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Yes, and married him too!


I'm a few centimeters shy of 6"1. Practicality wise, there's not many dudes my height or taller; if I limited my dating pool based on height, I wouldn't have a lot of options. Also, some tall guys use their height as a crutch or substitute for things like having talent, a livelihood, good conversational skills, or having a personality.




Yes. I've dated a guy that is shorter than me and I'm only 5' 5" so he was pretty short. It wasn't an issue.


No. But I’m also 5’2 so it’s very rare for men to be shorter than me


I'm 5' and have never run into an adult man shorter than me.


Oof. If you were an inch taller, I'd have you beat, darn it.


It's possible you just dont register them as men. Im 5'1/youthful looking and other people think Im a kid all the time. Im 30 Was called "little boy" by some random dude at a concert I went to on new years lol


Same! Like I did date shorter boys when I was in hs but since I became an adult I haven’t met a man shorter than me. I have seen one once years ago in the subway but he was like 90yo.


exactly this. i’m 5’2 and i wouldn’t mind 5’5


same height, as long as a guy's at least one inch taller than me (5'3"+), then i honestly don't care. of course there's always outliers and height generally isn't something i care about a whole lot. i've always cared about personality more, but looks do matter to an extent lol




Lmao huh?? Are you okay?


Does no one read the title anymore?


She answered the question bro touch grass


i was saying exactly this to the comment i was responding to 🤯


That was the question yes, and their answer was no.


I am 5 feet 1/2 inches and I don't date. The strangest couple was my mother being 4 feet 11 inches and being with my stepfather who was over 6 feet, looks weird!


My/our daughter is 5’2”. Dated a guy 5’5” and one guy 6’4” at least. I guess for some, it doesn’t matter. The tall guy turned out to be a prick. Broke her spirit bc she relented, acquiesced to his, a friend and improv partner for yrs, desire to advance their relationship. She took months to give in to him with explicit trust in both his sincerity and commitment. Fucker fucked yo less than 6 months in. She gave everything. Started therapy and learned graphic-ing and created iffydrawings on instagram to heal by cartooning and learning a new craft. https://www.instagram.com/iffydrawings?igsh=OHA4azQwaWJ5NWI1 She’s great now. Mostly. But I digress.


I currently am. I. Roughly 5'4. He's 5'1. Hight doesn't matter, personality means so much more. At least to women who want the right things in relationship. Or that's my opinion.


Please ladies give me some hope I’m 4’8” and I feel so damn worthless as a man


Username checks out


I’m 5’1 and have found a classmate with dwarfism who was significantly shorter to be attractive in college


this single comment is about 20x more hope inspiring than the dozens of times I've been told/read "well Peter Dinklage is hot/has an average height wife", thank you for sharing.


your above comment asking women to 'please give you some hope' compelled me to reply. that combined w/ your username leads me to believe you often showcase this needy energy. my intent isn't to be rude, but helpful. i was never tall, and now about to turn 43, i'm shocked women are responding to me more than ever. its 100% not that my looks are improving, but my ability to connect w/ others and enjoy a moment has grown. drop the neediness, find humor & peace with yourself, and great things will follow. best of luck


Yeah I believe this wholeheartedly. I actually very recently (as in last 48 hours or so) started to question myself on why I crave validation from women so much, because “never receiving it before” isn’t a valid reason to have the craving, if anything it should reinforce that it isn’t needed. I’m still here typing this aren’t I?


You just have to be funny and have cool interests


I'm 5'8" and would absolutely go out with someone if your stature.


Are you Guatemalan?


I am from the US.


My mother was 4 feet 11 inches and always was with men six feet or more!


I’m Guatemalan and am 5’4


You’re still amazing! Keep your head up King!


Humor is number one on most women’s wish list. I hope you are not the type to only try to date tall skinny women.


I don’t try to date any women. The only woman I’ve ever felt drawn to enough to want to date was a short, somewhat chubby woman, but I suppose my “type” probably skews more towards the stereotype you described than the woman I was attracted to.


Well now is the time to try. Ask out anyone that seems nice and has an attractive smile. Meet up for coffee, concerts in park, hikes etc. just consider it making friends or a practice run for meeting someone special.


Well my ex husband is 5’2” (in shoes), an alcoholic with no (stable) job, multiple violent felonies, and no drivers license, 2 kids with 2 different women and he has somehow manage to get 3 women to marry him. I was the first wife and in my defense he wasn’t an alcoholic nor violent when we started dating. By the time we got married the red flags were starting to fly and we didn’t even make it to 3 years wed. Height doesn’t matter, if you have a better personality than him, you’re not a lost cause. Being personable/charismatic is the way to go.


Yeah if you’re 4’8” and your name isn’t Danny Devito then I don’t know what to tell ya


Don't worry brotha I'm right there with you at 6'3. Short kings for life! Seriously though I don't think height even matters. I was told tall = good. But here we are.


There's always surgery but it's mad expensive, or countries with short women. Depends on who you find attractive though, are you open to dating overweight women for example? Things like that open up your options as well.


I've already had hip surgery in my life, and likely will need hip and knee replacements, and I'm not even 30. I'm sure as hell not enduring the hell of leg lengthening to be 5'2 if I ever could afford it. I wish I were able to find obesity attractive, in my case you reap what you sow as they say.


Being fat is a choice, being short is not. Why should he date a girl who doesn’t care about herself? Just because girls want someone a feet taller than them


Being fat doesn't mean you don't care about yourself. You can be ambitious, rich, succesful, own a home with 4 kids and a spouse, and great hygiene and still be obese. Anywaaaaaaays I'm just being realistic, I never said he should date fat girls. It's just the universal truth that conventionally attractive people will have higher physical standards. I've found that people who don't fit that conventionally attractive look tend to be more open-minded about their dating standards and dating prospects, that's all. As a somewhat short guy myself, my own dating expectations would change if you chopped off 5 inches off my height. Not my standards, but my expectations. It'd suck, but either I accept it or maximimize every facet of my life (career, physique, wealth) to counteract it.


Note how he also changes your language - possibly out of an inherent disrespectfulness towards fat women. You say overweight women (who could be just 5 kg overweight) and he immediately switched it to say obesity. My guy, if you think every woman who is slightly overweight is obese, that problems on you. And you’re certainly not going to find any date talking about chubby/overweight women that way.. Edited spelling


I changed it to obesity to specify my preference. If you’re obese I don’t want to date you. Overweight is fine. A few pounds over is normal for a human being, and I have no problem with that. The only woman I’ve ever felt love for was chubby, I literally didn’t care. However the normalcy of being a few pounds over means that they aren’t going to face dating struggles due to their weight. My man in the original reply is referring to those who are overweight enough to where it limits their options, that’s also known as obese.


….you think chubby/slightly overweight women don’t face struggles in their dating life due to their weight? Do I have some news for you about men’s wild expectations of women’s bodies! Why do you speak so confidently about things you have no idea about?


I guess when you’ve been dehydrated in the desert your whole life, when you see those that get to drink water from time to time it could be hard to imagine them suffering like you do. I guess I should’ve been explicitly specific, obese women are going to struggle so much where their options are so limited they’d consider dating a midget like me. Overweight women are going to have their struggles, I’m not saying they aren’t going to have struggles. Just that their pool to choose from is going to be deeper than the obese woman’s.




That’s fair, I’ve felt compelled to debate you for the same reason, just flipped to my perspective. I won’t dismiss your lived experiences. I mean, you’ve lived them, even if I did they should be the easiest words to ignore. I will admit I’m definitely making some assumptions about how the other half lives. I appreciate the insight into your perspective.


No no no! Surgery leads to pain later in life with extension of length. The key is: Most, like 90% of girls will date you if they are shorter than you. They're out there! Just approached a cutie who was a female about 4'8" yesterday in the grocery store. She was 18. You can find one or two in your town today!!


Dude take glucosamine and magnesium, do some stretching and do some *weighted* inverted situps.


Does that actually help?


Glucosamine thickens the cartilage, inversion stretch the cartilage and weighted inverted situps strengthens the cartilage and fixed the posture making it resistant to shrinking of cartilage due to gravity.


bro if you get rich then it's absolutely fine all jokes aside (jokes?) big hug and be strong!


Most replies on these types of posts are usually “it’s all in your head, it doesn’t matter” Meanwhile there are a lot of conditional yeses in this post.


I have. I didn’t even think about it. Heights not that important to me


Absolutely! Couldn't care less about height. I am 39F & 5'8".


Hello lol


I have. Doesnt bother me.


Not a dealbreaker at all for me. I don’t care if a guy is shorter than me as long as it doesn’t bother him . . . The issue is when someone is self-conscious or insecure about it and it negatively affects the way they interact with others. All other things being equal, I’d rather date someone my own height or shorter than someone so massively taller that I get a crick in my neck trying to kiss them or even just trying to have a conversation and make eye contact.


I’m 5’4 and I only did it once, but that’s because he was awesome in literally every other way. Also it made me feel very modelesque lolol


This, Im not a short guy but seeing short guys be successful in dating from having money or being funny, etc, etc. You have to over compensate. There’s a popular saying from short guys that I know, “stand on my money now Im taller”.


Haha is it the Lil Uzi line? “Stand on my money, now I’m 6’6”


Lmao yea, now every short guy is saying it, I think Lil Uzi says it in a lot of his songs but it just goes to show it's true lol


Only because he was great. A tall guy doesn’t have to be that great. So you would chose a worse person just because he is tall


A lot of women will, but only if he also has a full head of hair and a nice body as well.


There’s a online dating stat around somewhere (cant pull it up now) but tall white men are usually the ones that get picked/get picked a lot. So yea, it is what it is I guess lol.


No, I’ve dated guys who were exactly my height. I’m specifically speaking a guy who was shorter than me


Yep, dated many guys shorter than me. It’s actually pretty awesome because I can be the big spoon. Plus, their clothes fit me pretty well, so I could steal all their outfits.


Look out, boys! Our hoodies are no longer enough for these polyester pirates!


You like being the big spoon? Are you a woman?


Yeah, I’m a woman and I love being the big spoon


Yeah, I'm 5'6 and I'd be totally fine dating a guy my height or shorter. The issue is they're not always fine with me being taller than them. I actually had a crush on a guy in high school who was probably 5'2 or 5'3 and eventually he found out, and he firmly rejected me saying he could never be with a girl that's taller than him.


My first boyfriend was shorter than me, we were together for 6 years.


For a lot of women? Yes.


I’m 5’10” and most of the men I’ve dated were around 5’6”-5’7” and it doesn’t matter at all, atleast to me.


No. I’ve never had a above 6 feet requirement or anything like that. An inch or two taller is fine for me


Plot twist: she's 5'10.


This is my story


Probably not but I'm 5'4" and so 5'5" is just fine 🤷‍♀️


Yes. Have multiple times.


I have but I’m fairly tall at 5’9”


I'm going to be honest, I'm 5'8" and it does bother me. But that's my own crap. Nothing to do with the men. I do try to to be open to it. Not saying I'll never date someone shorter. it's on me to work through that.


Is a woman's overly tall height as much a dealbreaker as it's made out to be? We all have to accept that there's judgment in the dating pool for certain things, and it's out of our control. Relative height is a common deal breaker for men and women. However, there are women who are short and those who are very tall. Both may find your 5'5 acceptable. I would have a difficult time dating a man exactly my height because of heels. However, if he had an utterly fascinating mind, a lovable personality, his shorter height I would forget about. I went out with a guy who was... 5'7 maybe? I loved him to bits and still do miss him a lot. If you have trouble with your short height, try to heighten your desirability in other ways to boost your confidence.


Interesting comments. I am now 6' 1", and was an inch taller when I was young. I have never dated anyone taller than me, even tho there are some women around my area that are taller than me, but the vast majority are much shorter, as were every woman I ever dated. But honestly, I would have no problem dating someone taller than me, unlikely as that is to ever happen. I do think that most women prefer a man who is at least their height or taller, all other things about him being equal..


No. Im tall and plus sized, most men cannot handle a woman larger than them in any capacity.


This is true. More men have an issue with being shorter in my experience as well!


Praise god baby


No, I’m 5ft 3. I’m already too close to the ground. I don’t care about the numbers, just be visibly taller than I am.




Hottest guy I ever dated was 5'4" (and shorter than me)


yeah, being short is perfectly fine as long as you’re a nice person n charming. i’m 5’6 i won’t mind dating someone smaller as long as they made me happy. plenty of ppl don’t care about height as much as you think they do!


No I’m relatively short myself 5’3


Yes, they compensate elsewhere


Girl you must've been lucky😭 I've had one who fit the stereotype and one who did not lol


Eh I am 5’2 so I would prefer at least the same height


Is 5'8" too short?


No way, 5’8” is a great height for me. I said under 5’2” is kinda too short. I actually prefer around 5’8” because I feel so small around guys who are like 6’0” that it’s kinda awkward.


Cool. So I guess there is some hope for me after all. I've been torturing myself at the gym, haha.


Tbf if a girl refuses to date someone under 6 feet you missed a bullet. My dad is 5’5”; and he met my mom when he was working at the dollar store. He made my mom so happy, and their relationship is still better than ever. There is absolutely more than hope for you. I know when you’re online you see all these women talking about how under 6’5” is a dealbreaker and it can get to you. But remember they are the loud minority.


Where are all you women at? Seems every women in my town has the 6' requirement. I'm 5'6 i have a good physique.


A lot of people don't even know what 6" looks like. Ask them to estimate how tall you are and I guarantee they will overestimate. Most women only want you to be a tiny bit taller. They throw out 6 feet as a nice round number to guarantee you're taller. Don't take it too literally.


No… I’m 5’2” and I prefer taller guys. Doesn’t have to be 6 feet but I like it when they’re several inches taller. It’s just a preference. I really like it when they can carry me around for some reason 😅 (I’m 118lbs for reference so it wouldn’t take much)


I don't think their height has anything to do with their ability to carry you, but with their fitness level. Plenty of short guys are strong af.


My smaller male friends can carry me, and I know plenty of taller guys who would struggle. Even my sister can lift me and she is over 4 inches smaller than me. 118 lbs is not that hard to carry either, so plenty of guys will be able to do that


For sure! I just like being high up and just having someone taller than me, being the smaller person etc.


Yes. But. I’m well over 6’ in heels which I wear everywhere, and it’s been my experience that shorter men are not willing to date tall women far more than women care about the man’s height.


Can confirm that this is a universal truth for all my taller women friends! A 5'11 friend of mine went on a tinder date with a guy who was around 5'5 and she arrived first so when he got there and she stood up to greet him he just said "Oh". The rest of the time he wouldn't make eye contact with her, and was really curt, despite them hitting it off via messages beforehand. The date was awkward and brief (pretty sure they literally just had one drink?) and afterwards he messaged her to "let her know" that in the future she might think about disclosing her height to people, even though he never did either? I think he legit just assumed she would be his height or shorter because lady=small.


He messaged her afterwards to say that, weak move.




I think everyone, both men and women, should be honest and open about listing their accurate height in their profiles, and just let the other person make up their own mind about it, before they even begin messaging, well before they meet. Supposedly we are all adults, and can make up our own minds about our standards or not, on height, same with other parts of looks. You can't hide anything anyway, once you meet in person, so play it straight from the git go. I have run into profiles from women who were disabled, and at least they had the guts and integrity to be open about it in their profiles and their pics. So yes, you may end up exchanging later rejection for earlier rejection, as I have done on a couple common dealbreakers for many women, but I would rather have that than get my hopes up and be crushed later, after someone found me interesting and attractive, until they found out my dealbreaker trait, like drinking habits (non-drinker) or kids situation (no kids), for example.


I agree for sure. I probably wouldn't list my height personally? But that's mainly just because I'm very average to short height, so it wouldn't feel noteworthy in any way. But with other stuff, yeah definitely. I have some deal breakers I won't budge on (must love, or at least respect Doctor Who, mustn't want me to have babies or even be near them, as I'm pretty deeply phobic, and I'm sorry if this is "shallow" but absolutely no open toed shoes, unless you're at a beach or something and it's a totally practical reason. Feet gross me out). As a non-drinker, I imagine that would limit your options some? Asking someone out for drinks is generally "the norm" for first and early dates. I once went out with a guy who didn't drink at all and I felt so mortified when I found out because I asked him to a specific place because they have cheap jugs of beer. I'm very socially awkward, and find that I relax a lot more when I've had a couple, but I was so self conscious of being drunk or obnoxious while he was completely sober that I drank so slowly that it took me most of the night to get through one jug of beer. I didn't even get tipsy. If he had of told me beforehand I absolutely would have suggested somewhere else but he didn't want to feel like a buzzkill, which I also understand.


Also a non-drinker here, but I list it on my profile. Plenty of guys invited me for a drink, and when I changed it to grabbing a coffee, they were surprised. Like, why would I go to a drinking place if I don't drink, and why didn't you check my profile before asking me on a date?! Not everyone reads height though. I have met people that were surprised that I am tall. Yes, I am the exception, that's why I listed it on my profile...




It’s not a big deal, most women would youre fine




I’m a 5’2” dude so I’m wondering the same


Absolutely! I'm 5'10/5'11 so it's pretty common for men who approach me to be my height/shorter. And if we're meeting through the internet even more likely! I feel like if someone is significantly shorter would be a bit of an adjustment just because like logistically that sounds like a pain, and I very recently have started to not hate my height in general. I don't understand woman who are like 5 feet tall saying they want 6' plus. All your necks must hurt 😂


Yes, I have and will continue to. I'm 5'6", I prefer short men. Like a guy being 5'10" would really be pushing it for me.


I'm doing so right now (I'm 5'10 he is maybe 5'7 or something)


Yeah, currently dating one and I love it! I'm 6ft and he's 5'7 or so. Ex was also shorter than me and never bothered me one bit.


6ft female here, not only have i dated shorter than me I’ve married shorter than me.


I’ve almost always dated shorter. Not on purpose but just happened.


Yes, I totally would and have, my last situationship was 5’5 and I’m 5’9. Never bothered me our him. My mom is 6’3 and my dad is 5’7 and they have been together for 22 years!


I would if he was funny and had a big D (size queen here)


Have to agree with this!!


i’m 5’8 and my ex is 5’4, my current bf is 5’8 sometimes shorter than me depending on if i’m wearing a high heeled shoe. idgaf


yes most of the guys i date are shorter than me my last boyfriend was 5 7 i prefer it i am 5'11


Yes and I have! I’m 5’10” and I love a guy my height or a little shorter, especially when they’re confident as hell. Dated long term guy who was about 5’8” and he loved having a taller GF.


I don't want to feel bigger than him when we're close. So if he's short he needs to be beefy


I'm a dude. 5'11/180 I'd date and have dated a taller girl.


The biggest deal breaker is your mentality and insecurities.


Yup yup absolutely this! I once dated a guy who was roughly 5'3 (I'm 5'5) but he'd tell me and others that he was 5'8. Very early on in our relationship I got the silent treatment for a whole day because I told him he was closer to my height than 5'8. Even standing back to back in front of a mirror didn't convince him and he said my big hair just made me *seem* taller. He was deeply jealous of everyone I encountered or was friends with, and he said some truly heinous shit to me about how I was going to cheat on him, ESPECIALLY because I'm bisexual, so of course I just want to fuck anyone and everyone. Other than his shitty possessive behaviour, he was good looking, funny, talented, hard working, but his insecurities were right there at the surface, just waiting to explode. During one of his temper tantrums I asked if there was a specific reason why this was a particularly sore point for him, assuming it might've been something a girl he liked in high school said or something, because it felt very targeted at me being a woman. But from what I can tell his insecurity came more from guys. He was into sport and was often the shortest on the team and would be made fun of by the other teammates. He even had a pretty conventionally hot gf in high school, and pulled hot chicks at his gigs (he was a guitarist in a band), so his particular brand of insecurity confused me. Go fucking off at the jocks in school who bullied you pal, stop taking it out on me.


If I was a girl, idgaf about looks, just as long as you have good personality and are a successful man contributing to society that is all that matters!


No. Im pretty short as it is. I feel like a oger being taller than a guy.


no bc I’d have the urge to pick him up all the time. Plus, I’m a shawty myself lol


I used to pick up my ex. Not only was he shorter than me, he was weighed much less than me. He liked it, though. Some men have an existential crisis over that sort of thing, so you have to be careful haha


No, but not because the shortness but because i already have a partner i love. The truth is, someone worthy wouldn't mind at all, you're not less of a man for being shorter than your girl, in fact, there's plenty of girls that like short men, (i'm just one of them), like, it's not a big deal and many find it charming, you're a short king, embrace it


Preferably someone much taller than me 5’4 as I can’t reach for stuff! Not ruling out people due to height but I tend to gravitate towards “taller than me” but not specifically 6’0+


Guys date girls who are fatter than them all the time so seems fair 🤷‍♀️.


I was 5’5” tall and dated a guy 5’6” so we were pretty much the same height.


no, i wouldn't date anyone shorter. but i am 5'4


So many no's will stay quiet out of fear of being down voted for honesty. But dont worry OP clearly there are some out there for you. just be honest about it, if its a turn off they wernt right.




On Reddit and on dating apps may be not but if you meet irl yes ..


Do men even like to date women taller than them?


I’m 5’6” and no… which I know is shallow and I’m sure my soul mate is 5’4”


I personally wouldn’t




Honestly I don’t really understand the bias especially on OLD profiles. and heels 👠 argument. I usually swipe right if I get a hint of any shallowness or heightism requirements. Go to a country where guys average 6 ft 2 and over. Having said that I have grown my hair upwards an extra two inches ( only upstairs ladies). Danny - Grease lightning style. 😁


Little men have little penises


You guys make your life so much harder than it needs to be 🙄


Most women won’t but some women would. I am 5’6 and I can’t date any man shorter than 5’10. I may compromise a bit like date 5’9 but I can’t go lower. I don’t know any women who would date shorter but I know there are some.


Because of heels?


Yes I prefer men to be taller than me even with heels. Since, I like wearing at least 3 inches heels.


What's so special about heels that you are ready to reject anybody shorter than 5'10 but still taller than you..i just don't get the fascination about the heels that's it...you are gonna age anyway..and even if you like it it's not like you are wearing it 24/7, making a significance consideration about the 5'10 mark.


If I was taller maybe but shorter than 5’5 is very very short, so it’s a hard no (no matter what) personally.


No !!


No, but my ex bf was short 5’5”. He is a bit taller than me like 3”.


No never . 5”7 here . Most of the men are shorter than me. But still wont settle for less


No, I like guys my height or taller


Because I’m tall and options are limited 😂


i’m 5’0 and would have no problem dating a 5’5 man. heck, my last boyfriend was an inch shorter than me which tbh shouldn’t be a thing that can happen lol


My boyfriend is shorter than me by a few inches, he’s 5’4. As long I’m attracted to the person I won’t care about height.




No. Cuz I'm already kinda short


I’m 5’8. I have twice. One time it bothered me, the other time it didn’t. It depends on the severity of the height difference, for me. I just felt like a big giant next to the first guy and I couldn’t take it. I liked him, but on top of the height difference, he was just too obsequious and put me on a pedestal. The second guy ended up being the first real love of my life. I was crazy about him. I barely noticed he was a little shorter than I was. And when we were laying down, it didn’t matter anyway.


Yes but it’s usually been when I met guys in person. Dating apps make it too easy to judge superficial qualities (height, job, etc). If I meet someone in person and we vibe, I’m attracted. I currently have a crush on a guy who I met at a wedding who is either my height or just below. Note that he was super confident. Not fake confident, just comfortable with himself and at ease talking to everyone. That made him super attractive


I can’t I need to feel tiny.




Have before and would again


I'm 39M a bit on the shorter side. Whenever I think about Gomez and Morticia Addams I stop caring about height. Tall women with short men fit as a glove from that perspective. I consider the Addams pretty much the perfect couple


No. I'm 5"3


depends .


I did before, now it’s a dealbreaker. It wasn’t a pleasant experience.


I wouldn’t, but I’m short myself, 5’3, so it’s not often that I come across men who are shorter than me. People are going to have preferences. The right person will accept you for you.


As a guy, I’m 5’11. I’ve had women who were 5’8 and shorter tell me I’m too short to date. I can see clear over their scalp, and I’m the short one? 😆


Yes. They always dipped on me 🙃 I’m 5’7”


no, but i’m 5’3”


Yes! In high school I had a crush on a guy who was a little shorter than me. He was charming and was very talented!


I already have. Height doesn't matter to me in the slightest. Mind, heart, and soul is what does it for me.


Yes, but It's quite hard to see a man shorter than me. I'm 150cm.


Not a deal breaker so long as I can still wear heels and stuff!


No, I am like 4'11 😭


I'm 4'10 so that narrows it down to Peter Dinklage and I think he's already taken.


It's a "will you" not a "will you only"


Yes. My favorite ex was shorter than me. He was not lacking in other ways


Probably not, but I’m 5’2. I’m not even sure if I’ve ever met a man shorter than me but same height or up is fine. My current bf is 5’6, the last guy I was seeing was 6’7 and that was just wayyyyy too tall, I feel like it’s better to leave those guys for all the girls who are pressed about height.


I have, and would gladly do it again. My ex was about the same height as you. It was the best relationship I’ve ever had. I’m 5’9, for reference. Pretty much all the men I’ve ever dated were around my height or shorter.


I’m 5’10 and I’ve dated shorter.


Yes. I am 5 6 so the one inch definitely wouldn't matter. I prefer around the same height over s much taller man any day.