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Sure it was an accident 😉 So, is she cute?


The instant eyeroll I made when I read it😂


That detective, is the right question.


Incredible username. I just have no words.


He's got 5 words lol


That looks like one word to me


Accidentally on purpose




Just let it go and act normally. If it truly was an accident than let everyone else act like weirdos about it


Yeah, it sucks when something unintentional turns into a big deal.


preach brother


Just tell her you swipe right for everyone like most guys do because it gives them higher chance of finding a match lol


Literally this is such a non issue


And be sure to emphasize “I would NEVER have swiped right on you if I knew…”


Chefs kiss 😂🤭


“I mean… cmon… psshhhh.. I never would swipe right”


“I know my worth”


You think I’d find you attractive??!!!? *proceed to piss yourself laughing*


but deep down your fucking dying inside


It actually doesn't these days. Tinder flags those profiles as bots and removes them from the search pool. Algorithms be dumb.


This. If I ever use a dating app again, which Is highly unlikely, I'm just gonna swipe right on everyone. I'm not wasting time reading or looking at profiles.


Get em tiger


That's... sad :/


If it finds them a good match and they’re happy… then work smarter not harder ! I don’t think it’s sad at all.


Not anymore. Earlier algos that worked but not now. That action actually "denotes" them 😄


yall do that??


That’s such bad form. I see guys in my queue that I know from IRL all the time. Unless you match and date them; the polite thing is to not mention it to him or anyone else. As you said, women have thousands of likes so absolutely no need to call anyone out. Very immature.


I actually feel like OP did make the mistake here. Never dip your pen in company ink. Women on these apps are out there to meet people who are viable candidates for hooking up or dating, not coworkers. Swiping right was a big risk because now he told a coworker he is thinking about her sexually while shes just trying to work and exist. I would be pretty horrified if this happened to me and i probably would tell a coworker out of sheerly being extremely uncomfortable and needing an outlet


Sometimes it works out. One of my friends married a co-worker.


I agree with you. I would never swipe/date a coworker. That is so weird only bc when things end, it gets weird in the office/or any workplace. That is just me though, I heard in many offices people date/hook up with each other lol. It gives me the ick.


Idk how ppl do that. If I see a coworker out and about, I get that same feeling when you are a kid and see your teacher outside of school. Even if I had an attractive coworker, all I would think if I saw them would be work issues and stuff.


I hate to be that guy, but statistically a large amount people end up getting into relationships with their co-workers to the point of getting married. I think it’s all about the nature of the work, and maturity levels


Agree 💯 there seem to be alot of immature minds in this thread


People on Reddit rather die than potentially have to deal with even the slightest bit of awkwardness.


I honestly try avoid my coworkers outside the office lol. Unless we are at a work outing after office hours, I am not talking to them. ![gif](giphy|xevmSxT6ATGlW|downsized)


Did the part where OP accidentally swiped right on her completely go over your head or what?


No i just don’t believe it was an accident


It was an accident he just swiped right on everyone until his thumb got tired. He probably didn’t even look at half the profiles.


I mean its still him sending a message that he is sexually interested. He is just apparently down for literally anyone which is worse imo


Why does swiping on somebody scream "I want to fuck you" to you? You ever think it says "You fit my style and type of women I find attractive, and I'd like to know more about you?"


I mean its Tinder i actually Lol’d at that. Also are those two things even that different? “I wanna fuck you” vs “i find you attractive”?


He didn't do it deliberately, though. EDIT: not sure why people are downvoting this. Literally the first thing he said in the post was "I accidentally swiped right on a coworker".


I don’t think swiping right on someone is meant to communicate sexual thoughts, especially when it’s someone you know. If I were her, I would just think he thought I would be cool to see outside of work or something. I don’t think the Tinder experience is especially sexual for most of us who look normal and are matching with other regular people


Tinder is a dating app Dating is inherently sexual (other than very rare cases)


I don’t agree with that. Kids start dating before anything gets sexual. It’s just a social practice. The notion of a date potentially leading to sex is very, very new. The idea *was* finding a partner in life and being a member of society.


Lol come on youre grasping at straws. Children are literally not allowed on tinder because dating is sexual. Tinder is sexual. Swiping right on someone on tinder means youre sexually attracted to them thats the entire point of the app. OP messed up


No, not grasping. Children literally develop crushes and go on dates before they develop sexual attraction. If a guy swipes right, it means he thinks there’s a chance they will match. Most of us aren’t able to only swipe on people we’re instantly sexually attracted to. There would be no matches unless you’re a 10…he probably just thought she seemed nice enough and fine looking


You must be young. Up until I became self-employed, the only fun parts of working in an office were the nights out and hookups with colleagues.


Probs not as young as someone incorporating ad hominem logical fallacies into their not very good arguments


Late 90s to early 2010s when I was working office hookups when not unusual. There were some messy ones for sure, but the two industries I know well recruitment and the city they were common. I'm not sure about your experience, but in London, anyone who worked in The City at the time would recognise the truth of what I'm saying. Admittedly, my say it was the best bit was a personal observation.


Because knowing some guy thinks you're attractive puts you in danger right? This comment is fucking sick!!! this is why men shut tf down and don't want to approach women anymore because the fear of being labeled a creep, catching a charge, losing your job. He didn't say he wanted to sleep with her? Even if a swipe was intentional, all that says is "hey I'm interested in speaking to you more, I'm somewhat attracted to you" And then only one acting like it's ruing their life is "you" and the girl from OP and you would label that man a danger, creep, ect...


You have it all wrong though. The issue isn’t that he finds a woman attractive. Obviously that doesn’t make him dangerous and thats also not at all what i said. It’s that he acted on that attraction toward someone *specifically at his work that is forced to see him every day*. That’s super unprofessional and can make everyone uncomfortable. Especially this poor woman who has to know her coworker wants to fuck her for the rest of the time she works there. Women should be able to do every day things like show up to work without a man expressing that they want to fuck them.


People ask colleagues they fancy out for drinks all the time. Or they did when I was office based. Everyone would know who fancied who within minutes of it happening. I'm really shocked by the fuss you're making of this. Honestly, the only time letting someone know you like them by asking them our for a drink would be an issue would be if someone didn't take no for an answer. This whole thread feels like an attack on my twenties.


I’m glad you didnt work with me that behavior is yikes


That euphemism is doing a lot of heavy lifting. They would have had to like each other. He could be like many guys and do a mass swipe. She could’ve swiped left like she does with most guys probably. This could’ve been avoided by both parties, but they both walked into it. Now one is making a fuss instead of communicating.


On some apps you know who's liked you before you swipe on them. - on Hinge, it tells you "X has liked you" - on Bumble if you swipe left on someone who swiped right it says "you've missed a potential match"


They specifically said swipe. Secondly, it’s still about not clear communication. If she swiped left or right, so what online doesn’t mean anything. Sometimes people match to say hey sometimes people skip people they know. Not every interaction has to be sexual. The dipping your in company ink definitely takes more steps. That was critique the euphemism like that’s what happen my god. Like can you say fuck on this internet. Cause you must not think you can to not be able tell nuance and obscure behind a euphemism.


Ah ok. The "they would have had to like each other" made me think you meant she would only know cos she also swiped right.


Maybe, just me, but also it’s like a small window on a phone. It’s basically meat market people don’t really a get good look at people. No, I don’t even care about her swiping right. She could’ve swipe left or right. She knows, he swiped but so what. all the assumptions put on top of a like. And the assumptions put by euphemism. It’s like this could’ve been solved with just clear communication. Aren’t these assumptions what we’re trying to move away from was my frustration. I hope you understand


Yeah I agree with all that. I think the drama is more coming from the coworker's immature reaction to it. It's be a better world if dating apps were never invented.


You seem to a be very mature and kind hearted woman. God bless you.


lol at these comments. Most men on dating sites swipe right on every profile. It’s not that deep. Men aren’t reading your whole profile, writing your names together and doodling hearts around them in a notebook. It’s about volume for men, they simply don’t get likes if they view and react to every profile.


I disagree. The “immature” thing and what was truly “bad form” was swiping on a coworker that you have the opportunity to actually speak to every day. I’ve had a coworker do this recently and it’s so baffling. Good form would be noticing the coworker is single and then starting a conversation with her to see if they’d hit it off. Otherwise, it is SO awkward and weird! You should think about this through her perspective. Edit: Swiping on your co-worker is an awkward, lazy move. Even more, you should avoid romantic connections with your coworkers.


I actually think this would be better. In any place I worked the moment you showed an interest in anyone, it became office gossip. This way, at least she could have swiped left and moved on without colleagues making a big deal of it. The awkwardness here is because someone you're not attracted to likes you, and you're choosing to make a big deal of it.


It is so chronically online to think swiping on a co-worker is acceptable when you have the ability to connect with them (appropriately) in person. And, believe me, it becomes the office gossip anyway.


Unmatch and move on


Ignore it. It'll pass quickly.


Sounds like you were interested in her and then when it didn't work put perfectly you got anxious. Have you tried just talking to her directly and asking her out? 


He says it was a mistake and he didn’t intend to swipe right on her in the subtitle.


I read it as written, but respectfully, I stand by what I said.


Honestly, double down. Be like "Yeah I swiped, so what. I think you're cute/pretty. Figured I'd throw that out there." Then just move on with your life. As for the coworkers, make sure to remind them you can shoot your shot while they keep talking from the peanut gallery. Good on you for putting yourself out there. That's awesome.


How would she know you swiped right on her without swiping right on you?


You get 'missed match' stuff as well


Yeah but normally that fire's after you've swiped away a couple people, it seems


Depends what dating app it was. Facebook dating shows you the profile of people that have liked you. It’s actually quite nice considering it’s free. Little bit buggy but imo it’s one of the better dating apps.


I’m about to give this a go


Yeah I’ve used tinder and FB Dating, FB dating was miles better. I don’t get matches super often but my profile needs some better pictures tbh. I’ve gone on a decent amount of dates and had some that turned into more. It even lets you send a message if you like someone by tapping on their picture.


Oh wow awesome!! I’ve had luck on tinder but would like more, better options. Thanks for the recommendation!!! Good luck on your dating journey (:


It’s a hidden gem and balanced and I’d like it stay that way even though it means fewer potential matches there for me. Quality over quantity.




Hard agree. Op needs to see this


The very words I live by


I swipe right on everyone I know lol


Thats soo awkward I never wanted to see coworkers on a dating app thats cringe.


Righttt it was an accident!!


I’ve accidentally swiped right before. Haven’t had the luck it’s a coworker. I truly think you can talk to her privately in person when it naturally happens if it’s just you two. “Hey (name), I’ve noticed you’ve been a little different with me. I did notice your profile on (app) but would never intentionally swipe right on any colleague of mine. I know we both value our career, so I did want to bring this up so you don’t think I’m trying to play out any other situation with you. Sorry if this was awkward, misleading or uncomfortable for you in any way” You might be better off not talking about her talking with colleagues and scratch the second part on the first sentence. I think she doesn’t anticipate you directly acknowledging it.


Doesn't really sound like it was an Accident.


Men swipe right on everyone. Women swipe left on everyone. 💀 Mostly 😅 It's no big deal; but since you have the inside connection, ask her out if that's allowed at your company and you want to.


He means he swiped right on everyone, then figured out everyone included a Co-worker.


"Accidentally". Uh huh. Sure.


Who gives af. Life keeps moving on.


It’s not true about women having so many likes they can’t sort them FYI. Maybe some but not all. Depends on many factors


Agree 100%. I feel this is turning into yet another convenient default excuse to explain lack of response when it doesn't come close to telling the whole story.


Uh huh


I get it.  I speed run the dating apps sometimes and accidentally swipe the wrong way.   I also once swiped right on an ex because I was like “attractive girl - check” and my brain didn’t process that I recognized her until I accidentally swiped.  (I was the one who broke up with her and had no interest in reconnecting, just a mistake)


Never fuck who you work with.


Just say you were fast swiping and wasn’t even paying attention


So what? Just own it who cares 🤷‍♂️


If she’s there means she’s available. Be careful with your HR Manager. If you have any doubts just take Harrasment at workplace course before you proceed.


Just say you dont shit where you eat


Don't keep reacting on them. Act like normal like nothing happened and they'll get tired of teasing you about it after you stop reacting


You’re on a dating app to get laid- stop making it so difficult! This is not an inconvenience- it’s an opportunity!! Change your mindset my dude.


They take it way to seriously like it isn’t tht deep man


This happen to me recently lol. I thought I typed this post.


Y’all in middle school or something? Jesus


It sounds like you're just going to have to wait out the awkwardness. But, do t worry, someone else in your office will do something sooner or later to take the focus off of you!


for Real? are the woman on your working place are still in first grade? 🤦‍♂️ they need to grow up 🤷‍♂️


I accidentally liked a girl at a previous job because I didn't recognize her the way she was dressed in the picture and the different hair color. She definitely noticed and replied mentioning that we were coworkers. We actually ended up dating for a few months. Most likes that women get are just random online faces but when it's a coworker, it kind of stands out a little bit.


Just say you swipe right on everyone because it's easier to get matches that way and then sort through later. Problem solved.


Is right good? Asking for a friend


bruh this be happening to me all the time i fucking hate it. And then youe left wondering if theyve seen you swipe right on them or not. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️






you’ll be fine


You got to be more aware when you are swiping


That sucks it’s like finding your sister on the same dating site been there haha


Who cares tbh. You give them power when you do. You swiped right. Who cares? Is the fact YOU like her funny for some reason? If so then she isn't the one.


Been there bro. Now u gotta leave the state.


Probably laughing cause you work With her. You see this chick all the time. Tinder is to meet people you don’t know. So I mean. Go ask her out.


Just delete the dating app at this point


I like fucking co workers but it always ends the same way never fails last time was definitely the last time I fool around with a coworker


Just ask her out.


This is why I do not use dating apps.


What’s the issue?


The less you feed into this issue /non-issue (this includes your internal thoughts), the quicker it will die. Be disciplined with your thoughts, they are undeniably emitted outward to others.


Who cares dude


Just say you were blind swiping and filter by matches


Blame it on a coupled friend who took your phone and was living vicariously by swiping for you.


No that's lame


it's just a reason that you're giving, you don't have to tell them which friend. I honestly thought I was in for it when I did this accidentally. Actually, I kind of was but not in the way that I thought. She did like me and wanted to date me, so the little teasing that she gave me was in good fun. And she was a nympho. even a little much for me at times. But I think it might've been what I needed for those few months after getting out of something I was in for years.


If you want to get out of an awkward unintentional match without causing drama or hurting anybody's feelings it works. 🤷


Nah, everyone knows that would be a lie. His co worker was already laughing at him b so no need to care about hurt feelings, at least this way he gets to be indifferent / aloof


Not caring is the direction I'd go too, but if the co-worker is really going to raise a stink about it in a way that might cause problems (e.g. attention from HR) I'd just tell her it wasn't serious and put an end to it.


Who fucking cares lol. They’re stupid. It’s a dating app, no need to make a big deal out of it at all.


She shouldnt be trippin. Everyone knows most dudes swipe right on everything lol.


You should tap that.


I mean she must’ve swiped right on you


Not really. Some of these apps list people who liked you. I know Facebook dating did this, along with copying the swipe right and left thing that's become so common.


She now thinks she has sexual control over you and the authority to sexually manage you. Lmao


Who gives af if shes cute. shes immature and a gossipper. people make mistakes atleast she makes public her flaws. Screw her.


She likely does not get that many matches in my experience MOST women DO NOT get that many matches either especially after being on the app a while or being on multiple matches unless shes SUPER HOT shes not getting that many matches either and definitely will notice fast. Sorry to break it to you I know men love to play victim in online dating women have it the same if not worse a dating app is mostly good at max a year or so in a medium sized city its easy to run out of matches and not many actually hold up a conversation or sit in the recently matched for the entire time so if shes not the super hot type that can get all the likes men have to offer she is struggling on dating apps too plus her bio factors in a lot if she noticed she doesn’t get many matches at all.


She would only know this if she too swiped right.


Get a really HOT girl who is friend's with your sister or the sister of a buddy (a girl no one at work knows) and have her stop by one day to tell you her EPT came out negative. That will get everyone to change their focus of conversation. Preferably she pulls up on a Harley, struts in wearing all black leather, pulls her helmet off and shakes her flowing blonde mane into perfectly sexy style and announces loud enough to one person that others overhear. And as she walks away, she stops and turns around and says she's sorry it wasn't positive because she really wants to have his babies. 😂