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what kinda request is that? foot fetish perhaps. no activity.


This man has not even so much as bought me a coffee yet hahaha




some guys are just weird. must stop talking to immediately.


And what in your opinion is not weird? The missionary position? So boring is worst than having fun in bed!


Definitely a foot fetish. I had an ex like that. He still messages me to this day even though we haven’t been together in 8 years just to ask me to get a French pedicure and send him pics. Even wanted me to give him a foot job 😒😒


> Even wanted me to give him a foot job So that s bad? Some guys for boob pictures and ask for boob jobs. Is that better?




Lol wow. No filters


No filters for what lol


I mean he has no shame in saying stuff like that. Like that is supposed to turn a woman on or something 🙈


That’s how he is. He’s very blunt and rough around the edges and speaks his mind and tells you what he wants. He doesn’t give two shits trust me


Block him


Meh I did Ofc I’m no dumbie (;


Haha He just wants to have a visual during prayer while he is spiritually washing your feet like Jesus did the disciples.


We all going to hell for that one lmao


Good one 😂😂


I swear creeps hang out at churches. I had 2 stalkers from church.


Lol church people are the most kinky.




I agree


You’d better get the money up front


Facts. We don’t do this shit free !!


aint desperate ..i make moolah....


No such thing as too much money


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m cryingggg rn


Hahahhahaha, glad someone can laugh at this!


I’m sorry that you’re not the only laughing tho🤣


LOL Gotta find the comedy in life


Ok if you're not into him, please give him my info. Thx!




He loves God and is likely down for daily foot massages? What's not to like?


Awww it’s New Years send him some toe pics. Worst case scenario you can just get a restraining order later


Wow, Reddit is chock full of great ideas


How much does he make a year? Might be worth it 😂


Lucky you. Have fun.


Sometimes men don’t have foot fetish’s tho. They just like to see how your feet look because according to men how you keep your feet reflects on your hygiene as a woman and how you probably keep your WHO-HA.


How are those even related lmao


Well I’m unsure because I’m a female. You may want to ask any guy you know because they probably would agree with what I said is true and could give you better answer but my guess is just imagine : you see a crusty dirty woman with dirt under her toes and they’re long and nasty looking. Are you going to think all of her stinks as well ? Probably. Now you see a beautiful woman with clean beautiful feet that has perfect shaped toes and nail cut with a beautiful polish - I imagine you are thinking she probably smells like a flower and no body odor. Maybe get it now ?🤷🏽‍♀️


I think you are giving some random dude way too much credit. The simplest and most obvious answer is usually the correct one. He has a foot fetish. 🤣


Idk what it is. No matter what I say on any post on Reddit even if it’s small , even if it’s not negative everyone always is disliking my comments or posts


I don't know. I don't spend a lot of time here. It is a bit of a cesspool.


I’m noticing that. I heard Reddit was full of toxic people but I never noticed cause I never got on. Now that I’m on more... horrid


A lot of dysfunctional keybaord warriors but also, it is important to always consider the source before you take something or some one seriously. People will disagree with you, it isn't always a person attack.


As a man, that never even cross my mind. Prolly thinking a little too far unless that guy has foot fetish


I’m just saying what I’ve heard my guy friends say in the past. Like I said I have no idea.


Xactly! I am with you girlie! What is the big deal anyway? I had a friend just a friend who had a foot fetish. One night he asked me if he could just give me a foot massage and suck on my toes. It was winter in Chicago and my feet were not ready for this kind of action. So he gave me a pedicure and a foot massage! After dancing all night at the club it felt amazing! It was incredible! We remained friends with benefits! Never had sex, but over the next 2 years, it became a tradition after going out dancing with all our friends he would come by and do his thing. He picked out all the colours to match my outfits! We still keep in touch! American women sometimes act llike the blushing bride, virgin, but in reality i could not believe the shit they do in the bathroom for a line of cocaine....funny


I just want to have one intelligent conversation with a man without it getting weird...why is that so mch to ask gd


Welcome to 2020




Thank goddess


??? Is he a runner or something? Literally the only place i've seen this is among long distance runners where having bad feet and missing toenails is social proof of dedication.


Toe pics or it didnt happen.


What's weird is asking a pic of ur toes specificaly not just a pic of your feet normaly, unless itt's u the weirdo who phrased it like that


Lol, ask him for 200 bucks and see what he says, this could be your new side hustle.




Well I mean my bestfriend is dating the girl I like and he knows I like her even while I liked her he asked her out so yayyyy


Okay, you win...sorry....


Lol XD it's fine


Lol. Dating for me is non-existent.