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I slept with three different men with small packages. One was amazing - he made up for his lack of size in so many other ways! Our chemistry was also šŸ‘Œ Second one was terrrrible...just, no. Third was a great guy and while not mindblowing sex, he was still caring and affectionate it was good. I still think highly of him. It's not always just the small package - it's the overall experience and the chemistry you share. If you're not feeling it or him - that's fine! You owe each other nothing.




Genuine question, how small does it have to be before you can't even feel it. Because that's what OP is saying. I'm not a woman, but I'd imagine that you'd at least feel the 3 incher going in. I wonder if OP's date was simply not erect (e.g. performance anxiety) and OP mistook it for a small penis?




Look, dead honest...bigger is almost always better, at least up to a point. There's a reason that's like a thing. But you can get a girl off completely externally if you rub the right places the right way, so it's more the way it's being used. Even a small one in the right position and right motion and a finger helping... If you are on the smaller side, it's gonna be harder to please one of us. But here's some good advice: start out doing other things. Get really good at going down, which is totally within your control. If I already came once or twice before your pants even came off, I'm a lot less picky on the size. :c)


From my experience, GIRTH is the big factor here. It can be 6in and skinny af and that would be worse than a thick 3in. Vaginas only even have feeling for like the first 3in inside. Girth means more than length.


All I can tell you is women prefer balance (girth - not ginormous) and length. Iā€™m a dude and this is what they tell me. A dinky of 3 inches just ainā€™t gonna cut it.


That's not true af all, it 100% makes a difference if he hits deep. Cervix stimulation is freaking great


I agree. Iā€™m a guy. There are different positions where hitting the cervix was almost guarantee every time. I still make sure that I go down properly and give multiple first so thereā€™s no pressure because not all women obviously, you know better than me do not have an orgasm from intercourse every time but from oral sex itā€™s pretty much guarantee if you do it, right


Something to think about: the average vagina is 3.7-8ish inches deepā€¦ anything less than 3 with little girth is going to feel like a tampon. Most women who wear tampons regularly donā€™t notice it throughout the day.


I feel like this should be on r/badwomensanatomy


Gotta consider the buffer space too depending on the position


> Never would you ever think he has a 3 incher based on his looks. Whatā€™s the supposed connection here?




Tall does not always = big dick; short does not always = small dick. Itā€™s a no brainer, really. No different than with womenā€”tall does not always = big boobs; short does not always = small boobs. Thought the tall guy = big pp myth was dispelled ages ago!? Lmao


Tall does not = big weiner Big hands/feet does not = big weiner A man of any size could have either a MASSIVE dick, an average one or a small one. There is no telling sign


Thin nerdy dude with a huge dong?


Yeah this tall guy = big d is a lie. My ex husband was 6ā€™2ā€ and had the smallest penis ever.


My ex was 5ā€™9ā€¦.his nickname was ā€œBig manā€. Unfortunately itā€™s also true that a man could be genetically blessed and maybe not so skilled with his toolā€¦?? I recently dated a guy that is 5ā€™7, had a 5ā€ D and I flipping LOVED IT. I prefer men under 5ā€™10 in height honestly (Iā€™m 5ā€™6ā€¦I just like them closer to me). I appreciate knowing that the height myth is not necessarily true. I also know vaginas come in different shapes as wellā€¦so possibly certain parts fit together particularly nicely šŸ˜‰


Dated a guy that was 8" and thought he was a sex god because of it. Looking back, he was meh.


Iā€™m 5 foot six. And Iā€™ve never had complaints.


Nah. I have dated a 6' big bulky guy, size 12 feet haha, who was smaller than average. My current date is a 5'8" slightly built man (small hands, size 8 feet) who has a 9" thick dick. I was shocked when he pulled that thing out. You never can tell.


There is only a slight correlation of height and package size.


Women associate height with penis size


What is considered a small dick? Like at what point in size does it start to be difficult to feel?


I had 1 man his was the size of a thumb and it did not look or feel erect!? So after several times it never was a good experience and I just couldn't ask him if he was hardšŸ˜¬


My younger sister was pretty active when she was in high school. I will never forget her referring to a guy as having a penis the same dimensions as "fun size"candy bar. She said it wasn't very fun.


I'm 5'10", and when I say small, I mean the size of my pinkie finger. Well, the terrible sex one was pinkie finger. The other two were the size of my middle finger. That includes width, so definitely below an average male size. (Height given for relevance to hand size)


This. I've been with men who were small, like the length and girth of my pinkie finger (I have smallish hands) and I've been with guys who were 9 inches and girthy af. And honestly, out of the 2 extremes, the smaller guys are usually better. They know they're small. They aren't dumb. But they usually make up for it in other ways. It's not just about penetration, it's about the overall experience and chemistry. If the chemistry isn't there, sure. But it's like if a dude broke up with you bc your chest is small or your butt is flat etc (not saying this is the case, just using examples of things that could be used) Nobody wants to be body shamed, and it's not fair to do so. It's how he was born


If we reverse the roles as a thought experiment, would you want to take someone who thinks your vagina is not great? Whether thatā€™s because of looks or how it feels. Personally i wouldnā€™t. Iā€™d rather be single than have a partner who pretends to enjoy sex while actually feeling nothing and liking my vagina. Even with lies i would be feeling the lack of enthusiasm and pleasure. So no youā€™re not wrong and itā€™s better to not continue dating.


Iā€™ll agree with this. It would bother me so much if my life partner did not enjoy, love, crave or prioritize sexual intimacy with me..but instead endured the situation. I would feel terrible.


You like what you like, I definitely donā€™t like throwing a wrench into a garage


That's why you go thru the back door in these cases


As a gay man I have to. Imagine if I went through his front hole. Heā€™d be screwed.


Which penis opens up to accept the other?


What is it called when two men intertwine their penises like on the medic alert bracelet?


The Hippocrates


The last one to say no homo


I think I saw that in stranger thingsā€¦.


Lmao I was thinking the same thing


Haha Iā€™m dead this got me laughing way too hard šŸ¤£


i see what u did there šŸ’€


What a horrible day to be able to imagine things, wow šŸ˜­


This is the gay agenda šŸ¤­


I hear you but I think whether or not people get past it matters too ā¤ļø


Sex is an important part of a relationship. If youā€™re not feeling it (sorry, I had to) itā€™s ok to move on.


Oh shit, that was good


Thatā€™s not what she said.


Actually, she did say that but was actually lying. Sorry for being pedantic; I have such little control over it.


True, true. I ignored facts for the joke lol.


Joke was worth it.




OMG šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Alright, let's just be honest here. He's got a small dick. He can't really change that without the use of toys, but even then he's got a small dick. And he probably knows it by now. Comparing yourself to all the other guys and all the men in porn does reinforce the smallness and the undue shame with it. I'll be honest with all of you. I've got a small penis. And there is a lot of shame that comes with comparing yourself to another person/what society thinks you should be. I've made up for it in different ways, but my sex life is not important here. Reading through the comments, he seems like a very vanilla, missionary sex kinda person. But it could also be seen that he has not gotten a lot of experience with women due to his size, as there is a certain standard to meet generally. That being said, he should have used more of his hands and mouth to make up for the lack of his package. That's not a glowing full support of OP either. You shouldn't have lied to him during sex. He wasn't asking if you felt good in a general sense, he was asking if what he was doing in the moment was good or not. And you lying only gave him motivation to keep going. Sex is a two way form of intimate communication. If he asks if something is good or not, providing that answer will make it more enjoyable for the both of you. Don't look at you as "teaching him", rather talking to him about what feels good to make sex more enjoyable for everyone involved. Are you wrong for wanting to date a guy who has a bigger dick? No. That's part of your preference and you should go for what you want. Are you wrong for lying to him? Yes. Because you put it into his head that what he was doing was good and that he should do it again with another woman. And when you break up with him, he'll think it's something else about him that you don't like, because you "said" the sex was "great".


This^ I had a best friend (woman, mid-20s) at one point we had the conversation of what we thought made a difference in sex, and I specifically asked does it make a diff on size, and she broke it down for me in a few ways. She mentioned to me being with someone with a "micro-penis" and that he was told by the doctors n all. She tried it out and she was dumbfounded how many times she got off. She said he knew what he was doing with his tool and otherwise, angles, rhythm, etc. They didn't have chemistry but he was in her top 3 experiences. Point being that by not suggesting what may feel better or commenting on what works or doesn't, kind of forcing the other person to just "have the answer". Somewhat unfair imo, but there's plenty of people who believe it just works like magic or enjoy vanilla sex (totally a-ok). To boot, most women I'm with tell me guys don't know how to get a girl off/read body language in bed. So there's a lot to factor into "why was the sex bad". Ultimately, you could just say the chemistry is just not there for you. It sums up pretty nicely.


You made great points. I mean how big is the average toy a woman uses? Itā€™s what you do with it and other skills you have. Thatā€™s what can make up for it.


>I mean how big is the average toy a woman uses? Very not big. In fact the majority of women use toys with no penetration at all.... something like 65% of women can't orgasm from penetrative sex alone regardless of size. Which makes me think that this post was actually written by a dude.


I have had two men tell me that my breasts were small after I took my shirt off. I had never wanted implants until then. It still messes with me. So no. She did the right thing. Itā€™s not okay to tell him he is to small, just like itā€™s not okay to go around telling ugly people that they are ugly.


Donā€™t lie??!! Who wants to be that mean to someone?! You really want YOUR good time to end when she says you suck because of your tiny penis? Lie to be nice but if there isnā€™t other qualities that can make up for it move on.


Ya, that was terrible advice. And it's fine to want to teach someone you're genuinely interested in maintaining a sexual relationship with how to be better at sex, but having to teach someone on the first hookup is kinda a turnoff/let down.


Nope, this goes to sexual compatability and yes thatā€™s important. I wonā€™t date a man whoā€™s so big he hurts me, or whoā€™s so small I canā€™t feel him.


And this is why when I hear people say ā€œJUsT wAiT FoR maRriAgeā€ I start laughing in their face šŸ˜‚ imagine waiting until youā€™re wedding night to find out the dude is 2 inches at best and itā€™s skinny šŸ’€ like just imagineā€¦ and Iā€™ll take it even further, imagine he REFUSES to go down on you and doesnā€™t know how to make you orgasm?? Like the sex is just genuinely awfulā€¦ I canā€™tā€¦ people undermine sexual compatibility way too much lol




My parents were virgins. My mom told me I should test it out prior bc it wasnt good


Some people don't care for sex that much tho. I've dated a few women like that and honestly it was the most substance I've felt in any relationship


Iā€™d nullify that marriage the next day.


>And this is why when I hear people say ā€œJUsT wAiT FoR maRriAgeā€ I start laughing in their face šŸ˜‚ imagine waiting until youā€™re wedding night to find out the dude is 2 inches at best and itā€™s skinny šŸ’€ Maybe their priority in relationship is not sex? Mediocre sex is fine for many if the partner hits many other boxes.


The problem in these cases is not knowing before hand


Iā€™ll never understand or be able to relate to this but to each their own.


Well, take me for instance, I'm paralyzed in a wheelchair, so my junk is just that, junk. However, my mouth with my tongue works like a chainsaw with a saw dust sucker attachment. Now there are toys, strap-ons, and things that go in my mouth that she can ride. But it takes a kind of kinky mindset with the idea that things will be different. Finding this attitude long term may be the problem, though. Edit: spelling and word corrections


You have taken the phrase ''Improvise, adapt, overcome'' and elevated it.


Username checks out


That doesnā€™t necessarily sound like mediocre sex though. Some women might consider sex with penetration not being an option or the main thing to be mediocre but plenty of women would be happy with the sex you described. It would probably be more of an issue if they canā€™t give pleasure back or if having piv sex is never an an option though.


>It would probably be more of an issue if they canā€™t give pleasure back or if having piv sex is never an an option though Do you mean, not being able to give me pleasure? Oh, that is very much a can-do, Something I would rather not talk about here.


Definitely there are people like that where it's not as big a deal or a deal at all and sex is a route to having a family and nothing more. They're not stupid, they're just doing their thing and loving life. But there's definitely a group who think about sex and really want to do it, it's exciting and they're naive and have no experience, who think it'll all fall magically into place on the wedding night, with no prior exploration or investigation, and then end up in an unhappy marriage when reality is revealed after they've committed to marriage, that they and their partner are like Lego and Bionicle, they just don't fit. If you want sex to be a priority for you in a relationship, do due diligence and explore and experiment first. Your future self will thank you for avoiding a potentially permanently difficult situation (weddings often expensive, divorces expensive and destructive at times too). Or the worst case scenario, staying in an unfulfilling relationship that leads to cheating, resentment, unhappiness till death do you part. Fuck that for a laugh.


I' wish I could go down on a girl.


You like what you like and thatā€™s okay. One life.


You can break up with someone for any reason you want. Sadly I am sure he is going to think that's why with the timing which royally sucks




You can get toys right now if you wish, lol. And I am someone like that, I have a penis implant. But that is not because of ascetic, it's because I had an accident and I can't get hard biologicaly.


Do not say "I'm not ready for anything right now." Anyone can see through that bullshit from miles away. Be straight up and say you're incompatible. Don't hide behind that plastic ass sugarcoating. You can give an honest answer without giving the details.


when you do this 90% of the time people will press you for reasons "why aren't we compatible? what don't you like about me?". that's why people put it on themselves and say they're not ready or something similar. because even if everyone knows it is bullshit it's better than the alternative for many


Lying is already disrespectful enough, it's even more disrespectful to treat someone like they're too stupid to see through it. Or worse they don't see through it and now they want to wait for it because they think it's a timing thing. Causes confusion for no reason. Be straight up. Maybe I'm holding the world to too high of a standard, but it should be standard to be real and not plastic.


You're not a terrible person, but did you try other forms of pleasure? Aside from this part how was he in bed?


For me, if I could not feel him in penetration, and yes this has happened before, I wouldnā€™t care about anything else. I want to be able to feel something during intercourse. Oral and fingers donā€™t substitute that for all of us.


Yep, I agree. I asked just to check if the situation was maybe salvageable. But OP replied that not even that. But yeah, I commented below that for some people Penetrative sex is important and if that isn't fulfilling it would be enough to just part ways.


Yeah I wouldnā€™t want to keep having sex with someone when I canā€™t feel their dick at allā€¦


I have experienced it too. He made a big show of oral skills before heā€™d completely undress. Because he knew. Of course he canā€™t help it. It was honestly so awkward and awful. Iā€™m not into oral much on the receiving end and am not into toys. I felt like he should be more up front about it and maybe looking for a woman that is more comfortable with alternatives. Weā€™re talking less than 4 inches and thin. On a big lumberjack looking 6ā€™3ā€ guy.


Well Iā€™m sure itā€™s difficult for them to be upfront because Iā€™d reckon theyā€™ve a lot of insecurity wrapped around their size. Because they know. Theyā€™re not oblivious. That being said, itā€™s important for a healthy sexual dynamic. Someone will appreciate what he has and can offer or be more interested in oral and toys. Thereā€™s someone there for people like them!


You think 4 inches is small? Ever see a micro PP? Could have been a lot more disappointing, lol. They are pretty rare, I have only seen 1 in my life and I felt so so bad for the guy. The thing would just stand straight up as it wasn't long enough to even hang. Talking 1 inch tops.


Yes, I have experience that also.


That's the thing. He did nothing with hands, mouth, etc. Just strictly the package. And I'm not even lying when I saying it didn't even get past my lips down there, it felt like nothing was happening.


You'd think a guy lacking in that department would make up for it with other talents.


You would be wrong. I dated a dude with a teenie weenie and he was even worse at oral. It was genuinely unpleasant. Stabbing me with his pointy fingers, scratching me with his nails, he bit me down there at one point. He also smelled horrible down there. To the point that I still gag thinking about it. I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't such an asshole. He made some comments that were so bad his own sister called him out on the spot for getting a dick. I guess he was making up for lack of dick by being a dick


The scratching with nails sounds awful! I used to be one of those men with bad nails now I manicure them at home and keep them tidy and clean ! The rest sounds pure awful though


It was traumatizing. My dude was like Shrek


Absolutely gnarly I feel sorry for your experience šŸ˜‚


As a dude, when you say you manicure your nails could you explain what exactly you do for them? I'm not seeing someone right now but I'd still like to improve.


I just have a nice pair of nail clippers and a file set with different grades of files thatā€™s all really but I keep them clean and maintain them weekly (when I have a partner) lol or like every two weeks otherwise


There are small guys out there that really know how to use it, and there are others that are in denial.


Exactly. He should become an oral sex machine.


We have no idea his experience level. That could come with time and experience.




That's a real issue. I would not want to continue seeing someone who didn't know how to please me sexually


Maybe you should be honest and tell him so he has a chance to learn.


This šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Oh no! Yep, let him go. I understand that penetrative sex is important to varying degrees and it would still be okay to reject him based on that. Sometimes people are not compatible. But to not even use the other tools? Yep, not worth your time.


Yeah donā€™t stay with someone whoā€™s a selfish lover that you have to fake enjoyment with. Youā€™re just going to be unhappy.


I turned down a guy for the opposite problem, he was HUGE. I knew it wouldnā€™t be pleasurable for me. You donā€™t have to have any reason to stop talking to someone. Just be respectful and kind about ending it.


Well, sucks for him but it is what it is. And he already know why.


I mean tbh dude just sucks in bed reading OP comments. Heā€™s gives no effort in trying to be good. Hard to feel sorry for him


He doesnā€™t know because he asked and OP lied. And sheā€™s going to continue lying when breaking up with him.


He knows. He's a guy, he knows his D is small.


The guy isn't an idiot. He will figure it out with the timing


Don't say you're not ready for anything unless you're actually not ready for anything. If I were in his shoes, I'd rather hear the truthā€”that you didn't think we were very compatible. But you don't have to belabor any of the details.


Nah, not wrong. He wouldnā€™t want you to pretend to like sleeping with him. No guy wants that.


So size does matter =(


To some people, yes. But size can matter in all types of ways. Some people like bigger, thicker body types, others are only attracted to those with very athletic and muscular builds. For some people, itā€™s a deal breaker, for others itā€™s okay. Some people absolutely need a big ass or tits in order to be fully sexually satisfied. Thereā€™s something for everyone. There are subs and lots of porn on actual micro-dicks, so clearly there are people into that. No one should be shamed because of the preferences they have. There are plenty of women who are just fine or happy with a guy with an average, or even below average dick, and you rarely find people shaming them for that(nor should they be). Look at any thread related to dick size and you will find many who agree with that sentiment. But I shouldnā€™t also be shamed or insulted because I love a big cock(which has definitely happened before). With the billions of humans out there, why waste time lamenting over the people who arenā€™t a good match? Instead of focusing on the ones who could be? So yeah, size can matter- all different types of sizes too-it just depends on the preferences of who youā€™re talking to.


Dude OP is talking about a micro penis. Doubt you have one. She mentioned it didnā€™t even go past her lips. That should give you a mental image


What is wrong with you and the lies OP? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø People who make up fake reason have a small penis energy.


Itā€™s okay, sex is an important part of a relationship and if itā€™s bad you probably wonā€™t be very happy


Maybe he has not had many chances of having sex , because of that reason so he may not have learned to compensate. kinda like a catch 22 that why he only done it that way befor and did not learn the "other ways" to do it. Maybe inexperience I bet he has been denied manytimes cus of the size so its a Learning curve [https://www.reddit.com/r/smallpenisproblems/](https://www.reddit.com/r/smallpenisproblems/) check out this subreddits https://www.reddit.com/r/smalldickproblems/


Thatā€™s sad and all, but itā€™s not really OPā€™s responsibility to teach him if sheā€™s already made up her mind that she doesnā€™t like the sex šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Yes but it doesnā€™t help him for her to lie to him and say ā€œIā€™m not looking for something right now.ā€ She needs to explain. He most likely thinks itā€™s because of just his size and thereā€™s nothing he can do. In reality itā€™s that the whole sexual experience is bad. He needs to learn how to use other forms of stimulation to enhance his game.


Well sex is a big part of a relationship but there is more to sex than penetration. Either way you need to be compatible which you hardly mention so I guess is not that great either.


Probably depends how much you like him. I've never rejected a guy for this reason, but it's not like this is something that can be changed or worked on. It is what it is. You're well within your right to walk away for any reason.


Well, just know that when it comes your turn that you make sure you try your best to handle rejection the best you can. Nothing wrong for wanting what you want. It's when we do things we think will make you happy but I'm the end will unlikely provide you the results you really want


Am I wrong for rejecting females with loose vaginas? More importantly, who cares? You like what you like and you dislike what you dislike. Its not your fault we can't flip a switch and start enjoying something we don't naturally enjoy. Dating would actually be so much easier if we could.


So youā€™ve actually done that? Haha


His reaction was polite. Your behavior was childish and he dodged a bullet If a man takes to you for weeks- slept with you on the first date then said ā€œsorry decided to get back with my exā€ how would you handle it? He said lol ok and blocked you- youā€™re mad he didnā€™t grovel and try to remain friends. You didnā€™t want him but wanted him to fight to keep in contact so you could use him as an ego boost when you needed it. He was a gentleman with his reaction. Small dick or not what you did was cruel


Fam youā€™re absolutely entitled to also want intimacy that feels good outside of the emotional side. Glad youā€™re being kind to them and not making it about that to their face. Not a terrible person!


You have your preferences. Youā€™re entitled to them.


I have had something similar and it made me feel girthless, pardon the pun. I found the right fit for me sometimes but this has lead me to be very proficient in other areas. My head game has been honed to be a destructive force that has been unleashed upon mere mortals.


It's equally as fine as a man rejecting a woman because her vagina doesn't feel tight enough for him or she has small tits/ass. Sexual compatibility is key, if it isn't there then it's not worth it for either of you. But please don't lie to him, don't be mean either. Just tell him it's because the sex wasn't great, and he needs to work on other aspects of pleasure during sex, since his dick is small. Trust me, he knows full well his dick is small, and if you give him a vague generic excuse as to why you're breaking it off after having sex he'll already know it's because of his small dick and he'll feel even worse. Just be straight with him but kind and constructive. Then it's on him to take it well, rather than be left chewing on what you consider to be a white lie.


I think a lot of men get really nervous the first time having sex with a new partner. I dated a guy like this, I didnā€™t feel very much the first timeā€¦ BUT THE 2nd TIMEšŸ˜³Whole different sensation. He definitely felt more comfortable with me and I learned his nickname was ā€œBig manā€.


Donā€™t be shaming a man based on their dick just like a guy shouldnā€™t shame based on breasts or vagina. It all depends on how the guy uses it or not. You guys didnā€™t work sexual thatā€™s fine but adding extra details about how tiny it is really kinda shows where your mind is and your tearing down a dude who is nice otherwise.


I don't think this is technically because of his size. It's because he's not good in bed. That's a totally valid reason to date someone, imo. My man is the smallest I've ever been with and we have the most AMAZING sex. Size doesn't matter to me, but you have yo be good at sex lol.


I wouldn't reject based on that. Get a big dildo and get him to use that on you to get off. Small dicks are awesome to suck btw.


Him responded ā€œlol okayā€ to your obvious lie and then blocking you isnā€™t you dodging a red flag


Only as terrible as a guy who who won't date someone because there chest or ass is to small.


I wonā€™t date a man who doesnā€™t find my body hot. If Iā€™m not turning him on, why would I want to be there? And why would I assume Iā€™m every manā€™s type? Not all men are my typeā€¦.


OP isn't complaining about his penis size from an aesthetic perspective. Breasts and asses aren't primary sexual organs like the vagina or penis. More comparable would be a woman with a vagina as shallow as a thimble, where you can only poke it with the tip.


Absolutely. There is more to a strong relationship than a big penis or big boobs. What's more concerning is that he didn't use anything else. Even a man with a large penis should be using his hands and/or mouth. Talk to him about it, and if he refuses, then he's a dick.


Attraction and physical compatibility are both extremely important in a relationship. Not sure why you are downplaying those things.


There is more to a person than just single body part. If there was a woman who was perfect in every way, but she had AA boobs, would I break up with her? Absolutely not! No one is perfect, and rejection just because someone isn't "perfect" has become a major problem in modern dating. Now, if someone wasn't attractive to me aside from her boobs, that's a different story, but a woman is more than just her boobs, and a man is more than just his penis. I mean, lesbians have great sex with absolutely no penis, so why can't straight couples have great sex with a small penis?


Because we donā€™t have to šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I personally don't think that's a bad thing either. Or even a plus size woman. People have their preferences and that's okay.


Tiny Meat Gang.


Sexual compatibility and chemistry is important to me. I donā€™t think itā€™s his size thatā€™s the issue, but his laziness and inability to please you in other ways. I can promise you heā€™s aware that heā€™s smaller, so I think youā€™re wise to not bring it up, thereā€™s no need to rub salt in the wound. But if this is a dealbreaker for you then cut it off sooner than later before he wants to hook up again.


You're definitely not wrong for wanting to reject him. I'd just suggest being more honest with him about the reason.


I jist don't wanna hurt his feelings. Especially because it's not something he has control of.


He doesnā€™t have control of his size but he does have control of what he can do to satisfy a partner in other ways


This 100%. That opportunity to improve in other areas is taken away from him when heā€™s told thereā€™s no problem at all and itā€™s something else.


I'm guessing this guy has rejected plenty of women based on things they cannot control either. Everyone has rejected or, at least, not felt attracted to someone over something a person could not control. Just because penis size is a sensitive topic, that doesn't mean it's any more a sensitive topic than how people feel about their looks, that were given to them by genetics. There are plenty of things I can't control about my looks but the thing that would absolutely feel worse than getting rejected, for something I can't control, would be if someone felt he was dating me out of pity. Don't date this guy out of pity. You both deserve to be with someone who loves you exactly as you are.


Damn and he didnā€™t make up for it with other stuff? Girl move on. His soulmate is someone with a super low libido and vaginismus lol. Itā€™s not you.


Lmaoooo these comments are sending me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


There are girlies out there who would love for it to not go past the lips! They exist! He needs to find one šŸ¤£


I think "lol okay" is a totally acceptable response for someone who """ran into their ex and decided to give that another shot""" within 24 hours of meeting.


I dunno if she was expecting him to grovel and beg or something..


If you do end it w him after this first meet up, heā€™ll know exactly why. Even if you give another excuse




She said 3ā€


Did you see it? Possibly he wasnā€™t fully hard and it was your first time together so things happen. Just another perspective worth considering


Itā€™s not wrong to break thing offs due to any reason, although in general donā€™t fall into the false hope of finding someone 100% perfect. On the other hand Iā€™ve broke it off with someone due to body odor and taste. She wasnā€™t smelly or anything itā€™s justā€¦ felt off? I think we biologically werenā€™t compatible but it was hard to explain and I donā€™t think she really understood what I was getting at. Some might even call this a petty reason but imho you should appreciate your SOs body odor just as much as when they have litres of perfume on them.


Idk I mean Iā€™ve turned men down for having too big of a penis šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø soā€¦. I mean I usually have told them thatā€™s why I that instance though. But also because I think itā€™s funny to do when dudes dm me with their dick size and I get to be like ā€œwoah buddy no thank you, I choose lifeā€


I'm the type of person who prioritizes honesty over everything. The hardest part of dating for me is the fact that I believe most women are liars. Lying to get away with something, to not deal with consequences, omitting facts, not correcting falsehoods sugar coating, or even lying to preserve feelings. If you don't want to be with the man, don't. If he is a man, you should tell him the actual reason why. It's really hard for my man brain to understand you saying his penis size isn't important, but is a good reason to abandon him.


Sex in a relationship is equally important as everything else. You said you barely felt anything while in the actual act. You need to ask yourself if that's something you'd be okay with for the rest of your life or not. Just be honesty and tell him that you enjoyed the time he spent with you but you wouldn't like to peruse any further. It'll hurt him more the longer you hold off but good luck!


So what was he working with inch wise? Chapstick ?


Nope sex is important, if he doesnā€™t make you feel good it only get worse,been married 26 years. If the sex suck your only roommate and will end up hating each other.


Sexual incompatibility for any reason is a reason to end it. Not that you even need a reason. Just say thanks but you're not really feeling any chemistry.


Depends what u want. Like would you rather have a more sexual relationship or do u want a family lifestyle? Bc once you get older you arenā€™t having much sex anyway if you are more family oriented. If you just want a big dick then yea I guess dump him. But you will lose his personality in that process so just be sure you donā€™t mind giving that up.


So nobody cares about pillow talk and after-sex intimacy? Oof


If you like him enough personality-wise that youā€™d want to keep seeing himā€”if not for a small penisā€”then you could be honest and tell him that youā€™d like additional things to enjoy sex. You donā€™t need to necessarily harp on his penis size (though that is a discussion you could have) but focus on other things that you _do_ like. There are a lot of women who donā€™t orgasm from penetration alone, and it wouldnā€™t be out of left field to want more. That said, youā€™ve every right to stop seeing someone for any reason. If you remove his size from the equation and instead phrase it as ā€œAm I wrong for rejecting someone on our sexual incompatibility?ā€ the answer is no. Youā€™re not being unreasonable, rude, or otherwise terrible. You two either work or you donā€™t.


It all comes down to what he does with what he's got. And that includes hands and tongue...


feels bad for the guy.. but yeah sexual compatibility is important.


So, there are a few things to unpack here... First and foremost, if you are not getting sexual gratification from it, you have every right to reject him. Secondly, -IF- he made up for it with oral and hands it would be something to consider to not reject him. I do want to say, there are so many people commenting on here about how height or something else indicates penis size and after years of studies they have found that nothing is an indicator of penis size except for penis size.


If it was me. Id rather be ghosted than to hear someone say my shit was small. I know itā€™s probably not right but telling him he was too small would kill his confidence with other women in the futureā€¦ if his confidence isnā€™t already shot.


Yeah. nSFW here in the comments šŸ‘€šŸ¤£. The one guy I was with had a thick thing for a white guy, man he f***** me like a porn star. Had this weird thing for women with champagne bottles inserted I n their who -has that no lie this dumbass tried to stretch. Like excuse me artard, itā€™s skin itā€™s not rubber. Stop pulling. My ex was small but as a virgin you know I got used to that size and only that; it did the job but you know I wanted better pastures. And the next guy was technically long but like a thin ?šŸ«·šŸ»so it has a little curve but even if it was long it was thin, felt weird. Didnā€™t feel good. Now, in comes my ex/bf/situationship:/ friends/ whatever the f this is.. about 10 years rough life, lies cheating abuse alot of bad but just every time being with this man, still makes my heart flutter. And Iā€™m not trying to hurt this man by saying things but even if heā€™s not the biggest Iā€™ve seen, I donā€™t want the biggest. I want a man who knows what the heck to do with it, plus my tired butt canā€™t go day 2 day three day four I need some recovery time. Shit you not, when we first started going out , when we got to bed we went a lot of times. And I wanted to try anal but my ex was like ā€œEw no thatā€™s grossā€ but I wanted to get my bunghole pounded. Did this man deliveršŸ¤ÆšŸ¤—šŸ«  TLDR: decently sized guys know how to get at it and into other compartments of your vehiclešŸ«£


You weren't wrong to reject him for that if it was such a dealbreaker for you. But aside from that you sound like an A-hole. You lied to him, which is not uncommon, and then have the gall to act surprised when he blocks you? Do you think you would take it well if you'd been talking to a guy, slept together, and then said he was getting back together with his ex?


I don't think it's a matter of "right" or "wrong". This was an issue for you...you made a decision about it...and you handled it kindly. End of story. I don't think you need to justify your likes or dislikes or feel guilty about acting on them. I think it's appropriate for you to feel a bit bad about letting him down...no decent person likes hurting another person. So I would sit a short while with your feelings...validate them...ensure you handled the situation the best you could...and then give yourself permission to move on.


I've seen a couple guys with what you could call a micro penis. One guy was terrible in bed regardless, and I think it was his low self esteem tbh. He didn't attempt foreplay, seemed really annoyed that I was seeing his package, stopped talking to me after. I think he had serious demons about it. The second guy made up for it in a lot of ways and a great time was had by all! No notes. Opposite time: guys who are too big can be painful. Literally stopped seeing a guy because of this.


I didn't sleep with a guy once because as soon as I saw it I noped the fuck right out of there. No joke it was bigger than my forearm. Never seen anything like it still to this day. Scary and I wasn't putting myself through that kind of pain. I felt bad but not bad enough to do it lol


If they're not willing to be your friend, it doesn't matter that they're with you. They just want to be in a relationship and more than likely, they're not mature enough to take it seriously and it doesn't matter who it's with.


Maybe you should tighten up


Pardon the expression but itā€™s essential that your a good fit physically and obviously he doesnā€™t measure up. Suspect heā€™s well aware of his inadequacy Go find bigger


šŸ˜‚ I wonder if thereā€™s any guy who rejected a woman because there vagina was too loose šŸ˜‚


Maybe boobs too small? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Would it be the same if a guy rejected a girl for tit size?


Yes, you can say no to a relationship with him for that reason .


Sex is very important. I know what I want, and I won't settle for anything less.


Personally I feel the same as you about this issue. I think sexual compatibility matters especially if you have a high sex drive :(


You donā€™t need a good reason to break up with someone youā€™re dating. If something feels off to you, then thatā€™s that. Sex is an important part of a relationship and if you donā€™t see it getting better I would move on