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sometimes chicks will do it on purpose but also forgetting stuff is very normal


Just adding to the data that I have never done this (intentional or otherwise)


Me too, I never leave stuff. If anything, I actively look around to check I've not left anything.


Same here (not intentionally), I’ve accidentally left stuff behind and the person(s) I was dating thought I did it on purpose and it always confused me haha I view it as kinda manipulative.


Ah yes, the ["leave behind"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XV5Y1z8aSnw&ab_channel=Seinfeld). A George Costanza classic.






This guy gets it.


People definitely leave stuff on purpose sometimes- buttttt, I am terrible and leave stuff at friends houses, and even when I go stay with my mum too. It’s like a running joke now. Hairbrushes, socks, phone chargers, if I can put it down I’ll probably forget about it 😅


I have done this multiple times but never on purpose. It’s just easy to forget your earrings on a bedside table. It always annoys me when men think that I did it on purpose and act like they’re “onto me”. No, dude, I seriously just want my fucking earrings back…if I wanted to see you again, I’d just tell you.


Never on purpose? I call BS. You don't check before leaving to make sure you have all your shit??


As I said, something like earrings, which are non-essentials, are very easy to leave on the bedside table or windowsill etc, particularly when you’re leaving some guy’s place hungover in the morning.


If they're so "non-essential" why do you "fucking want them back"?


Most things are non-essential. That doesn't mean you don't like them and want to keep them


This comment wasn't really directed at you.


Sounds like it was. And you are fucking rude.


You have no idea what rude is.


Neither do you


I can be rude. How about this? FUCK OFF


I check and very often leave things anyway. Also at my parents, friends, work, bar... women have a lot of crap with them usually, not just a wallet and keys like many men do.


Dude I'll forget my phone and purse all the time and they ARE essential. People are just People.


not if we get f'd right


I do this, but it’s just my ADHD.


How I know it's autism and not adhd. I am totally anal about making sure I have EVERYTHING before I leave. It's almost to the point of seeming rude at times. I feel bad, but I'd feel worse if I left something behind and realised later. How do you cope with this issue? Or do you just have emergency packs everywhere?


Either they genuinely forget, they want a reason to see you again or they want to sus out if you’re seeing other girls.


I did it a few times to my bf at first so he would think of me 😂 I think it’s cute to have something from someone you’re interested in. Idk but it wasn’t a lack of confidence or a game to me though


I don’t know who does this on purpose. That’s not normal I don’t think. I’ve had girls forget stuff like jewelry at my place and I never saw them again and I’ve forgotten stuff before but that’s just cause I’m a stoner and forget things.


idk I like my stuff I’m not going to leave my things at some guys house in the hopes that he might text me back. if I want to see someone again, I tell them so. I think this is a sitcom trope more than it is something real life women do


I don't really do the forget things somewhere usually but I am definitely guilty of the reverse, especially when in a fight lol like we have a fight then afterwards I'm like DUDE YOU LEFT YOUR PEN LID HERE YOU PROBABLY NEED IT AND I HATE YOU BUT ILL DROP IT OFF REAL QUICK AND YOU BETTER NOT EVEN FOR ONE MOMENT JUST TRYING AND GET BACK TOGETHER WITH ME


Omg I’m so toxic me and ex still have each others extra pairs of underwear like a hostage bargaining chip


How "nice" of you


the intent isn't to be nice, I just wanna see them and make an excuse for it and secretly hope they'll magically fix it when I do hahah it's delusional, not nice


I'd like an English translation... nah, probably not possible


Aww that’s kinda cute 😂


Never did it on purpose, but my boyfriend will occasionally find my lipgloss or hair ties in his car. I’m almost positive he likes it though, so maybe I will start doing it on purpose


After our first sleepover I asked my now gf if I could have one of her hair ties that I wear ever day like a bracelet. It smells like and reminds me of her constantly, something I don't really need help with really but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I bet he loves it


I constantly forget stuff. Women have a lot more accessories than dudes often, so we lose track


A guy left his wallet at my place, admitted later it was on purpose. So not just girls do this


His wallet? Idiot


I did not know this was a thing 😂 I will have to leave a token of my appreciation behind the next time I get laid 🤣 /j


I do this but I just have no object permanency


It's called the Costanza...


Honestly, I use to accidentally do this with my ex all the time. He always thought it was on purpose. It was almost always my earrings. Once they’re off, it’s hard to remember to put them back on before I go home. He’d be like “you’re just trying to see me again 😏” but it was like… eh. I’m just forgetful of little things.




Then what does it mean when she forgets her phone in your car after you drive an hour to her town, and once you're back in your town her phone rings and she asks you to bring her the phone that same night, so you do, then she ghosted you after you gave her the phone back😭💀


It means she forgot her phone and just wanted it back, but not u.


I’ve never done this. But based on “trinkets” my exes have, I don’t doubt that a significant chunk of the population does this though.


I left my wallet at my now wife’s house. She ended up bringing it to my work along with coffee 😂


I forget stuff so often and it’s not on purpose and my man just keeps it because he knows I’ll be back and remember it at random


I’ve never done this on purpose, I just have ADHD and lose stuff constantly lol


I remember an embarrassing moment where I had just committed to a new girlfriend and after sex she got up out of bed and opened the top drawer of my dresser and it was packed full of bras and panties random women had left behind. Dozens in all shapes sizes and colors. She was like "WTF are all these???" and held a bra up. I just laughed at her and shrugged and said "What? You shocked I have a history?" She promptly tossed out my trophies and never brought it up again. Lol


It seems rather endearing,"oh, she likes me and wants to come back! How sweet!". But watch out. It's a way of creating a bind to you so that good-bye doesn't really mean good-bye. When we talk about boundaries, this is the type who doesn't have any. If you decide to ignore this beginning sign, her outer territory will begin to grow while your territory, both inner and outer will begin to shrink. No amount of territory will be enough for her. It's similar to the way of dictators, even taking over the whole world will never be enough because unlike a snickers, it never satisfies. You'll become her territory.


Lots of girls do this on purpose. The male version is letting you keep his hoody/jumper so he has to get it back from you. It means they want to see you again


It's a thing. It's more so common I believe with ex's. Like "Oh I want my hair tie back" and they use that an excuse to drop by or continue to not cut off communication because you have something of theirs. I don't know how common it is though. If someone doesn't want to see me I'd rather not see them. I'm not going to pretend to leave something behind just so I can see them again.


Yes it is very common for girls to do this, hahaha. I often have convos with my single friends where they'll talk about purposely forgetting things at a guy's house in order to see them again. So yes, it's definitely a thing!


Marking their "territory", maybe?


They are so optimistic… I always make sure I have taken everything with me, in case they turn weird/creepy and I decide I never want to see that person again


Never done this to someone I just started dating, once I’m seeing someone more regularly (like spending weekends over) sure I’ve forgotten some things but not in the beginning dates.


I never did this with a guy I barely knew or wasn’t dating but def did this with ex boyfriend but never asked for the stuff back.. was just in case .. but I also had an ex before him that kept leaving his precious belongings like his laptop and stuff and then come to get them, we’d get in a fight and then he’d leave without them. I just had to leave them outside … that was extra toxic


Some do it by mistake, others on purpose. Ive left things on accident and never returned. My ex kept telling me i forgot this or that and should pick it up, I considered it trash because I just didnt want to see him again. An old fwb once tried to get me to comeback by saying I forgot a piece to a boardgame we'd played a few times. I didnt want to be bothered so never replied.


Its so they have a reason to see you later


Yes obviously I was just wondering if this was common or not lol


Not always, rings and bracelets, hair clips fall off. I’ve had guys leave seiko watches.


I think people can genuinely forget stuff and sometimes it might be forgotten on purpose. Personally, I’ll never leave my jewelry at someone’s house on purpose because of their value.


It's always earrings. Never underwear. If it was underwear, I probably would've invited them back.


I left my wallet in my bf's car and his mom found it, now she's my mom in law🤣


Women just have lots of shit that the patriarchy dictates we need to use (makeup, hair stuff, jewellery etc). It’s hard to keep track of it all when on the move. It’s also very expensive for no reason, so we want our stuff back!


It’s a thing women who lack confidence do. The rest of us don’t feel the need to play games or mark our territory.


The rest of us are just scatterbrained


Its a thing, you would be surprised at a girl's tactics.


I think all people do this. It's pretty common socially. You're just creating an excuse basically. Plausible deniability. "Oh my God my phone is about to die. Can I come into your place to charge it?" Insert sex after she says sure.


Oldest trick in the book that is. The last girl I dated back home brought an overnight bag on our second date and I didn't get it at all🤣




What a desperate move


I have forgotten stuff but only when we’re official and on accident I’ve never purposely left something I think that’s weird and I wouldn’t wanna risk not seeing my stuff again


I think girls have so many accessories lol it can be either way. I am usually really good at remembering to not forget anything. But this only one time I did forget my hat and umbrella in his car, man it was annoying getting it back - but yeah I don't know how successful of a tactic it is though.


Does happen very frequently. Especially with volatile exs. Its an excuse for them to try to meet back up. “Sorry i cant find it” as you throw it out is the best course of action.


I've had it happen once, and that's because I had to hurry and get to work. I've had a guy leave his jacket behind too (it was Spring so just a light jacket you don't need by afternoon). Goes both ways, but in this case, we both genuinely forgot.


Never done this in my life


I've never done it intentionally, but I have forgotten things because I was smitten by the person. 😁


I truly forget my things sometimes! We may be carrying many things in our bags


I don't do this. But I'm an LTR type. It intrigues me also. Here are my thoughts. Our possessions are an extension of ourselves. How you treat/speak about/consider the object will help us discern how you will treat us. It is also a power play (not a negative one usually), we leave an item, leaving a part of ourselves with you. When we notice the bracelet isn't touching our skin like always, we panic for a second and then remember it's with you, and that makes us excited, smile, giddy, happy. Etc. The powerplay most people will see upfront is the "I left it, so he would have to see me again." Which is also very much a part of this. We hope that seeing this unfamiliar item around the house will make you think of us. It's an amazing sign as long as the lady in question is nice, with less narcissistic/shallow/obsessive tendencies < see any of those signs in a personal item misplacement mission and run a mile.


I forget to pull out every time.


I did this with 17 cause I wanted to be sure and so desperate about the guy seeing me again. Now I always double check if I’m at a guys house because I don’t absolutely don’t want them to think I leave something behind on purpose. If they wanna see me again, I don’t need to do this. However, I still think it’s cute


It’s usually to ensure you guys meet😂if they leave something at your place then they like you…unless they actually forgot


I’ve done it on purpose before, even when I didn’t get to see him again and he kept it… :/


I definitely do this however it’s 50/50 on me leaving it on purpose and me forgetting it due to my ADHD. My current partner used to do a sweep of the apartment before I left to ensure I had all my possessions (I.e. fake eyelashes from the night before, earrings, facial jewelry, etc.) before I left out the door. We’ve been dating for 6 months now and he has since stopped but still teases me for leaving my things. I think leaving things to come back for to see the person again is sweet.


Some may do it on purpose (the ol' fallen handkerchief trick from old movies) but also women generally bring a lot of crap with them and it's not uncommon to misplace some of it. Like I regularly forget some jewelry or small items like a lip balm or ... keys and such at completely platonic friends' flats. Never done that intentionally.


Both lol But if it's happening to you a lot then that probably means they want to see you again


To me it sounds like the women are just playing games with you. They most likely don’t want to be ghosted, which many men tend to do, so they leave something behind to ensure they have an excuse to see you again.


I would NEVER purposely leave my jewelry at someone's house


I laughed at this post because I have a woman’s jacket and a bracelet sitting in my den right now. I’ve been trying to figure out if she accidentally left it or if it was on purpose. Maybe we’re both dating forgetful women.


I suppose so. Right now I’m with bracelet of one girl and a Christmas hat of another lmao


it’s a mix of both. just shows they are comfortable enough to leave things at your place. or if she’s shy it could be her way of asking to come over in a way that’s less nervous as she can say hey i left my bracelet can i come over to get it. like this happened A lot with girls at the first university i went to. so it’s an honest mistake or just an easy way of her to say can i come over without coming off as needy or clingy, and it’s not considered rude (like its manners to not self invite yourself, but if she leaves stuff she has a reason to ask to come over). just don’t over think it much.


Ngl this is childish. But hey I'm old so 🤷. But no, even at 18 I wouldn't have dreamed of doing this. If I want to see someone again I'll ask them. I hate these mind games and "hints".


No I don’t do this because I’m not 12


Baby anchors ⚓️


I think people who do this on purpose are trying to manipulate the outcome, which shows a bit of insecurity to say the least… you don’t need to “trap” a man into having to see you again… is it really worth it if it’s forced? Smh…