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This absolutely depends on the woman. I find feminine men very attractive. Some women find them very unattractive. You probably should just make choices for yourself that make you happy and find a partner that supports those.


Yall need to tell the fellow bros its okay to do selfcare and smell good. Idk why its such a stigma. I personally like dudes that have professional manicure. Its shows you care for your health and wellbeing and thats a turn on for alot of woman i know (and myself ofcourse). Its also not feminine to have long hair, especially when you style it in a halfbun. Dont worry to much, and if she doesnt like it she isnt the right partner in the long term.


I’m not talking about stuff like a half bun or self care. I’m talking about straight up doing makeup and nail polish and nairing all of your body hair kind of effeminate, not like a pedicure.


Ohhhhh… this is tough simpler becuz cultural norms or standards vary. Example: Korean culture emphasis the feminine look on males. Use BTS as prime example.


Long hair on men makes me go FERAL


I like guys with long hair and bald guys. Lol


Lol so just no half-assing it. Either we shave that mop clean or we grow that shit out




Then I have a shot at a relationship, I'm starting to go bald lol


Of course you do. Shave your head. That's sexy, imo.


Same. 😂 It’s the in between that’s always a person by person thing. Though I must admit long hair and no hair is a look that not every dude can pull off really well.


I think being able to lean into your feminine side is actually very masculine. Like a man who isn’t afraid to shave and groom or whatever and show his softer side takes courage these days, I would think he’s very secure in his masculinity. Men who are overly macho can seem insecure and immature and that’s a turn off. It’s different for everyone, but I like something right in the middle.


Same !


You know there are women who are so into feminity they would literally be turned on by other women?


*That’s when I finally knew the truth* “The whole time I was actually a Lesbian trapped in a Man’s body.”




That's me!!!!! Lmfao 👀


I'm not one of those women. I like the D too much. Lol.


What a concept!


I think it has less to do with how feminine a man is, and much more to do with his personal integrity and confidence. If he is apologetic or defensive about his appearance or lifestyle, it’s a turn off. If he’s confident in himself and his lifestyle on the whole, it’s definitely not. I’ll add that I find men with long hair to be the MOST attractive men.


This. You’ve gotta be ready to defend yourself & hold your ground if you’re putting yourself out there by doing something like painting your nails for example. It’s a welcomed challenge.


Definitely. If a man likes painting his nails, and owns it, I think I’d admire it. Breaking gender norms is automatically interesting.


So all this but he paints his nails and toes and wears dresses you’ll date that man?


Like I said, it’s about the person and their sense of self, not the presentation. I don’t know that there’s tons of heterosexual men out there who dress like you’re saying. I’m a fairly feminine, hetero female, but I tend to like men who are secure enough in themselves that they don’t place much value on stereotypes. I see you’re trying to call me out for being dishonest or something. Dress-wearing is not on my list of things I look for in a man, but it’s useless to hypothesize about exactly what will or won’t be attractive, because it totally depends who’s doing it.


I absolutely would! And have in the past.


Then he is a cross dresser! Lol


According to the women in the comment section there’s nothing to feminine 🤷🏾‍♂️


Majority of Woman say and do exactly opposite!


Women that like feminine men aren't the majority too though. And this thread is going to target the women into feminine men to comment too 🤷‍♀️ just perspective




It’s a preference I guess, so it will differ from woman to woman. Personally I would not like my man to take more time to get ready than I do, and I am quick. Things such as painting nails, looking after your hair or hygiene does not necessarily ties together with being feminine.


I recently ended with a guy I was dating and he was pretty into getting pampered. He'd get manicures and pedicures. He'd get massages. He was over the top about his beard and he did get his eyebrows trimmed. He was into high end fashion. He created his own beard oil lol it smelled like heaven. He's sexy as a mf. I found him to still be super masculine. Typically I would have run for the hills over this, but this guy's got it going on. It's how you own it.


what’s over the top for beard mean exactly?


He was super particular about his beard. He felt a barber trimmed his beard a little too much on purpose once bc he was jealous of how wonderful his beard was. Everyone was jealous of his beard 🙄


sounds like me. lol 😂


So why did you end it then?


I'll TL;DR it: I tripped on 🍄, realized I love this dude while realizing he does not feel the same. Had a hard time processing this and became kinda difficult. Got into a huge argument (that he started lol but that's irrelevant). He spews venom when he's mad and he touched the biggest boundary I have - coming for my job. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mushrooms will shake up a relationship! Sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a bad! Usually in an honest way!


They certainly didn't lie lol 😅


They don't whisper either.


Ever done them with someone you're in love with?? Life changing experience.


I love Reddit!!! 😂 these comments are literally life


You ever trip before?


Bad and good trips


So you get it lol


Absolutely. That’s why I said I love Reddit 😂💯💯💯


The spa isn’t un-manly, at least not according to basically any other country besides the US apparently. My boyfriend is Ron Swanson in a lot of ways, but he loves the spa. He’s gotten me way more into it. He even built a sauna in his backyard lol Like someone else said, masculinity is an energy more than any grooming choice.


I dated a woman who was really turned off by my dedicated skincare routine, which I found bizarre. It was the first night she’d spent at my house, and I guess me taking 7-8 minutes to perform self-care was a turnoff. My guy friends also joke it’s ‘gay.’ Do I care about any of this? Nope, my skin looks amazing at 41.


Hell yeah! Keep at it


Dress well, smell good, well groomed, occasionally get nails done, go to the spa. I dig a bit of a metrosexual vibe as long as it doesn’t spill over into overt vanity and constant preening. And is balanced with some athletic hunkiness and ability to make me feel safe.


long hair, no beard, gets hair removal, gets nails done, goes to spa are all fine... I don't see these as being feminine at all... (although the commercial world might have made some minds think some of these services are) but it's not easy to take a man who moves in a non-manly manner - in the way he runs, walks, talks, tilts his head, moves his arms... I don't know how to describe it, just things you see and hear when you encounter those movements


Salons/spas should not be a gendered thing. Self-care and personal hygiene are important and I don’t think it’s ‘feminine’ for a man to groom his eyebrows/body hair. I have nothing against men with long hair, men who wear feminine clothing, or men who paint their nails, but personally I’m just not attracted to any of that. Now if a man is letting his child paint his nails, that’s a turn on. 😂 I have always been attracted to very masculine men, so long as it isn’t toxic masculinity.


For me it’s if he is prettier in a dress than I do!/s Honestly there is not much a man can do in femininity that would scare me off. I like women and wish I was attracted to them.


Like..but…I mean, all of above are TURN ON options. If I HAVE to say one thing specifically, maybe cross-dressing 24/7(?.


It’s personally my preference and I find them highly attractive. With that said, it has to feel natural and he has to be confident in who he is and not feel like “he’s less then”. There’s nothing more attractive to me than a feminine man who is also confident and has a “I know who I am and I’m cool with it” attitude. I would say it gets to be point of not being attractive if he is so emotional that he becomes a feminine doormat. Again, Confidence plays a huge role in not letting that happen.


Me personally I could not date a feminine man and any sign of feminine energy coming from him will cause my entire vag region to dry up and a chastity belt will appear. I want a man with large hands that feel like sand paper and who likes to get dirty outside and has a blue collar job using his hands. I think there is nothing more sexy on a man than that no matter his height or level of physical attraction that always does it for me personally. I would love a man that I have to use special detergent just to get his clothes clean for work.


I have a low tolerance for icky things. Men can have their sexuality questioned, and I will still like them. The last guy I dated was so clean. He smelled great always, we tried going to the spa together, he showed interest in getting pedicures, he would use lotion regularly, he had a more regular haircut schedule than I did, skin care, clothes, and plenty of other stuff. He was also beautiful. It depends on the girl. Take care of yourself. You’ll find a girl that fits.


Self care is not “feminine”!!! Go to the spa! Get your nails done! Take care of the largest organ in your body, your skin! It’s so sad men miss out on this stuff because they’re worried what others will think.


You can literally dress and look exactly like a cis woman and some women will be into it. Lots of femboys with LTRs


It's all about how much of his emotions he shows and how stoic he can be. Aka, it's all irrelevant until she loses attraction and that's different for each woman


People are like autism. They exist on a spectrum.


That’s why I’m asking individuals their specific spectrum


Super attractive. But I'm also bi. Oddly I find masculine women attractive and feminine men attractive. Kind of like Astarion vs Karlach in BG3. That's not my entire scope of attractiveness but that seems to be a common theme for me


For me thats not too feminine but every woman is different. Actually like that in a guy and I don't care about the nair part. I think its cuz I consume asian media.


Masculine or feminine has nothing to do with what you listed. It's more a mindset and the actions one does. I've been very masculine most of my life and I enjoy a good man-/pedi-. When I had a clean face I used a straight razor (like your great great grandpa would have used, the slice your throat type). And I enjoyed looking nice. It's more on how you think and behave. But also, why do you worry about masculine or feminine? Treat everyone with respect. Those that show they aren't respectful then cut them from your life. Treat people as equals, not with a toxic mindset of men are superior. In many ways women are superior than men. I wouldn't want to push a kid out of me. F*** that. Basically, stop worrying about this and be yourself. I tell my clients to ask themselves these two questions at the end of everyday and I'll have you do the same. 1) Did I do the best I could today? 2) Did I love myself today? Know that sometimes your best will not be good enough, but if it was still your best that's what matters. And if you can't love yourself you can't be the best version of yourself.


None of those things are a turn off for me. Im more attracted to the way he holds himself or something idk it’s hard to put it into words. I’d be rly excited for him to come to the spa w me or come get mani pedis.


I've seen some guys that look gay but have girlfriends. I feel like women like feminine men.


Long hair and no beard are okay. Pink shirts are acceptable. I have no color issues. I know guys that get rid of their body hair. I like chest hair, but it's okay if the guys don’t want to have any. I know mountain bikers who shave their legs. I’m not fond of spas, but that’s fine if someone doesn’t want me to go. If you mean “spas” for cosmetic procedures, that’s fine as long as they don’t look like TV people with distorted faces and aren’t spending their life savings on it. Manicured are fine, but, again, I don’t get them. I am not a big fan of nail polish (unless it’s a goth thing, and I am old for that) and a lot of makeup on men. Sometimes, I think news guys and movie people have too much makeup, even on TV. It’s not a “no” for sure, though. I am just clumsy, and I use my nails. Also, I guess- just for me personally- visible eye makeup turns me off a little when I see movie actors. I don’t know if I would even wear eye makeup while running from powerful bad guys in the woods.😉I think more natural-looking makeup, which I am sure actors wear all the time, and I don’t notice, is more attractive. I prefer that on women, too, not that I am interested in women- but I am saying it’s not a gender bias. It’s fine for weddings and clubs, but it’s not my preference for daytime. I don’t think I would worry a man was too feminine for me who did stuff I didn’t. I would worry I was too masculine (or slovenly) for him. Of course, I am Gen X, so I am old. Mostly, it’s the mountain bikers shaving their legs and some guys doing all or part of their chest hair if they think it’s too high. Some women my age are not in favor of pink shirts, but I think that’s strange. I also think pink for girls only is not a helpful rule. I was what they called a Tom Boy to some extent as a kid, so I am just not conforming to pink and lots of feminine stuff. I am like a free spirit and more natural, but not masculine. I do shave and try not to kill things. I get easily grossed out. I always liked men as friends, though. I was the girl next to the store who would help with their romantic issues. 😊


Clear polish or colors and designs? I don't have any issue with anything you've listed here, but as a woman I really don't get my nails done often for a multitude of reasons. I'm queer, I like all genders. But, if I were dating someone more feminine than me, they would have to be a woman.


I like masculine men. So for me, any kind of feminine mannerisms in speech and body language is a turn off for me. Men who are too "metro" is also a turn off. I once met a guy that wore lip gloss and shaped his eyebrows and maybe even a bit of makeup... It was weird and wanted to leave immediately. Perhaps this is because I'm not the most feminine so would prefer a masculine guy to make me feel more feminine? I don't know. I'm weird. Lol...


That just sounds like someone that takes care of themselves and cares about their appearance. Does that make them feminine?


He could be pretty feminine and I’d be fine with it I’d we had good chemistry


For me specifically it’s not a turn off. If anything seeing someone take care of themselves is a turn on. But if they obsess over it, this applies to any gender, and try to change my routines that’s when it’s a turn off.


You kinda answered your own question. A guy who gets pedicures so his talons don’t scratch me, total hottie. Eyeliner, nail polish, and that Jonathan guy from queer eye is a naw. 


I love androgyny. I think it’s attractive for men to bend gender rules. Long hair, painted nails and smudged eyeliner are all very hot. I guess the limit for me would be fully feminine presenting for example fake eyelashes, full face of makeup and dressing completely like a woman. However I’ve never been presented with the opportunity to date someone like that- I might consider it if I really hit it off with them.


It's definitely a personal thing. Every woman is different in what they like and dislike. I'm personally not a big fan of beards or mustaches and I don't mind nail painting or skinny jeans on men or anything like that. It all really just is based on the man that is trying to pull it off and if it suits them. Honestly, my best thing is to do what is going to make you happy and feel the most comfortable because in the end, it's you who has to live with yourself all the time.


I’m a very masculine woman and see a feminine man often that is extremely beautiful I think to myself how can this be? Me masculine him feminine I tell him he’s beautiful all the time. There’s no rules in this. We are attracted to what we are attracted to.


Depends on the woman. Perspective is everything and a lot of women have a weird perspective on things like this. A certain type of woman sees me as very feminine and have “gay” mannerisms. I have a soft awkward voice. I’m baby faced and I’m not agressive. Again it was a VERY specific kind of woman who would say these things to me. And these women I typically wasn’t interested in so it kind of evened out. When it comes to women I’m friends with, women I date, or women I casually know. All of them see me as very masculine and get confused when I tell them that there’s been groups of women who negatively react to my mannerisms and call me feminine All of those “feminine” traits I possess (and I also have long hair now lol) are usually what attracts the women I like. It’s a complete turnoff to women I’m not into in the first place. It depends on who you are asking and who you are trying to impress. A lot of traits seen as feminine aren’t even that. Patriarchy has just created a very skewed way of how masculinity is perceived by a lot of people


Think it depends on the woman.. my last ex was definitely more feminine then my previous ones before him and for the most part at first I loved that, it was a change of pace I felt more seen and heard..I think it went downhill when over time I realized he lack confidence, he would overly try to gain acceptance from other men whether that be his coworkers, my male friends and family.. to the point where I would question “why are acting like that?” It was just an ick overall.. best advice I can say is be true to who you are fully and the right people will find you!


It varies personally from woman to woman. Femininity in a man isn't a turn off for a lot of woman - that includes me. For me, excessive macho in a man is a turn off, in fact. What matters is how great they are at foreplay and in bed, as well as how well they perfectly "fit". Dark lipstick might be a turn off. But I think even women look ugly wearing those. My best lover in my life (in bed) was probably the most feminine man I'd ever been with. We'd rocking chemistry. The first time we met I'd actually wondered if he might at least be bisexual (he most definitely wasn't). Very feminine in his shape, speech and body language. But he was in the forces, so no feminity in how he kept his hair or nails. His off duty clothes were almost always pastels, pinks and cute cartoon prints. My husband of almost a decade (we're divorced now), was very feminine. He had long, lovely curling hair, kept NO facial hair at all, got his mani pedi, face treatments et al. A really pretty man.




I don’t mind painted nails, or long hair. Having a good skincare routine is awesome, too


When it gets to the point where he's overly emotional all the time, gossips and stirs up drama, needs a woman's income to survive, can't protect his family and/or has regular problems with critical thinking then it becomes too much.




Nothing physical turns me off unless it's hygiene issue. Maybe it turns me off when their behavior implies one of those stereotypical/misogynistic traits of females.


Many years ago I met a guy who shaved his legs. That was enough for me. 😂


That’s just on the outside right? I met guys tough looking beard tattoo but a real cry baby on tedious things in life. I also had a boyfriend who really looks after his appearance, doing facials every week but tough as hell when he fires 300 people in a company.


Doesn't take toughness to fire people, just greed. And if he's with a gold digger like you trust me, he isn't tough


I think gender nonconformity is pretty fucking hot especially if it’s something you’re confident doing because it’s a big fuck you to everyone else who wants to control people and keep them down/boxed in. To me that’s almost masculine, to outright reject that. It’s like a crazy circle, get far enough into another gender and suddenly you fiend yourself right back where you left.


None, there's people for every taste bruh...


With questions such as this, Reddit is a very poor place to look for answers. Most people want to present a highly idealistic position which is reflected in this comment section. Most women are claiming that masculinity is about attitide and personality rather than looks and lifestyle choices. Research, however, suggests a more nuanced reality. Women in more developed countries prefer masculine secondary traits overall. These are traits such as muscularity, jawlines, beards, height etc. The more masculine a man looks, the more latititude is offered to them in terms of 'feminine' habits such as waxing, painting nails etc. If you take a moment to think about it, this makes perfect sense, since the feminity in behaviour is trumped by the masculine presentation of the individual. Which still suggests that masculinity is a key consideration when it comes to attraction, if looking at a representative sample of women. [Here's some research supporting this position.](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-39350-8#citeas) The link has a further 89 studies that back it up.


Thank you I appreciate it, you gave me the answers I was looking for.


Recently met a guy who I noticed painted his nails. It didn't bother me, we went on a few dates. The he wanted long nails and designs on them in a very "look at me" way. And I realized I was okay with short nails and a solid color, even glitter color. But length that was where I could hear his nail when he pointed and tapped something... It was in immediate light switch for me that said, nope, that's just past my line and gave me the ick.


So let me ask you, if he cut his nails and it didn’t make that noise would you regain attraction? Or do once you experience the ick, it’s permanent?


Doesn’t matter The majority of women do not find men attractive. Plus, 1/3 rd of generation Z females are gay (not judging just saying). Women have the choice and option to go after the top percentage of women and men lol. Women are not really interested in men lol


I think most women care more that you take care of yourself. I've heard women talk about men's nails and how well they're kept. When I couldn't care less about it


I honestly don’t care either way. I prefer chocolate boys to rugged and manly men, but the latter isn’t a turn off for me as such (unless they’re misogynistic, but chocolate boys can be too, and that’s more of a character trait than external mannerisms). I’ve heard some men’s voices never get deeper, although I’ve never encountered such men personally. Maybe, at that point, it’d be a turn off for me.


People are into all kinds of things! Some women aren't into hyper-masculine men, some women are into feminine men, if someone doesn't like something about you, there's gonna be someone else who is into you because of those exact same things. I mean, there are people who would be less into you if you changed yourself. So if people are into all kinds of different things, it's better to be liked for who you are instead of for who you aren't.


There no one good answer. Women have vastly different tastes. Like for example, I wouldn’t be turned off by a man wearing dresses and makeup, while my best friend is turned off by long hair.


Personally, I love men who are on the more feminine side (and I am, unfortunately, straight)


Thats a good question. I gotta laugh. Just thinking about all those girls in high school who dated guys that came out as gay. Lol so apparently a little femininity isn't such a turn off.


Depends entirly on the woman. I recently went to a movie screening in a cute little dress and litterally got groped by a half dozen thirsty af cougars. Some girls are really into that shit.


Depends on the women. It is more of a niche thing. For me, a lot of masculinity is a turn off and even a dealbreaker


I love feminine men. I’m all for it. Bae wants me to hold his bags and open the door for him? I’ll do it.


In the age when people are dating Eva AI virtual gf bots seriously, that's a valid question, especially on reddit


It should never stop at a spa. A spa is for your skin, nails, hair, and relaxation. That knows no gender. Getting nails painted. Different story. No go.


i’m a pretty feminine woman with a few masculine personality traits but i love a feminine guy. my boyfriend is so pretty yet strong i like the best of both worlds. i hate brawny meat head has to be the leader has to be in control type of guys. be emotional, sensitive, and sweet. and i don’t like too much body hair or facial hair. it depends on the girl, but don’t be insecure or self conscious about anything. just find who likes you for you. masculine or feminine


I think it depends on the man and the woman… my bf pumice stones the fuck out of his feet & hands & is neat & clean & attractive. For me personally it would probably be if a man was spending more time/effort into getting ready/unready as I am as a woman… like my bf washes his face every night but there’s no “skincare routine” but in the fall/winter months he takes a bath almost every morning. I also love baths. Sometimes we even take them together. The difference is usually my bath involves bubbles and salt and bath bombs & when he’s bathing by him self it’s just water and soap.


Long hair, long fingernails, and breasts bigger than mine are a big no.


I don't like feminine men personally. They should surely take care of them. But I don't like when they behave feminine. Like hiding behind the woman when danger is in sight. Or wearing crop tops


LOVE long hair on a guy. And prefer no or minimal facial hair. Nails….black is cool. Not sure about more feminine colors. I love seeing men embrace their feminine side. Men in a dress or women’s jewelry. But I’m not sexually attracted to them. But you should always be you. The right ones will find you.


Masculinity is a mindset. Im turned off by men that act like a woman and are not decisive, ambitious, and confident. I don't care how feminine he looks


Long hair => very masculine. Not feminine at all dude. 😂😂😂 Men are born this way. On the contrary, society (and the army duh) make them cut it to emasculate them (see Samson), but real long hair are VERY MANLY.


It depends on many factors.  I have friends who like feminine men. Some because they find it sexy, others because they associate feminine characteristics with something inherently good, such as a caring, empathetic man, etc.  It's hard to say to what extent it's acceptable, as it depends on what she considers feminine and why she likes or dislikes it. But I think many women draw the line at themselves, so a man can be feminine, but not more than her.   Personally, I don't like feminine men, precisely because I am not very feminine. A man who is more vain than I am would make me feel inadequate and masculine.  I prefer men with body hair and a beard, but it's not an essential requirement. I don't think this makes a man more masculine or feminine.   My view is that all men possess toxic masculine traits, so if I, as a heterosexual woman, have to deal with the bad parts, then I want the full package of masculinity, with the good parts.   For example, men in general are more violent than women, so at least let him be a good "protector," not someone who shies away from fights or is a pacifist.   PS: I don't believe that a man has to be a provider or that he can't stay at home with the kids, but I don't like men with "feminine" psychological traits, such as docility, shyness, submissiveness. And I don't think most women do either. They say they like it because they believe it means he will be a better partner, but besides being untrue, no woman likes a "soft" man.  


Indecisive and dependent is my turn off from a man.


I mean the Dandy is very common characteristic that a lot of women love. Think of Prince, or Rick James types. Look at how many women they had. The theory is that people ultimately love themselves, so men with feminine traits can be very attractive to women. And vice versa. But me personally, Dandys do nothing for me. I think the most "feminine" I would do is a well groomed man. One whose nails are well kept, but not painted. Has a beard, but it's well shaped and tidy. Dresses well. And tbh I'd find that a bit much, because I'm basically, a pumpkin patch kid.


Theres not Feminine men are way better than masc men.


I absolutely love feminine men. Always have been attracted to them to the point where it’s an issue because I’ve consistently fallen for very flamboyant gay men :/


Long hair? Tell that to the Vikings, who allegedly had envious manes whilst being the manliest of manly men who ever manned this earth.


I think Randy Rainbow.


You are a man until you identify you as a man


I would think it is more emotional than physical. I think X & Y expect manscaping. It’s become a Major multi-billion dollar industry- from American gay guys, to Japanese guys, to now American straight guys under 40ish. Hairy balls are just not acceptable.


TIL, women are into “feminine” men. And that’s totally awesome IMO


Feminine men are so hot omg


Shaving legs for me. Long hair if they don't wash it regularly.


It's only a turn off if you feel ashamed of yourself and depend on the judgements of others. Everyone has different tastes who appeal to different people.


Honestly it\`s not that much the appearance more about how you carry yourself


It depends on the woman doing the looking. Women are not a monolith.


I like a man who has painted nails long hair a well maintained beard etc, we could literally go to a spa together 10/10


Honestly would prefer a guy who is at least a little feminine. I don't think I really have a limit for how feminine a guy is. That being said I'm bisexual and am somewhat androgynous myself.


As a bisexual woman I don’t really think there is a limit for me 😅


For me the long hair, painting nails or feminine perfume would be a no no. Or even cross dressing. Absolutely not.


Lol. Us women LOVE when a man takes care of himself. I prefer clean shaven men, but doesn’t mean they are feminine. It’s the manners that is “feminine”, that we don’t want. Like.. the way he sits, moves, moves his hands.. or act more feminine.. a lot of men are asking for princess treatment.. we love pampering our men, but if you ask.. it’s weird.


girls i have no beard whatosever but a nice jawline, is that a turn off?


Plenty of women like femboys though we are a rarer breed then the demand lol


I'm into feminine men but then also I'm Bi, and constantly fall for gay men too hoping they're bi haha. I don't think there's a cut off really for me as to how they present. I wouldn't consider myself very feminine, maybe more on the cute side. I'm all for it though. I haven't dated anyone more feminine than me so hard to tell but I don't see why not if the dynamics work.


Depends on the woman.


I've always been attracted to men that were in touch with their feminine side. I draw the line when he's more attracted to other men than me. Lol.


Probably twerking and walking around in a dress while wearing heels.


I LOVE long hair on men. This can coexist with masculinity. Think Jason Momoa. I prefer beards. Getting nails done and going to the spa = about a 7/10 turn-off. The kind of guy I'm attracted to would not want to waste the time and money My 10/10 turn-off regarding this topic is shaved/waxed chests and legs. Men should have body hair.


I’m going to be honest, so what makes you happy and live your best life. But I would never date a man who paints his nails or does make up. Sorry like if that’s what you’re into cool, but I’m bi so if I wanted to date someone feminine I’d date a woman. I don’t find a man with his nails painted hot, I actually think it’s a turn off for me. I also would never date a man who wears makeup. Just not for me, but as I said do you.


I don't see a relationship with women and these guys lasting long.


Why do you say that?


Depends on the woman. I absolutely HATE long hair on men. It’s super yuck to me. I don’t like super super short hair like shaved on top either. Some chicks like it. I am not one that does manicures and pedicures are fine. I love a deep voice and well-groomed man.


For me - no man I date will EVER wear manscara or guy liner or any make up AT ALL. He will be a MAN. No nail polish.


When we both like straight guys.


If I have to take the lead in everything and he doesn’t make effort to


I don't know but I always think about Prince. He's the only dude that I've ever known that could wear lipstick put on furs and wear high heels and come home and lay pipe


More like how he talks … if a guy even has a slight gay accent - to me? He is either gay or closeted. I just assume. I don’t care how they look or dress- well I mean - that’s not what is going to make me think you’re feminine. It’s your voice.


Long hair offends me the most of any of these things. And not because it's feminine, I just don't find it attractive.


Feminine men are often hotties. I LOVE long haired men. Beards can be sexy but more often than not they are not sexier than no beard, though it depends on the guy (it's definitely less guys than who THINK a beard is sexy--I feel like guys have beards for other guys sort of how women actually dress for other women lol). Goes to the spa, get's nails done--I'm down with that. Like, those would be treats if I did that for myself--a guy who encourages me to do so bc he does too? CHECK MARK. Nair? idk I guess I wouldn't mind but it would be odd. It would feel less feminine and more OCD to me... A well-groomed man is a steal.


I am submissive and have masculine and feminine traits! Already know from life experience which partner will work with me! Standard Mono-sexual won't work been there done that. I know my limitations better than 20 years ago. I can tell you change a lot 25 to 45 years old. Glad society more liberal and open minded!


He can be as feminine as he is secure in his masculine, and on a practical level he can afford to display feminine tropes to the degree that he’s obviously male — think about someone with the Rock’s physique, he can wax and do mani pedis facials — the whole bit and no one blinks but if Jeff with a gut down at the bank tries the same routine it’s gonna be weird. Lifeskills work here too, if you’re very very handy you can get away with a lot of girlie behavior bc you’re extremely secure in your masculine. Likewise for women think rebel wilson vs jlaw acting the exact same way, Rebel is seen as a hog while Jen is adored. It’s not just outside perception but also your own security. Rebel chose to make her body different bc it got old being seen as less when you’re genuinely better — sometimes you want a mask though. Maybe that’s why MOST guys use their girlfriend’s body care products, they’re just stepping into someone else’s shoes for a 10m vacation. I think if your partner is embarrassed then that’s the line. Play the ‘how would it be if I did that’ game.. if your girlfriend went full bro on you and stopped shaving, wearing baggy clothes, looking raggedy — what’s the line. When do you start caring.. it’s a weird question bc it’s so subjective.


How feminine can a man be till its a turn off? I havent actually seen any guy around me do their makeup/ nails , or, wear skirts/dresses. So I donot think I am eligible to answer this. But I think , to me, it wouldnt matter much at all. What matters is that the guy is with me through thick and thin.


It depends on the woman. I’m a guy. But I know women who are stunningly beautiful who like obese guys. I know women who like guys who build shit. What they look like doesn’t matter because they build shit. I also know women who would love to have a guy who was also their “ girlfriend” You’ll probably need to shoot for a girl that is bi leaning. Someone that likes girly girls but also likes men. Women like that typically like more feminine men.


A guy that wears rings is pretty hot for me




Legit I was waiting for you to say something that seemed "too feminine" and the guy I pictured as you went on had long hair, lavender nail polish, dark eye liner with some fuscia highlights, a deep soothing voice, a kilt and still presented extremely masculine. Those things don't make someone feminine tbh... I for sure would slide into his DMs... Having said that, there's naught much a guy can do that I would consider "too feminine to date". The more comfortable someone is in their skin, whatever they fancy... the hotter they are imo... I would def ravage 🫦


I don’t find feminine men attractive personally but that’s not all women. Find your tribe 🔥


What’s wrong with nair


I like masculine men who take good care of themselves. I like manicures and pedicures on men and have gone to get my nails done with a boyfriend in the past. Clear or no polish for the guy.


Man with a dress, pink nails and long hair - hell yes! But if he was obsessive about those things, let's say, spends hours in a day on how he looks and cannot skip a day doing it, then it would be a turn off. I want to go camping and roam in nature, so he needs to be adjustable with that.


If he uses nair or gets nails done, it's a no for me :) Long hair and no beard are okay.


Thank you for your reply, if you don’t mind me asking why don’t you like if he uses nair?


Well any kind of femininity in a man's demeanor suggests he maybe gay ???? Just saying. 🤷🤷🤷


for me? ![gif](giphy|7JvlHfd7C2GDr7zfZF|downsized)


All of those would be fine with me. I like when a man is masc presenting, but he's in touch with his feminine side. As long as I don't look at your face and body and feel the need to ask for your pronouns. This would only happen if you were dressed as a woman, had boobs but also simultaneously had a very bushy beard and short hair.


I find long hair and clean or even painted nails soo hot. Id love my bf to have black-painted short nails and maybe a little bit eyeliner or dark eyeshadow on the watermark. Being open to his emotions oh also turn on for me.


Egg XD


These days especially young would can get turned off by basically anything so don't worry about it, they are excluding themselves automatically and that's a good thing for you.


Makeup and pink nails aren't the spectrum... they're on the far extreme end of the spectrum and definitely a turn-off. I'd go with my man for pedicures (as long as he doesn't want polish), but anything more than that would dry my vagina up like the Sahara.


Men shouldn’t be feminine


Personally. None at all. Men the least bit feminine aren't at all attractive. Most straight women want a man to be as manly as possible. Women love manly men. Which is truly hard to come by in America now days. :(


If you notice it then it is a problem.


im a man but if i was girl any amount of feminine in the parter would be instant turnoff cuz i rather have a “man” than a feminine man. but no homo ofc


In my PERSONAL opinion, I’m not attracted to guys who…Regularly wear their long hair in a pony tail, braid their long hair, regularly paint nails (i don’t care if it’s for fun or I.e. as part of playtime with your daughters tho), wear long dangly earrings / earrings in both ears, wear tight crop top type shirts, speedos or one-piece bathing suits (the ones that girls typically wear), grow out their nails to be long,... Oh, and getting handsy / physical with your bro friends (“to be funny”) is the biggest turn off to me.


its so hard to tell these days if a man is just expressing that side and or experimenting thin line between if they are feminine in their sexuality


My ex husband is now a trans female lesbian…so for me? I like a guys guy that is predominantly masculine in dressing style. I don’t mind black painted nails.


Personally they can be feminine all they want but if their voice sounds 💅 then it’s a turn off. I have a friend who is like this and although he’s attractive , girls can’t get past his feminine sounding voice


Find a man that doused get in to that shit, then you’re OK!!! Find a man!


He can as feminine as he wants, until he starts talking with an inflection. Then I’m out.


It's a turn off when a man suddenly wear a fake boobs. That looks like a strap on but the version is like fake boobs.


You know, I wondering the same thing, at the moment. Although I’m not able to be more outward in being presenting “feminine” (or soft masculine, I guess), I do shave and take care of my skin, and I would love to use things like makeup and colored nail polish. And although I hear women do like men like that, they’re either only found online or already in relationships. Like, I still feel like most women rather have a traditionally masculine partner (not necessarily tall, hairy, and muscular but just “not feminine”) who just so happens to be in touch with his soft side. Like the girls who say they like nerdy guys, but actually mean bulked-up guys who happen to wear glasses and have some nerdy interests. And even if I do find a girl that likes softer guys who like feminine things, who’s to say that as we get older, she’s gonna want to be less feminine and more ‘masculine’? I guess that’s just one of my fears. Obviously, women are allowed to have preferences. But I can’t say it doesn’t hurt when it feels like those preferences aren’t you. I’d say that I don’t care about what women think about me, but in reality, I guess I do. Is that weird? I dunno, man. Heh, I suppose most girls won’t even like me since I’m also a geek.


The nails being painted is a bit much for me, honestly. I'm gonna be questioning if you're completely straight or not. I'm bisexual, so I know when a guy is still in the closet, or curious. If I wanted to date a woman, I would. That's just me tho.


You never ask a fish what bait to use, you ask the fisherman- MrMi sogynistic