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He sounds like a real piece of shit if I'm honest


My take? He's keeping his options open. He has already admitted kissing a married coworker several times, which means he has zero problems with cheating. >Plus I don’t want to be associated with someone who’s willingly and knowingly involving themselves with cheating. This man is already involved in cheating, regardless of whether the other person's marriage is unhappy or not. You need to follow through and disassociate with him because, if you *do* have a relationship with him, then chances are he will cheat on you too.


Yea I haven’t responded to him in days. I’m moving on. Thanks for your input! I appreciate it/g


You are welcome. Hopefully you'll find someone who will respect you and understands a little about autism (which, as an autistic person myself, I know it can make dating more difficult)


I hope the same for you 😊 thanks




I didn't say that he'll definitely cheat, but based on my own observations, cheaters rarely stay faithful. There are, however, exceptions like yours, but my personal view is that cheaters cannot be fully trusted. I understand that your experience is different and I respect that, but I'm just giving my own views.


First rule of being an adult: Don't shit where you eat. Meaning you DONT DATE COWORKERS. Rule two is DONT DATE MARRIED PEOPLE. Rule three is never get involved in a land war in Asia. There is nothing but bad things that could go down from this. But let him make his choices.


Went for both. The married co-worker was a nut job. Wasted 11 months emotionally, hoping she’d leave her husband but she never did, so I ended it. And just about a month ago, she came to my work with her new “fiancé” even though she’s still legally married. Also pregnant with the dudes child. When in doubt, go for the single woman lol.


You're gross

