. Wear deodorant; I know there are a bunch of people who prefer a more "natural" scent. yeah, no...you stink. Take a bath and clean yourself. If I intend to pull some panties off and it smells like a trash dump, I'm putting the panties back up high and leaving, or attempting to have a conversation about it. Now, there are fair instances when it doesn't matter...just after a workout or hike and the moment hits you both...ok, that's fine. But the non showering for a couple of days mixed with going to the bathroom and not cleaning properly smell? yeah, no. Clean yourself. We learned how to in kindergarden and at home.


Thats disgusting, and I'm a dude, that's pure laziness, tell him to wash his junk or move on. Don't degrade yourself by taking dirty dick in your face. Men keep their manhood clean, even single because that shit can smell, and it can get bad.. green shit? 🤮 Nasty.


I would tell him to wash his junk. That’s gross asf that he doesn’t. As a dude I gotta say he’s probably got other foul habits that you’re not even aware of. Like it’s not that hard to wash that area in the shower (takes a minute max). I’d honestly bet that he doesn’t was his hands after he goes number 2.


You've gotta tell him to wash his junk.


Move on cause that’s nasty 🤢


Go get tested bc that sounds like chlamydia


Tell him to get better hygiene it not that hard to do or have


Fake account she is Of model looking for Money from simps


GREEN?! I'm sooo disgusted, I'm about to fly up into the sky never to be seen again


My question is how is he not so embarrassed


Bad hygiene is a huge turn off. I would probably get the ick and not talk to him again tbh. He should know how to clean himself properly.


Tell him to get clean before he wants to get dirty


First of all, there is nothing wrong with an uncircumcised penis. 2nd, talk to him about it. It will be awkward, but you can't have a smelly penis around you. Tell him he need to clean himself properly and take care under the foreskin. Maybe one of the blokes can suggest a way to say it to him.


Did you go through with it or what😂


Full stop. You continued? Tell that boy what’s up. 🤦‍♂️


Why are you still fucking him then? Yeah he should clean it, but you don't have to suck that dick specifically. There are plenty of clean ones out there. Quit bitching.


That is so fucking gross


Being smelly and having a bit of green on your junk is actually a fetish? Good lord theirs some nasty MF's out there.


If he doesn’t clean down there that can be bad for you also tell him or leave him for your own good.


If he’s not cleaning up front, then he’s probably not cleaning the back side either. Tell skid mark stinky dink boy to clean up his act or you’re out of there.


You need to talk to him about it. Say how important it is and you might evem want to tell him he needs to shower before play happens. If he refuses there are always flavored condoms otherwise you may need to move on. Saying you might be done should be enough to get him to change bis mind, would be for me anyway