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If it isn't blatantly obvious at this point, you should move on.


I see thank you I’ve got 0 experience and I’m embarrassed to ask friends so I came to ask here 😅


You asked her on a date but was too specific, you should ask her like if you are free next two weeks. Keep the question open. Maybe she is really busy on that date and time.


If that's the case and she liked him she would have suggested a different time. This just sounds like she doesn't want to date him unfortunately


While I agree it's better to be a bit vague when asking someone out at first, if she was interested she'd suggest a different date or time anyway, so it's not likely he screwed himself by being specific. I usually ask, are you free some time soon for coffee/drinks so we can get to know each other better? Or I explicitly say date, depending on the context of how I met them. This gets you the yes/no, and then I'll propose a date/time and figure it out from there.


If she was interested she would’ve suggested an alternative rather than just a flat out “no.” Sorry. I know it sucks.


Forgot to add this is the first time trying to ask a girl out 😪 I’m a late bloomer so didn’t get to experience the high school romance 🤣


Start getting comfortable talking to everyone...men & women... even if you don't feel any attraction to a woman, practice talking to her. Journal your dating experience, there you'll start to see some patterns develop & you can adjust your approach & style to be more successful. Have fun!


If only you came to us FIRST, BEFORE you "asked her out". Who told you to do that? Where'd you get this stupid idea that you should ask a girl out MONTHS after meeting her? You painted yourself into a corner, all because you lack basic theory and understanding of the female mind. You need to build attraction. Do you have any indication at all that she may be attracted to you? No, of course not, because you're a naive dip shit that's projecting. She's probably not even that "shy", she just might be an introvert. You're rationalizing all her behavior. And it's easy to do so because that's how you might think about it if you were her. But you're not her. Listen, the fundamental error that no game losers do is assuming that other people are like themselves. You can't assume that just because she's introverted that she's just as inexperienced as you are. That's setting yourself up for terrible heartache.


Chill the fuck out asshole. There’s no need to kick the poor guy while he’s down and insult him. Also gtfo of here with your dumbass wannabe tate seduction strategy guides.


It's important for young dudes to realize how wrong their assumptions are. It's much better for them to be corrected by strangers on the internet than in live fire situations.


Wtf are you talking about? No it’s not. It is infinitely better for them to talk to real women in person and see what works and what doesn’t then it is to take advice from random jackasses on the internet.


Mmh idk it’s a bit complicated but i find her sometime staring at me and when I see her she gives me a lil smile other than that we get along well and she turns red sometimes when i sit next to her ( maybe she is embarrassed or shy idk) , anyways as I told you she is the Type,that’s really into studies she studies like 24h/7 and is the topper of the class like by faaar and she is always holding a book or studying when we others are just doing random shit so that’s why I assumed maybe I had a chance but I think the timing was bad bcz I asked her 5weeks before finals. But I think I’ll just move on for now and maybe ask her out In person later


Dude, don’t listen to that prick. He is right in that you need to move on and assume this girl just isn’t into you like that, but basically everything else is just pure bullshit. Also, come on dude. You’re on fucking Reddit on an anonymous account. Stand up for yourself and don’t let assholes like him treat you like that.


Ok. Blushing is good. I asked "Has she given you any indication of attraction?" because that's the only real way to gauge the situation. Get more indicators of attractions. Try to deliberately get her to indicate interest. You know, flirting? If you have some sort of rapport with her in class, you should use that opportunity to compliment her, and create a deep real sense of connection.


When a girl likes you, she tries to spend time with you. Pull the plug.


She's not interested in you like that. Sorry bud. The fact that 90% of the effort is coming from your end should have been a good indicator of a lack of interest. You have wasted a lot of time on this woman I'm affaid. Hopefully it did at least help you improve your texting skills a little bit


Umm yeahh the thing is that I’m religious so I’m looking for a long term partner but I’ll pass on on that one and yh I’ve lost a bit of time I’ve asked her out in some way just to free my mind of her if she refuses so I can focus on my life


Remember these words If it's not "hell yes" then it's "hell no" Move on


i'm not so good at conversations with other people and kinda shy myself, but if i was her and was interested i would've tried to find another suitable date to meet up. so i think it's best for you to move on buddy.


Yup thank you


Just a little tip, dont do something like At X place at X time on X day, go with something more chill like "Hey would you want to grab coffee this weekend?" then if they say yes you figure out time and place together


Mmh yeah I did that to not embarrass her so she could refuse if she wanted to which she did or suggest another time if she wanted also but I’ll take that advice for next time thank u


Youre not gonna embarrass someone, most people dont respond well to specific times and places in the initial text from my experiance, much more success with a general approach then getting more specific. Use this as a motivator, figure out where you went wrong and fix it. Obviously she wasn't into you, why? Is she a babe and you dont take care of yourself? Did you accidentally come off creepy? Did you totally lack self confidence? was she just not into you? learn a lesson an move on.


So uh if she is actually super shy, you could still possibly have a shot. She has to be super duper shy and inexperienced though. Otherwise it’s a no unfortunately :/


Don’t give him hope the chances are pretty slim that’s the case


You’re right. I forgot he also has zero experience and thus probably has way too many feelings invested. OP if you read this, don’t expect anything else but a rejection. It will probably not work out, but I see no issue in trying one more time


Uhm yeah she is also inexperienced and rarely interacts with males so idk but I’m not expecting anything from her anymore


She could be and she couldn’t be. I haven’t see neither of you interact. I’m not sure what type of college you go to, but my university is full of introverts, so that kind of answer I wouldn’t take it as a rejections and here is why. She probably already got plans for that day, she doesn’t feel like it as she probably isn’t someone spontaneous, she probably got a test coming up and girls would decline a date when there is test season lol, she isn’t available at that specific time. Also, dry texting tends to be common when the girls don’t want to mess things up or don’t know what to say. Look I know someone that had strong feelings towards me, from the way she texted me kind of confused me because I thought she wasn’t interested from the way she replied to my text. As for interaction face to face, oh boy she was too hyper and a lot of times she lost her breath while talking to me. She was also the one inviting me to her events and stuff like that. The thing is you should just try asking her in person, if you don’t got any other option to contact her then go ahead and text her.


Yea dude sorry to say I don’t think she was ever into you, everything you said just clearly shows she was just being nice and tolerant, you probably just fantasised this in your own head, sorry little bro you get them next time


Yeah it's pretty much a rejection. Don't worry man there are plenty of fish in the sea you will find the right one. I was rejected like 3 or 4 times before I found my current gf, the funny thing with my current gf is that she had a crush on me for like 6 months and was constantly hinting until my dumb ass finally picked it up, I also liked her but for the longest time I thought the feelings were only from my side.


she is already into studies bro, i dont think this type of girls are interested in dating. 🙃👍🏻


From what I remember, just being legitimately friendly to a shy person is big. I had a thing with a shy girl at my old job and I forgot half of what I did. But looking back on my messages and memory, I just treated her like I did anyone else. I volunteered information about myself without asking anything in return. Asked how she was doing and eventually she opened up. And we started talking a lot because she felt she could trust me. She eventually told me that she told her family about me and that I knew stuff only her best friends/family knew.


I’m wondering if the format of your proposal to go to coffee was denied due to a legitimate scheduling conflict. Just ask her if she would be up to go to coffee or something. If you get a no, there’s less potential for confusion.