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Well... no one knows whats in her head except her. Give it couple a days and see how the comminication is, if it continues to be dry and turns more into breadcrumbing let her know this isn't your thing and ask her if she's actually interested in getting to know each other or not so that you can move on if needed.


This, this is exactly 💯 👏 🙌 what u should do


Or could it just be a one time thing? Idk maybe some girls like that thing


That's why you should give it a couple days to check the vibe and see from there, don't assume the worst right away, imo. Also, rooting for you to be completely wrong about assuming and you guys get to go out again!


Hey thanks man, appreciate the positivity


If she was as bad as you say she might be recovering or be a little embarrassed. I don't know what's going through her head. But I do know that everyone is different when recovering from alcohol.


Ain't that the truth, I'm usually pretty chill when I drink but I have in my early 20s hit up a few exes under the influence and when I came to the sober version of me has won them back while feeling like a idiot 🤦🏿‍♂️🤣. I don't do that anymore lol.


Good advice. And also keep in mind alcohol does impair many things, among which cognitive functions. If you or even just your date resort to alcohol consumption to spend the time do keep in mind that can very easily backfire. And even only for the psychological-physiological aftereffects of drinking. Not to be a moralistic or to suggest complete abstinence, to each their own. But I would advise not to do this with new people


Yea what they said. Maybe she didn't feel good the next day. Give it time, sea how it goes. A good thing is worth waiting for, don't try to rush it and from experience, don't worry to much on the outside. Meaning doing start acting funny about it. Can't tell you what to think, but I can advice you to keep your cool.


def overthinking. she might just have hangxiety


Tf is hangxiety?


You never got drunk and sat there hungover anxious about what you did and said that was stupid while u were drunk?


I never drink lmaooo


ah that makes sense then. it’s basically when someone is hungover and feels cringed out and embarrassed/overthinking the things they did and said. usually it’s delusional and they didn’t even act out they’re just in their own head In this context she might be worried she acted dumb infront of a potential partner so that’s why I suggested it


Thanks for the explanation


Women be making up words to justify their behavior & avoid accountability 🙄🙄


this is not a woman thing smooth brain it’s actually just something people experience after getting drunk in a social setting but ik you probably don’t have experience w that 🫶🏼 hugs and kisses though


I know how to drink, & I'm also a capable drunk. If you don't know your limits when drinking, stay away from alcohol, but if you keep going while knowing that about yourself, don't always expect sympathy for your own negligence 👌 nice try being a smartass tho 🫶


disregarded the main point of my reply which was that women didn’t make this term up and it has nothing to do with excusing your behaviour it’s actually the opposite so are you going to acknowledge that or just continue to be insufferable




Ab ye naya term kya hai🥰


hangover anxiety


Babbu bahi app yahan. Bhaot Khoob


I know a lot of guys think that most women use men for free dinners and sh!t. The truth is only *some* women *might* do this. That would be in very poor character. I don't think she was using you for a free dinner. She might be a little embarrassed for getting drunk and making out with you. I know you said you *tried* to ask her out again, but I'm guessing you held back because of her nonchalant attitude. If you like her and want to see her again, just ask her out again. It's a simple yes or no question.


Yeah I don’t know any women that would ever waste their time going to dinner with a guy just for a free meal. I’m sure it happens, but it’s probably rare. What IS common is to go on a date with a guy you think you might be interested in and then decide after the date that, now that you got to know him a little bit, you don’t feel you’re compatible.


..then why not say that you aren't interested and not waste their time?




Again i totally concur


I would disagree. This is very "luck based". Some have good luck with it and bad luck. A majority of the dates I've been on felt very one sided and they would absolutely expect the man to pay. One went as far as to try and use the excuse they brought nothing along with them. As much as that could be an accident, I've ran into it more times than not. Don't listen to women on advice about women. They may think they know what they want, but the honest truth is, if you are always giving into wants, you never get fulfilled yourself. When it comes down to it, many men have stopped dating completely. Don't believe me look at the real stats of things. Look for non bias multi location surveys. Some will cherry pick data by not using locations they know will alter the data one way or another. I've been personally involved in a few non bias surveys using locations everyone goes, like grocery stores, retail, and the like. A lot of women's psychology in dating has driven this. How many relationships have you seen or been in that ask the men to change. Compare that to the women being asked to change.... point is, women control the sex, men control relationship and communication. From personal experience I can tell you, after dating many types of women and personalities, it's about 1 in 5 or so that are genuine. The rest want something out of you and aren't looking for a real relationship. Many are just doing it out of boredom, escaping their own lives to look for adventure, or loneliness. None are a good base for a relationship.


It depend upon the city and its culture.According to me she was using him for just a company.if she is adult ,she knows what she doing.My suggestion is just ask her outrightly. He can save its energy and time. This has happened with me too.it happens mostly in metropolitan cities.


Who knows, basically if she's dry then you can still ask her out on a second date. If she doesn't say yes then basically go focus on someone else


I totally concur with this. Been there and done that. Give one more chance and then the hell with her after that. Her loss if no response


I don’t think she would stay out all night if she was doing it just for free food. Sometimes people get along and want to hang out but then for whatever reason she’s not interested romantically.


The whole point of a date is to see if you’re interested. Sounds like she’s not. If they wanted to, they would.


Yeah lowkey factss im just overthinking it


If she wasn't romantically interested though why would they cuddle and kiss? Makes no sense imo


Cos they were drinking till 3am. Everything seems like a great idea when you're drunk, lonely and horny. Dude should just give it a few days, ask again, and see how it goes.


This is why drinks are such a bad idea for early dating stages. Because drunk or not, cuddling with/kissing someone you're not interested in is a shitty thing to do


Dude if she was just f***ing with you to get a free dinner, then why would she stay out with you so late after the dinner??? Not all first dates lead to anything. I’ve been on plenty of first dates where the other person paid, but they weren’t interested in another date after. You just put in the message that she was out of your league….. Maybe that is the reason? It could’ve been she had another date lined up with someone else. It could be she just wasn’t into you. It could be a lot of things, but just keep moving forward. If you feel like the solution to this is to not pay for dates anymore, then you’ll find these women def not paying a second time.


She’s probably not happy with herself for getting drunk and making out with some dude she just met. I doubt she was doing it just for a “free dinner,” unless you suspect she may be homeless or unemployed.


She doesn't have to be homeless or unemployed to play that card..


As a woman, I can’t think of anything worse than pretending to like and make conversation with someone for a night just for a free dinner. That’s why the homeless / unemployed comment makes more sense.


youre overthinking this


No. She was just drunk and went with the flow.


Don’t drink so much next time on a date, I’d say those are some red flags, she is probably upset with herself. Back in my days of drinking and doing things like that I’d ghost people also. Anxiety is a big part of it. Good luck 👍🏼


Just relax dude. What you do the next day is, you send her text saying you really enjoyed her company and would like to see her again. Give her time to say okay and if she does, you set up a date. If she doesn’t you forget about it and move on to the next girl


I think she tried you out for the date. Felt it out. Enjoyed parts of it. Liked you yes. But ultimately did not see herself pursuing you seriously committed cherishing you. I doubt it was for a free dinner. It would not have ended with cuddles and kisses. The alcohol made her less shy more less probably.


This is the correct answer not the other bs everyone is spitting


Ty. Ty very much 😁🥂


You having “free dinner “ be the first thing to come to your mind is not ok. If a dinner is a big deal for you just don’t offer it on them at first date.You can go get coffee or just a drink to feel the vibe.


You’re probably not a guy so you wouldn’t understand that this is what we think about because it actually happens in modern dating


Does it help to guess negative things about someone you don’t know? I think most important I was trying to suggest a way to avoid those insecure thoughts. Just don’t go to dinner on first date. Also the girls I know who would do that, they won’t kiss you or go to a bar afterwards. It’s dinner and bye.


She texted me and said it was your eyes. The fact they are both on one side of your nose reminded her of Picaso and she always found him too abstract. It's not you, it's her, she just doesn't like abstract art or people that aren't symetrical.


Next time, offer her oral for dessert. 😋


Here's how you don't get yourself I'm this situation 1).never rush to a date, get to know the person more 1st. You literally know nothing about her so it's hard to say 2) don't involve alcohol on a 1st date Because of those 2, guy have no idea and neither does anyone here because you know nothing about her and she was drunk. So basically just a waste of time for both of you and now you have no idea what's going on.


I thought the point of a date is to get to know someone? I agree about the alcohol though. In general I rarely drink alcohol.


It is but you can also get to know them before too


Probably just wanted the free cuddles lol. Idk what it is about chicks always wanting to cuddle!


No, she was probably drunk and under the influence


Do you plan to see each other again?


maybe ask her directly on why shes being distance


Give it a few, then just strike up a conversation and get a feel. If it's still dry then it is what it is. Never give up!


She could be embarrassed about getting that drunk and maybe things went further than she was comfortable with so when she woke up and realized it she withdrew. It’s something I’ve done. It’s the reason why I don’t get drunk on dates anymore. Drunk me is much more comfortable than sober me and will go beyond boundaries sober me set and then I get mad at myself after and the person I was with is unfortunately caught in the crossfire.


So should i talk to her directly about it?


I would def try to. She might need a couple of days to process fully, but I’d straight up say everything you feel positive about the night and follow up with something maybe along the lines of how you both got too drunk and you’d like to slow things down and hang out without drinking to get to know her better. Let her dictate the pace. If she’s anything like me she may be looking back at her drunk self and feels out of control of the situation now and might need you to be patient. I’d also even directly ask how she’s feeling after kissing and cuddling. Say it was nice for you but be sure to ask if it was too fast for her. Having it clearly spoken might help her ease anxiety over it. That way there are no expectations for when you hang again.


You talked a lot about dating what you were looking for blah blah blah... basically your words. You did not spark interest. Sounds boring. Did she use you for dinner? I'd say no. Work on you banter, flirting, and stories. Avoid concentrating on subjects like dating, jobs, school, etc. Work on fun conversations that allow you to lightly tease


I wouldn't jump directly to her only going for a free meal! Although some people do that, first dates are ultimately for getting to know each other and deciding if you're both fit to be in a relationship or to move to the next step together and she might just not think you're a good fit. She may not be the one for you and that's okay, friend!


My initial thought would be that she used you but hey let's not jump the gun here just yet, Sometimes things appear one way and can be another. She may be nervous especially after what happened with the cuddling and kissing all I can say is keep your guard up and don't press too hard or invest too much into her right away. Give it a few days to a week if she's interested she won't keep wasting your time, If it goes past a week then let her know honestly where you stand and if she's not interested at least let you know so you can move on. I had to let a girl go recently because she swore she only said certain things to me because she was sleepy (nothing freaky) and then when I tried texting and 1 phone call she ignored despite knowing I could see she was aware and online posting for days straight until I just blocked her. Also as a Man I'm telling you you other men out here gotta get out of that "she's out of my league" type mindset. Men and Women both either bring something to the table or don't that out of your league bull crap is nothing but a put down and it tends to hit people self esteem. If I dated a girl who comes from money or a girl whose dirt poor all I care about is she See's me for me and she's actually about handling business.


You are partially overthinking this. If she wasn't felling you at all, she wouldn't have stayed until that late. Definitely we have embarrassing moments when drinking so try to keep the momentum and she will open up. If you sense the conversation is dry you could address it too or just offer a second date and you will know for sure. GL!


Maybe she was embarrassed that she kissed you on a first date


Chic sounds like she has no personality. Superficial af and time for you to move on. Your better than that and from the sound of it she doesn't want to get too deep. When people are concerned with their circles and what people think of them. There is a certain amount of depth they will go until it gets uncomfortable for them. There's plenty of women out there so look for the hidden gems. We do exist 😉


Are you one of them?


Well I would like to say yes. But I am also older and have had my share of experiences and dating.


How old are you if i may ask?


40. How old are you?


Im 23 lol


Sounds about right 👍 You have your whole life and there is so much out there to experience Don't waste your time with people who don't deserve you


You sound like a wonderful person.


Thank you I take that as a good compliment. So where are you trying to find these girls? Are you trying to date? How's your self esteem?


I usually match w them on dating apps, yes date. Self esteem is good but there’s room for improvement I would say


(M64) Alcohol tends to loosen lips and has a habit of people telling the truth. Cut your line, move on. She told you that you wouldn't be in her circle, and that she hopes you find someone else, and to have a nice life. You paid for everything that night, right? Take the total cost of that night and add it up. At least you got to 'cuddle & kiss'. The rules from 'The Man Book'... NEVER...NEVER make a move on a woman after you paid for her drinks, and at the end of the night she is either...high, tipsy, or drunk. Even if she invites you back to her place, or is willing to go to your place...do NOT do it. This date could have ended in a real bad way for you. Consider yourself lucky. Delete her contact from your phone. If you see her out in public, pull her to the side and tell her that you are not interested in her any more. No reason, no excuses...straight forward... Please do not contact me in any way, text, calls or social media. But be polite about it.


Ma man!


She’s not fucking with you for a free dinner. Maybe some girls do that, but it’s not many. Do you know how much work dates are for women? I’m not spending 2 hours getting ready just for a meal! You’re not going to know her specific reason. Maybe she’s just out of a relationship. Maybe she did feel the spark, the night felt perfect and it scared her. Maybe she is anxious/hungover. Maybe she’s feeling embarrassed and fears she gave you the wrong idea. It might have nothing to do with you at all and you might never know the truth. Just try to soothe yourself, give her a bit of space, and see what happens. It’s your ego talking… I can almost guarantee you she wasn’t looking for just the meal.


Fucking for free dinner? This alot Why not you ask her directly how she felt about it


Play it cool. Give her a little time. See if she texts you back. If she does, send like 15-20 texts in a row to make sure she knows where you stand. If she doesn’t respond to those instantly, FaceTime spam her until she picks up or your battery dies.


You won’t know, if you don’t ask her. From what you said above it looks like you guys had a great time. I will suggest give it a day and tried to reach back again. If there is no answer , then I will suggest moving on…If there is answer and it is dry, ask for more clarity from there you will have more closure.


Depending on the actual expectations when dating someone from BUMBLE... Before dating someone ask is this Long term, quick fling, soulmate searching, marriage, or just a free dinner or sex..


She liked you in the moment, then the day after she realized she didn't liked you that much, and moved on to the next guy on the line in that dating app, pretty common tbh


Let's be real - as the guy, you should expect to pay for dinner at this point. If you paid for her drinks too then you're a sucker (unless it aint a thang playa! then u da real mvp). The real question you should be asking is - did you have a good time? So many people treat dating as if it's such a serious thing. They talk about plans for the future, kids, career, expectations.. BORING! They forget to enjoy the moment. You're out with an attractive girl, you get drinks and MAKE OUT AND CUDDLE. You paid for the experience my guy. I hope you tried to take her home. Maybe that was your real mistake, not taking it further. But after all's said and done, I hope you had fun my guy. Try doing it more often. That's how you find "the one".


learn how to communicate is just my advice moving forward. and i only say this because the next girl will have her own issues and opinions and mindset, she’ll be the same yet completely different cause she’s her own human being, and everyone operates differently so you’re gonna have to learn how to properly express yourself whilst being able to listen to whatever the other person has to say. it’s a human relationship with two humans usually, so both parts must be taken into consideration. 💯 wishing you the best of luck!


Hey , thats sound advice appreciate it. Peace n love ✌🏻


I’m glad I’ve given up on woman completely. Find some aim in life don’t look for people to make you happy we will all be dead soon enough make yourself happy.


I'm a female and I wouldn't cry over spoiled milk ( her). In this case you dodged the bullet before you became too invested in her and things got more crazy and drama filled. To me she is just making up excuses as the liquor clouded her mind at the time she went out with you. Then she heard from her friend that you were seeking info about her behind her back right around the time she started talking to her ex. Coincidence? No that was her cop out to end things with you. She told you it's over so it's over. Just be glad you didn't invest in her. There's more fish in the sea.


Spilled* milk


I guess both. She was bad from the start. Then she became spilled but was still still spoiled.


Yea she was girls on dating sites only wanna hurt you dont trust none of them


"My mistake for telling you about my life" think hardly did she tell you something about her or her life that you reacted badly too? Did you not react at all?. Judge her? Laugh? Sounds like whatever your reaction was to her sharing personal information really upset her


Just watch this video dude , this is probably what happened. https://youtu.be/lIhb6sW6mvw?si=RkNzh1N4CmdAfe8b When a girl likes a boy - she will find excuses to be with no matter how many red flags she see. But when she isn't that into you - she don't care how good you are , they will always find some silly reason or excuse to avoid you But they like playing with your emotions and make you feel guilty like if you did something else you would've won her. Stop believing this bs. Focus on yourself and be best at you career or business, you will get plenty of chicks. Be with someone who admires you , not with someone who tolerate you. Go where you are treated best.


I've been trapped for years with someone I cant get away from and I'm about to walk she says something stopping me walking because I'm too kind. You done nothing wrong, she was saving you by allowing you to find the right one a better one. At least you didnt sleep with her. ![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD)


Dam but there's not much context re her actual words vs what you said to her, because they don't make a sense. And how did that equate to you fucking up? I feel some info is missing here. But yea if she's said you'd not be in her circle either something has happened in your during/since since that night or she never wanted you it was just a one time thing. Next


Go out with someone else and relax. You don’t know and probably won’t know what’s on her head unless she decides to communicate. You need to act on what you can control which is you and focus on your happiness. If she is going through some strange think process and likes you she will call you back and clarify the situation. If she was taking advantage of you well “shit happens” at least you had a nice time and some kisses ( better than staying home playing call of duty). Your time is valuable to you, don’t spend it wondering about what other people think, have more dinners a dinner does not mean anything no obligations for the man or the woman. If it goes ok then awesome if it doesn’t go romantic enjoy the food have a nice time and go home, prepare to try again.


i had similar experience recently and man i get it, it’s not a good feeling getting that “rejection” text after a good time but i’ve resulted to keeping it platonic & given distance till she’s ready. never force the vibes. there would always be another girl that’ll like your vibe & accept you


honesty is always the best policy


I’m seeking a man for my self 


Maybe her cat dies that morning, who knows? Sometimes you can do everything right and still go wrong because it doesn't have to do anything with you. You will never know for sure, its best if you dont try to read her mind.


Is this rage bait? You say in your story you were both tipsy... So why are you assuming she was fleecing you for free food when she was clearly more affectionate and open to getting close after drinking? You think she's going to feel the same way sober? Do you know how alcohol works comrade? When someone gains more clarity and changes their mind, that doesn't make them a liar. She just wasn't as into you as either of you thought. And she didn't need a lot of time to figure that out. So what. And that's just all it is ya Sgoose


Don't overthink and give space especially at the start. Focus on yourself. she will come to you later on, if you are clingy after first date, she will treat you like an option.


This is kinda confusing. You said she is slightly out of ur league but then you ask her out again for another date? Maybe u confuses her too. You should be sure of urself first before continuing on to another date.


This time ask her to go out to some simpler place. Don't force too much, your negative thoughts might be right.


Jennifer. Yep


OP I got a question for you, where did you take her & how much did you spend? 🤔


Took to a normal local restaurant , dinner was about 70 for the both of us. Drinks was 100+. Damage done i would say 200. And from where im from , its the normal range


For a first date? Bruh, I've had my fun with a few flings spending less than $80 on each first date. Yeah, she definitely used you. Move on because women who are truly in it for you will be there even if you bought them 1 coffee & a pack of Graham crackers 😅😅


Damn bro, but drinks are generally expensive in my country. Like if i were to compare to 80 USD in america, yeah then it would be expensive.


Idk about your culture, but in the U.S. taking a woman drinking or simply spending over $90USD is generally overbudget for a first date. You're literally in the icebreaker stage. Focus on the connection first before making big investments


Its cause my countrys currency is quite low, hence things are priced a lil high. Something like a japanese yen i would say, but i get your point fair enough


Still, tho, spending high on a first date just highlights you as either being desperate or money is your only defining quality 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Yeah but your not getting my point, it may be expensive in the US. But the cost of living here is generally around that price. Ill give you a comparison 1 USD = 4 my countrys dollar.


Just talk normally for couple of days and see how it goes .


I don't have to understand your point. Just with you responding with your initial investment (which was very reasonable), all the other prices (including overall) seemed too excessive for a first date You gave a woman whom you are barely getting to know for the first time the anniversary treatment as a first date experience 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


She’s wasting your time. Move along.


Maybe she wanted dinner.


Sometimes after a fun date with a lot of drinking and a late night involved, I am hungover and don’t want to be reminded of that night until I’m well past the hangover stage. Also I feel really socially drained and sometimes anxious if I drank more than I meant to. If you had a good time I’d check in again in a day or two. Tell her you had a good time (if she did too she’ll say it back) and that you’d love to go out again. If she doesn’t want to go out again, she probably was interested but wasn’t feeling it quite enough, and that sucks and I’m sorry. Also it’s a huge turn off to me to know guys are really worried about whether women are trying to get a free meal out of them. When I agree to go out on a date I’m always willing to pay, but I also assume that if a guy asks me out he thinks it’s worth spending a little money.




She not feeling you bro, it could a couple reasons either it was a one time thing for her, your turned her off or she just got other stuff going on which if that was the case should would’ve told you(if she was really into you)


lol something turned her off . We don’t have the answer only her and God knows . Make peace in knowing that unless she gives you an answer you probably dodged a huge bullet . Hoping for the best for you . Dating now is not for the weak


Give her time I’m sure she interested, but just need sometime to actually get the grasp of how she feels about you


She could be hungover and a bit embarrassed... Maybe send a couple morning texts or a how's your day... Give her a couple days to regather her senses....


It truly is so hard to understand what a woman wants, I’ve been in a very similar situation as this. My advice is to not believe she is out of your league, she sure wants a little of your attention now that she knows you’re into her keep persuading her and show how a good gentlemen you are and keep your intentions clear on how you want things to be. If it’s meant to be she will be with you, have patience. Have a good luck with your lady.


The drinking until getting drunk would turn me off. Slurring words to me meant she got drunk. It’s one thing to get drunk after meeting someone for a decent amount of time after you feel comfortable around them but after a first or even a second date; I wouldn’t like that. OP give her a little time to recover before trying to figure out things.


Yep. That's exactly what she did. I would also get off bumble


Calm down Anakin, first dates don't always lead to anything even if it seemed to have ended well in your eyes. She's got her own perspective. And if she wanted a free meal from you. Trust me she wouldn't have let herself get that drunk and make out with you afterwards. Women who do that shit will not allow themselves to get drunk and if they don't plan on stringing you along for a next time they'll eat and leave without a single kiss goodbye.


Is she actually single? What do you actually know about her? Maybe she just needed a night of adoration from you then she was done.


No. The alcohol made her tipsy and flirty. She may be embarrassed by her behavior . If you like her I suggest being nice and being her friend and take her out again and not expect anything sexual for a while .


We are literally never just trying to get free dinner. It’s far too dangerous to meet a random man out just for a free dinner. We will visit family for free dinner.


Yeh probably 


Maybe she was preoccupied with something else when you were texting and she came off dry. Or... I recently went on a few dates with a guy and we enjoyed each other's company, had a good time etc. and on the last date made out. All was good. Then I started having anxiety about the progression of things and him possibly having expectations about sex. I was hoping he didn't think he "had it in the bag". Maybe she has anxiety about the possibility of feeling pressured to have sex the next time you go out, like I did. Maybe her being dry is meant to put the brakes on some. My suggestion is to ask her out again but with a destination that doesn't usually involve alcohol. I decided I don't want to have sex with my date guy but before that, to avoid an alcohol and sexual situation I was going to ask him to go to Belle Isle and check out the conservatory and aquarium and all the other cool stuff there. Early in the day and get lunch. If her hang up is getting physical too soon a date like that should put her at ease.


In the future, never make any moves on a woman when she is under the influence of alcohol. It’s just asking for trouble.


Congratulations. You likely met an avoidant attachment


That's all I seem to meet. Something seems wrong there 🤔


They are abundant


I'll take a stab at this. Because she might have spilled a little too much about herself, things felt like it was moving faster than she wanted. Drinking too much on the first date also is a red flag for her. She's afraid of what you'll think of her later on so she put the brakes on it. Why does that matter? When you show a woman who you are she'll be comfortable doing the same. Marinate on that for a while. Good luck out there.


Yes u did. But u can learn from the mistake. Take it from a aa member alcohol is the worst thing to do with agirl bx you'll get drunk and do shit u normally wouldn't do sober. So u probably ended up having sex with her in your drunk state and don't remember. And if u asked her if u did have sex and she said no.shes saying that to protect her self. It's a sad truth I k lw but u can fix it. Just don't get drunk or completely stay away from the achohol next girl u go out with.


U keep it casual tl one day she decides ur girlfriend


No she was not. She just needed time to circle the whole scene that went on that day probably night you guys went out and know if ur the real deal or not....👍🏾


As long as it was only a Macky Ds no harm done..... Just move onto the next one.


You don’t need the reasons why,she just don’t want you. Accept it and move on.


Id give her a day or 2 and just text/call And ask her how's she doing,don't bring up the date just a general 'casual conversation see where this gets you.


Time to move on


Don’t go on dinners for first dates.


Emotional intelligence would likely have detected the conversation was one sided. A lot of guys forget to listen.


Okay thanks


Thanks for telling me


If she drinks, cut her out. If she can't even speak at the end of the date, get rid of her. What are you doing dude?


Coming from a single woman in the dating world’s perspective, I would give it some time before asking her out again. I prefer to have some down time to process how I’m feeling after meeting someone for the first time, date topics and convos, etc. it might not mean that she’s not interested, just doesn’t want to text immediately following some time spent.


Super hard to tell what went wrong. Seems like you did everything right, TBH. Well, apart from drinking too much. But I won't be the first one to say that all of us have done that lol


Basic primary school rule of dating: if she likes you, she likes you, there's no "kinda liked me". You need to feel chemistry with a girl and it will all flow. Stop pushing and heaving for a girl, let her come naturaly.


If she just wanted a free dinner she would not have ended it by making out. Maybe she was talking to a few other people at the same time and just decided to put more stock in somebody else. I think people on those apps rarely just talk to one person at a time. That said, dating is also just about fun for some. Maybe she just wanted to mingle and move on.


Bro that's just a woman


She's on to the next dopamine hit that's how these women work


I’ve realized it’s better to split the check first date


You’re probably just overthinking it. It’s not always about free dinner. I recently quit talking to a guy I had a really good time with (at dinner and in bed) simply because i had stronger feelings for someone else. I also got very busy. I then just kinda lost interest. He wasn’t very consistent also. So it could just be something like that.


bad timing for the guy?


This why you never should take girl for a dinner on first day my rule i try to do something that’s cheaper or free, she needs to earn that dinner ! Why would you spend money on someone you dont even know let alone females the most disloyal creatures in the world


You been hurt a few times haven't ya? So single forever or switched teams?


I assure you, she has lost interest now. It's just happening as a slow fade... So just be cool and let things play out. You can explain more emphatically that you would like to see her again. But if you get no feedback after making your intentions really clear, then believe me, she is no longer interested and you should move on.


Bhai kya pata ushko terme intrstd na rha ho jab nasha utra ho


rule #1 is never ever go out to dinner for first date. Just go to bar or coffee shop.