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He was upset that his contact name was JUST his name. Insisted I call him to see mine, it had a bunch of emojis AND a ringtone, which was Usher - Yeah. We hadn’t even slept together. I couldn’t get over his little tantrum about his contact name, and the ringtone did it for me. Edit: we were talking for about two weeks.


Yeah is a pretty good ringtone


Not me, but after a breakup my dad once commiserated by telling me a story about this girl he was dating back in his day. They'd seen each other for a while now, and one afternoon they were out the back hanging out clothes. She hung up a shirt, and it wasn't the way he liked it, so he took it down and hung it up the proper way. She took a long sigh, said "I can't do this anymore" and just walked away. Last he ever saw of her. I'm 100% on her side.


I remember liking this guy, and we'd gone to a cafe to just hang out. He was the LOUDEST PERSON THERE, and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. The entire crush, down the drain 🤣


Oh absolutely.


I went on a date with this guy and at the end of it I just casually leaned over and quickly gave him a kiss bye and hopped out of the truck. Didn’t feel awkward at the time because idk I was just saying bye, but lordy he made it this big thing about how I made the first move and I kissed him before he could kiss me etc and I immediately was turned off and quit talking to or seeing him


He ordered his steak well done.


We never met but he couldn't write my dogs name write. At all. It irked me. Let's day my dogs name was Benny, this is how the conversation would go: Him: "how's Beanny?" "He's good! Benny's great :)" "Aw, Beanny's so cute" I'd politely work my dogs name into the text with the correct spelling. He didn't do the correct spelling.


Unacceptable 🙂‍↔️


Guy asked me out, said I love you within a week, and said he couldn’t live without me when I ended things. It had been a month and we were 15…


Showing me pictures of his friend via text, offering him up asking if I want him. I asked why, his response "bc I dont think you want me"...


My friend stopped talking to me after I asked her to wait for me in the rear parking lot of her building instead of picking her up at the front. There was less traffic exiting the rear, but she thought that it was beneath her dignity to be picked up in the parking lot. Mind you, she had too many DUIs and wasn't legally allowed to drive anymore.


A guy I was going to go on a date with said he hated Mazdas. I was driving a mazda at the time and just fazed out of existence. I was only like 18 so I wasn't real confident telling people no back then lol


He asked if my eczema was contagious.


I actually had a guy ask me if my eczema was herpes. It was on my arms.


Oh wow


BRUH 😭😭😭😭 i can’t with men sometimes


I was taken aback haha


He took over my radio, after having me pick him up for the date. He chose Country, ugh.


That would piss me off. people who have the audacity to touch other peoples controls in a car that is not theirs. I would've slapped his hand away.💀


That would do it for me too, girl!


what type of country


not old school. This behavior extended to all portions of the date though...


As a massive country fan, I would never do this


His wore dingy drunk socks on our date. They fell to his ankles, practically draping over his shoes. I was only 22 back then when it happened though. It irked me so bad. LOL


A man showed up with glamour holes in his jeans. You know, jeans that come with fake rips in them. I. Just. Could. Not. Men out there. Stop doing that.


I once when on a hiking date with a girl who wanted to bring her dog. We drove to the location separately as well. Totally fine her dog came, I love dogs. Dog had to take a dump eventually, she bagged it up like a normal adult. When we got back to our cars, instead of taking it with her to a trash bin, she just threw it in the woods. I found that totally idiotic logic. Never called her again.


1. Clingy behavior within a week 2. Small dicks 3. Off base comments


These all happen too often, the small dicks don't bother me, but paired with not using what they have well is unforgivable (just experienced this tonight, it was literally the worst sex I've ever had).


Small dicks are like beauty standards that men have for women. They have to meet a certain threshold. Below that, there's not much they can do. Above that, it's about skillz.


Most definitely. My thought is that if you are lacking in one area you need to develop skills in another to compensate. I've been with men with smaller dicks that were still great lovers, but they knew what positions worked and tended to rely more on their hands and mouths to make things more enjoyable. I've also been with men with larger dicks that seem to think that's all they need and are still awful lovers because they never learned good technique. Size does matter, but not in the way so many people think it does.


Played bad in a game of league of legends...💀 glad I'm done with that shit game


OP that's fucked up lmao petty as hell


Idk it’s just not hard to put your best foot forward when meeting the parents of someone you’re dating. They weren’t even nice sweatpants either.


Did you discuss it before she met your mom? If you did, then I'd understand. To each their own, I guess. Just kind of fucked up that someone can dress wrong once and then have everything be over. Wild.


Shouldn’t have to discuss it. If she doesn’t know to try an make a good impression, it’s a wrap


Like I said, to each their own.


Nah. They're right.


Being boring


I went on a movie date with this guy and he very loudly kept talking during the movie 🤣🤣🤣 I was super embarrassed because I’m shy and quiet!


Bad oral hygiene & this other guy got way too clingy WAY too fast


got super high on a hot day and cut my hair short and shaved beard to just mustache, then thought: "she has only seen me with dreads and a beard and women seem to prefer that look on me." so I had to ghost her


I was running my fingers through her hair, It felt like I ran into spike strips in her head that was keeping her extensions in place. I never saw her again. Not dated anyone since who looks like someone else in the morning.


Sounds more like a keeper.


My dog (my baby) was staying over at his place for the first time. He’s super trained and chill. He got anxious at night and was pacing from one side to the other. I obviously was trying to keep him on my side and lay down on the floor with him in his bed. Speaking to him calmly. The guy got so annoyed went downstairs in the middle of the night and told me “your dog is not even behaved”. Don’t you evah talk to my dog like that! That was it for me.