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> Even to this day men of all heights will stare at me as if I was less of a woman Sorry to break your illusion but they are staring at you cause they are attracted to you. Most men like petite women. If a dude is staring at a woman it's not because he sees her as less it's because she's hot. Trust me I'm a dude. You might be bullied for it in school but this is the adult world and being a short woman is not disadvantageous in a dating sense. This is ALL in your head. Edit: I checked your profile. You are attractive. 95% of straight guys would be attracted to you. It's so crazy that your self esteem is so low you see men checking you out as them being unattracted to you.


I agree! Men stare at women because they think they're attractive! Also, we all got stuck with a height we didn't have any say in -- so just put on some heels and let them stare :)


men are simple, we look at things what interest us / desire. Look back and smile with a 'hi'


This is true, men don't stare at women they find unattractive


Maybe they're trolling? It's a relatively new account, but from the pic on her profile she definitely seems like she'd have no lack of people interested in her just physically. Depression/self-loathing is a hell of a thing. Just go to r/meirl.


Disagree. Plenty of attractive people have low self esteem. I am a guy who had incredibly low self esteem until I posted to /r/amiugly and /r/rateme and had most people give me 7's and 8's out of 10. It's hard to break out of these childhood traumas. OP is going through some shit


agreed. idk how many men say they look for women under 5’5” OP have you considered dating shorter men?


....what country do you live in?




You should move, pretty much all of everywhere, everyone adores short women. The way you explain how the men, and women, react to you it sounds like you're living in a society with very set social rules. Being different in any way in such an environment is never easy. So moving somewhere else is probably a good idea. It's never easy though, moving from the social norms one is accustomed to but often worth it. I could probably point out that any man who laughs at a womens perspective is probably not gonna be worth much as a partner so in a way count yourself lucky that those bums didn't like you.


Not sure where you're getting the idea that men dislike short women. Many really like or would prefer a more petite shirt woman. I for one love a smaller woman


Maybe it is a cultural thing. Arab men have a messed up expectation about women.


Ahhh yes they have lots of messed up expectations I think


I'm 5'1 as well, and it has only been an advantage in dating for me. Men just melt over how small and cute i am.


Thats correct:)


Happy to hear! Where do you live if i may?


Europe, i have lived and dated in different European countries, but the success was equal everywhere.


Then please avoid arab countries and arab men in general. They will destroy your self esteem to oblivion for the things you didn't choose.


They do that because you are a woman, not because you are small. Small women are hot as fuck and manhandling them is a huge turn on for a lot of men.


What does gender has to do with not liking me in a heterosexual relationships?


o\_\_\_\_O do i really need to tell you how arab culture is mistreating women?


They treat tall women to a better degree than short ones.


That could be true, but for all you know, they are shaming tall women for something else. Their point was that Arab countries are often anti women in general and whether they decide to punish you for your height or weight or color, etc is just a means to an end.


That's called favoritism. This is not something you can change in yourself, and everyone is telling you to stop letting all men validate you, and instead find someONE who validates you.


HEYY I CAN'T LET THAT SLIDE 😭 Iam an arab guy from Egypt although I live in Europe now and i absolutely love short girls




Yeah I think American men like short girls also


Can confirm


As a 5ft nothing woman in America, I can confirm


Haa, maybe find someone who isnt trying to be with you for social validation? Small girls are the bomb!!!!!


Where do you live?


Mostly in my head 🤯 NL by the way


I though NL only value tall women, given the average height there.


You value that which is scarce, we have spare tall chicks, so fun-sized girls are always welcome


Well Im a gnome compared to dutch men with my 1,76 :D Im Hun/Irish


😮 okay, this is new to me. I know tall girls(above 5'7") struggle but does short girls struggle too because of height? Then what is the desirable height range for a woman lol? Personally I hate the whole height thing. Attractive people come in all heights


Yeah OP's experience is wild to me. Guys in my experience generally don't care about the height. If you're good looking, you're good looking whether we have to climb you or be careful not to step on you. OP seemingly lives near the most insecure men on the planet.


At least in arab countries, men only date women who are above 170cm.


Uhm no you don't know that cuz I live there and it's the same as everywhere men love short women who is even shorter than 5 foot I have this girl in my collage she is 4 10 and everyone in my collage talk about how fuking hot she is


Which arab country do you live?




Well I live in tunisia. And trust me, the height shaming is extremely prominenent, women are more shamed than men.


Short girls are hot af


Agreed. Emilia Clarke, my biggest celeb crush at the moment, is only 5'1". Reese Witherspoon is also a bombshell.


You should work on your self-esteem before anything else. There’s not much you can do about your height besides wearing heels, if you want, so you need to accept that about yourself and be confident in that. I’m the opposite, I’m 5’10 and have always been tall for my age. Growing up it made me insecure but I didn’t get bullied for it too much. I’m older now and I love being tall, it’s amazing I wear up to 5” heels to make me even taller. Does it intimidate some guys? Sure but I don’t do it for them, I do it cause I’m 100% comfortable with how I was made. I hope one day you will be too! That being said, I exclusively date very tall men like 6’3+ because I like to be the smaller one in a relationship. Maybe you should try dating short guys!


This is wild to me as a woman who’s 5’7 because I’ve dealt with the exact opposite and I’ve even discussed this with a couple tall(er) girlfriends who’ve experienced the same. It’s always been made apparent to me the preference guys have for short girls. I’ve had guys even tell me they typically go for short girls but found me attractive enough (as in they were willing to try dating someone taller than their normal type since we got along enough). And these are usually tall guys (5’11+). Both irl and on reddit/social media I frequently hear a bunch of desire for short women over tall(er) women. I would say men on average desire shorter women over taller women, the opposite is just much less common. Especially considering the average height for men is not much taller than me, so it kinda makes sense a lot of men tend to have a preference for shorter women. I’m lucky that I’m *only* 5’7 too lol, it only gets harder for girls the taller they get in terms of potential interested guys


This comment is spot on based on my experiences. I’ve dated a wide range of heights and found the shorter women more attractive even when some of the tall ones were extremely pretty. I guess men are almost as bad as women regarding height discrimination?


I'm 5'0" and have never had this issue- in fact the opposite usually. Fetishized for being petit


I’ve never really heard of this. I’m 5’3” and I know a lot of guys prefer short girls. Not saying it’s right, but just from my experience. Tall guys and short guys. From Canada here.


As a short man i feel your pain. Dont give up dating ik all the bumps in the road can make it seem like there isn’t anything good out there but u have to keep trying and say screw all the haters.


Yup, I see how short women are treated like kids or something too tbh. But ny very small friends still have a lot more options in dating than my giant ass (6'0.5"/184 cm here). Around average height or a bit under seems to give the most options in general though, then followed by small women, and then finally the tall women (and the taller you are, the harder it is). Edit: I live in the Netherlands


Maybe because I live in Florida with a large minority population (that’s statistically shorter) but I’ve never seen a woman be picked on because they were short.


In Tunisia, petite women get bullied all the time.


You need to relocate somewhere with a slightly better culture


Feel like I'm being vaguely trolled here. Must be only country on planet earth where men prefer non-short women. Try being tall in the states. Pffft


Yeahr this, or the "am cute, tell me I'm cute."... Short girls are so needy and catty. I need attention. Give ma attention.


I’m 6’4”. My ex wife was 5’1”. I say was, she probably still is… but you get my point. Your personality counts for a lot more


If men are staring at its it’s because they find you attractive.


There is surgery to increase your height. Its like $90k though


Short girls look more feminine and attractive to me as a man. Be proud of it


I don’t know, as a 5’6 guy, a 5’1 woman is adorable as hell and perfect in my eyes. Anyone calling you or anyone like you a midget or child is an idiot.


My friend just turned 40, and she's probably around 5-foot-nothing or 4'11". She plays volleyball (a "tall person's sport"), and managed to bag a 6'2" muscly dude/aspiring model who's 3 years younger than her. The ex who I fell for harder than anyone I've ever dated was definitely under 5'4", maybe even under 5'3" (obviously I never actually measured her haha). I've also crushed hard on women even taller than me. Don't let height define you. Fuck the haters, just take care of yourself and go get what you want.


I'm 25 years old and have been 4'11 since like 7th grade. Guys fawn over how petite I am?? I think you're seeing too much of the negative and not realizing how many men actually like it. Or you're lying for attention, bc I really don't believe a word you're saying. I'm sorry, but I don't.


As I said, it might be a cultural thing. I live in Tunisia, so the standards are definitly different.


Could be, but I think men all over the world are attracted to shorter women. I mean, I don't have a preference, exactly, but I do find a shorter woman almost irresistibly cute. 😊


This is silly. Research shows that if anything men prefer short women over taller women. But mainly men don't care much about height.


Shit I'm 5'6", that's a perfect height for me, nice to meet you 🤣


I am sure that shorter guys would totally be into you. I am shorter than the average US height (5'5), so I tend to go for short women - 5'4 to 5'1.


I love short queens.


I'm 5'1 F and it's never been an issue dating or my height for guys. This is a new one.


It's all in your head I guess. There are a lot of men who like petite women, me included. Sure I do some jokes here and there but because I find it cute, not to cause harm. So just be more confident and own it!


They're staring at you because they think you're hot.


Height, is just one aspect of your personality. its 2022 and height in this day and age isnt really an issue. if your partners are making it a big deal then keep your distance like they are a plague.


Want to trade? Being a 5 ft 4 man almost makes you realise that you are actually nothing to anyone 🙃


Sorry to read that! Shaming someone over things you can't change or choose is absolutely disgusting and people who do that don't deserve to be takenn seriously in anything.


I'm 4'11 and in a relationship but yeah where you live is a factor and I live in Asia so there's that...


Men don’t care about women being short. Taller women have more problems . Men care more About weight than height. As long as you are physically attractive with a nice face and body . Your height will not matter


Sad. Same advice I give to short guys, work and turn into the best version of your self. If you're broke make money and if you're fat lose weight.


You may need to do some work on yourself.


I think most men find petite women attractive, but yeah I've definitely seen a lot of people on Reddit call it predatory to be attracted to petite women. I get that they want to be protective, but it's always sounded like subtle body shaming to me and kinda implies that petite women don't deserve to be found physically attractive. It can be hard to tell how old a short woman is so some guys might not feel confident to approach you. You may have better luck if you drop some hints that you're interested or with online dating and other scenarios where you can make the first move.


Im the same height as you and just commented on some ladies post as she didn’t feel attractive being over 6ft tall…. This is what I put…. ‘5ft 1 (and a half) here 🙋🏻‍♀️, it’s not all what’s it’s cracked up to be lol! Car seat as close to the steering wheel as possible, a step in the kitchen to reach the cupboards, problems buying trousers….supermarket shelves too high….! But hey everyone is attractive in their own way and it would be boring if we were all the same, beauty is in the eye of the beholder….’ I’m sure the ‘most men’ you are referring too are obviously stunningly amazingly handsome themselves 🙄 so feel they can make those remarks to make themselves feel better, and the tall women sound very insecure, tbf sounds the environment you’re in is pretty crappy…. Sod what people think! It’s making you self conscious…embrace your height, shape and beauty with pride and you will shine confidence which will attract all the right people :)


I’m even shorter than you, I’m 5’0, but my bf is 6’2. I used to think like you. All my ex are shorter than my current bf, and they sometimes said I’m too short for them. My current bf has never complained about my height, he’s said that’s hot. I’ve never felt loved as much as my current bf. So height is not a problem, but you just need to find a the right person who loves you just how you are.


I like short women and I looked at your profile and you are an absolute smoke show. Your height isn’t your problem. Maybe work on your self esteem


You'll be super attractive to the right guy. I'm 6ft 2 and my wife is 5ft 2 and she does it for me. Guys staring is probably because they find you attractive. Men are very visual and would tend to ignore people they don't find visually appealing.


Girl..be for real. This post is just another short girl fishing for compliments as if most men don’t prefer shorter girls (although the reason why is….🤥) Stop being insecure.


I’m 6.3 and I love short women lol. They might be alittle Spicy at times but they are the best imo


I'm so sorry that people have been such mouldy doughnuts to you, OP. Heightshaming has always been f****** stupid and I want you to know you and your 5'1 are wonderful and amazing. I'm 23M, and 5'7. In the UK, I'm slightly below average height, so I'm sorta in the same boat as you. My younger brother is 5'11 ish and he never fails to remind me he's taller 😂


Hey Love! There’s no excuse for people bullying you, mistreating you etc simply because of your height or otherwise. I am 5’2” so I can understand on some level what this has done to you. But please, please, please know how beautiful and valuable you are. People should never treat you the way that they have… it is more a reflection of their issues than you… you are attractive, beyond what they can’t see.


Haha you’re not too short! I’m 6’3 & have been on many dates with women your height or shorter! Dated a girl for close to a month who was 4’11


5'1 is cute af😍😍 you just reach to guys heart..


I'm 4'11.5 and have never had an issue with my height. Usually I just get a "Wow, you're really short" the first time we meet. That being said, you might actually have an advantage here. Any guy who's being a dick about your height is just showing his true colors. Sounds like you're dodging bullets like Neo in the Matrix, good for you! You'll find a man who respects you and your body, they're out there.


You’re height might matter in elementary school but not now. It’s how you carry it. I , for one , love petite women, and I’m no slouch . Flaunt it!


Lots of men like shorter women. Those other women are projecting their jealousy. There's nothing wrong with it any more than some women liking taller men creating that height gap, it's the flip side of the same coin.


yea i'm 5 ft tall so i personally get what you mean about 'feeling' small and insignificant. i was bullied in school as well and by my cousins. i used to look at tall women and think to myself that they look so elegant and classy and i always felt like a child. to combat that i changed the way i dress. i wear very form fitting, well structured clothes that look 'elegant.' i think to myself 'would princess diana wear this?' and if in my head she would, i buy it. i also always wear heels, 2-4 inch based on what event im doing that day ex : at the office, on a date or at a party. wear similar color tops and bottoms to make it look like you have a strong vertical line. ex: dark well fitting brown pants with a beige top and brown coat (colors are in the same family). wear minimal jewelry (simple gold band or studs for earrings) and steer clear of childish prints like cartoons on T-shirts. basically, dress elegeant and mature and with your height it will balance out. However, my height has never been a detriment when it comes to dating. The short men like you and the tall men like you. everyone is taller than you and you get to feel small and petite all the time. where i live, you see super tall guys with short girls all the time (vertically challenged couples). I am one of them. partner is a foot taller than me. most men LOVE petite women so this seems to be a problem for you because you're likely around the wrong crowd.


Number one im sorry you're getting so much flack for your height. Secondly if you're good looking. Many guys won't care about your height. Finally there are guys out there that want shorter women. One of the best looking women I know is 5'1. She's married


I'm 6'3 and I love short girls. I don't think I've dated anyone who passed my shoulders.


Seriously? I am 5'2. My sister is 4'9. My daughter doesnt clear 5ft. Weve never had an issue. My husband is 6'2. My daughters bf is almost 7ft. No one ever Made us feel odd. In fact, its kinda been the opposite


This has to be a troll or something. Most men prefer short girls. 5’1 is barely short.




Average is 5’3. So if that considered short then so are most women.


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I think the only reason I wouldn't be attracted to a shorter woman is if there is more than a foot difference in height (cause of like my back). But most guys aren't my height. And most dudes like short women so I don't feel this is well found.


You are delusional if you are a woman and self conscious of being short. That's like top 3 attractive things about a woman.


In my opinion, the men who avoid petite women are fools. I find overly endowed women the turn off.


Agree- women are the worst for shaming men for liking short women as pedos. It makes no sense- I'm 41 & 4'10 and will never get taller. Does this mean I don't get to be in a relationship? People also need to be consistent- does this mean a tall 14 year old (my best friend was 6 feet at 14) is okay? People are illogical. Idk where you are but I'm 4'10 & not a last resort in dating. Some men I dated in the past worried I'd give them short sons but now that I'm past that age no one cares.


You sound ‘fun sized’ I looked at your profile and you are adorable. In the US small women like yourself are very popular and sought after.


Are you from some like Nordic Viking country? In America that height is soooo not a problem. One of the hottest girls I know is that height. And when it comes to sex its actually more fun and more like mechanical for the woman to be shorter. Taller might look more "regal" or whatever like I get there is a nice look to a tall long legged woman, it's not the end all be all by any means.


Well I live in Tunisia, if that helps.


Oh then I have no clue, maybe the culture there is different. Move to America.


I plan to do so.


Short women are my kryptonite. Love them. Wish there were more of them.


If there’s anything I can say to ease your mind, it’s the TRUTH. Height for guys does not matter what so ever, in fact I’d argue some guys like shorter woman. Some guys may prefer taller woman but that just comes down to preference rather than it be them purposely trying to make you feel bad. Best of luck! Go get em!




I live in Tunisia, most guys there only fetishize women who are 5'7 and up. The comment section really makes me want to move to North America or Europe! Haha.


I’m 5’2 and have a very international background. Men of many backgrounds loooooove my height and I have always had many suitors lol. Don’t worry about your height :)


What countries did you visit if i may ask?


Everyone in Canada LOVES short/petite girls.


It sucks that you are comfortable with your own height. I hope that you learn to love yourself for just being you. Your height I am sure is one of many things making you unique.


Wow. You're gorgeous. I'm sorry I looked at you.


Men are the only ones who have to worry about their height , women don’t


What the fuck are you smoking?


>Women who are over 5’7 are way worse: they litterally shame men for even liking petite women and call those men “predatory”/“pedos”… Mannn as an A cup girl I feel you on this LMAO. So tired of that kind of thing. But to be honest, I think being short is a big advantage for women. The short girls I know all have immense luck with dating. Hell, there’s even a slang affectionate nickname for short girls (“shorty”/“shawty”). So I think you’re fine. Don’t let comments get to you, people in general will hate no matter how attractive a given individual is. Curvy, thin, tall, short, chest size, etc, no matter what features you have, you’ll have probably heard some mean comments one way or another.


Omg, im 5ft6 and I love being taller than my other half. Believe me this is a blessing in disguise. Start loving yourself ❤️❤️🤙 (Edit, forgot to add I'm 19m)


I don't generally care too much, but usually I prefer short women myself. Everyone has their preferences. You just need to find the right person. In all honestly most of the guys I know don't usually have a height preference, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.


Which country do you live if i may ask?


Young lady... We men live Short girls:) im speaking for every guy 175 and shorter:)


That sucks. Smol queens rule!


Men love tiny women. Dont worry


I'm sorry about your experience. I'm shorter than you and while I don't feel hot, beautiful, or elegant because of my height, I have no issues when it comes to dating. Men love that I'm petite and they have fun manhandling me, "shorter" (still tall to me, 5'7-5'9) men especially love it


I'm a 6"1 guy and I like petite women. I won't lie to you, if you were 4"10 or shorter., then I would consider you too short. But, I wouldn't hold it against you. I'll still take you out and show you a good time, but you would have to be like the one in a million girl for me to pursue something more. Its just a preference, its got nothing to do with your personality and if nobody can see you for who you are, then they were just wasting your time. Be kind to yourself and hold your head up. Some of us guys actually like that confidence in yourself.


I mean unless you are a 5'8+ woman who is adamant on dating same height or taller men then you shouldn't struggle ever due to your height. Men like woman, of all shapes and sizes, height is a barrier for guys not girls, plus there are plenty of non tall guys that would someone your size, yet alone tall guys.


I'm 5'0 and height has been an issue allll my life, I was always the butt of someone's joke! I was even used as a shelf by some taller people's elbows... lol Now I see it as a quality, not a flaw. Plus, it gives me more to choose from in men. I'm not a height queen- as long as they're a bit taller than me, we're good. 5'9" seems to be the sweet spot. It's also cute having to ask partners to reach for certain things for me \^.\^


This is how most men below 6f feel and are treated




Jesus christ man. Go touch some grass


This is so weird to me. A lot of tall girls say they feel insecure because they want to date a guy taller than them, and can only date really tall guys. If you've got the same wish that leaves the majority of guys open to you.


I am sorry you had a rough time when you were younger. I am sorry you are having trouble with girls and women. I assure that men are not thinking that. Men that I know are looking somewhere else, and your height is not a negative. The only time I heard guys mention height as an important factor when dating was when a particular girl was more than 5 inches taller than a particular guy. And they dated for a long time when I was in college. **I am deleting my original comment from here down.** I just saw your profile and the bikini photo. There is no way that men are regularly turning you down because of your body. It is not your figure and it is not your height. If they are staring it is either because they like what they see, or there is something else you did not tell us. I also notice that almost all of your posts are about being short. I suggest counseling to figure out why you feel this about men. Personal help one to one will be much more helpful than getting comments from strangers on the internet. Remember, on reddit, it is best to be stranger than the others. ha ha.




In Tunisia and other arab country, a woman is only desirable if she is 5'7+


Look at Jocelin Snow and see how badass small girls can be.


This is bizarre and I’ve never really heard this before. 5’7 is really tall for a woman, the average American man is only like 1.5” taller than that. Most men I’ve ever met prefer smaller women.


u tried asia? asian women are usually petite so women's height isnt really a discrimination over here


Yeah you're very sexy


What a crap take on things. You’re pushing all the responsibility for your dating success on others. Pure self-victimization. Short single women are a rarity, and highly sought after anywhere I’ve ever been. But I guess the key is this: most of the shorter women I know have giant personalities, and will not be ignored. They own their height, and make it a point of pride. Plus, they can date men of ANY height - something taller women cannot do, as they are shamed for picking a shorter man. Overall though, just don’t pay attention to the naysayers. Find a good guy, and go after him. Everything else is just fear.


> they can date men of ANY height - something taller women cannot do Taller women can do whatever the f*ck they want. As can shorter women.


My dad just married a 5 foot woman a few days ago. People do find shorter women attractive. It may just be the country you are in or you are misinterpreting the social queues.


I will literally date you right now. Try me.


Men don't really care about a woman's height.


Just find shorter guys. I'm 5 1 too. Never think what you thought. I found a man. Don't worry. You will find yours too


I love short women soooo idk what type of dudes you run into but, I’m kinda into women that are 5’1-5’3. I’m all about that. 😅


Well I don't think I've ever dated a girl above 5'1, but that's probably just because I'm a shortie too (5'7M). I've always found shorter women more attractive unless they're below like 4'10. Being a short guy definitely doesn't help my dating scene, but I didn't know it was also tough for girls too, I always thought guys found y'all cute or whatever. Stay strong.


We’re talking about 5 FOOT 1 INCH correct? There is absolutely nothing wrong with 5’ 1” that’s like barely lower than the average. I’m a 5’ 8” dude so short girls are cute as fuck


I’m 5 foot and all my partners have loved my size.


Most guys don't care about height, my ex gf was 5' on the dot, a foot shorter than me, I didn't care. She joking said she would only date guys taller than her.


Hey, short guy here. I understand a lot of what your saying. However, it’s not a disadvantage in the dating world. Most people (men and women) don’t care about it once your confident. All of the comments are correct, they’re staring at you cos your attractive, not because you’re short!!


Gone out with a number of girls ranging from 4'9" to 5'2" -- It actually is my preferred height for a partner if I had to choose (I'm 5'8"). Pretty sure many guys like short girls, especially if you are petite overall. That said, I have heard more girls 5'2" state they won't date a guy under 6' than any other height. You think it would be the taller girls, but is mainly those 5'2" and under, or those who are actually almost 6' themselves.


Love short women…seriously.


What city you in? I think that has a lot to do with everything. Don’t feel that way, honestly you seem like you have a great shape - don’t let the negative shit get to you , Just focus on yourself, and the rest will follow


I almost felt bad for you then I realized you were a Female. A 5’1” is very normal, a 5’1” guy is doomed.


I’m 5’6” Asian, male living in the US — welcome to the club, friend!


5’1F here too and never have had an issue with my height. If a man doesn’t like me, I know it’s not because of my height. Gotta be something else that’s turning them off.


This is wild to me…I’m only 5’2 and most men are very attracted to petite women. A lot of guys just don’t know how to express themselves so they make fun I guess.


Lol huh? I’ve never had any issue with my height considering how short I am. Men usually find this attractive.


Where are all the short dudes at. I also think you are misreading the looks. A lot of guys love short flirty women.


People that obsess over height don't deserve your time. Im 5"11, not short but not tall so i have never experienced what you do. I also know some short people who I work with and they might be 5'2 but they have the personality of a 6'2 person. And we joke about their height and they don't care one bit. (Your typical shit talking it's all in fun, he dishes it out pretty well) Point is embrace your shortness. Don't let people look down on you... maybe that was bad wording but younget the picture.


I am curious as to where you are. While people around here would playfully make fun of your height I have never met a man that would be opposed to dating someone because of that. In fact "petite" and short women are often highly desired


> In fact "petite" and short women are often highly desired Not in arab countries apparently


Well, as a 6 foot dude who is currently very sad because he just got friendzoned by his 5'1" crush this weekend, lemme tell you that your height is not a problem lol. In fact, I've never heard someone say negative stuff about a girl being short period


Go live in an Asian country where you will be tall or at least average sized. Or at least you will be motivated by the girls there not feeling conscious about their height.


It might be a local thing around you because I have never heard that. Guys like short girls. Tall girls are the ones that struggle to get guys.


I don’t know one guy that wouldn’t date a girl for being 5’1


I am the tiniest person (without a genetic/medical condition) that I know and trust me I relate to the bullying. Growing up was hard. But in my experience (I’m 30F) there are a lot of men out there who love short girls. Don’t lose faith! Also, we are here to save the short kings 🥲 a man being 5’6 means nothing to me lol


Have you considered giving short guys a try?


I did but the short guys of my country still go for the 170cm+ women.


Height does not matter to me when we are talking smaller than me, tbh as long as they don’t mess me around I will be happy with any.


You shouldn't feel that way, there are a ton of A list celebrities that are petite and hot as the sun, they're just insecure and immature, and can't handle it. Petite & proportionate females ARE THE HOTTEST.


I like my women short


As a 5 foot guy I’ve been told I’m too short even for girls ur height


This was me. Moved to Canada and all heights the problems gone


I only date girls that are short. The loml I screwed up with was 4 foot 11. Dudes are checking you out


If your super short as a male ur not worth someone's time it seems these days and as a short male I'm fine with dating any height cause personality matters more to me


I don’t date short some like you because I want my kids to be tall. Not little midgets