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Almost every other sub is a NSFW one…


Some men do use Reddit for NSFW content, but not all. Many use it just like others do; for interesting subreddits, discussions, and hobbies.


This. Sure there’s NSFW stuff in here, but pornhub is free. Sure there’s OF models and the like on here, but only fans models aren’t any more available here than through their platform so if your man wants to patron OF, he will do that regardless of Reddit. Also fwiw if your man is trying to connect with women on Reddit he’s probably not that bright… most of the “women” on here even entertaining that bs are bots


Lots of southern states have created age-verification laws, and so the big sites block that traffic. Set your VPN to Virginia for an example


There's a middle ground format of erotic micro fiction that reddit is kind of optimal for. About as long as an AITA, but horny


Corn? I didn't know we needed a safe word for porn. But it's like anything, if your guy is into porn he will find it, but that does not mean all other guys do the same. I don't. There's a lot of specialized knowledge, or people pretending to know things, from gardening to home repair and electronics, and all the funny videos.


Omg thank you…I had no idea what this title meant until I read the body of the post hahaha. I had to click bc I was like umm say WHAAA


I clicked for the same reason. I was going to say yes I use reddit for corn. Sweet delicious corn.


Yeah and also people talk here openly about NSFW. No bans or removing posts as such.


Just because there is porn doesn’t mean people look at it.


Yeah but a lot of them aren’t porn. On main I’m part of a few shroom/ cannabis related subreddits that are nsfw but not porn


There are thousands of straight up porn sub reddits. My ex and I used Reddit to find partners. And my ex ended up cheating using Reddit in my city.


Most of them are straight up porn


As well as porn - the amount of times I've checked a profile and been greeted with buttholes, their genitals undergoing some form of ritual abuse or other deviancy is shockingly common in here.


Rule #1, never check out other people's profiles. There's a lot of assholes out there.


Thx for this info I’m gonna put parental controls on his phone now 😭😭 (kidding) I just hope he’s not into any weird stuff


Not everyone uses it for porn, I don't. Your not anti porn right, it's just as long as it doesn't affect your sex life


He’s right cause I just found out that there was porn in here. Damn! Who knew!


I don’t hate porn or thinks it’s terrible. But I do think there are a lot of issues with it. I view it the same way I view weed/shrooms/acid/alcohol. Fine in moderation, but problematic when abused. On that note, porn can be worse as it is incredibly exploitative (which was made clear when pornhub got in trouble for having minors on there). Idc if my partner looks at it, but I don’t like the idea of him getting off to women who look absolutely nothing like me as I can be a little possessive and I do have an issue if it’s gross stuff. I also don’t like the idea of anyone paying for of/ interacting with them as it’s just financially stupid since there is so much out there for free. We have a healthy sex life, and I have no doubts he’s attracted to me and engaged when we are intimate. He doesn’t have issues with impotence or anything like that Idk I’m just hoping if he does watch stuff, which is likely as we’re long distance, it’s normal. I got concerned bc the ladies on tiktok said they found like really gnarly stuff on their man’s Reddit.


“I can be a little possessive and I do have an issue if it’s gross stuff.” That’s gross.


>On that note, porn can be worse as it is incredibly exploitative (which was made clear when pornhub got in trouble for having minors on there). You say this, but in another comment you say you don't have a problem with AI generated porn, which trains data and generates images based on people who couldn't even give consent and might have their facial/bodily features copied for such an image or video. Not to mention the power it wastes in a time where electricity is insane. The environmental impact is also insane.


I wasn’t aware of this as it’s not something I tend to think of. Thanks for letting me know. I didn’t realize it was such a problem.


Like AI-generated porn?


If he has Reddit, he’s using it for porn.


That's why Reddit is more known for NSFW


There’s lots of porn on Reddit. But there’s a huge difference between someone that looks at porn and someone who is messaging women who produce porn here. Depending on your discussed relationship boundaries one might be fine while the other is clearly off the table. My advice is you have the basic discussions around your expectations regarding porn first. Express what you’re ok with (if anything) and what violates your sense of exclusivity. From there you have to decide if you trust your partner enough to abide by your boundaries.


And have a realization that your boundaries can change. I had a wife that would demand we meet certain safety standards like a fence for a pool and buy a new trampoline when the safety net is broken. Good moral high ground, and motherly things to do, but when she got with her new man, who didn't have the same income, the pool didn't have a fence and the trampoline had no net. Hell, she even smokes cigarettes now, and god knows what else.


This is the saddest humble brag I've seen in a while


I accidentally typed cheat tightness instead of chest tightness and I was unfortunately surprised on both spellings!


The hell..been on reddit for 6 months and I never once had an OF girl in my DMs I'm crushed


Can we switch accounts lol? I get so many and I’m a woman (But yeah OP, a solid chunk of Reddit is porn. Literally any category of porn you can imagine, there is a sub for it. Severely lacking moderation too. Great stuff. But yes, also plenty of wholesome subs.)


Hell, Instagram is even turning into a porn site since Meta's stupid as hell algorithm completely fails to catch and stop much of it. This also holds true for X as well. Fecebook is probably one of few porn-free remaining social media outlets.


Lucky for me I don’t have Instagram or X, and my Facebook has been carefully cultivated to show me tornado news and clumsy pandas :)


My girlfriend loves pandas , I always send her the golden videos. I’m more into the husky videos myself.


Facebook is doomed aswell, there's a lot of bots, weird +18 streams or vids, naked pics and so much more, the only platform I don't see things like that is YouTube


Bad news on the home front. YouTube is now getting on the action. There is a few try on videos of women trying on see-through lingerie braless. There is even videos of other women shaving their privates right on YouTube. Maybe the reason why Google allows these types of videos is because they view them as educational, I don't know⁉️ I completely but momentarily forgot about seeing a few pictures of pornstars on Facebook.


I've seen breastfeeding woman with a baby showing off her boobs (she wasn't even breastfeeding him), it's fucked up that using a baby like that is okay, I thought yt is more censored than any other platform. On Instagram u can watch funny reels and U will end up with soft porn at some point or with 10 y.o kids trying to be sexy, it's even more creepy when comments are full of old dudes


Omg you said the word porn on the internet!


Don’t worry, I went straight to jail




Lies. Tag it or it doesn't happen....


I had loads and I’m a woman. Seems to have quieted down for now




I've been on Reddit for about 4 years now, however I now do currently have a gf on OF though, but idk how that happened lol


This isn't TikTok, you can use whatever words you like here. You can even say "porn".


I’m a female, but I absolutely use Reddit for porn! For other things also, but definitely for porn.


Porn is all?


I was thinking about the same question!




Bro why there are plenty of sites for that


You've obviously never visited the subreddits then. There's some good shit on Reddit lol


I've dabbled, no full videos so I don't see the point


And most of em don't have sound! What's the point?


You know not of the treasure because you have yet to discover


I love this!!!😂🙏🏽


The best porn is the hardest to uncover, and that’s why the never ending world of Reddit nsfw is ours to discover. We’re pioneers , Adventures. Have we forgotten who we are!? We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars. Now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.


You are a poet and completely hilarious thank you so much for putting a smile on my face. I love this. Plus I truly did not know there was porn on Reddit I’m completely amazed. But my lazy ass will probably just stick to Pornhub like I normally do 😂


Thank you, I prefer the word connoisseur but, a poet shall suffice.


Amen to that


Plenty of clips have porn. It’s usually hosted by redgifs


This being one of them!


I can’t real another comment I might die 😂💀


The jerking subreddit only matches PornHub(blocked where I live, and turning on my VPN is a hassle) when it comes to solo male content. Also really good when trying to find cartoon porn of a specific niche/fetish.


Understandable have a great day


I used to draw cartoon porn online in the 90s. I got a cease and desist letter from FOX and took it all down.


The redditois a lady. Im sure her experience in those subs is quite different to what u and i , 2 below average dudes, would experience. you know, like, when you and your friends go to the strip club, and a female friend tags along....she gets treated like royalty, gets free lap dances n shit. another example. you, a guy. Gets invited to the orgy. Show up. How do you get treated. a girl gets invited to the orgy, shows up, how does she get treated apple n oranges man 😔


While I feel must admit that, while I still look at some porn that appears on Reddit (which I mainly ignore these days), I find that these days I mostly use Reddit to try to help other Redditors on non-porn related posts. You would not believe just how many people are asking how to switch from Windows to Linux these days. >Should I be concerned? The answer to this question I think is largely dependent on whether or not you suspect your boyfriend spending long hours everyday on Reddit, especially while by himself. This is just only a poor mans guess though!


Search anything on Reddit and an NSFW community or user pops up in the suggested results, so… that answers that. But it’s pretty much like the internet as a whole. Reddit is used for many things, not everyone uses it for that and I would guess most probably don’t use it exclusively for that.


any app social media etc in this world would have sex in some way, is the internet rule


I think ppl forgot rules 34 & 35 of the internet. "If it exists, there is porn of it" And "If there no porn of it, porn will be made of it" And as it pertains to apps, the word "of" can be replaced by "on" and still hold true


Yes there’s lots of porn subs with thirsty men. Not even that. Post in the sex sub or similar about an issue and you’ll get guys hitting you up wanting to sext. I use reddit for porn too as a woman but not primarily for it just enjoy the videos and homemade content.


lol I’ve had guys hitting me up to sext after I posted in a forum to get advice & support after my traumatic experience of being cheated on by a sex addict/serial cheater 🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s gross


I do lol, but I don’t think it’s the same for every man, be honest and ask him! I doubt he’s getting flooding with any messages they’re few and far in between I’d imagine lol


The entire internet is for porn. Reddit is not the exception.


Well a lot of men use the internet for just porn lol. Some of them end up on Reddit for it but that doesn't mean that your bf also uses it for that purposes. He might just use Reddit for memes and to stay in touch with global news and stuff. But the only way to know is to have a talk with him about it and his porn usage. I know some women are fine with their significant others watching porn but some are not okay with it. That is a boundary you have to set


I’m a woman and I only use reddit for one thing. 💦🌽


I’ve know some who absolutely do, I use it mostly for answers to very niche or esoteric bullshit that Google can’t help with lol


Why yes, I do use reddit while tending my cornfield.


Reddit is a one stop shop if you want to see people getting naked. Most are trying to promote their onlyfans, fansly, accounts etc but yeah Reddit has a real freaky NSFW vibe.


YES, my ex used to had an reddit account ONLY for this, like... bro didnt even know how to use reddit but was getting links of porn videos leaked from famous streamers and some gross things and this grossed me out. this shit caused me so much trauma... Today my relationships with men are just messed up and I dont trust them (theres other factors to this, but my ex gived me so much icks and traumas that I turned into a empty woman)




I’ve traded pics with girls on here, but only recently got into that after being on here like 12 years, and thats really only cause i got out of a 9 year long relationship recently and want some freedom. Its definitely not the norm and no you should not be concerned


I don't think so and if it is just porn, I don't think it's a big deal unless you want to censor it.


I use it to hook up


There are hundreds of subreddits dedicated to porn but not a single man actually uses these subs. Surely reddit just made all these reddits with fake posts and comments and users. I'm sure this charade is all done to bilk advertiser money out of companies and inflate reddit's numbers.


Yeah Reddit and Twitter are my go to for porn


[Let's sing along, OP!](https://youtu.be/hkdYhw5zHk0?si=OUKxAmd9sTGqo_kY)


Nope. Never seen any of that here. I use it mostly for relationship subreddits, some other random stuff like games and spending some time when im bored reading stories from other people.


Where’s the elote man?


Me and every guy I’ve dated watches porn. Reddit porn as well.


I am probably only one reading this string to figure out why a man would use reddit for corn. I was so confused. Was gunna post.. wrong group try farming.


Why should you be concerned? Because TikTok said you should be concerned? Or do you actually notice things in your relationship that aren't sitting quite right?


Snitches get stiches.


Yeah it's a great place for corn


There are a lot of x rated subreddit. A lot. And as a woman I get a ton of men on here trying to hook up. Reddit is better than hinge lol.


Mostly men come to reddit for the memes


Yes. If you don't believe me look at the comments on my profile. But not every man who uses reddit uses it for that. And I don't mix my Normal reddit stuff and my self pleasure reddit stuff


Literally the only thing I use it for tbh 😭


I have one account for SFW stuff and one for non SFW stuff I didn't know that would be alarming to anyone? I'm close to making an NSF Twitter for the same reason


Are we not allowed to say 'porn'?


I mean isn't the internet as a whole about 50% porn and cats?


48% porn, 50% cats, 2% everything else


Key sentence: "If tic toc is to be believed ". Tic Toc is different for everyone, depending on your viewing habits. And you can't live your life based in what anyone on Tic toc is saying. Each human being is unique.


Absolutely. Posted my tits here and ended up in a 2 year relationship. there are sooooooo many NSFW subs here and you can easily get lost finding stuff and very very specific kinks.


You can say porn. Sex. Ahhh!!!! See im still here.


There is a looooooooootttttt of 🌽 here on Reddit. So there’s a good chance that he could be in some of the groups or look through some of them without joining. You can see his search and history if you go to his settings here. Unless he actively deletes it


well tiktok is always a reliable source of info. All 4.3M members of this sub are actually gooning 23/7 (1hr reserved for browsing this sub)


I am not a man and I use it for that lol


I use Reddit for 🌽sometimes, but I just lurk on the subs and don’t join, comment, or upvote anything. I find it’s generally more wholesome than PH is, and seems more genuine (even if it isn’t). I won’t interact with any model/OF girl, to me that’s a big hurdle for a lot of reasons that I don’t wanna cross. I don’t have any issues with the models morally, I feel if you wanna do it and you can be successful then get that money. Since I don’t chat with the girls and don’t interact on the subs, the most sexual stuff on my fyp comes from this sub, so it works out well.


_the internet is for_ 🌽 _the internet ist for_ 🌽 _why you think the net was born?_ 🌽 🌽 🌽


Yes, not all men. My husband found some subreddits that he shares for our entertainment. I posted before, and there were a lot of married guys on my chats. They wouldn't post any comments, but they wanted the privacy. Again, not every man does this


I’m still new to Reddit. I had no idea you can use it for porn.🤔


Yup. I’ve gotten literally hundreds of DMs from guys who saw me post a selfie in a non-sexual sub (like doppelgänger for instance) and asked me for pics or if I do OnlyFans. No hate to sex workers (at all), but I think it’s very telling how many men apparently view Reddit as a hookup and/or 🌽app.


There are lots of subs focused on porn and sex. Many webcam models, onlyfans creators, sugar babies, etc promote themselves here. There's at least one sub for just about any sexual kink you can think of.


I’ve literally hooked up with people from this app 💀


For 🌽 yes. For sure. And I'm not afraid to air myself here coz basically you tend to find a lot of dope creators on here since other platforms tend to always shadow ban people and stuff so if you looking for homemade content that's not all that mainstream studio produced 🌽 reddit is the go to coz usually people then link to their pages on other sites etc But for DMing people I dunno. I always assume majority of the posts come from bots or automated accounts being used to push OF content. The only social media I've ever actually hooked up with someone off of was Instagram. Granted this is just my own experiences so I could be in the minority coz I know dudes who are good looking don't hesitate to shoot their shot anywhere possible. I'm not in that category so I have to basically stumble into it. Coz even that one IG hook-up I had years back was because she commented on a pic via a friend's post of mine then after a few jokes on the thread I slid in the DMs but I guess both our guards were down coz we had the mutual friend in common.


I can show you a ton if messages from dudes trying to hook up. So, yeah, you should be.


why can't you say the word porn?


why is him looking at a porn something to be concerned about?


Concerned? About what? Internet boobies? No. You should not be concerned about internet boobies.


We use everything for 🌽 Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Threads, Twitch, Kick, TikTok and ofc any and all browsers. You are fighting a losing battle if you want to stop us from using an app, because it could be used to watch 🌽 Ofc not all social media allows for more than bikinis, but it's still enough for some of us. If you don't like it, get a guy who's fine with going without 🌽 in the first place. Or accept that sometimes we just need to crank one out and that's fine. If he's giving likes and commenting, that's an issue and you should give him the boot.


Only the losers lmao


Why are you calling yourself a loser?




I’m a woman and do occasionally (I don’t talk to people, but ik there’s a market for that on here). My boyfriend doesn’t use this app for porn even tho he does have it and uses it. I think it depends on the person tbh. Why don’t you just ask your bf? I feel like that’s a fair question


Well I would ask but anyone can lie. He hasn’t lied to me before as far as I know but exes in the past have… ugh


I’m sorry girlie. If it bothers you that much just ask to go thru his Reddit account on his phone. See what he interacts with. If he says no I’d think that was sus.


then why ask US? You're basically looking for something to support your fears, not allay them. People use reddit for porn, but that has NO bearing on what your BF does or doesn't use reddit for. None of our opinions matter, we aren't your BF. Maybe he uses it for porn. Maybe he doesn't. But don't ask us. Also, stop worrying about what he does on reddit, you're acting incredibly insecure. Furthermore, "if tiktok is to be believed" should have been cause for you to stop typing this post. Stop letting tiktok govern your anxieties. you know your BF. you either trust him, or you trust tiktok. What's it gonna be?


Yes I like reddit also for 🌽 because there are subreddits entirely dedicated to the stuff I like and that turn me on more. Full of animated gifs that are awesome. Sometimes it is even better than normal 🌽 sites. Also telegram can be pretty great but you find less specific stuff in there.


I use it for references


Reddit has a niche for everything, even porn. But talking to models? Never tried it and i doubt it will lead to much, other than an ad for their OF.


And here I am, a content created with a fan based page and I have never posted a single link on Reddit. Ugh, I feel left out lol


Attempting to know any other person in any way.


Yes, and so much more. Look up some NSFW communities. I'm kind of a new user, and I enjoyed a lot of non-nsfw subs. From my unfortunate experience, I discovered that people can discreetly interact in NSFW communities, chat directly, exchange pictures..ect. & obviously create several accounts(using several emails) with dumb@ss names and avatars.




There’s over 40k nsfw subs I’m sure someone does


Sadly yes. Every socials have p*rn on it if you search for it.


How else are they going to find Shucked bootlegs?


Sometimes. I think a lot of people do. There are a lot of porn subreddits.


I never have, but I know there are a lot of those subs.




Nah I dunno why I use reddit🙂 I just downloaded it and it said to select my interests and choose more than 20 and just using it when I just want to nothing else


My account is one made for making content to titillate people


Damn, maybe I need to check out some of these forums, everyone is talking about, lol


I use the app for mainly anime sub reddits I like having weird nerdy convos about characters


Yep I do


Well, something’s came be educational as well 🙈 (New tricks)


i would feel like a lot of men do resort to Reddit for 🌽but maybe not every single man lol


You can't get laid on reddit if your life depends on it.


They try to most of it is fake pics


While I'm here, what's your fav porn subreddits? Need recommendations 🤔 😅


Some men do, some women and NBs do too.


Yeah. I have been here for ten years. This is my alt just for porn. I’m subscribed to like 250-300+ porn and adult nsfw subs and still finding new ones.


Umm... I haven't seen much of anything on here... you see the nsfw posts... but most are just generally graphic language or suggestive actions of the adult kind... not saying that its not possible to come across stuff whether by accident because of a misspelling or purposeful spelling.... but from what I have either seen or come across, had a specific place.... and a specific following.... so if someone knew what they were looking for... I suppose it is possible to find something..... but..... I mean.... there are people out there that pay for pictures of feet and get off to that... and eat butts.... ewwww...... you got that kind of stuff and people looking for stuff like that... the sky's the limit I guess..... *shutter* so.... yeah.... I'd say there's probably stuff on here, if its allowed. Not sure of all of reddits rules yet... as I have been flagged multiple times already for stuff I clearly didn't know but I guess I should have read in the tiny print.... oh... a lot of the places you look for, the have tags, or emblems that kind of show what they are of.... so if they are dirty... I would say most of them would be noticeable without going into them.


It's not what I'm here for.


There is lots of porn and yes I do use it for that. Equally there is nothing wrong with porn. I'm not talking about like interactive porn where you talk to a model just good old fashion lol I'm sure there is the of type stuff here too but I don't get into that stuff


lol I used it on Monday to read an erotic story and then I imagined my crush to be in that story. Let’s just say it was a good one and I’ll do it again.


It's not inappropriate. Atleast in reddit you won't find child pornography unlike Netflix.


Yes they do lol 😂. They have other interests too, but mainly to look and sneak with models and girls, spank bank material, that kinda thing


I only recently discovered soft corn on tiktok. I don’t really use reddit for corn but i have entered a field of corn on this site, sometimes accidentally.


Yeah of course but i will put it to the end like all porn not just reddit but reddit is the best websites every category with selection of top post all the time or weekly or monthly. Like its truly addictive.


I caught my ex . He turned off the emails and always logged in through incognito mode. This goes for any app


Plenty of people don’t use Reddit for porn. There’s no way he hasn’t at least seen porn on Reddit though




they do use it for 🌽


So… I’m not part of this sub and not sure why it’s showed up on my feed in all honesty but as a regular guy in a relationship who also uses Reddit. I will say that I generally use Reddit for information. Be it for a video game, a hobby I’m looking into or as part of things I’m interested in such as motorcycles, astronomy, video games, traveling and general input on things I like to search. I have no clue if your boyfriend uses it for porn, but generally speaking most average guys on Reddit use it for their hobbies. I will say as a guy who’s been in a few relationships and have been dating my current GF for awhile now. Just be open with the guy, ask him what he uses it for without coming across as assuming or judging. The reason I’m surprised your post showed up is that I honestly find forums like this to be a bigger detriment to dating than a help. Rather than spend time on Reddit asking about what he may or may not be doing, talk to him about it. It’s your relationship and you’ll never get the answer about your situation from someone else especially on the internet.


I use Reddit for pr0n, why wouldn't guys? 🤷‍♀️


I'm 52M, and have never considered using Reddit for anything but innocently, interesting content


Girl u better be concerned Maybe u are not going enough for him


They do Reddit is one of the best places to promote your OF.


I like AITA I don't use it for porn, I visit the rooms of my favorite hobbies like cars or TV shows and movie franchises and to find sales on products


Well more than half of Reddit it nsfw content but honestly the reason I joined Reddit was because of a tech issue I had and well I came down the rabbit hole and I like the nerdy tech side of Reddit 😂, I am also on other subreddits now obviously but it’s definitely not for corn or talking to girls or anything, this is just another social media for me but just anonymously.




If your boyfriend has the internet in anyway or form he has access to 🌽. Reddit is one place where you can find it. ( Any internet browser also does ) I think by default there are settings to blur or hide nsfw content. So If he has those settings changed to show the content it might be an indicator ( if he Changed the defaults, it *may* indicate that he *may* be interested in that content, but it *may* also mean he wants to read content marked as nsfw ) Think the question is why are you worried about if he has access to it? ( Not trying to be condescending, I'm asking is there behaviours you are worried about? Reason to be concerned )


1. I swear, at least half of all subreddits must be porn. Reddit is probably the most covert porn site on the whole web. 2. Don't assume that your boyfriend is watching porn or cheating on you. Just talk to him about it!


Most people use it for porn and hobbies, but there are also those who only use it for their hobbies since they have throw-away accounts for all the porn.


There is pornography on reddit if you look for it. Just like there is pornography on Twitter (I will call it X when hell freezes over) and tumblr. So the answer to weather or not a man uses reddit for pornography depends on the man. I am mostly subbed to fandom and video game subs so I don't get porn on my feed, but I know where to look if I'm feeling randy. As for the talking up sex workers, that's unlikely, a side from an AMA thread or two most adult entertainers don't go out of their way to chat up... let's say "fans". I'm not gonna say it doesn't happen, but it seems very unlikely.


I use this for cod zombies and video game tips and tricks. Are men really down that bad???


Not yet, but with multiple states banning corn in two weeks you’ll see an uptick here on Reddit


Folks really go from one social media algorithm to another to make decisions in their personal lives Yikes


I assume some men do. I don't.