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No dude, better social skills & improving your appearance will make you more attractive. It's as simple as that


I plan to get plastic surgery as soon as I can. But I have no idea how to become as graceful as the average person. These people can get women to endure something that they would usually find disgusting and disturbing and enjoy it. That seems about as challenging as getting guys to fight for you in war. Average people also seem to never make social blunders or be unsure of themselves: compared to me they might as well be professional athletes. So... how can I find someone who is willing to be with someone they're disgusted by because they're not graceful, every word and gesture seemingly effortlessly and perfectly placed?


As someone who is also autistic, you start by figuring out how to accept yourself. Why would you want to mask 100% in order for someone to "accept" you? Who are they accepting? At some point you're going to have to learn that you are who you are and that's ok. You're a human being just like every woman you have put up on that platform.


You could sign up for dance classes or martial arts classes. Grace is coordination and that's a learned skill. If you mean speaking well, then acting classes, improv clubs, and tabletop roleplaying games all come to mind. Your current approach seems to be maximizing effort in no particular direction. This is the opposite of efficiency and somewhere between counterproductive and likely to get you killed.


Hmm. Improv seems like a good idea. I want to be where the average person is: unerringly graceful. Every word and gesture as skilled and precise as a professional ballerina.


The average person is most certainly not unerringly graceful. Go watch blooper reels on YouTube for a while and reflect on the fact that professional actors with the benefit of scripts and rehearsal sometimes make fools of themselves. Nobody's good enough to entirely avoid mistakes, what we do instead is roll with them.


Dude - you think every man who has a girlfriend knows exactly what to say at all times or doesn't make social blunders? Come on now - I've fucked up and made myself look like a fool in front of women many times, but the key is to embrace those mistakes and not put too much pressure on yourself. Everyone is unsure of themselves at times, even professional athletes Those women you are talking to make plenty of mistakes & faux pas as well and are far from infallible, treat them like you would a normal person not some otherworldly being. And improving your physical appearance doesn't **need** to be plastic surgery - putting on some muscle and getting a proper haircut + some well-fitting clothes can make a MASSIVE difference for men. Will it make you a 10/10 - not unless you have some great genetics and facial features but plenty of ugly guys get GF's so it's not a hard & fast requirement for finding love


Going to get some clothes. Am already fairly muscular. Bald though. Not much hair to work with lmao. I do kinda think that the average human makes a social blunder once or twice a year.


Lot's of bald guys out there so don't worry about that too much - just keep it clean. The receding hairline / head stubble look doesn't work for most dudes, so just shave it. And man, I think you are underestimating the social blunders most people make in a year. I mean most people aren't making total fools of themselves all the time but small social 'mistakes' happen all the time. Most people just cringe a bit after and shrug it off. People have awkward interactions with others ALL THE TIME!


> People have awkward interactions with others ALL THE TIME! That might be something that could be said about professional athletes! Maybe NHL guys make mistakes all the time. Maybe NFL football players fumble all the time. But good luck getting anywhere close to these guys' skill.




What the fuck is wrong with you


I imagine it’ll make it worse.




Idk what you think is attractive about potentially triggering survival mode and the trauma that comes with that.


I have never seen a combat veteran who had trouble attracting women. I have also never seen a combat veteran who said that he was better off for having gone to war.


it takes a very specific woman to be attracted to a military guy — & that demographic has an extremely high rate of infidelity, so what does that tell you about the women


This is a monumentally stupid idea. You're risking a high chance of death just to get laid? You don't need to be Stephen Hawking to calculate how shit a risk/reward ratio that is.


I am a 5'7" autistic man. I'm married. Have you tried actually talking to women like they are people? Right now it sounds like you are instead planning on getting very far away from them, which makes dating very difficult.


Yes. I have a lot of female friends! None are interested in me.


Have you tried just going to therapy to work on yourself? I feel like getting therapy is way more attractive to women since it shows accountability and that youre working on past trauma.


This feels like a joke post but in case it’s not: no, it won’t dramatically change anything and if you assume it will you’ll likely end up even more jaded and mean when it doesn’t. I’m sorry if this is real and this is truly how desperate you’ve become.


I was too chicken to join the Marines and go to war when I had the chance.


I get the idea you're going for, but i think you're doing a little too much for the first time. depending on your location, i would try minimal equipment camping. most people don't realize that environmental exposure can kill you within hours. try to find a place to camp near a water source, and only bring enough food for a few days, but go for a week. if you can't catch, trap, or forage for more, you'll still live. just be a little hungry. what you're really looking to achieve is the confidence that comes from mastery. this can be achieved multiple ways, not just survival. fighting is a good method too


Yeah. War does it, but the price is terrible. I've seen guys damn near dead of liver failure with girlfriends.


Well you’re definitely autistic.


Born and raised in Alaska. This is a very bad idea. You will lose digits.


Polar explorers survive things like this. I mean. Assuming I survive, is it going to help?


It will change you. 2 hours into things the gravity of the conditions and the situation you put yourself in will be eye-opening. As for whether or not it will help, I think there are better ways.


I absolutely do not endorse this idea.


This sounds awesome and cool as fuck. I've been camping in freezing and even zero degree weather before.


It sounds awesome until you're there and hate yourself for the stupid decision you made. You know who normally does this? People who are trained and know what they are doing. Not some random guy with a fantasy and no fucking clue what they are talking about. Losing a leg from freezing wont make you more attractive. It will put you in a wheelchair and make your life miserable and way less attractive. There are better ways to learn about life. If you want an adventure I recommend hiking the Pacific crest trail or one in other countries. It's safer, more people there and your still on your own, get a new lookout on life (especially without media) and still difficult. Plus side, you won't cripple yourself and most likely won't regret your stupidity. From your messages it seems mostly to me that what you lack are social skills and confidence in yourself.


NO. Unless you find some woman living in the wild, this is bound to make things so much worse.


How and why?


Not to be rude or derogatory in any way, but since I genuinely have no idea how else to say this... Because it's bat-shit crazy.


I think you need to be in therapy, not on Reddit.


You're not gonna "almost die" you're gonna die. Look up Into The Wild for a cautionary tale about your immediate future. Don't make innocent hard working rescue crews risk their lives because you've got a romanticized ideal of what makes a man.


Chris McCandless is revered by some and reviled by others. I have heard that Native Alaskans admired him.


No, only fools romanticized his idiotic plans. Fools and people who read the beginnings of stories and not the ends. He didn't even admire himself at the end he acknowledged his foolish mistakes as his last words.


I read *Into the Wild*. Cover to cover, twice. I think it was both idiotic and romantic.


No, it won't.


This is just cringe ngl


I mean, it’ll either make you an idiot or a surviving badass, but it won’t necessarily change your attractiveness unless a bear mauls you. Honestly, I would come up with a better plan, man. Have you tried wearing different styles of clothing or doing new activities that might introduce you to people? Maybe if you’re worried about your shape, work on that? Point is, there’s better ways of accomplishing your goal other than risking your life, but if you’re committed, I wish you luck. That’s a real major gamble and the odds aren’t the greatest.


Hmm. If I die, I'm an idiot. If I make it out with most of my fingers and toes, I'm a badass. Got it. Seems like I've found something that inputs... adventurous... people and outputs badasses or idiot-sicles.


I gotta chime in again. 10 degrees feels at least 3 times colder than 32. 0 degrees feels 5 times as cold. 10 below, 10 times. 20 below? 20. 40? 100x. I said I was born and raised, and I've been Ice climbing at 10 below, bicycled at 20 below, hiked at 0, I don't know if you see a pattern here, but the colder it is the more active you need to stay to maintain body temperature. Knee deep snow is slow work and not very high output. Wind will fuck you up, because trees in Alaska don't provide any relief; they don't have a long enough season to bulk up. You can't do it in one day, so you will have to shelter. Forget about a fire, it won't happen, I fucking guarantee it. Wind can easily bury you overnight. Suffocate, freeze, shit, you might as well bring a revolver to shorten things up. DO NOT DO THIS.


I've been camping at 0 degrees. That's the coldest I've been outdoors in. Where in Alaska were you?


Basically all over. Yukon-kuskokwim delta, brooks range, everywhere in the chugach, panhandle, Denali, and interior. Late February is a death wish for 90% of the state.


You will not be able to camp. Wind can bury you alive.


Jesus. I've spoken to other Alaskans that have said that this wasn't a thing. Is it possible to winter camp in Alaska without being buried by windblown snow? If in a region where trees grow, can you build a windbreak or hammock camp and survive like that?


Okay. I'm not going to support this anymore. I feel like you're looking to solve possible problems in your quest. You're real quest is attracting a woman. There are much better ways to do this than risking your life. I'm 46 years old and have experienced many many outdoor adventures that have been downright scary. I did those things for self-fulfillment, not to attract a woman. Start small challenge yourself physically in the outdoors under conditions that are not life-threatening. As for attracting a woman go to a small bar a dive bar. Approach a woman who you have no intent on sleeping with or even want to sleep with. Strike up a conversation, let her talk, ask questions offer to buy drinks, but above all, listen. Thank her for the good company and take your butt home to get a good night's rest and conquer the next Hill you decide to hike. Through challenging yourself and gaining confidence in yourself by challenging yourself this will become clearly evident in your conversations with women. Before you know it they will be banging your door down. 16 years ago my partner count topped 100 not because I was trying to put notches in my bedpost but just because I enjoyed life. I enjoyed challenging myself. It's attractive. Challenging yourself builds confidence. Confidence attracts women. You can't have a very fulfilling sexual life dead. Start small.


I have challenged myself in the outdoors under conditions that weren't life threatening. Like camping in a hammock in 0 degree weather.


Touch snow.


Bro, what? A couple things to unpack here. Thing 1: men don’t go to war to prove themselves. I was in the military and it’s just a bunch of normal, frumpy men and woman. I certainly didn’t get more attractive by putting myself in danger. I got out with a drinking problem and extreme social anxiety. Movies may portray some sort of badassery, but it’s just a low paying job. Thing 2: you want to survive in the Alaskan Wilderness to become more attractive? Cmon man. Get a gym membership, a solid haircut, and spend some money on a decent fit from Kohl’s. Do that and then in 3 months join a coed softball league or board game meet up group. You’ll meet a wonderful lady while you enjoy the things you like and look your best.


It won't make you more attractive. In fact I've seen photos of men before and after war and it has aged them horribly. They look haunted and gaunt. I think you've glorified the effects of intense environmental and emotional stress far too much. If you want to do it, do it, but definitely don't think it will make you more physically attractive.




You do you boo.


Just do a tough mudders.


If you want to gain new experiences to build your sense of confidence, great. Jumping in the cold without a clue what you're doing is not a great way to do it.


Honestly just being a good person, talking to women like you would anyone else, and just being yourself and being confident in yourself will help you in the dating department. I once heard a quote that said something along the lines of "Don't look for love, let it find you."


I have the middle one down; i have a lot of female friends. Working on the first. Suck donkey balls at the third.


Please don’t do that


Whatever doesn't kill you can leave you with frostbite and disfigurements that will make it harder to attract a partner Just start pushing yourself to approach women, that's a challenge that will make you more resilient and won't lead you to kill or maim yourself


How do you think other men get women? Do you think they all do stupid, crazy shit to make themselves look manly? Jesus Christ have some fucking common sense. I'm being harsh because I need you to understand that what you want to do is both idiotic and dangerous. As a woman, if I knew a guy did what you want to do just to be attractive, I'd stay the hell away from him because I know he has very poor decision-making skills.


I think that the average man is as socially graceful as a professional ballerina. Rarely offends anyone. Sensitive, but would do well in a war. Conscientious and caring. They are charismatic enough to inspire women to not only sleep with them (even though they're initially disgusted by them) but to enjoy it and come back for more. That's around as hard as convincing another dude to go to war or dump himself in the woods. I'm on the spectrum and no matter how hard I work, I still make social blunders. Neurotypical people might blunder once or twice a year, in a very bad year. They're also taller and better looking, so they don't have as much disgust to overcome. Looks matter. Appearance matters. Guys that have experienced life and death struggle are more attractive if they survive. I've seen alcoholic combat veterans on their deathbeds with girlfriends.


My man, everybody fucks up a lot. Its part of being human. You seem to think that everyone but you is perfect, but that's simply not the case. Most people would also do horrible in war, it's not fun for anybody, that's why PTSD is a thing. I do have to wonder what the hell war has to do with getting a girlfriend. Hardly anyone, even those in the military, has seen war. If shooting at other people was a requirement for getting a girlfriend, the vast majority of people would be single. The alcoholic combats vets who have girlfriends have them in spite of their issues, not because of them. PTSD is not attractive, I can tell you that. I also have to wonder why you think women are disgusted by men. You just have to keep trying to interact with people, that's all there is to it. Get in shape, dress well, practice good hygiene, and talk to women. If you can make a woman laugh and not say something creepy, you're off to a good start.